Thank You President Reagan For Smashing The Berlin Wall!


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
Ronaldus Magnus was the Greatest President ever, unless you count, Donaldus Magnus. He knocked the Evil Soviet Empire's dick in the dirt, and with his giant fists, reducing the Berlin Wall to a pile of rubble. He hit that wall so hard that it sent pieces of it flying all over the world. I even found a piece of it at the Goodwill store the other day.

But first, some history:

"Erected in the dead of night on August 13, 1961, the Berlin Wall (known as Berliner Mauer in German) was a physical division between West Berlin and East Germany in order to keep East Germans from feeling to the West. When the Berlin Wall fell on November 9, 1989, its destruction was nearly as instantaneous as its creation."

All About the Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall







Ronaldus Magnus was the Greatest President ever, unless you count, Donaldus Magnus. He knocked the Evil Soviet Empire's dick in the dirt, and with his giant fists, reducing the Berlin Wall to a pile of rubble. He hit that wall so hard that it sent pieces of it flying all over the world. I even found a piece of it at the Goodwill store the other day. But first, some history: "Erected in the dead of night on August 13, 1961, the Berlin Wall (known as Berliner Mauer in German) was a physical division between West Berlin and East Germany in order to keep East Germans from feeling to the West. When the Berlin Wall fell on November 9, 1989, its destruction was nearly as instantaneous as its creation."
All About the Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall
I remember a lot of Germans tearing down the wall, not Ronnie. When he asked Gorbachev to tear down the wall, he was ignored. The Germans did it themselves a few years later. It's not right to try and steal the glory from brave people who put their lives on the line.
I always prefer building to destruction. Trump will be even better president than Reagan, although the destruction of one of the most evil empire's is certainly no small feat.

Trump may defeat a other communist leftist hell (or for some people, utopia).
Ronaldus Magnus was the Greatest President ever, unless you count, Donaldus Magnus. He knocked the Evil Soviet Empire's dick in the dirt, and with his giant fists, reducing the Berlin Wall to a pile of rubble. He hit that wall so hard that it sent pieces of it flying all over the world. I even found a piece of it at the Goodwill store the other day. But first, some history: "Erected in the dead of night on August 13, 1961, the Berlin Wall (known as Berliner Mauer in German) was a physical division between West Berlin and East Germany in order to keep East Germans from feeling to the West. When the Berlin Wall fell on November 9, 1989, its destruction was nearly as instantaneous as its creation."
All About the Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall
I remember a lot of Germans tearing down the wall, not Ronnie. When he asked Gorbachev to tear down the wall, he was ignored. The Germans did it themselves a few years later. It's not right to try and steal the glory from brave people who put their lives on the line.
Reagan slept through most of it...
Ronaldus Magnus was the Greatest President ever, unless you count, Donaldus Magnus. He knocked the Evil Soviet Empire's dick in the dirt, and with his giant fists, reducing the Berlin Wall to a pile of rubble. He hit that wall so hard that it sent pieces of it flying all over the world. I even found a piece of it at the Goodwill store the other day. But first, some history: "Erected in the dead of night on August 13, 1961, the Berlin Wall (known as Berliner Mauer in German) was a physical division between West Berlin and East Germany in order to keep East Germans from feeling to the West. When the Berlin Wall fell on November 9, 1989, its destruction was nearly as instantaneous as its creation."
All About the Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall
I remember a lot of Germans tearing down the wall, not Ronnie. When he asked Gorbachev to tear down the wall, he was ignored. The Germans did it themselves a few years later. It's not right to try and steal the glory from brave people who put their lives on the line.
Exactly. Reagan did nothing to make that happen. He continues to be a delusion in the minds of weak Americans. Reagan’s entire legacy has been dismantled. The war on drugs is now a national joke with California his home state legalizing Weed today and nobody is buying into his failed anti government economic policies anymore either. Quadrupling the national debt and destroying the middle class is the only legacy he has now.
Ronaldus Magnus was the Greatest President ever, unless you count, Donaldus Magnus. He knocked the Evil Soviet Empire's dick in the dirt, and with his giant fists, reducing the Berlin Wall to a pile of rubble. He hit that wall so hard that it sent pieces of it flying all over the world. I even found a piece of it at the Goodwill store the other day. But first, some history: "Erected in the dead of night on August 13, 1961, the Berlin Wall (known as Berliner Mauer in German) was a physical division between West Berlin and East Germany in order to keep East Germans from feeling to the West. When the Berlin Wall fell on November 9, 1989, its destruction was nearly as instantaneous as its creation."
All About the Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall
I remember a lot of Germans tearing down the wall, not Ronnie. When he asked Gorbachev to tear down the wall, he was ignored. The Germans did it themselves a few years later. It's not right to try and steal the glory from brave people who put their lives on the line.

