Thank You Big Labor for making Walker a National Hero & showing you have no strength

Thank You Big Labor for making Walker a National Hero & showing you have no strength

A new poll by Reason Magazine and Rupe shows Walker now up eight points in the state:

Gov. Scott Walker leads Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett 50-42 among those likely to vote in Wisconsin’s June 5 recall election, according to a new Reason-Rupe poll of 708 Wisconsin adults on cell phones and landlines.

In the presidential race, 49 percent of all adults surveyed approve of the job President Obama is doing and 45 percent disapprove. President Obama leads Mitt Romney 46-36 in Wisconsin, with 6 percent selecting the Libertarian Party’s Gary Johnson. Obama’s margin over Romney shrinks to 45-41 among those likely to vote in June’s recall election, with Johnson taking what would be a crucial 5 percent of the vote.

The Reason-Rupe poll finds voters overwhelmingly support many of the key changes Gov. Walker and the legislature implemented on public sector pensions and health care last year. Reason-Rupe finds 72 percent favor the change requiring public sector workers to increase their pension contributions from less than 1 percent to 6 percent of their salaries. And 71 percent favor making government employees pay 12 percent of their own health care premiums instead of the previous 6 percent.

Wouldn't it be more careful to wait for the actual election result?

Unless it's very clear that walker will be defeated in the recall election? Those who claim walker has a big lead should just remain silent until after the recall election?
Actually, Scott Walker's own actions have made him a hero:


The Dems have just shined the spotlight on him.

His actions are a model for all states
The Unions sour grapes has cost them millions and I doubt that Walker will be recalled.

In fact I think he will win in a landslide and get re-elected to boot.

The Unions should have saved their money and tried to oust him during the regular election cycle. Instead they have wasted millions of the dues paying members money on this bs recall bid which is gonna bite them in the ass.

Think a big chunk of ass is gonna be missing.

Go Walker.

Fascists believe in small gov't
Actually, fascists believe that the state should control business and that the business should benefit the state. The fact that they allow private ownership of business is directly tied into an assignment of blame when the state-sanctioned business fails to provide its mission to the people and the government.

Sure doesn't sound like small government to Me.

Walker a hero? Only to a a lot of attorneys, he has provided employment for many. No matter how big he wins, if he does, he was still forced into a recall. A less than stellar Governor. And the "union thugs" comment is classic very right wing, low IQ right wingnut, sadly.

The facts of the situation are that there were huge problems when Walker took office He laid out a program he intended to use to address the problems, he implemented his program and the problems are solved making way for the address of other problems and so on.

Compare this with the approach employed by President Obama.

He said there was runaway spending, a bad economy, deficits that were too high and growing and jobs that were being shipped out of the country.

He has made every problem he has addressed worse than it was the day he started trying to address it.

If you support the utter, unbridled incompetence and impotence of Obama, of course you would dislike the effective and successful approach of Walker.

Democrats love problems and hate solutions.
I hope Walker wins by 20%- send a message to these Union thugs....
Leaked rumors about internal polling from the Barrett campaign suggest a 15-18 point lead for Walker. You might get your wish. Even many of my liberal friends are not happy with the unions and out of state corruption with the recall effort from the left. Madison's near riots by professional leftists has not been forgotten or forgiven.

It's interesting to me that Axelrod is now saying that the outcome of this recall will have no connection whatever to the national mood or to any other election outcomes.
Thank the universe! I was so glad when I first heard about what Gov Walker is doing. Finally some one standing up to those unions.

Our country is being destroyed by both the ultra-rich and the labor unions who pretend to be working for the working class, when in truth they're just profiting off them like everyone else.

I think Hawaii has the absolute worst labor unions in the US. Hard to run a small business with all the union representatives knocking on your door threatening small business owners if they don't sign outrageous contracts giving them pretty much all the authority over your business -- (bosses can't fire, hire, or even discipline someone (even if they're caught red-handed stealing from the company) until the union looks over it, and they have to approve the decision) --

Also all the workers comp cases where the employer is assumed GUILTY as opposed to innocent and must prove beyond a reasonable doubt the worker is lying.

Workers' Comp or justified termination?
The Unions sour grapes has cost them millions and I doubt that Walker will be recalled.

In fact I think he will win in a landslide and get re-elected to boot.

The Unions should have saved their money and tried to oust him during the regular election cycle. Instead they have wasted millions of the dues paying members money on this bs recall bid which is gonna bite them in the ass.

Think a big chunk of ass is gonna be missing.

Go Walker.

If I was a union member I would be furious that my money was wasted.
Thank the universe! I was so glad when I first heard about what Gov Walker is doing. Finally some one standing up to those unions.

Our country is being destroyed by both the ultra-rich and the labor unions who pretend to be working for the working class, when in truth they're just profiting off them like everyone else.

I think Hawaii has the absolute worst labor unions in the US. Hard to run a small business with all the union representatives knocking on your door threatening small business owners if they don't sign outrageous contracts giving them pretty much all the authority over your business -- (bosses can't fire, hire, or even discipline someone (even if they're caught red-handed stealing from the company) until the union looks over it, and they have to approve the decision) --

Also all the workers comp cases where the employer is assumed GUILTY as opposed to innocent and must prove beyond a reasonable doubt the worker is lying.
There are only four basic defenses against that kind of union thuggery.

1. Hire no one. Be so small you can do it by yourself, or only with immediate family if that much.

2. Don't start. Don't feed the beasties or open yourself to attack.

3. Move out of state. If you live in a shit 'laboratory of democracy', move to another one. This by far the best, but hardest to do.

