Thank you, Governor De Santis, for your hurricane press conference

Wow you came so close to posting something without bringing up Trump even indirectly but you.
My niece lives in Jacksonville and she told me she never met anybody in Florida that didn't love DeSantis. The question is does he have the same fight in him as Trump. When the MSM went after Trump he attacked them right back calling them liars and corrupt. When anybody threw a punch at Trump he blocked it and threw a harder punch right back. I don't know that DeSantis has that in him.
DeSantis seems to stand up for his constituents. He is willing to fight but not quite as eager as Trump who will fight anyone who says anything negative about him. DeSantis picks his fights and doesn’t fight unnecessary ones.
Aw! Did that hurt your fewings?
Get over yourself. There is a bunch dead people in Florida tonight that were alive before the hurricane. He just doesn't have time for childish political stunts, right now. I am sure he will be back to entertain you in a month or so.
You just can't admit it was a brilliant move, can you?

What DeSantis did was expose the left for the hypocrites they are. They're all for spending money on stupid shit, just as long as it's not their money. They're all for illegals entering this country, just as long as they don't have to deal with them. So who paid for those buses and planes Dementia put those people on to fly them all over the country coast to coast?
Nope. Not brilliant. Stupid describes it better. He doesn't have enough migrants in his state to pull it off, so he sends people to Texas to trick them into a dumbass photo op? Grow up, Ray.
Nope. Not brilliant. Stupid describes it better. He doesn't have enough migrants in his state to pull it off, so he sends people to Texas to trick them into a dumbass photo op? Grow up, Ray.

When has he ever sent migrants to Texas? He doesn't have enough migrants to pull it off? It only took 50 of them to accomplish what he wanted.
When has he ever sent migrants to Texas? He doesn't have enough migrants to pull it off? It only took 50 of them to accomplish what he wanted.
OK, Ray. Explain it to me. Why did the Governor of Florida not have enough migrants in his state, the Governor (for the State of Florida and air travel at Florida taxpayers expense) hire a foreign immigrant head hunter, to round up fellow immigrants from his country in Texas, have leaflets printed, promising job, and assistance at a destination, (not in Florida) and dump those people up there in Martha's Vineyard, without even letting anybody know where they were coming, or for that matter didn't even tell the migrants where they were going until almost there.
It was a childish, stupid stunt on the Florida dime. Massachusetts and the Massachusetts National Guard sprang into action and perform very well, just as you might expect.
Get over yourself. There is a bunch dead people in Florida tonight that were alive before the hurricane. He just doesn't have time for childish political stunts, right now. I am sure he will be back to entertain you in a month or so.
I’m not the one trying so hard to make it about Trump dummy…
OK, Ray. Explain it to me. Why did the Governor of Florida not have enough migrants in his state, the Governor (for the State of Florida and air travel at Florida taxpayers expense) hire a foreign immigrant head hunter, to round up fellow immigrants from his country in Texas, have leaflets printed, promising job, and assistance at a destination, (not in Florida) and dump those people up there in Martha's Vineyard, without even letting anybody know where they were coming, or for that matter didn't even tell the migrants where they were going until almost there.
It was a childish, stupid stunt on the Florida dime. Massachusetts and the Massachusetts National Guard sprang into action and perform very well, just as you might expect.

The invaders had to sign a form (in their language) stating they knew where they were going and it was optional before boarding the plane. What Governor DeSantis did was get his point across. I can't give him credit for the idea because Trump came up with it while he was President.

It's liberals that support the party of open borders, so let them experience what open borders really means before the election so they can vote properly. Allowing these millions of people in sounds compassionate until you have to deal with the problem which the people in MV never had to before. Texas has a hundred times larger problem as they have to deal with 50 migrants an hour yet alone one time only. Let these people in the commie areas experience what they voted for instead of voting for a problem other people have to deal with.
Thank you Governor DeSantis!

Ian hit us on Wednesday. We had 90 MPH winds at my house. Fortunately no structural damage to my house but fallen tree limbs, fence down and some damage to my tool shed. No flood damage but I am on high ground.

We were without electricity until a couple of hours ago.

