"Thank God you can't wrap your head around Liberal ideologies"

Mooching off others, confiscating money other people worked hard to earn, rational people would agree that's being a douchebag.
Are military soldiers, police officers, and firefighters mooching off our citizens confiscated money? Are you objecting that that?

Their sole job is to stop leftists from confiscating their money.

But of course, no leftist believes military is where the government should stop. Nope, they better get their welfare benefits and free stuff.
Mooching off others, confiscating money other people worked hard to earn, rational people would agree that's being a douchebag.
Are military soldiers, police officers, and firefighters mooching off our citizens confiscated money? Are you objecting that that?

Their sole job is to stop leftists from confiscating their money.

But of course, no leftist believes military is where the government should stop. Nope, they better get their welfare benefits and free stuff.
You didn't answer the question
Mooching off others, confiscating money other people worked hard to earn, rational people would agree that's being a douchebag.
Are military soldiers, police officers, and firefighters mooching off our citizens confiscated money? Are you objecting that that?

They are doing useful work, providing valuable service, to the taxpayers by whom their wages are paid. Not at all comparable to the worthless parasites whose side LIbErals take.
I've been talking lots of politics with my 14 year old daughter lately as she has taken a grand interest. She asks a ton of questions.
The other day she says: (among other things)
"Dad, why do Liberals believe they should have a right to other people's hard earned money?"
"Why would they believe a man should be able to share a restroom or locker room with girls?"
I just look at her, smile and say; thank God you can't understand it.

You should teach her what "Liberal" actually means, so she doesn't come up with uninformed questions like that.

I'd start by teaching her this, since it's prolly where such uninformed ideas come from

After all --- you don't want her hanging out with bad influences, one assumes. So why invite one into your house, let alone PAY for it?
/----/ What were her uninformed ideas? Libs want redistribution of wealth and they support Tranny men peeing in the girls room - or do you deny that?
Oh the irony of asking about an uninformed idea right before making a grossly uninformed statement. Thanks for the laugh!
/----/ She asked: "Dad, why do Liberals believe they should have a right to other people's hard earned money?"
"Why would they believe a man should be able to share a restroom or locker room with girls?"
And yet you can not state why they are uninformed questions. And for the second time, do you deny those are the goals of the Democrat Party?
I shouldn't need to explain this to you... But what the heck.
The first question:
"why do Liberals believe they should have a right to other people's hard earned money?"
The money that funds our government, military, roads, Trumps golf games etc. comes from taxation. These programs all serve a purpose that makes our country what it is. Now some programs may be worthless and inefficient so it is good to have healthy debate over the cost/benefit of how the government spends. To dumb all that down to "have a right to other peoples hard earned money" is grossly uninformed. Are you taking the position that there should be zero taxation? No Military? No government?

The second question:
"Why would they believe a man should be able to share a restroom or locker room with girls?"
This issue is about gender identity. It isn't simply men in women's restrooms. There are a large portion of people in this country that respect the struggles that transsexual people go through and they recognize the the he's as she's and the she's as he's. It is a worth debate to have but again, the question is grossly uniformed.

Get it now?
/----/ So the OP's daughter's questions were not uninformed as you charged. Now on question one, the things you listed are within the scope of the Government and no one has an issue with that. You clearly sidestepped the redistribution of wealth subject that I focused on. You used a strawman argument to avoid my question.
Point two, the OP's daughter was 100% correct and you admitted it by waxing on about a made up BS gender identity. If you're confused, look down your underpants to see which gender you are.
Explain to your daughter how today's progressives stand for contrary thought and freedom to take. Liberalism used to have meaning, but we're in saturation, pounded heavily by propaganda, hate and indoctrination. Today's liberalism means men marry, have kids and use the women's bathroom, which is another way of saying "we've" run out of ideas. They incite divide, such as racism and class warfare to justify their existence.

Great examples of contrary thought are found by just looking at the user names and avatars for some of our "progress"ive members. "Reasonable" & "Critical Thinking" are good examples for "opposite day", as they assault the meanings they hope to stand for.
This gives me hope for generation Z. Maybe they'll be rebellious against millenials' leftist crap.
Mooching off others, confiscating money other people worked hard to earn, rational people would agree that's being a douchebag.
Are military soldiers, police officers, and firefighters mooching off our citizens confiscated money? Are you objecting that that?

Their sole job is to stop leftists from confiscating their money.

But of course, no leftist believes military is where the government should stop. Nope, they better get their welfare benefits and free stuff.
You didn't answer the question

I answered everything that needed answering. Trying to justify the theft of property because "police" is moronic.

And of course, if in the future we find a way of voluntarily funding the police, that's not such a bad idea. Perhaps even you can come up with sound moral concepts from time to time? When not frothing over all the free stuff that is...
Mooching off others, confiscating money other people worked hard to earn, rational people would agree that's being a douchebag.
Are military soldiers, police officers, and firefighters mooching off our citizens confiscated money? Are you objecting that that?

