Chomsky: When Clinton Moved NATO Missiles Right Up to the Russian Border After Promising Not to, After Fall of Berlin Wall

Getting downright boring hearing the same old same old, Russia expansionist bad guys, Ukraine like Davy and Goliath good guys. It's way more complicated than that. Hopefully Chomsky will do for a source for the lefties who want to say anyone who says anything nice about Russia is just a right-wing, Trump-sucking, Putin-lover.

These Neocon nuts have brought us right to the brink of nuclear war. A neutral Ukraine is the way to go. We would never have a Warsaw Pact country on our border, why would be expect Putin to tolerate the equivalent?

Noam Chomsky, Dec. 23, 2021

"The broader context reaches back to the collapse of the Soviet Union 30 years ago. There were three contrasting visions of the global order that should be established in the wake of its collapse. All accepted that Germany would be unified and would join NATO — a remarkable concession by Russia, considering that Germany alone, not part of a hostile military alliance, had virtually destroyed Russia twice in the past century, a third time joining with the West (including the U.S.), in the “intervention” immediately after the Bolsheviks took power.

One proposal was Mikhail Gorbachev’s: a Eurasian security system from the Atlantic to Vladivostok, with no military blocs. The U.S. never considered that as an option. A second proposal was offered by George H.W. Bush and his Secretary of State James Baker, endorsed by West Germany: NATO would not move “one inch to the East,” meaning East Berlin; nothing beyond was contemplated, at least publicly. The third was Bill Clinton’s: NATO would move all the way to the Russian border, carry out military maneuvers in the states adjoining Russia, and place weapons on the Russian border that the U.S. would certainly regard as offensive weapons in the (inconceivable) event that it would even tolerate anything remotely comparable anywhere in its vicinity. It was the Clinton Doctrine that was implemented."

Noam Chomsky, Keeping Ukraine Neutral Offers Path to Peace.

Chomsky is controlled opposition fir the nwo.He toots the governments version of events oswald shot kennedy and the 9/11 version as well
Those who recognize the border between Russia and Ukraine is a relatively small part of a much larger rivalry between the US and Europe on one side and Russia on the other might suspect American support for neo-Nazis in Mariupol drives more of Putin's planning than any intention of rebuilding Imperial Russia.

Anyone who remembers how a democratically elected president was removed from power by a US supported coup in 2014 might understand Putin's desire to protect his own borders by expelling Nazis from Mariupol, for example:

Chomsky: Outdated US Cold War Policy Worsens Ongoing Russia-Ukraine Conflict

"What happened in 2014, whatever one thinks of it, amounted to a coup with U.S. support that replaced the Russia-oriented government by a Western-oriented one.

"That led Russia to annex Crimea, mainly to protect its sole warm water port and naval base, and apparently with the agreement of a considerable majority of the Crimean population.

"There’s extensive scholarship on the complexities, particularly Richard Sakwa’s Frontline Ukraine and more recent work."
It appears many Americans think don’t give me no fucking history. That’s too difficult. Keep it simple…Putin bad Z good.
Chomsky is controlled opposition fir the nwo.He toots the governments version of events oswald shot kennedy and the 9/11 version as well
Yep. He even said something like we need to imprison the unvaxxed. The old man was great once. He’s lost his mind now.
It appears many Americans think don’t give me no fucking history. That’s too difficult. Keep it sim`ple…Putin bad Z good.
But the thread started out with a historical fallacy. And George's post is a supposition. It is clear that Ukraine's conflict is more difficult to resolve because the Soviets "settled" ethnic russians in Ukraine. But the ethnic russians being there is not the cause of the conflict, but rather a one of the consequences of russia attempting to claim Ukriane as russian. Most people in Ukraine do not agree.
Yep. He even said something like we need to imprison the unvaxxed. The old man was great once. He’s lost his mind now.
Wow I did not know about that one.if he was not obvious to people before thst he was evil,he is now.that’s fir sure.
Chomsky neocon? Bill Clinton bombed Yugoslavia when he was caught with his pants down and the liberal media loved it.
who'd possibly think russia would use military force to coearce former puppet states to rejoin the empire.
Those who recognize the border between Russia and Ukraine is a relatively small part of a much larger rivalry between the US and Europe on one side and Russia on the other might suspect American support for neo-Nazis in Mariupol drives more of Putin's planning than any intention of rebuilding Imperial Russia.

Sarcasm aside, this thread is really piss poor propaganda. After the Soviet's fall, most of the world hoped for peaceful co-existence, but once Putin got a spot, he invaded chechneya (after possibly engineering a false flag operation and killing his own citizens) and annexing land in Georgia and Moldova
You didn't mention Mikhail Gorbachev's vision of a Eurasian security system from the Atlantic to Vladivostok without any military blocs.

Why is that?

Chomsky: Outdated US Cold War Policy Worsens Ongoing Russia-Ukraine Conflict

The broader context reaches back to the collapse of the Soviet Union 30 years ago.

"There were three contrasting visions of the global order that should be established in the wake of its collapse.

"All accepted that Germany would be unified and would join NATO — a remarkable concession by Russia, considering that Germany alone, not part of a hostile military alliance, had virtually destroyed Russia twice in the past century, a third time joining with the West (including the U.S.), in the 'intervention' immediately after the Bolsheviks took power.

"One proposal was Mikhail Gorbachev’s: a Eurasian security system from the Atlantic to Vladivostok, with no military blocs.

"The U.S. never considered that as an option.

"A second proposal was offered by George H.W. Bush and his Secretary of State James Baker, endorsed by West Germany: NATO would not move 'one inch to the East,' meaning East Berlin; nothing beyond was contemplated, at least publicly.

"The third was Bill Clinton’s: NATO would move all the way to the Russian border, carry out military maneuvers in the states adjoining Russia, and place weapons on the Russian border that the U.S. would certainly regard as offensive weapons in the (inconceivable) event that it would even tolerate anything remotely comparable anywhere in its vicinity.

"It was the Clinton Doctrine that was implemented."
But the thread started out with a historical fallacy. And George's post is a supposition. It is clear that Ukraine's conflict is more difficult to resolve because the Soviets "settled" ethnic russians in Ukraine. But the ethnic russians being there is not the cause of the conflict, but rather a one of the consequences of russia attempting to claim Ukriane as russian. Most people in Ukraine do not agree.
Stop with the rambling,Russia has no interest in Ukraine anymore than Biden gives a shit about the America people or world peace.Russia just merely is taking steps to keep The Ukraine with the help of NATO,from invading which was the plan,they invaded first to keep them from doing thst,fir once NATO is not getting their way though and is getting a major ass beating. NATO has military bases all over the world surrounding other countries,this time fir once they are nit getting their way being the big bad bullies on the block,stop listening to the idiot box in the living room.turn it off.
It appears many Americans think don’t give me no fucking history. That’s too difficult. Keep it simple…Putin bad Z good.
Americans are being led to believe Ukrainian corruption disappeared when Zelensky became president:

Release opposition leader, EU tells Ukraine's Zelensky – media

"European Union leaders have reportedly expressed concern over restrictions on one of Kiev’s top politicians and sanctions on domestic news outlets.

"A top Ukrainian news site has reported that EU officials have called on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to release Viktor Medvedchuk, the leader of the country’s largest opposition party. The politician was placed under house arrest earlier this year.".

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