DeSantis and his crew at the state level have been doing a great job with coordination. Everything from getting in emergency crews to coordinating rescue and recovery efforts. Good to have a competent Governor. I cringe when I think of how things would have been screwed up if that cokehead homo Democrat Andrew Gilliam had been elected.

There are over 30,000 electrical linemen from out of state and they are quickly restoring power. DeSantis requested help from out of state NG troops to work in the hardest hit areas.

On top of that DeSantis and the Republicans in the Legislature are going away with the state tax on gas for October. That will cut the price significantly making recovery a little less expensive.

By the way, Potatohead lied to the American people once again. This was devestating storm but not the worse to hit Florida like the idiot said. There were several more that had a tremendous more loss of life.

Nature will do what she will do and this hurricane kind of changed direction at the last minute. It was suppose to hit Tampa dead on but instead came in further South.

When they show a cone on a map and say the storm could hit anywhere in that cone they really mean it. That centerline is not neccessarily where it is going.
Can you imagine what piece of shit you would be to post this?

Kamala on Hurricane Ian relief:

The Biden administration will focus on “giving resources based on equity” by directing funds to “communities of color”

End Wokeness (@EndWokeness)
September 30, 2022
Nature will do what she will do and this hurricane kind of changed direction at the last minute. It was suppose to hit Tampa dead on but instead came in further South.

When they show a cone on a map and say the storm could hit anywhere in that cone they really mean it. That centerline is not neccessarily where it is going.

Nobody can really accurately predict the weather in changing circumstance. Just wish the leftists would understand that when they talk about the end if the earth with climate change.
Can you imagine what piece of shit you would be to post this?

Kamala on Hurricane Ian relief:

The Biden administration will focus on “giving resources based on equity” by directing funds to “communities of color”

End Wokeness (@EndWokeness)
September 30, 2022
Ah, Harris vote pandering again with “equity”. Her words reveal she supports special treatment not equal treatment based upon skin tone. That is, by definition, racist.

Harris will remain as clueless as Biden regarding any sense of what fair really means, and she’s trying to use the skin tone card when it comes to helping families recover from devastating loss. Lovely.
I’m not the one trying so hard to make it about Trump dummy…
I was making it about DeSantis, dummy. Afterall the thread is about "Thank you, Governor De Santis, for your hurricane press conference".
Are you on the correct thread, you thought you were?
The invaders had to sign a form (in their language) stating they knew where they were going and it was optional before boarding the plane. What Governor DeSantis did was get his point across. I can't give him credit for the idea because Trump came up with it while he was President.

It's liberals that support the party of open borders, so let them experience what open borders really means before the election so they can vote properly. Allowing these millions of people in sounds compassionate until you have to deal with the problem which the people in MV never had to before. Texas has a hundred times larger problem as they have to deal with 50 migrants an hour yet alone one time only. Let these people in the commie areas experience what they voted for instead of voting for a problem other people have to deal with.
He did not get his point across to anybody that is aware, the Texas migrants were in Texas, DeSantos hire a migrant in Texas to lie to these people, tricking them into think there really was help planned for the other end, when the other end didn't even know they were coming. It was another example of some dumbass republican of low character, putting on a show for the masses, using disadvantaged people for fun and publicity, with some people too stupid and of low enough character to know it is wrong, and lap it up as if free trips to the salad bar are back. It gives me 2 people I will not vote for in 2024, Trump and now DeSantis, because, like I have been telling you for over two years. Character Counts and those two are of proven low character.
He did not get his point across to anybody that is aware, the Texas migrants were in Texas, DeSantos hire a migrant in Texas to lie to these people, tricking them into think there really was help planned for the other end, when the other end didn't even know they were coming. It was another example of some dumbass republican of low character, putting on a show for the masses, using disadvantaged people for fun and publicity, with some people too stupid and of low enough character to know it is wrong, and lap it up as if free trips to the salad bar are back. It gives me 2 people I will not vote for in 2024, Trump and now DeSantis, because, like I have been telling you for over two years. Character Counts and those two are of proven low character.

