"Thank God you can't wrap your head around Liberal ideologies"

I have ZERO problems with my tax money paying people in high-risk jobs that benefit our society in general; firefighters, soldiers, police etc. Since they take care of the scariest and most difficult elements of society, I think they should be payed as generously as they please and fuck other considerations.
What about construction workers and mine workers? Should firemen get paid double what these trades get paid?
I've been talking lots of politics with my 14 year old daughter lately as she has taken a grand interest. She asks a ton of questions.
The other day she says: (among other things)
"Dad, why do Liberals believe they should have a right to other people's hard earned money?"
"Why would they believe a man should be able to share a restroom or locker room with girls?"
I just look at her, smile and say; thank God you can't understand it.
You are so right. We have to identify those states that are soaking up tax payer money and put a stop to it. You have to tell you daughter that. What state do you live in broke loser.

'Red State Socialism' graphic says GOP-leaning states get lion's share of federal dollars

Oh dean-O....how many times are we gonna do this?
I aim to enlighten the ignorant, self manipulated, confused and uninformed. You're welcome in advance.
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population:
At 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent.
Help me here....Are Blacks and Hispanics Republicans?

California - 12% of the nations population, 33% of the nations welfare recipients.
Note that Hawaii and New York are fighting CA for that number one spot....also note all three are blue states. Here you go:
It Looks Like Red States Take Most in Federal 'Welfare' from this Map. But Looks Can Be Deceiving.
California’s Welfare Benefits: Boom or Bust?
"There has been much discussion about immigrants in the United States from everywhere around the world. Yet, why is it that California seems to attract the most immigrants of any state? Indeed, while the state is only 12% of the nation’s population, it is home to 33% of welfare residents. According to a report published by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) on January 26, 2015, there is a correlation between generous welfare benefits and an increase in immigration.

In total, California outspends every other state in public welfare spending – in 2014, it spent $22.4 billion. In contrast, the next closest state, New York, spent $11.9 billion. That being said, does this make California a magnet for immigrants? Not necessarily. It is more of an anchor – a reason why residents stay for long periods of time in the state. However, to deny that there is no magnet would be incorrect. According to George J. Borjas, the Robert W. Scrivner Professor of Economics and Social Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School and the author of the aforementioned report, the reason as to why people decide to relocate is due to “income-maximizing behavior.” Immigrants have already accepted that there are certain fixed costs that are inevitable because of migration, so it is natural that they will flock towards the places with the highest benefits. Empirical evidence suggests that it is because of these differences that there are an increasingly disproportionate number of immigrants among states. While there is the possibility of alternative explanations for this phenomenon, the conclusion that Borjas draws using the wealth-maximization hypothesis is one such testable method.
However, upon closer examination, on a per-capita basis, California’s seemingly generous benefits pale in data comparison to other states. For example, it spends approximately $179 for every resident, behind $233 in Hawaii and $256 in New York. Furthermore, approximately 8.9% of California residents live in poverty, the highest of any state.
I've been talking lots of politics with my 14 year old daughter lately as she has taken a grand interest. She asks a ton of questions.
The other day she says: (among other things)
"Dad, why do Liberals believe they should have a right to other people's hard earned money?"
"Why would they believe a man should be able to share a restroom or locker room with girls?"
I just look at her, smile and say; thank God you can't understand it.

You should teach her what "Liberal" actually means, so she doesn't come up with uninformed questions like that.

I'd start by teaching her this, since it's prolly where such uninformed ideas come from:


After all --- you don't want her hanging out with bad influences, one assumes. So why invite one into your house, let alone PAY for it?
/----/ What were her uninformed ideas? Libs want redistribution of wealth and they support Tranny men peeing in the girls room - or do you deny that?

Yes, I deny that.

Wow, that was like the easiest question ever.

I've been talking lots of politics with my 14 year old daughter lately as she has taken a grand interest. She asks a ton of questions.
The other day she says: (among other things)
"Dad, why do Liberals believe they should have a right to other people's hard earned money?"
"Why would they believe a man should be able to share a restroom or locker room with girls?"
I just look at her, smile and say; thank God you can't understand it.

You should teach her what "Liberal" actually means, so she doesn't come up with uninformed questions like that.

I'd start by teaching her this, since it's prolly where such uninformed ideas come from:


After all --- you don't want her hanging out with bad influences, one assumes. So why invite one into your house, let alone PAY for it?
/----/ What were her uninformed ideas? Libs want redistribution of wealth and they support Tranny men peeing in the girls room - or do you deny that?
Oh the irony of asking about an uninformed idea right before making a grossly uninformed statement. Thanks for the laugh!
/----/ She asked: "Dad, why do Liberals believe they should have a right to other people's hard earned money?"
"Why would they believe a man should be able to share a restroom or locker room with girls?"
And yet you can not state why they are uninformed questions. And for the second time, do you deny those are the goals of the Democrat Party?