4. Go into politics with your goal to destroy the union's stranglehold on the state. Then start a business after being successful.
Thank the universe! I was so glad when I first heard about what Gov Walker is doing. Finally some one standing up to those unions.

Our country is being destroyed by both the ultra-rich and the labor unions who pretend to be working for the working class, when in truth they're just profiting off them like everyone else.

I think Hawaii has the absolute worst labor unions in the US. Hard to run a small business with all the union representatives knocking on your door threatening small business owners if they don't sign outrageous contracts giving them pretty much all the authority over your business -- (bosses can't fire, hire, or even discipline someone (even if they're caught red-handed stealing from the company) until the union looks over it, and they have to approve the decision) --

Also all the workers comp cases where the employer is assumed GUILTY as opposed to innocent and must prove beyond a reasonable doubt the worker is lying.
There are only four basic defenses against that kind of union thuggery.

1. Hire no one. Be so small you can do it by yourself, or only with immediate family if that much.

2. Don't start. Don't feed the beasties or open yourself to attack.

3. Move out of state. If you live in a shit 'laboratory of democracy', move to another one. This by far the best, but hardest to do.

4. Go into politics with your goal to destroy the union's stranglehold on the state. Then start a business after being successful.

3 and 4 works for me. When do we start?
You already live in a pretty good state, so go to option 4 unless you know something I don't. I live in WI, so it's already being done.
You already live in a pretty good state, so go to option 4 unless you know something I don't. I live in WI, so it's already being done.

North Carolina is not union friendly and thanks North Carolina is a great state to live in. Now if we can just get rid of the democrats it will be an even better state.:lol:
I think Walker needs to sit down with Congress and give them some guidelines on how to make a budget that works. :D
I think Walker needs to sit down with Congress and give them some guidelines on how to make a budget that works. :D

Problem is...the numbers aren't adding up.

Walker says he added 33,000 jobs, outside sources say WI has LOST 27,000 jobs.

Wisconsin missing out on U.S. jobs gains -

That link is the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel which enforced Walker both in the original election AND now the recall.

Walker is likely to win the recall, but still lose the Governor seat, the John Doe investigation is closing in on him.
I think Walker needs to sit down with Congress and give them some guidelines on how to make a budget that works. :D

Problem is...the numbers aren't adding up.

Walker says he added 33,000 jobs, outside sources say WI has LOST 27,000 jobs.

Wisconsin missing out on U.S. jobs gains -

That link is the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel which enforced Walker both in the original election AND now the recall.

Walker is likely to win the recall, but still lose the Governor seat, the John Doe investigation is closing in on him.

Just like obama's labor departments unemployment numbers?
I think Walker needs to sit down with Congress and give them some guidelines on how to make a budget that works. :D

Problem is...the numbers aren't adding up.

Walker says he added 33,000 jobs, outside sources say WI has LOST 27,000 jobs.

Wisconsin missing out on U.S. jobs gains -

That link is the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel which enforced Walker both in the original election AND now the recall.

Walker is likely to win the recall, but still lose the Governor seat, the John Doe investigation is closing in on him.

The problem with Democrat math is that, if it's wrong, and it usually is, everyone knows it.

When Reagan was running for a second term, an unbiased viewer of the MSM would have concluded that he was retarded, his administration was corrupt, the country was circling the drain and that he would lose by a landslide.

Turns out he came within .18% of the vote in Minnesota, home state of his opponent, of carrying every state in the Union. A recount probably would have given it to Reagan, but why bother?

Now, with a healthy and thriving not so main stream media, there are alternative voices to be heard and the Democrat ideologues and their tripe that stinks on ice is shown for what it is.

The good people of Wisconsin are proving to not be the dupes of the Democrat info machine. It's all coming down around you. Walker was right. The unions were wrong and the people of Wisconsin know it.

Hell, by now the Unions of Wisconsin probably know it.

The lie is over.
I hope Walker wins by 20%- send a message to these Union thugs....
Leaked rumors about internal polling from the Barrett campaign suggest a 15-18 point lead for Walker. You might get your wish. Even many of my liberal friends are not happy with the unions and out of state corruption with the recall effort from the left. Madison's near riots by professional leftists has not been forgotten or forgiven.

I see a blow out- Walker's reforms saved millions and saved jobs. Winning, DAH!!
I think Walker needs to sit down with Congress and give them some guidelines on how to make a budget that works. :D

Problem is...the numbers aren't adding up.

Walker says he added 33,000 jobs, outside sources say WI has LOST 27,000 jobs.

Wisconsin missing out on U.S. jobs gains -

That link is the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel which enforced Walker both in the original election AND now the recall.

Walker is likely to win the recall, but still lose the Governor seat, the John Doe investigation is closing in on him.

The problem with Democrat math is that, if it's wrong, and it usually is, everyone knows it.

When Reagan was running for a second term, an unbiased viewer of the MSM would have concluded that he was retarded, his administration was corrupt, the country was circling the drain and that he would lose by a landslide.

Turns out he came within .18% of the vote in Minnesota, home state of his opponent, of carrying every state in the Union. A recount probably would have given it to Reagan, but why bother?

Now, with a healthy and thriving not so main stream media, there are alternative voices to be heard and the Democrat ideologues and their tripe that stinks on ice is shown for what it is.

The good people of Wisconsin are proving to not be the dupes of the Democrat info machine. It's all coming down around you. Walker was right. The unions were wrong and the people of Wisconsin know it.

Hell, by now the Unions of Wisconsin probably know it.

The lie is over.

Wow, that was amazing. You babbled on for a solid 10 minutes, and didn't manage to even sideswipe what he said. You should run for President, with skills like that you'll win for sure.

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