The American people put their lives on the line to stop the threat of Communism and to give German citizens the freedoms we also fought and died for in WW2. Many of us also gave our lives throughout the Cold War in places like Korea and Vietnam. Had Reagan not stood up and looked the Communist menace in the eye, Germany would still be two separate countries. Europeans owe us more than they could every repay.
I always prefer building to destruction. Trump will be even better president than Reagan, although the destruction of one of the most evil empire's is certainly no small feat.

Trump may defeat a other communist leftist hell (or for some people, utopia).

Trump is defeating entrenched worldwide communism, socialism, and globalism by both economic and military policies now.
Ronaldus Magnus was the Greatest President ever, unless you count, Donaldus Magnus. He knocked the Evil Soviet Empire's dick in the dirt, and with his giant fists, reducing the Berlin Wall to a pile of rubble. He hit that wall so hard that it sent pieces of it flying all over the world. I even found a piece of it at the Goodwill store the other day. But first, some history: "Erected in the dead of night on August 13, 1961, the Berlin Wall (known as Berliner Mauer in German) was a physical division between West Berlin and East Germany in order to keep East Germans from feeling to the West. When the Berlin Wall fell on November 9, 1989, its destruction was nearly as instantaneous as its creation."
All About the Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall
I remember a lot of Germans tearing down the wall, not Ronnie. When he asked Gorbachev to tear down the wall, he was ignored. The Germans did it themselves a few years later. It's not right to try and steal the glory from brave people who put their lives on the line.
Exactly. Reagan did nothing to make that happen. He continues to be a delusion in the minds of weak Americans. Reagan’s entire legacy has been dismantled. The war on drugs is now a national joke with California his home state legalizing Weed today and nobody is buying into his failed anti government economic policies anymore either. Quadrupling the national debt and destroying the middle class is the only legacy he has now.

You said "weak Americans". :lmao:

Want to test us?
Ronaldus Magnus was the Greatest President ever, unless you count, Donaldus Magnus. He knocked the Evil Soviet Empire's dick in the dirt, and with his giant fists, reducing the Berlin Wall to a pile of rubble. He hit that wall so hard that it sent pieces of it flying all over the world. I even found a piece of it at the Goodwill store the other day. But first, some history: "Erected in the dead of night on August 13, 1961, the Berlin Wall (known as Berliner Mauer in German) was a physical division between West Berlin and East Germany in order to keep East Germans from feeling to the West. When the Berlin Wall fell on November 9, 1989, its destruction was nearly as instantaneous as its creation."
All About the Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall
I remember a lot of Germans tearing down the wall, not Ronnie. When he asked Gorbachev to tear down the wall, he was ignored. The Germans did it themselves a few years later. It's not right to try and steal the glory from brave people who put their lives on the line.
Exactly. Reagan did nothing to make that happen. He continues to be a delusion in the minds of weak Americans. Reagan’s entire legacy has been dismantled. The war on drugs is now a national joke with California his home state legalizing Weed today and nobody is buying into his failed anti government economic policies anymore either. Quadrupling the national debt and destroying the middle class is the only legacy he has now.

You said "weak Americans". :lmao:

Want to test us?

Classic leftist projection.

He was talking about himself the entire time.
I always prefer building to destruction. Trump will be even better president than Reagan, although the destruction of one of the most evil empire's is certainly no small feat.
Trump may defeat a other communist leftist hell (or for some people, utopia).
Trump is defeating entrenched worldwide communism, socialism, and globalism by both economic and military policies now.
By cozying up to KGB poster child Putin?!?! :laugh2:
I always prefer building to destruction. Trump will be even better president than Reagan, although the destruction of one of the most evil empire's is certainly no small feat.
Trump may defeat a other communist leftist hell (or for some people, utopia).
Trump is defeating entrenched worldwide communism, socialism, and globalism by both economic and military policies now.
By cozying up to KGB poster child Putin?!?! :laugh2:

Holy shit, is the "RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA" conspiracy theory still alive?
The question is...
What exactly did Reagan do that resulted in the wall coming down other than giving a speech.?
For example, what were the ramifications, politically or economically, of the speech?
Ronaldus Magnus was the Greatest President ever, unless you count, Donaldus Magnus. He knocked the Evil Soviet Empire's dick in the dirt, and with his giant fists, reducing the Berlin Wall to a pile of rubble. He hit that wall so hard that it sent pieces of it flying all over the world. I even found a piece of it at the Goodwill store the other day. But first, some history: "Erected in the dead of night on August 13, 1961, the Berlin Wall (known as Berliner Mauer in German) was a physical division between West Berlin and East Germany in order to keep East Germans from feeling to the West. When the Berlin Wall fell on November 9, 1989, its destruction was nearly as instantaneous as its creation."
All About the Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall
I remember a lot of Germans tearing down the wall, not Ronnie. When he asked Gorbachev to tear down the wall, he was ignored. The Germans did it themselves a few years later. It's not right to try and steal the glory from brave people who put their lives on the line.
Exactly. Reagan did nothing to make that happen. He continues to be a delusion in the minds of weak Americans. Reagan’s entire legacy has been dismantled. The war on drugs is now a national joke with California his home state legalizing Weed today and nobody is buying into his failed anti government economic policies anymore either. Quadrupling the national debt and destroying the middle class is the only legacy he has now.

You said "weak Americans". :lmao:

Want to test us?

Classic leftist projection.

He was talking about himself the entire time.

"Himself" is not much of a challenge against a great America. :biggrin:

Leftism, liberalism, the progressive movement, and globalism is dying a quickly-accelerated death. The protests we saw after Trump's inauguration were nothing more the last gasp and death spasms of socialism in this country. Where America goes, the rest of the world follows, so I don't see much of a future for the worldwide progressive movement.
Ronaldus Magnus was the Greatest President ever, unless you count, Donaldus Magnus. He knocked the Evil Soviet Empire's dick in the dirt, and with his giant fists, reducing the Berlin Wall to a pile of rubble. He hit that wall so hard that it sent pieces of it flying all over the world. I even found a piece of it at the Goodwill store the other day. But first, some history: "Erected in the dead of night on August 13, 1961, the Berlin Wall (known as Berliner Mauer in German) was a physical division between West Berlin and East Germany in order to keep East Germans from feeling to the West. When the Berlin Wall fell on November 9, 1989, its destruction was nearly as instantaneous as its creation."
All About the Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall
I remember a lot of Germans tearing down the wall, not Ronnie. When he asked Gorbachev to tear down the wall, he was ignored. The Germans did it themselves a few years later. It's not right to try and steal the glory from brave people who put their lives on the line.

The American people put their lives on the line to stop the threat of Communism and to give German citizens the freedoms we also fought and died for in WW2. Many of us also gave our lives throughout the Cold War in places like Korea and Vietnam. Had Reagan not stood up and looked the Communist menace in the eye, Germany would still be two separate countries. Europeans owe us more than they could every repay.
Reagan could stare them in the eye till he died yet nothing was going to happen till those in charge decide it is going to happen,, and Reagan was not one of those in charge...
I always prefer building to destruction. Trump will be even better president than Reagan, although the destruction of one of the most evil empire's is certainly no small feat.
Trump may defeat a other communist leftist hell (or for some people, utopia).
Trump is defeating entrenched worldwide communism, socialism, and globalism by both economic and military policies now.
By cozying up to KGB poster child Putin?!?! :laugh2:

Fools believe what fools are gonna believe. We are a magnanimous country and what better way to have a real "Russian Reset" than by buttering up you enemy?

You leftist fools still think Donald Trump is a plain old ordinary "politician". He's way smarter than that.
I always prefer building to destruction. Trump will be even better president than Reagan, although the destruction of one of the most evil empire's is certainly no small feat.
Trump may defeat a other communist leftist hell (or for some people, utopia).
Trump is defeating entrenched worldwide communism, socialism, and globalism by both economic and military policies now.
By cozying up to KGB poster child Putin?!?! :laugh2:

Fools believe what fools are gonna believe. We are a magnanimous country and what better way to have a real "Russian Reset" than by buttering up you enemy?

You leftist fools still think Donald Trump is a plain old ordinary "politician". He's way smarter than that.
He's so overt he's covert..
The question is...
What exactly did Reagan do that resulted in the wall coming down other than giving a speech.?
For example, what were the ramifications, politically or economically, of the speech?

Military buildup. Probably when he brought up that we were going to develop the Strategic Defense Initiative "Star Wars" system. Russia realized that they couldn't economically compete with the idea of orbiting death machines, and their economy couldn't support the amount of military spending to keep up with us.
I always prefer building to destruction. Trump will be even better president than Reagan, although the destruction of one of the most evil empire's is certainly no small feat.
Trump may defeat a other communist leftist hell (or for some people, utopia).
Trump is defeating entrenched worldwide communism, socialism, and globalism by both economic and military policies now.
By cozying up to KGB poster child Putin?!?! :laugh2:

Holy shit, is the "RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA" conspiracy theory still alive?

The libs sure as hell thought Senator Joe McCarthy was a nutcase when he pointed out Russia's interference in our political system in the 50's. They're not laughing now.


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