"Thank God you can't wrap your head around Liberal ideologies"

I've been talking lots of politics with my 14 year old daughter lately as she has taken a grand interest. She asks a ton of questions.
The other day she says: (among other things)
"Dad, why do Liberals believe they should have a right to other people's hard earned money?"
"Why would they believe a man should be able to share a restroom or locker room with girls?"
I just look at her, smile and say; thank God you can't understand it.

You should teach her what "Liberal" actually means, so she doesn't come up with uninformed questions like that.

I'd start by teaching her this, since it's prolly where such uninformed ideas come from:


After all --- you don't want her hanging out with bad influences, one assumes. So why invite one into your house, let alone PAY for it?
/----/ What were her uninformed ideas? Libs want redistribution of wealth and they support Tranny men peeing in the girls room - or do you deny that?

Thanks for the timely example.
I've been talking lots of politics with my 14 year old daughter lately as she has taken a grand interest. She asks a ton of questions.
The other day she says: (among other things)
"Dad, why do Liberals believe they should have a right to other people's hard earned money?"
"Why would they believe a man should be able to share a restroom or locker room with girls?"
I just look at her, smile and say; thank God you can't understand it.

You should teach her what "Liberal" actually means, so she doesn't come up with uninformed questions like that.

I'd start by teaching her this, since it's prolly where such uninformed ideas come from:


After all --- you don't want her hanging out with bad influences, one assumes. So why invite one into your house, let alone PAY for it?
/----/ What were her uninformed ideas? Libs want redistribution of wealth and they support Tranny men peeing in the girls room - or do you deny that?
Oh the irony of asking about an uninformed idea right before making a grossly uninformed statement. Thanks for the laugh!
/----/ She asked: "Dad, why do Liberals believe they should have a right to other people's hard earned money?"
"Why would they believe a man should be able to share a restroom or locker room with girls?"
And yet you can not state why they are uninformed questions. And for the second time, do you deny those are the goals of the Democrat Party?
You don't find it odd that you and a fourteen year old share life philosophies? Or better yet that you think they're sophisticated
This is where you are wrong mr bob. You can live and think however you want. Just mind your own business and don't force your judgment onto others and we are all good. You are guilty of the same thing that you are accusing the LGBT community of so how about you don't be a hypocrite. You can think gay people are evil and you can think that trans people are deranged and boys can think they are girls... I don't really give a shit... that is the difference between us.

This is where you are wrong mr bob. You can live and think however you want. Just mind your own business and don't force your judgment onto others and we are all good. You are guilty of the same thing that you are accusing the LGBT community of so how about you don't be a hypocrite. You can think gay people are evil and you can think that trans people are deranged and boys can think they are girls... I don't really give a shit... that is the difference between us.

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love how mr juvenile uses little moving pictures when he doesn't have the words to make an intelligent argument. God bless the internet
I've been talking lots of politics with my 14 year old daughter lately as she has taken a grand interest. She asks a ton of questions.
The other day she says: (among other things)
"Dad, why do Liberals believe they should have a right to other people's hard earned money?"
"Why would they believe a man should be able to share a restroom or locker room with girls?"
I just look at her, smile and say; thank God you can't understand it.

You should teach her what "Liberal" actually means, so she doesn't come up with uninformed questions like that.

I'd start by teaching her this, since it's prolly where such uninformed ideas come from:


After all --- you don't want her hanging out with bad influences, one assumes. So why invite one into your house, let alone PAY for it?
/----/ What were her uninformed ideas? Libs want redistribution of wealth and they support Tranny men peeing in the girls room - or do you deny that?
Oh the irony of asking about an uninformed idea right before making a grossly uninformed statement. Thanks for the laugh!
/----/ She asked: "Dad, why do Liberals believe they should have a right to other people's hard earned money?"
"Why would they believe a man should be able to share a restroom or locker room with girls?"
And yet you can not state why they are uninformed questions. And for the second time, do you deny those are the goals of the Democrat Party?
You don't find it odd that you and a fourteen year old share life philosophies? Or better yet that you think they're sophisticated
/----/ why would it be odd? Right and wrong are clear cut unless you are a warped pervert.
You should teach her what "Liberal" actually means, so she doesn't come up with uninformed questions like that.

I'd start by teaching her this, since it's prolly where such uninformed ideas come from:


After all --- you don't want her hanging out with bad influences, one assumes. So why invite one into your house, let alone PAY for it?
/----/ What were her uninformed ideas? Libs want redistribution of wealth and they support Tranny men peeing in the girls room - or do you deny that?
Oh the irony of asking about an uninformed idea right before making a grossly uninformed statement. Thanks for the laugh!
/----/ She asked: "Dad, why do Liberals believe they should have a right to other people's hard earned money?"
"Why would they believe a man should be able to share a restroom or locker room with girls?"
And yet you can not state why they are uninformed questions. And for the second time, do you deny those are the goals of the Democrat Party?
You don't find it odd that you and a fourteen year old share life philosophies? Or better yet that you think they're sophisticated
/----/ why would it be odd? Right and wrong are clear cut unless you are a warped pervert.
What defines right and wrong? Perhaps it's not as clear cut as you think
Boys have penises girls have vaginas. Pretty simple. People of both sexes identify as male and people of both sexes identify as female and people of both sexes identify as god knows what... I don't really give a shit. No laws are being broken, there is nothing immoral going on. If they break laws then arrest them. If not, then just mind your own fucking business
/---/ you live in a perverted fucked up world.