They are doing useful work, providing valuable service, to the taxpayers by whom their wages are paid. Not at all comparable to the worthless parasites whose side LIbErals take.
Well that's all objective. But if you are going to call "taxation" stealing people's hard earned money then you have to include these people. Otherwise you must acknowledge the value in taxation and government funded programs then debate the specific program and budgets. For these reasons it make the question that we are talking about uninformed and ignorant
I've been talking lots of politics with my 14 year old daughter lately as she has taken a grand interest. She asks a ton of questions.
The other day she says: (among other things)
"Dad, why do Liberals believe they should have a right to other people's hard earned money?"
"Why would they believe a man should be able to share a restroom or locker room with girls?"
I just look at her, smile and say; thank God you can't understand it.
I'd say 'thank God she understands enough to know it's weird'.
You should teach her what "Liberal" actually means, so she doesn't come up with uninformed questions like that.

I'd start by teaching her this, since it's prolly where such uninformed ideas come from

After all --- you don't want her hanging out with bad influences, one assumes. So why invite one into your house, let alone PAY for it?
/----/ What were her uninformed ideas? Libs want redistribution of wealth and they support Tranny men peeing in the girls room - or do you deny that?
Oh the irony of asking about an uninformed idea right before making a grossly uninformed statement. Thanks for the laugh!
/----/ She asked: "Dad, why do Liberals believe they should have a right to other people's hard earned money?"
"Why would they believe a man should be able to share a restroom or locker room with girls?"
And yet you can not state why they are uninformed questions. And for the second time, do you deny those are the goals of the Democrat Party?
I shouldn't need to explain this to you... But what the heck.
The first question:
"why do Liberals believe they should have a right to other people's hard earned money?"
The money that funds our government, military, roads, Trumps golf games etc. comes from taxation. These programs all serve a purpose that makes our country what it is. Now some programs may be worthless and inefficient so it is good to have healthy debate over the cost/benefit of how the government spends. To dumb all that down to "have a right to other peoples hard earned money" is grossly uninformed. Are you taking the position that there should be zero taxation? No Military? No government?

The second question:
"Why would they believe a man should be able to share a restroom or locker room with girls?"
This issue is about gender identity. It isn't simply men in women's restrooms. There are a large portion of people in this country that respect the struggles that transsexual people go through and they recognize the the he's as she's and the she's as he's. It is a worth debate to have but again, the question is grossly uniformed.

Get it now?
/----/ So the OP's daughter's questions were not uninformed as you charged. Now on question one, the things you listed are within the scope of the Government and no one has an issue with that. You clearly sidestepped the redistribution of wealth subject that I focused on. You used a strawman argument to avoid my question.
Point two, the OP's daughter was 100% correct and you admitted it by waxing on about a made up BS gender identity. If you're confused, look down your underpants to see which gender you are.
You obviously don't know the difference between gender and gender identity make you "uninformed" agree with it or not it is the central issue in the debate.

I didn't use any strawman. The daughters question had to do with taxation and government spending. She didn't say a thing about redistribution of wealth. There are many elements to this discussion which are grossly dumbed down in both those questions. I seriously doubt the OP explained the value of tax paid programs nor the concept of gender identity to his daughter. Hopefully I'm wrong and he did so she could make up her own mind.
Mooching off others, confiscating money other people worked hard to earn, rational people would agree that's being a douchebag.
Are military soldiers, police officers, and firefighters mooching off our citizens confiscated money? Are you objecting that that?

Their sole job is to stop leftists from confiscating their money.

But of course, no leftist believes military is where the government should stop. Nope, they better get their welfare benefits and free stuff.
You didn't answer the question

I answered everything that needed answering. Trying to justify the theft of property because "police" is moronic.

And of course, if in the future we find a way of voluntarily funding the police, that's not such a bad idea. Perhaps even you can come up with sound moral concepts from time to time? When not frothing over all the free stuff that is...
You are either for zero government and no taxes or you acknowledge that there is value in having a system of government that is funded by taxation. Plain and simple. The amount of taxing and spending is a different discussion and one worthy of scrutiny and debate
Mooching off others, confiscating money other people worked hard to earn, rational people would agree that's being a douchebag.
Are military soldiers, police officers, and firefighters mooching off our citizens confiscated money? Are you objecting that that?

Because the groups you listed WORK dangerous jobs to EARN that taxpayer money, as opposed to the hate-filled, violent, chip-on-shoulder black crybabies who get with random reproduction. If you can't tell the difference between EARNING money and leeching it...well, I don't know what to say.
Mooching off others, confiscating money other people worked hard to earn, rational people would agree that's being a douchebag.
Are military soldiers, police officers, and firefighters mooching off our citizens confiscated money? Are you objecting that that?

