"Thank God you can't wrap your head around Liberal ideologies"

I've been talking lots of politics with my 14 year old daughter lately as she has taken a grand interest. She asks a ton of questions.
The other day she says: (among other things)
"Dad, why do Liberals believe they should have a right to other people's hard earned money?"
"Why would they believe a man should be able to share a restroom or locker room with girls?"
I just look at her, smile and say; thank God you can't understand it.

You should teach her what "Liberal" actually means, so she doesn't come up with uninformed questions like that.

I'd start by teaching her this, since it's prolly where such uninformed ideas come from:


After all --- you don't want her hanging out with bad influences, one assumes. So why invite one into your house, let alone PAY for it?
In the 18th Century it certainly didn't mean massive government spending programs and massive government regulation.
I've been talking lots of politics with my 14 year old daughter lately as she has taken a grand interest. She asks a ton of questions.
The other day she says: (among other things)
"Dad, why do Liberals believe they should have a right to other people's hard earned money?"
"Why would they believe a man should be able to share a restroom or locker room with girls?"
I just look at her, smile and say; thank God you can't understand it.
How hard was it to earn, and whose underage daughter has ever shared a shower or toilet with a man? Well several have in the history of humans, but right now let us concern ourselves with just your statement...

True...and cavemen had sex with their own daughters. We've come a long way huh?
What are you getting at?
Lot and Noah were cavemen?

Thanks....that's another perfect example.
Times have changed, we've changed and become civilized.
See how this works?
I've been talking lots of politics with my 14 year old daughter lately as she has taken a grand interest. She asks a ton of questions.
The other day she says: (among other things)
"Dad, why do Liberals believe they should have a right to other people's hard earned money?"
"Why would they believe a man should be able to share a restroom or locker room with girls?"
I just look at her, smile and say; thank God you can't understand it.
How hard was it to earn, and whose underage daughter has ever shared a shower or toilet with a man? Well several have in the history of humans, but right now let us concern ourselves with just your statement...
There are numerous news stories about men sharing women's restrooms and showers.
I've been talking lots of politics with my 14 year old daughter lately as she has taken a grand interest. She asks a ton of questions.
The other day she says: (among other things)
"Dad, why do Liberals believe they should have a right to other people's hard earned money?"
"Why would they believe a man should be able to share a restroom or locker room with girls?"
I just look at her, smile and say; thank God you can't understand it.

Here, show this to your daughter ---

Imagine a football game and you're watching from midfield. On that field are two teams, one trying to move the ball to the left, the other trying to prevent that and move the ball to the right.

The Liberal on the field is the referee. The ref never carries the ball or makes a tackle. He just ensures that the rules are followed, the ball stays in bounds and the playing field is equal for both.

Now ask yourself why there are talking heads on the TV trying to make you believe the Liberal is on one of those teams ---- and what their motive might be for casting that false impression.

There's an education right there.

As far as wrapping her head around Liberal ideologies, it may sound cliché but the D of I and the Constitution are generally still a good start, and directly applicable to everyday experience.

Good luck.
You're totally delusional.
Mooching off others, confiscating money other people worked hard to earn, rational people would agree that's being a douchebag.
Are military soldiers, police officers, and firefighters mooching off our citizens confiscated money? Are you objecting that that?

I said moochers idiot, are soldiers, police officers, and firefighters moochers? Good lord get a brain.
Their sole job is to stop leftists from confiscating their money.

But of course, no leftist believes military is where the government should stop. Nope, they better get their welfare benefits and free stuff.
You didn't answer the question

I answered everything that needed answering. Trying to justify the theft of property because "police" is moronic.

And of course, if in the future we find a way of voluntarily funding the police, that's not such a bad idea. Perhaps even you can come up with sound moral concepts from time to time? When not frothing over all the free stuff that is...
You are either for zero government and no taxes or you acknowledge that there is value in having a system of government that is funded by taxation. Plain and simple. The amount of taxing and spending is a different discussion and one worthy of scrutiny and debate

I, like this person's daughter is mostly anti-idiot. Moochers like yourself always try to embellish the case beyond recognition.

14 year old girl figured it out, now why can't you?

Liberals hate to simplify anything...cast complexities and gray area over any and everything...that's what they do. That allows for solving nothing and staying confused.

Being liberal really sucks, they punish themselves which is a comfort.
I've been talking lots of politics with my 14 year old daughter lately as she has taken a grand interest. She asks a ton of questions.
The other day she says: (among other things)
"Dad, why do Liberals believe they should have a right to other people's hard earned money?"
"Why would they believe a man should be able to share a restroom or locker room with girls?"
I just look at her, smile and say; thank God you can't understand it.

Your daughter clearly has one thing leftists sorely lack...common sense
You obviously don't know the difference between gender and gender identity…

You don't know the difference between men and women. You believe the insane lie that there is any such thing as “gender identity” that somehow means that a man can really be a woman, or vice versa. All that this proves is that you are mentally-and morally-defective, and not to be regarded as credible on any subject. Sane people know the difference between male and female.
Clowns like Slade3200 can't understand certain things because they've never experienced it. They just mindlessly follow others.