There's your first issue. You don't seem to understand the distinction between "Liberalism" and a political party.

Hell, you don't even know the name of the political party.
I'd start by teaching her this, since it's prolly where such uninformed ideas come from

I agree.

It is prolly this or prolly that, but one thing is for certain, how can you teach anything to others when you cannot even read what you yourself write?!

I can read everything I write. Your post makes no sense. :cuckoo:

Say, given your handle, what do you think of my post 3?
---- can you read it?
Sure call it mentally defective if you must but don't be so ignorant to assume that it does not exist and that it is t the underlying factor in this debate

It's insane nonsense, at best, and every sane person sees it as such. It takes one who is both mentally- and morally-defective to deny the immutable differences between male and female.

In any event, in denying the essential differences between men and women, and in claiming that one can become the other, you forfeit any credibility in calling anyone else “ignorant”.
I've been talking lots of politics with my 14 year old daughter lately as she has taken a grand interest. She asks a ton of questions.
The other day she says: (among other things)
"Dad, why do Liberals believe they should have a right to other people's hard earned money?"
"Why would they believe a man should be able to share a restroom or locker room with girls?"
I just look at her, smile and say; thank God you can't understand it.
You are so right. We have to identify those states that are soaking up tax payer money and put a stop to it. You have to tell you daughter that. What state do you live in broke loser.

'Red State Socialism' graphic says GOP-leaning states get lion's share of federal dollars

Or he could point out what leftist policy creates and show her California which is drowning in unfunded debt, Illinois which is frantically trying to remain solvent, Detroit, a once fiscal sound city now ran into the ground due to Democrats. Then show her Baltimore, another dem Utopia.
Why worry about states you don't live in? Worry about those poor southern states drowning in ignorance and a lack of teeth.
Sure call it mentally defective if you must but don't be so ignorant to assume that it does not exist and that it is t the underlying factor in this debate

It's insane nonsense, at best, and every sane person sees it as such. It takes one who is both mentally- and morally-defective to deny the immutable differences between male and female.

In any event, in denying the essential differences between men and women, and in claiming that one can become the other, you forfeit any credibility in calling anyone else “ignorant”.
Who are you to call people sane or insane? Moral or morally-defective?

The only thing that you are good at showing is that you are good at being very judgemental about things that you don't understand.
I've been talking lots of politics with my 14 year old daughter lately as she has taken a grand interest. She asks a ton of questions.
The other day she says: (among other things)
"Dad, why do Liberals believe they should have a right to other people's hard earned money?"
"Why would they believe a man should be able to share a restroom or locker room with girls?"
I just look at her, smile and say; thank God you can't understand it.
You are so right. We have to identify those states that are soaking up tax payer money and put a stop to it. You have to tell you daughter that. What state do you live in broke loser.

'Red State Socialism' graphic says GOP-leaning states get lion's share of federal dollars

Or he could point out what leftist policy creates and show her California which is drowning in unfunded debt, Illinois which is frantically trying to remain solvent, Detroit, a once fiscal sound city now ran into the ground due to Democrats. Then show her Baltimore, another dem Utopia.
Why worry about states you don't live in? Worry about those poor southern states drowning in ignorance and a lack of teeth.

Far worse...We live in the North Mexico shithole of Southern California. A shithole full of whacked-out Liberals, pet human welfare recipients and low iQ non English speaking filth. A place where English is quickly becoming the secondary language, a place where REAL American's feel like foreigners, where trash and dirty diapers line the streets and graffiti is everywhere.
Yep, those damn white Republicans are really phucking this place up.
I've been talking lots of politics with my 14 year old daughter lately as she has taken a grand interest. She asks a ton of questions.
The other day she says: (among other things)
"Dad, why do Liberals believe they should have a right to other people's hard earned money?"
"Why would they believe a man should be able to share a restroom or locker room with girls?"
I just look at her, smile and say; thank God you can't understand it.
You are so right. We have to identify those states that are soaking up tax payer money and put a stop to it. You have to tell you daughter that. What state do you live in broke loser.