What is worse, is that sick scumbags such as Slade3200 want to drag everyone into that perverted f•••ed up world with them. They cannot stand the idea that some people prefer a world where truth is valued over falsehood, good over evil, decency over perversion, and reason over madness.
This is where you are wrong mr bob. You can live and think however you want. Just mind your own business and don't force your judgment onto others and we are all good. You are guilty of the same thing that you are accusing the LGBT community of so how about you don't be a hypocrite. You can think gay people are evil and you can think that trans people are deranged and boys can think they are girls... I don't really give a shit... that is the difference between us.
/---/ no the difference is you are desperate to have your perversion accepted as mainstream.
/----/ What were her uninformed ideas? Libs want redistribution of wealth and they support Tranny men peeing in the girls room - or do you deny that?
Oh the irony of asking about an uninformed idea right before making a grossly uninformed statement. Thanks for the laugh!
/----/ She asked: "Dad, why do Liberals believe they should have a right to other people's hard earned money?"
"Why would they believe a man should be able to share a restroom or locker room with girls?"
And yet you can not state why they are uninformed questions. And for the second time, do you deny those are the goals of the Democrat Party?
You don't find it odd that you and a fourteen year old share life philosophies? Or better yet that you think they're sophisticated
/----/ why would it be odd? Right and wrong are clear cut unless you are a warped pervert.
What defines right and wrong? Perhaps it's not as clear cut as you think
/----/ just ask sny libtard about Pres Trump and you'll get an earful of right and wrong.
love how mr juvenile uses little moving pictures when he doesn't have the words to make an intelligent argument. God bless the internet

There comes a point, in debating with one who is mad, where more words are just wasted.
So instead of trying to make an intelligent point you decide to waste words by posting about not wanting to waste words?! Wow, we got a brilliant one here. Way to go man :clap2:
Oh the irony of asking about an uninformed idea right before making a grossly uninformed statement. Thanks for the laugh!
/----/ She asked: "Dad, why do Liberals believe they should have a right to other people's hard earned money?"
"Why would they believe a man should be able to share a restroom or locker room with girls?"
And yet you can not state why they are uninformed questions. And for the second time, do you deny those are the goals of the Democrat Party?
You don't find it odd that you and a fourteen year old share life philosophies? Or better yet that you think they're sophisticated
/----/ why would it be odd? Right and wrong are clear cut unless you are a warped pervert.
What defines right and wrong? Perhaps it's not as clear cut as you think
/----/ just ask sny libtard about Pres Trump and you'll get an earful of right and wrong.
Was that supposed to be an answer? Want to try again?
/----/ What were her uninformed ideas? Libs want redistribution of wealth and they support Tranny men peeing in the girls room - or do you deny that?
Oh the irony of asking about an uninformed idea right before making a grossly uninformed statement. Thanks for the laugh!
/----/ She asked: "Dad, why do Liberals believe they should have a right to other people's hard earned money?"
"Why would they believe a man should be able to share a restroom or locker room with girls?"
And yet you can not state why they are uninformed questions. And for the second time, do you deny those are the goals of the Democrat Party?
You don't find it odd that you and a fourteen year old share life philosophies? Or better yet that you think they're sophisticated
/----/ why would it be odd? Right and wrong are clear cut unless you are a warped pervert.
What defines right and wrong? Perhaps it's not as clear cut as you think

No wonder, this guy's party was for slavery. It's just not clear cut enough. We live in complete mystery!

And this guy thinks he should make political decisions? If it's so mysterious what's right and wrong, I say, start with revoking this individual's voting rights immediately. Is it right, or wrong? Who knows? Complete mystery...

Next initiate rape culture. Culture just like any other...

Damn these morons.
Boys have penises girls have vaginas. Pretty simple. People of both sexes identify as male and people of both sexes identify as female and people of both sexes identify as god knows what... I don't really give a shit. No laws are being broken, there is nothing immoral going on. If they break laws then arrest them. If not, then just mind your own fucking business
/---/ you live in a perverted fucked up world.