There is something going on here that is much, much worse than mere ignorance born of inexperience. There is a sharp disconnect from reality. Cretins such as Slade3200 can see something, feel it, touch it, taste it, smell it; and still not believe it. He would stare at the sun, and deny its existence, even as it burns his retinas away. His delusions take precedence over objective evidence that he can tangibly experience.
I've been talking lots of politics with my 14 year old daughter lately as she has taken a grand interest. She asks a ton of questions.
The other day she says: (among other things)
"Dad, why do Liberals believe they should have a right to other people's hard earned money?"
"Why would they believe a man should be able to share a restroom or locker room with girls?"
I just look at her, smile and say; thank God you can't understand it.
You are so right. We have to identify those states that are soaking up tax payer money and put a stop to it. You have to tell you daughter that. What state do you live in broke loser.

'Red State Socialism' graphic says GOP-leaning states get lion's share of federal dollars
I've been talking lots of politics with my 14 year old daughter lately as she has taken a grand interest. She asks a ton of questions.
The other day she says: (among other things)
"Dad, why do Liberals believe they should have a right to other people's hard earned money?"
"Why would they believe a man should be able to share a restroom or locker room with girls?"
I just look at her, smile and say; thank God you can't understand it.
You are so right. We have to identify those states that are soaking up tax payer money and put a stop to it. You have to tell you daughter that. What state do you live in broke loser.

'Red State Socialism' graphic says GOP-leaning states get lion's share of federal dollars

Or he could point out what leftist policy creates and show her California which is drowning in unfunded debt, Illinois which is frantically trying to remain solvent, Detroit, a once fiscal sound city now ran into the ground due to Democrats. Then show her Baltimore, another dem Utopia.
Mooching off others, confiscating money other people worked hard to earn, rational people would agree that's being a douchebag.
Are military soldiers, police officers, and firefighters mooching off our citizens confiscated money? Are you objecting that that?

Because the groups you listed WORK dangerous jobs to EARN that taxpayer money, as opposed to the hate-filled, violent, chip-on-shoulder black crybabies who get with random reproduction. If you can't tell the difference between EARNING money and leeching it...well, I don't know what to say.
THAts fine. So you think as long as people are working dangerous jobs it justifies taxation. I'm fine with that. But then you are for tax funded programs and can't call it stealing from hard working families like what was implied in the OP. Let's just be honest
Mooching off others, confiscating money other people worked hard to earn, rational people would agree that's being a douchebag.
Are military soldiers, police officers, and firefighters mooching off our citizens confiscated money? Are you objecting that that?

They are doing useful work, providing valuable service, to the taxpayers by whom their wages are paid. Not at all comparable to the worthless parasites whose side LIbErals take.
Well that's all objective. But if you are going to call "taxation" stealing people's hard earned money then you have to include these people. Otherwise you must acknowledge the value in taxation and government funded programs then debate the specific program and budgets. For these reasons it make the question that we are talking about uninformed and ignorant

Liberals hide behind the sophisticated word "taxation" to mask their bullshit agenda. BUT we aren't talking about taxation at all here...this is about Liberals and their odd ideologies and how they perpetuate and champion for a classless more dependent human.
Case and point; you want an open southern border...you want all the human filth this country can handle knowing full well the vast majority of these third worlders and their offspring will become financially dependent pet humans to hard working real American's and virtually destroy every neighborhood they inhabit...THAT'S JUST PLAIN WEIRD!
I don't want an open southern border and I doubt your daughter was talking about perpetuating and championing a more dependent human.
Mooching off others, confiscating money other people worked hard to earn, rational people would agree that's being a douchebag.
Are military soldiers, police officers, and firefighters mooching off our citizens confiscated money? Are you objecting that that?
/----/ No you lame brain. They EARN their money. Redistribution is welfare.
When was redistribution brought into this conversation besides right now when your trying to win an argument?
Are military soldiers, police officers, and firefighters mooching off our citizens confiscated money? Are you objecting that that?

Their sole job is to stop leftists from confiscating their money.

But of course, no leftist believes military is where the government should stop. Nope, they better get their welfare benefits and free stuff.
You didn't answer the question

I answered everything that needed answering. Trying to justify the theft of property because "police" is moronic.

And of course, if in the future we find a way of voluntarily funding the police, that's not such a bad idea. Perhaps even you can come up with sound moral concepts from time to time? When not frothing over all the free stuff that is...
You are either for zero government and no taxes or you acknowledge that there is value in having a system of government that is funded by taxation. Plain and simple. The amount of taxing and spending is a different discussion and one worthy of scrutiny and debate

I, like this person's daughter is mostly anti-idiot. Moochers like yourself always try to embellish the case beyond recognition.

14 year old girl figured it out, now why can't you?
Why am I a moocher?
Mooching off others, confiscating money other people worked hard to earn, rational people would agree that's being a douchebag.
Are military soldiers, police officers, and firefighters mooching off our citizens confiscated money? Are you objecting that that?

I said moochers idiot, are soldiers, police officers, and firefighters moochers? Good lord get a brain.
We were talking about taxation and government spending at the time you chimed in. If we are just talking about mooching then yeah I agree, that sucks
You obviously don't know the difference between gender and gender identity…

You don't know the difference between men and women. You believe the insane lie that there is any such thing as “gender identity” that somehow means that a man can really be a woman, or vice versa. All that this proves is that you are mentally-and morally-defective, and not to be regarded as credible on any subject. Sane people know the difference between male and female.
Sure call it mentally defective if you must but don't be so ignorant to assume that it does not exist and that it is t the underlying factor in this debate
I have ZERO problems with my tax money paying people in high-risk jobs that benefit our society in general; firefighters, soldiers, police etc. Since they take care of the scariest and most difficult elements of society, I think they should be payed as generously as they please and fuck other considerations.

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