'Red State Socialism' graphic says GOP-leaning states get lion's share of federal dollars

Or he could point out what leftist policy creates and show her California which is drowning in unfunded debt, Illinois which is frantically trying to remain solvent, Detroit, a once fiscal sound city now ran into the ground due to Democrats. Then show her Baltimore, another dem Utopia.
Why worry about states you don't live in? Worry about those poor southern states drowning in ignorance and a lack of teeth.
/----: no need. If I want to see ignorance and lack of teeth all I have to do is drive 5 miles east to the Town of Hempstead- wall to wall demiCRATS.
I've been talking lots of politics with my 14 year old daughter lately as she has taken a grand interest. She asks a ton of questions.
The other day she says: (among other things)
"Dad, why do Liberals believe they should have a right to other people's hard earned money?"
"Why would they believe a man should be able to share a restroom or locker room with girls?"
I just look at her, smile and say; thank God you can't understand it.

You should teach her what "Liberal" actually means, so she doesn't come up with uninformed questions like that.

I'd start by teaching her this, since it's prolly where such uninformed ideas come from:


After all --- you don't want her hanging out with bad influences, one assumes. So why invite one into your house, let alone PAY for it?
/----/ What were her uninformed ideas? Libs want redistribution of wealth and they support Tranny men peeing in the girls room - or do you deny that?

Yes, I deny that.

Wow, that was like the easiest question ever.

I've been talking lots of politics with my 14 year old daughter lately as she has taken a grand interest. She asks a ton of questions.
The other day she says: (among other things)
"Dad, why do Liberals believe they should have a right to other people's hard earned money?"
"Why would they believe a man should be able to share a restroom or locker room with girls?"
I just look at her, smile and say; thank God you can't understand it.

You should teach her what "Liberal" actually means, so she doesn't come up with uninformed questions like that.

I'd start by teaching her this, since it's prolly where such uninformed ideas come from:


After all --- you don't want her hanging out with bad influences, one assumes. So why invite one into your house, let alone PAY for it?
/----/ What were her uninformed ideas? Libs want redistribution of wealth and they support Tranny men peeing in the girls room - or do you deny that?
Oh the irony of asking about an uninformed idea right before making a grossly uninformed statement. Thanks for the laugh!
/----/ She asked: "Dad, why do Liberals believe they should have a right to other people's hard earned money?"
"Why would they believe a man should be able to share a restroom or locker room with girls?"
And yet you can not state why they are uninformed questions. And for the second time, do you deny those are the goals of the Democrat Party?

There's your first issue. You don't seem to understand the distinction between "Liberalism" and a political party.

Hell, you don't even know the name of the political party.
/----/ You mean the democRATic party of welfare queens and gender confused freaks?
It's insane nonsense, at best, and every sane person sees it as such. It takes one who is both mentally- and morally-defective to deny the immutable differences between male and female.

In any event, in denying the essential differences between men and women, and in claiming that one can become the other, you forfeit any credibility in calling anyone else “ignorant”.
Who are you to call people sane or insane? Moral or morally-defective?

Res ipsa loquitur. What is any sane person to make of a grown man who is as confused as you are about the difference between men and women? What is any sane person to make of someone who defends the “right” of creepy male perverts to intrude into women's restrooms, locker rooms, dressing rooms, and such?

The only thing that you are good at showing is that you are good at being very judgemental about things that you don't understand.

I'm not the one who doesn't understand the difference between male and female. That would be you. If you take insane positions, then you will be judged to be insane. If you take immoral positions, then you will be judged to be immoral.
Last edited:
It's insane nonsense, at best, and every sane person sees it as such. It takes one who is both mentally- and morally-defective to deny the immutable differences between male and female.

In any event, in denying the essential differences between men and women, and in claiming that one can become the other, you forfeit any credibility in calling anyone else “ignorant”.
Who are you to call people sane or insane? Moral or morally-defective?

Res ipsa loquitur. What is any sane person to make of a grown man who is as confused as you are about the difference between men and women? What is any sane person to make of someone who defends the “right” of creepy male perverts to intrude into women's restrooms, locker rooms, dressing rooms, and such?

The only thing that you are good at showing is that you are good at being very judgemental about things that you don't understand.

I'm not the one who doesn't understand the difference between male and female. That would be you. If you take insane positions, then you will be judged to be insane. If you take immoral positions, then you will be judged to be immoral.
Boys have penises girls have vaginas. Pretty simple. People of both sexes identify as male and people of both sexes identify as female and people of both sexes identify as god knows what... I don't really give a shit. No laws are being broken, there is nothing immoral going on. If they break laws then arrest them. If not, then just mind your own fucking business
It's insane nonsense, at best, and every sane person sees it as such. It takes one who is both mentally- and morally-defective to deny the immutable differences between male and female.

