Thank You President Obama For Never Lying!

Re: something had to be done

Answer honestly francoHFW and Synthaholic instead of abandoning your posts like cowardly soldiers:

The right wing prolife also believe something has to be done to end abortions: would you say the same thing to justify "right to life" mandates that take away free choice as you justify "right to health" mandates? That depriving citizens of free choice is Justified as long as people believe "something has to be done."??

Can you explain how this is prochoice when ACA imposes federal intervention and regulation of health care in forcing citizens into restricted choices or files for noncompliance?

Are you more honest than Obama or just as self-deceptive?

Please answer if you can.
I'd like to know I'm not the only prochoice progressive Democrat who calls out fellow Democrats on this violation of our own Party principles!

Am I the only one willing to put Constitutional principles above party politics?

Please let me know you get this!
Yes, you're obsessed with's over for 45 years now....

Something had to be done about all the people who had no insurance and the ridiculous cost of health care.
Does Obama Lie?

Does a wild bear shit in the woods?
Do illegals vote?
Is the pope Catholic?
Do red necks get into bar fights?
Does Campbell make soup?
Does Paula Deen like butter?
Do accordion players wear diamond rings?
Is our southern border secure (wait, that one doesn't count).

If Obama never told a lie my mother is a virgin, and I'm the Queen of England.
Just a GOP propaganda dupe....

The following is a complete list of U.S. Presidents who never lied:
Carter, Obama.
If you like you plan.....
Bad prediction of five years before. He didn't realize how much the dupes loved their scam GOP policies...
Right! He KNEW he was forcing companies to modify the plans they offered. Even an IDIOT like you could have figured out that people would lose plans they liked. You are about the most ridiculous example of blind acceptance of party dogma I have ever seen.
This is what plans that are NOT scams COST. Duh. Now they're GUARANTEED. No cutoffs and an annual cap. The cost rise has been lowered, but more work needs to be done. The GOP obstructed reform, but now Trump will get some done. Nationwide competition, going after hospital waste and fraud...
Oh, and let's not forget the 23 times he said he didn't have the constitutional authority to do what he did on immigration. So was he lying all those times or did he knowingly violate the Constitution?

My memory was defective, it was 22 times.

22 Times President Obama Said He Couldn’t Ignore or Create His Own Immigration Law
Said he couldn't grant amnesty. But he could certainly tell law enforcement to concentrate on criminals, not workers and students. (So that's GOP BULLSHYTTE, dupe.) And exactly what your Orange con man hero says he's going to do NOW. D'OH!! Enjoy the giant tax cut for the rich...
Dear francoHFW
I noticed you thought my msg was Funny. Thanks for the honest feedback. Now can You or Synthaholic explain
* how are Obama and Democrats prochoice, while pushing mandates that took away my choice of paying and providing universal care OTHER WAYS by imposing ACA regulations on exemptions that restrict CHOICES of paying for insurance and health plans penalize noncompliance. I no longer have freedom to choose as before, but face restrictions and fines I never consented to. Can you explain how this is prochoice? Who is lying, me or other Democrats including Obama and Pelosi ?
* was Obama lying when he pushed ACA and approved it claiming it was NOT a tax, or was Justice Roberts lying when changing the opinion and interpretation to approve ACA as a tax bill.

Who is lying or can either of you explain this? Thanks if you cannot answer do I need to drag you both into the Bullring to answer seriously instead of thinking people's civil liberties and right to Constitutional govt is a "laughing" manner.

On behalf of all the fellow Constitutionalist s and Veterans who lay down their life and pledge sacred duty to uphold the laws of the land, may I respectfully demand an answer!
Nobody is lying. To cover everyone, no more freeloaders.
Obama has never spoken the truth, ever. Even when he speaks his own name, there are lies. Is it Barry Soetero, or Barack Obama? Did he lie then or is he lying now? He has never told the truth.
We have been blessed with 8 years of a president who never lied to the American people. Quite unusual for politicians.

We will now have a president who will likely never tell the American people the truth about anything. Sad!

Oh wait. Were you being serious?
Oh, and let's not forget the 23 times he said he didn't have the constitutional authority to do what he did on immigration. So was he lying all those times or did he knowingly violate the Constitution?

My memory was defective, it was 22 times.

22 Times President Obama Said He Couldn’t Ignore or Create His Own Immigration Law
Said he couldn't grant amnesty. But he could certainly tell law enforcement to concentrate on criminals, not workers and students. (So that's GOP BULLSHYTTE, dupe.) And exactly what your Orange con man hero says he's going to do NOW. D'OH!! Enjoy the giant tax cut for the rich...

He also didn't have the authority to grant deferred deportation or work permits to people not legally eligible.
Says the dupe...Since the GOP refuses a good SS ID card, they can make their own lol...

I guess you missed the courts bitch slapping the SOB on the topic. I guess they agreed with his original assertions, he really didn't have the authority.
The OP still thinks we get to keep our doctor and our insurance plan that we liked.
We have been blessed with 8 years of a president who never lied to the American people. Quite unusual for politicians.

We will now have a president who will likely never tell the American people the truth about anything. Sad!

Oh wait. Were you being serious?

No, he's trolling.
We have been blessed with 8 years of a president who never lied to the American people. Quite unusual for politicians.

We will now have a president who will likely never tell the American people the truth about anything. Sad!

You are either stupid or willfully ignorant. Either way you continue to be just another Obama lickspittle...
We have been blessed with 8 years of a president who never lied to the American people. Quite unusual for politicians.

We will now have a president who will likely never tell the American people the truth about anything. Sad!

Lied... You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.
We have been blessed with 8 years of a president who never lied to the American people. Quite unusual for politicians.

We will now have a president who will likely never tell the American people the truth about anything. Sad!

Do you realize how utterly oblivious you have to be to say Obama never lied?

They are trying to claim the Obama administration has been scandal free as well. Never mind that their candidate, Hillary, lost because she was being investigated in several of this administrations scandals

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