Thank you President Obama

If you can't respect the person, at least respect the office, (of POTUS). All you right wing "patriots".
Based on the fact that he didn't open his damn mouth today.

It's best he just keep it shut.......The man is so inept, lacking in knowledge of the economy, and such a completely failed leader, it's best he just doesn't say anything at all. Everytime he does, things just get worse.....As was fully proven yet again yesterday when the market completely freefalled as the hogwash flowed from his ignorant mouth.
After reading this board yesterday, I never understood how your policies had so much effect on the stock market. Yesterday it was all your fault the stock market dived but today you get all the credit from the bounce back! Well done indeed Mr President Obama! :clap2:
Based on the fact that he didn't open his damn mouth today.

It's best he just keep it shut.......The man is so inept, lacking in knowledge of the economy, and such a completely failed leader, it's best he just doesn't say anything at all. Everytime he does, things just get worse.....As was fully proven yet again yesterday when the market completely freefalled as the hogwash flowed from his ignorant mouth.
awwww.....if everything in the world is his fault, as you wingnuts are quick to claim (like the stock market yesterday), then this must be to his credit.
Interesting how some on the left credit Obama for the markets being up today, yet they won't blame him for the markets being down yesterday.


I was just waiting for that hypocritical post.

i'm in favor of anything that encourages him to STFU

good job, prez, keep it up
And he made all the people who fled the stock market yesterday buy treasuries which was a reeally good move for the country.

Hes one amazing guy
If you can't respect the person, at least respect the office, (of POTUS). All you right wing "patriots".

Personally, I respect him as an individual. I respect the Office of President. But... as a President... Obama makes a mighty fine dogcatcher.

*Sits back and awaits accusations of 'racism'. :lol:*
Based on the fact that he didn't open his damn mouth today.

It's best he just keep it shut.......The man is so inept, lacking in knowledge of the economy, and such a completely failed leader, it's best he just doesn't say anything at all. Everytime he does, things just get worse.....As was fully proven yet again yesterday when the market completely freefalled as the hogwash flowed from his ignorant mouth.
awwww.....if everything in the world is his fault, as you wingnuts are quick to claim (like the stock market yesterday), then this must be to his credit.
Face it, the man is a failure. His leadership is a failure. His econimic policies have driven this country into the ditch. Business leaders large and small have zero confidence in him. Investors have zero confidence in him.

You can shill for the man until the cows show up on your doorstep. Doesn't change the fact that he has miserably failed EVERYBODY in this great country.

Oh well, at least I wasn't dumb enough to vote for the even back then empty suit....Only a dumbass wouldn't have been able to recognize during the campaign that the man was in no way a leader, nor capable of leading this great country.

I just don't see how anyone can attribute a gain in stocks today, to Obama.
Do you have specific reason for crediting him for this?
If they go down, will that be his fault?

It's interesting that so many people attribute so much power to this man, only when it helps their political agenda. When stocks go up, suddenly the Left is sure Obama made it happen. When stocks go down, the same people on the Right who say he had nothing to do with today, will be saying he has everything to do with it tomorrow.
And he made all the people who fled the stock market yesterday buy treasuries which was a reeally good move for the country.

Hes one amazing guy
Yeah! Remember how Dubya wanted to be on Mt. Rushmore? I think Obama would be more appropriate.

I just don't see how anyone can attribute a gain in stocks today, to Obama.
Do you have specific reason for crediting him for this?
If they go down, will that be his fault?

It's interesting that so many people attribute so much power to this man, only when it helps their political agenda. When stocks go up, suddenly the Left is sure Obama made it happen. When stocks go down, the same people on the Right who say he had nothing to do with today, will be saying he has everything to do with it tomorrow.
The mans words and presence hold power........Before he opened his mouth yesterday and started spewing his blame game drivel, stocks were consistently fluctuating around 2-300 loss. As soon as he started speaking, started blaming, and announced he would have a plan in a few weeks, stocks freefalled throughout his drivel fueled speech. We all watched it happen live in real time........And it's not the first time we've seen the exact same thing happen in the market while he speaks. It happened exactly the same way the last time we saw such a significat loss on his watch. He started speaking, as soon as it was apparent there was zero substance, the freefall began.

What it is, is there is no confidence among investors and business owners large and small that this man can lead us through this mess. He offers nothing. He hasn't a clue on the economy. Hasn't a clue on how to be a leader during crisis.
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