In any event, in denying the essential differences between men and women, and in claiming that one can become the other, you forfeit any credibility in calling anyone else “ignorant”.
Who are you to call people sane or insane? Moral or morally-defective?

Res ipsa loquitur. What is any sane person to make of a grown man who is as confused as you are about the difference between men and women? What is any sane person to make of someone who defends the “right” of creepy male perverts to intrude into women's restrooms, locker rooms, dressing rooms, and such?

The only thing that you are good at showing is that you are good at being very judgemental about things that you don't understand.

I'm not the one who doesn't understand the difference between male and female. That would be you. If you take insane positions, then you will be judged to be insane. If you take immoral positions, then you will be judged to be immoral.
Boys have penises girls have vaginas. Pretty simple. People of both sexes identify as male and people of both sexes identify as female and people of both sexes identify as god knows what... I don't really give a shit. No laws are being broken, there is nothing immoral going on. If they break laws then arrest them. If not, then just mind your own fucking business[/QUOTE]
/---/ you live in a perverted fucked up world.
Boys have penises girls have vaginas. Pretty simple. People of both sexes identify as male and people of both sexes identify as female and people of both sexes identify as god knows what... I don't really give a shit. No laws are being broken, there is nothing immoral going on. If they break laws then arrest them. If not, then just mind your own fucking business
/---/ you live in a perverted fucked up world.

What is worse, is that sick scumbags such as Slade3200 want to drag everyone into that perverted f•••ed up world with them. They cannot stand the idea that some people prefer a world where truth is valued over falsehood, good over evil, decency over perversion, and reason over madness.
It's insane nonsense, at best, and every sane person sees it as such. It takes one who is both mentally- and morally-defective to deny the immutable differences between male and female.

In any event, in denying the essential differences between men and women, and in claiming that one can become the other, you forfeit any credibility in calling anyone else “ignorant”.
Who are you to call people sane or insane? Moral or morally-defective?

Res ipsa loquitur. What is any sane person to make of a grown man who is as confused as you are about the difference between men and women? What is any sane person to make of someone who defends the “right” of creepy male perverts to intrude into women's restrooms, locker rooms, dressing rooms, and such?

The only thing that you are good at showing is that you are good at being very judgemental about things that you don't understand.

I'm not the one who doesn't understand the difference between male and female. That would be you. If you take insane positions, then you will be judged to be insane. If you take immoral positions, then you will be judged to be immoral.
Boys have penises girls have vaginas. Pretty simple. People of both sexes identify as male and people of both sexes identify as female and people of both sexes identify as god knows what... I don't really give a shit. No laws are being broken, there is nothing immoral going on. If they break laws then arrest them. If not, then just mind your own fucking business
/---/ you live in a perverted fucked up world.[/QUOTE]
"Thank God you can't wrap your head around Liberal ideologies"

Thank god you weren't designed to be more aware of the world around you. Be thankful for small blessings.
I've been talking lots of politics with my 14 year old daughter lately as she has taken a grand interest. She asks a ton of questions.
The other day she says: (among other things)
"Dad, why do Liberals believe they should have a right to other people's hard earned money?"
"Why would they believe a man should be able to share a restroom or locker room with girls?"
I just look at her, smile and say; thank God you can't understand it.

You should teach her what "Liberal" actually means, so she doesn't come up with uninformed questions like that.

I'd start by teaching her this, since it's prolly where such uninformed ideas come from:


After all --- you don't want her hanging out with bad influences, one assumes. So why invite one into your house, let alone PAY for it?
I can't take people seriously that use "prolly" in a sentence.

Of course you can't. You're Polly an uptight conservative with nothing to add but buckshot like this.
Boys have penises girls have vaginas. Pretty simple. People of both sexes identify as male and people of both sexes identify as female and people of both sexes identify as god knows what... I don't really give a shit. No laws are being broken, there is nothing immoral going on. If they break laws then arrest them. If not, then just mind your own fucking business
/---/ you live in a perverted fucked up world.

What is worse, is that sick scumbags such as Slade3200 want to drag everyone into that perverted f•••ed up world with them. They cannot stand the idea that some people prefer a world where truth is valued over falsehood, good over evil, decency over perversion, and reason over madness.
This is where you are wrong mr bob. You can live and think however you want. Just mind your own business and don't force your judgment onto others and we are all good. You are guilty of the same thing that you are accusing the LGBT community of so how about you don't be a hypocrite. You can think gay people are evil and you can think that trans people are deranged and boys can think they are girls... I don't really give a shit... that is the difference between us.

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