Thank You President Obama For Never Lying!

Yes far left drones that make threads such as these think that if you bump their thread that you are making their point for them..

That idea is just as stupid as voting for the far left !
Oh Obama has lied like any president has in American history. That's just part of the role of politics. He's not perfect. He still has the distinction of having more integrity than any scumbag republican including the good ole St. Reagan. No facts whatsoever will keep the rightwing from realizing Reagan was a lying sack of shit like any other republican.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^

This. So much this.

And you armchair pundits can say what you want about Ronnie Ray Gun, his son, Ron Junior, has often spoken the truth about his dishonest daddy.

But the point of the OP is, I believe, that Obama's "lies" were nothing by comparison to Trump's.

Didn't Trump say something about getting rid of Wall Street cronies and DC insiders?

"Getting rid of" means sending them packing, running them out of town, denying them employment.

So Trump did NOT "get rid of" Wall Street cronies and DC insiders - HE STOCKED HIS FUCKING CABINET WITH THEM.

Do any of you comprehend how terrible a lie he told?

Had he told the truth he would have lost the election. But now that he's in and he's granting these positions, what do you think it will mean for you?

You're gonna miss Obama.
We have been blessed with 8 years of a president who never lied to the American people. Quite unusual for politicians.

We will now have a president who will likely never tell the American people the truth about anything. Sad!
wow, that is some good ganja right there...
Hope and Change anyone??

Well the Hope part was a lie but the change sure wasn't.
We have been blessed with 8 years of a president who never lied to the American people. Quite unusual for politicians.

We will now have a president who will likely never tell the American people the truth about anything. Sad!
Hillary lost because she would have perpetuated Big Ear's policies. That should tell you something about him.
We have been blessed with 8 years of a president who never lied to the American people. Quite unusual for politicians.

We will now have a president who will likely never tell the American people the truth about anything. Sad!
It's easy not to lie when you don't DO anything but smile and pat yourself on the back.
We have been blessed with 8 years of a president who never lied to the American people. Quite unusual for politicians.

We will now have a president who will likely never tell the American people the truth about anything. Sad!

"If you like your doctor" In other words sympleton, you're a 'tard...
Please show me in the ACA (Obamacare, for you idiots) text where it chooses your doctor, mandates which doctor you have, or makes you change your doctor.

It's not in there.

Insurance corporations made you change your doctor, based on their greed.

Now - what else have you got, dope?
Please show me in the ACA (Obamacare, for you idiots) text where it chooses your doctor, mandates which doctor you have, or makes you change your doctor.

It's not in there.

Insurance corporations made you change your doctor, based on their greed.


Fact check: If you like your health plan, you can keep it

Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'
We have been blessed with 8 years of a president who never lied to the American people. Quite unusual for politicians.

We will now have a president who will likely never tell the American people the truth about anything. Sad!

Dear Synthaholic
If you don't call it lying
can you explain how Obama pushed for ACA mandates
to get passed through Congress defending it as NOT A TAX
so it would pass.

Then turn around and push it AS A TAX to the
Supreme Court, which was the only argument that got it to pass.

A. Is the ACA a public health bill? or was it passed
as a tax revenue bill?

B. What do you call changing a bill in midstream
from a public health bill to a tax bill?
If that isn't lying or manipulation, what do you call it?

NOTE 1: Even if you argue it is both a public health bill
and a tax bill, are you honest enough to admit it would
NOT have passed through Congress if it had to be
presented as a TAX BILL in order to get approved by courts later?

NOTE 2: If both Congress, the Supreme Court and the Nation
are split at 50/50 both for and against the ACA, half arguing it
is constitutional and half arguing it isn't.

How can Obama and other federal officials claim to represent
the interests of the ENTIRE nation if they only defend one
side, the beliefs they agree with on this.

Isn't the Constitutional oath of office for defending the rights
and interests of ALL the public, not just the party that got you elected?

If you don't call this lying, manipulation or omission, what
do you call it?

NOTE 3: How can anyone, Obama included, claim to defend
Prochoice and the "right to choose" yet mandate that everyone
be required to pay for insurance, sign up for exchanges, join a
RELIGIOUS health share program, or be FINED by tax penalty.

What happened to the free choice of how to pay for and
provide for health care WITHOUT federal govt dictating fines?

Do you consider "lying to oneself" a form of lying?
Because that is what has people convinced that
liberal politics involves mental delusion or disease of some sort.

Saying you are prochoice while penalizing free choice of health care.
Doesn't make sense!

Can you please explain how any of this is intellectually honest?
Something had to be done. It was a total GOP scam obscenity...

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