Because the groups you listed WORK dangerous jobs to EARN that taxpayer money, as opposed to the hate-filled, violent, chip-on-shoulder black crybabies who get with random reproduction. If you can't tell the difference between EARNING money and leeching it...well, I don't know what to say.
Clowns like Slade3200 can't understand certain things because they've never experienced it. They just mindlessly follow others.
Mooching off others, confiscating money other people worked hard to earn, rational people would agree that's being a douchebag.
Are military soldiers, police officers, and firefighters mooching off our citizens confiscated money? Are you objecting that that?

They are doing useful work, providing valuable service, to the taxpayers by whom their wages are paid. Not at all comparable to the worthless parasites whose side LIbErals take.
Well that's all objective. But if you are going to call "taxation" stealing people's hard earned money then you have to include these people. Otherwise you must acknowledge the value in taxation and government funded programs then debate the specific program and budgets. For these reasons it make the question that we are talking about uninformed and ignorant

Liberals hide behind the sophisticated word "taxation" to mask their bullshit agenda. BUT we aren't talking about taxation at all here...this is about Liberals and their odd ideologies and how they perpetuate and champion for a classless more dependent human.
Case and point; you want an open southern border...you want all the human filth this country can handle knowing full well the vast majority of these third worlders and their offspring will become financially dependent pet humans to hard working real American's and virtually destroy every neighborhood they inhabit...THAT'S JUST PLAIN WEIRD!
Mooching off others, confiscating money other people worked hard to earn, rational people would agree that's being a douchebag.
Are military soldiers, police officers, and firefighters mooching off our citizens confiscated money? Are you objecting that that?
/----/ No you lame brain. They EARN their money. Redistribution is welfare.
Mooching off others, confiscating money other people worked hard to earn, rational people would agree that's being a douchebag.
Are military soldiers, police officers, and firefighters mooching off our citizens confiscated money? Are you objecting that that?

Their sole job is to stop leftists from confiscating their money.

But of course, no leftist believes military is where the government should stop. Nope, they better get their welfare benefits and free stuff.
You didn't answer the question

I answered everything that needed answering. Trying to justify the theft of property because "police" is moronic.

And of course, if in the future we find a way of voluntarily funding the police, that's not such a bad idea. Perhaps even you can come up with sound moral concepts from time to time? When not frothing over all the free stuff that is...
You are either for zero government and no taxes or you acknowledge that there is value in having a system of government that is funded by taxation. Plain and simple. The amount of taxing and spending is a different discussion and one worthy of scrutiny and debate

I, like this person's daughter is mostly anti-idiot. Moochers like yourself always try to embellish the case beyond recognition.

14 year old girl figured it out, now why can't you?
Are military soldiers, police officers, and firefighters mooching off our citizens confiscated money? Are you objecting that that?

Their sole job is to stop leftists from confiscating their money.

But of course, no leftist believes military is where the government should stop. Nope, they better get their welfare benefits and free stuff.
You didn't answer the question

I answered everything that needed answering. Trying to justify the theft of property because "police" is moronic.

And of course, if in the future we find a way of voluntarily funding the police, that's not such a bad idea. Perhaps even you can come up with sound moral concepts from time to time? When not frothing over all the free stuff that is...
You are either for zero government and no taxes or you acknowledge that there is value in having a system of government that is funded by taxation. Plain and simple. The amount of taxing and spending is a different discussion and one worthy of scrutiny and debate

I, like this person's daughter is mostly anti-idiot. Moochers like yourself always try to embellish the case beyond recognition.

14 year old girl figured it out, now why can't you?

Liberals hate to simplify anything...cast complexities and gray area over any and everything...that's what they do. That allows for solving nothing and staying confused.
I've been talking lots of politics with my 14 year old daughter lately as she has taken a grand interest. She asks a ton of questions.
The other day she says: (among other things)
"Dad, why do Liberals believe they should have a right to other people's hard earned money?"
"Why would they believe a man should be able to share a restroom or locker room with girls?"
I just look at her, smile and say; thank God you can't understand it.
Here's another liberal hero who needs protection.

Sex assault suspect tied up woman, threatened to kill her, court docs say
I've been talking lots of politics with my 14 year old daughter lately as she has taken a grand interest. She asks a ton of questions.
The other day she says: (among other things)
"Dad, why do Liberals believe they should have a right to other people's hard earned money?"
"Why would they believe a man should be able to share a restroom or locker room with girls?"
I just look at her, smile and say; thank God you can't understand it.

Be proud of your daughter!

She is a smart girl! :up:
I've been talking lots of politics with my 14 year old daughter lately as she has taken a grand interest. She asks a ton of questions.
The other day she says: (among other things)
"Dad, why do Liberals believe they should have a right to other people's hard earned money?"
"Why would they believe a man should be able to share a restroom or locker room with girls?"
I just look at her, smile and say; thank God you can't understand it.
How hard was it to earn, and whose underage daughter has ever shared a shower or toilet with a man? Well several have in the history of humans, but right now let us concern ourselves with just your statement...

True...and cavemen had sex with their own daughters. We've come a long way huh?
What are you getting at?
Lot and Noah were cavemen?

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