What is worse, is that sick scumbags such as Slade3200 want to drag everyone into that perverted f•••ed up world with them. They cannot stand the idea that some people prefer a world where truth is valued over falsehood, good over evil, decency over perversion, and reason over madness.
This is where you are wrong mr bob. You can live and think however you want. Just mind your own business and don't force your judgment onto others and we are all good. You are guilty of the same thing that you are accusing the LGBT community of so how about you don't be a hypocrite. You can think gay people are evil and you can think that trans people are deranged and boys can think they are girls... I don't really give a shit... that is the difference between us.
/---/ no the difference is you are desperate to have your perversion accepted as mainstream.
I'm not gay... the thought of two guys making out grosses me out... two girls, not so much. I have gay friends, a gay cousin... people I love. I don't judge. I don't care what they do with their personal lives. Why do you?
Oh the irony of asking about an uninformed idea right before making a grossly uninformed statement. Thanks for the laugh!
/----/ She asked: "Dad, why do Liberals believe they should have a right to other people's hard earned money?"
"Why would they believe a man should be able to share a restroom or locker room with girls?"
And yet you can not state why they are uninformed questions. And for the second time, do you deny those are the goals of the Democrat Party?
You don't find it odd that you and a fourteen year old share life philosophies? Or better yet that you think they're sophisticated
/----/ why would it be odd? Right and wrong are clear cut unless you are a warped pervert.
What defines right and wrong? Perhaps it's not as clear cut as you think

No wonder, this guy's party was for slavery. It's just not clear cut enough. We live in complete mystery!

And this guy thinks he should make political decisions? If it's so mysterious what's right and wrong, I say, start with revoking this individual's voting rights immediately. Is it right, or wrong? Who knows? Complete mystery...
I don't have a political party you dumbshit. Why can nobody just answer a simple question? I ask what defines right and wrong an both you Yahoo's give it the run around with personal attacks... would you like to try again?
/----/ She asked: "Dad, why do Liberals believe they should have a right to other people's hard earned money?"
"Why would they believe a man should be able to share a restroom or locker room with girls?"
And yet you can not state why they are uninformed questions. And for the second time, do you deny those are the goals of the Democrat Party?
You don't find it odd that you and a fourteen year old share life philosophies? Or better yet that you think they're sophisticated
/----/ why would it be odd? Right and wrong are clear cut unless you are a warped pervert.
What defines right and wrong? Perhaps it's not as clear cut as you think

No wonder, this guy's party was for slavery. It's just not clear cut enough. We live in complete mystery!

And this guy thinks he should make political decisions? If it's so mysterious what's right and wrong, I say, start with revoking this individual's voting rights immediately. Is it right, or wrong? Who knows? Complete mystery...
I don't have a political party you dumbshit. Why can nobody just answer a simple question? I ask what defines right and wrong an both you Yahoo's give it the run around with personal attacks... would you like to try again?

If you don't have a clue what's wrong and what's right, you should not vote.

Is murder wrong? Theft?
No idea?

Or perhaps you do, the issue is that you are defending your other twisted beliefs so you have to pretend.
I've been talking lots of politics with my 14 year old daughter lately as she has taken a grand interest. She asks a ton of questions.
The other day she says: (among other things)
"Dad, why do Liberals believe they should have a right to other people's hard earned money?"
"Why would they believe a man should be able to share a restroom or locker room with girls?"
I just look at her, smile and say; thank God you can't understand it.

Well, the proper response to that would be:

Why is it when a rich person goes to the govt and says "give me money" that it's "hard earned money" but when a poor person does it, it's stealing someone's "hard earned money"?

Clearly your daughter isn't getting both sides of the argument, isn't learning to look at both sides and think critically. She's just parroting those around her.
I've been talking lots of politics with my 14 year old daughter lately as she has taken a grand interest. She asks a ton of questions.
The other day she says: (among other things)
"Dad, why do Liberals believe they should have a right to other people's hard earned money?"
"Why would they believe a man should be able to share a restroom or locker room with girls?"
I just look at her, smile and say; thank God you can't understand it.

Well, the proper response to that would be:

Why is it when a rich person goes to the govt and says "give me money" that it's "hard earned money" but when a poor person does it, it's stealing someone's "hard earned money"?

Clearly your daughter isn't getting both sides of the argument, isn't learning to look at both sides and think critically. She's just parroting those around her.

Sounds like both the rich and the poor person in your example are leftists.
You don't find it odd that you and a fourteen year old share life philosophies? Or better yet that you think they're sophisticated
/----/ why would it be odd? Right and wrong are clear cut unless you are a warped pervert.
What defines right and wrong? Perhaps it's not as clear cut as you think

No wonder, this guy's party was for slavery. It's just not clear cut enough. We live in complete mystery!

And this guy thinks he should make political decisions? If it's so mysterious what's right and wrong, I say, start with revoking this individual's voting rights immediately. Is it right, or wrong? Who knows? Complete mystery...
I don't have a political party you dumbshit. Why can nobody just answer a simple question? I ask what defines right and wrong an both you Yahoo's give it the run around with personal attacks... would you like to try again?

If you don't have a clue what's wrong and what's right, you should not vote.

Is murder wrong? Theft?
No idea?

Or perhaps you do, the issue is that you are defending your other twisted beliefs so you have to pretend.
Murder and theft is wrong. See that's how you answer a question, it's not that hard. I have a pretty good idea of what's right and wrong per my own values. I was posing the question to you morons and your the third one that dodged giving an answer. What's wrong with you people?
Why is it when a rich person goes to the govt and says "give me money" that it's "hard earned money" but when a poor person does it, it's stealing someone's "hard earned money"?

Sounds like both the rich and the poor person in your example are leftists.

And thieves.

But then, really, that's the same thing as what you just said.

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