Thank you Joe Biden for lower gas prices.

You're not a Democrat but you're stupid as shit.

You nazi, there's plenty of areas to drill. The oil industry is currently sitting on over 9000 permits...

You forgot Jo stop issuing permits dumbass
You are busted liar....

I wouldn't quibble over 5 cents.

But the 1 day flash sale where they are sold out is bullshit.

That is not a price that reflects what normal stores are charging.

Turkey has ALWAYS been a loss leader, as far back as I can remember. That's why major supermarkets require a minimum purchase and limit you to one.

Even with that, prices are way up this year.

Ham is outrageous.

I always smoke a turkey and a ham at Thanksgiving.

Farouk celebrated last weekend - was it Pol Pot's birthday or something? Not surprised he doesn't celebrate Thanksgiving, though,
Gas prices going up leading into a holiday was the trend for a long time but over the last few years at least here it has gone the way we are seeing now it drops leading up to the holiday and has shot back up after the holiday be interesting to see if this trend happens after the Thanksgiving holiday.
He JACKS the prices UP, then sells ALL OF OUR OIL RESERVES TO CHINA, then LIES ABOUT IT!!!

THEN the fucktard TAKES CREDIT for dropping the price after price gouging them!!!!

When prices drop BELOW what they were when Trump was in office, THEN the piece of toxic shit can be thanked!

Vlad Putin lowered gas prices.

I mean Quid Pro said Vlad is in control of gas prices, so if they went down, that's just Putin being magnanimous.
You claimed $.49

So you went scrambling for a loss leader when you got called on your bullshit. (love the "out of stock" disclaimer)

Who the fuck is Publix? Is that an east coast chain? Never heard of them.


Oh look, another idiot who doesn't know "est" stands for "estimate." And they weren't out last week.

Amusing how desperate you rambtards are.
Doesn't matter, you moron. They still have over 9000.
Psaki has made the claim about “unused” federal leases before. It has become a line the White House pivots to when pressed to explain why it isn’t doing more to support American oil and gas production – with soaring demand putting upward pressure on prices and with much of Europe at the mercy of its top energy provider, Russia. Key facts about federal leases:

  • The law already requires companies to either produce oil and/or gas on leases or return the leases to the government – the so-called “use it or lose it” provision – generally in the first 10 years.
  • When a company acquires a lease, it makes a significant financial investment at the beginning of the lease in the form of a non-refundable bonus bid and pays additional rent until and unless it begins producing.
  • For federal onshore, the Mineral Leasing Act prevents any one company from locking up unproductive excessive federal acreage.
  • Developing a lease takes years and substantial effort to determine whether the underlying geology holds commercial quantities of oil and/or gas. The lengthy process to develop them from a lease often is extended by administrative and legal challenges at every step along the way.
I wouldn't quibble over 5 cents.

But the 1 day flash sale where they are sold out is bullshit.

That is not a price that reflects what normal stores are charging.

Turkey has ALWAYS been a loss leader, as far back as I can remember. That's why major supermarkets require a minimum purchase and limit you to one.

Even with that, prices are way up this year.

Ham is outrageous.

I always smoke a turkey and a ham at Thanksgiving.

Farouk celebrated last weekend - was it Pol Pot's birthday or something? Not surprised he doesn't celebrate Thanksgiving, though,

We celebrated early with family and friends cause we're gonna be out of town on Thanksgiving.
Psaki has made the claim about “unused” federal leases before. It has become a line the White House pivots to when pressed to explain why it isn’t doing more to support American oil and gas production – with soaring demand putting upward pressure on prices and with much of Europe at the mercy of its top energy provider, Russia. Key facts about federal leases:

  • The law already requires companies to either produce oil and/or gas on leases or return the leases to the government – the so-called “use it or lose it” provision – generally in the first 10 years.
  • When a company acquires a lease, it makes a significant financial investment at the beginning of the lease in the form of a non-refundable bonus bid and pays additional rent until and unless it begins producing.
  • For federal onshore, the Mineral Leasing Act prevents any one company from locking up unproductive excessive federal acreage.
  • Developing a lease takes years and substantial effort to determine whether the underlying geology holds commercial quantities of oil and/or gas. The lengthy process to develop them from a lease often is extended by administrative and legal challenges at every step along the way.

And they're still sitting on over 9000 permits... not leases.
Dinner was phenomenal. She did a full Thanksgiving dinner for 15 people. Sucks to be you, rambtard.
I feel bad for you if you had to get your Thanksgiving dinner from a soup kitchen... was it crowded?....
You're not a Democrat but you're stupid as shit.

You nazi, there's plenty of areas to drill. The oil industry is currently sitting on over 9000 permits...


You've been crushed for these lies for two years, but as a Nazi - you have zero integrity and just keep on lying.

First off, as your Nazi site FAILS to point out, "leases" are not permits.

President Biden has taken a number of steps to curb domestic fossil fuel production since taking office but has still turned to foreign dictators for oil as prices have ticked up.

The Biden administration has aggressively pushed its climate agenda, which includes a transition from fossil fuels to green energy, over its first 20 months in office. For example, it has taken aim at oil and natural gas pipelines, restrained leasing on federal lands and waters, moved forward with stringent climate disclosure rules for the private sector and introduced burdensome environmental regulations.

"Americans are taking it in the shorts because the Biden administration has basically declared war on American affordable, abundant energy," Dan Kish, a senior fellow at free-market think tank Institute for Energy Research, told Fox News Digital in an interview.}


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