If DeSantis told people that he's sending migrants to MV, they would have done everything in their power to stop them from coming including getting Dementia involved. But this reminds me of last election: forget about the country, vote with your anger. Well.........we see how well that worked out for us with record high gas prices, highest inflation in 40 years, highest interest rate in 14 years, and according to the BP, the worse border problem we've had in over 20 years. But hey........ at least we don't have to put up with meanie Tweets anymore, so I guess that makes it worth it.

If anybody is using "disadvantaged people" it's the left. Close to 800 migrant deaths since Dementia took over including children and those "disadvantaged people" frying in the back of a tractor-trailer to their death. Oh, and forget about those over 100,000 Americans that died from fentanyl or other narcotics laced with the stuff. They are just casualties of love and compassion.
Ah, Harris vote pandering again with “equity”. Her words reveal she supports special treatment not equal treatment based upon skin tone. That is, by definition, racist.

Harris will remain as clueless as Biden regarding any sense of what fair really means, and she’s trying to use the skin tone card when it comes to helping families recover from devastating loss. Lovely.

The left gets a free pass on racism, just like they virtually ignored the story about Lori Lighthead stating she will not do interviews with white people.

If DeSantis told people that he's sending migrants to MV, they would have done everything in their power to stop them from coming including getting Dementia involved. But this reminds me of last election: forget about the country, vote with your anger. Well.........we see how well that worked out for us with record high gas prices, highest inflation in 40 years, highest interest rate in 14 years, and according to the BP, the worse border problem we've had in over 20 years. But hey........ at least we don't have to put up with meanie Tweets anymore, so I guess that makes it worth it.

If anybody is using "disadvantaged people" it's the left. Close to 800 migrant deaths since Dementia took over including children and those "disadvantaged people" frying in the back of a tractor-trailer to their death. Oh, and forget about those over 100,000 Americans that died from fentanyl or other narcotics laced with the stuff. They are just casualties of love and compassion.
They were not even living in his state to be sent anywhere at Florida State expense. We do not know what they would have done up there, just as we don't know how the civil war would have turned out if one side had air superiority, while the other side was assisted by space aliens.
Reaching at any excuse for a silver lining: I caught some of this morning's hurricane briefing with Florida Governor De Santis. What I saw during that time:
  • He didn't go off on childish tangents about how wonderful and effective he is
  • He didn't pollute his comments with ridiculous hyperbole and insulting grandiosity
  • He didn't restrict his comments to only terms that would animate his political base
  • He thanked a wide variety of states for their assistance without regard to their politics
  • He didn't pat himself on the back for any and every positive thing that has taken place
  • He spoke very well extemporaneously, using adult words and clear sentence structure
  • He focused on informing and not on entertaining or persuading or selling
  • He gave no indication that he was trying to bullshit anyone or downplay the situation
  • He appeared stable and in control given the terrible circumstances his state faces
  • He clearly understood the gravity of the situation and behaved accordingly
  • He gave the impression of an intelligent and serious adult who sees the big picture.
In short, I was left with the impression that, when things really matter, he is capable of rising to the occasion, eschewing standard partisan trolling, and displaying adult leadership qualities. If we find him in a higher position at some point, my confidence has increased that he'll be able to maintain those qualities.

What a relief that was, and such a refreshing change from his party's standard bearer.

Good OP comment. I don’t like DeSantis as my Governor and I would not vote for him as President if he runs. His close identification with Trump and “Trumpism” rules this out for me. But as you say he spoke well before our hurricane here and showed he is a competent administrator. None of the Trump idiocy or divisiveness we’ve seen in the past. No chest pounding divisiveness interjected. I was pleasantly surprised by his conduct during this crisis.

A hurricane related tornado touched down about a thousand feet from my home and I feel grateful we were not hit by it. My own community responded well.

I don’t give credit to any politician for this, but it was great to see political partisanship take a back seat for once as decent neighbors, community organizations, local fireman and first providers all came out quickly to help those in need. We were far from the hurricane center and the freak tornado was like a bolt out of the blue effecting only a relatively small number here, which helped of course. It is great to see up close government and people working together in such an emergency.
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