Thank You President Reagan For Smashing The Berlin Wall!

In constant owning the ass of this stupid fuck arrogant child OP immatue troll to immature and childish to admit he was taken to school by me . this is the sign that ALL the evil murdering politican traiters to america and world leaders part of the NWO agenda to destory america that reagan got the ball rolling on that each president since then has continued that Bush,Clinton,Obama AND REAGAN and corrupt evil world leaders give.


The Reagan myth is still useful to the Illuminati in duping and misdirecting people who hold traditional values.

To enact this little dialectic you need some good (or passable) actors, such as Ronald Reagan. That way you control the opposition. You get people who have traditional values to vote for their own destruction.

sadly,the sheep dont get this.

To enact this little dialectic you need some good (or passable) actors, such as Ronald Reagan. That way you control the opposition. You get people who have traditional values to vote for their own destruction.
thank god for authors like this guy who tell the REAL truth on traiter ronnie.
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The Troglocrats are still very bitter about the fall of the Berlin Wall

just noticed your sig,another brainwashed sheep who cant face pesky facts how their hero traiter has been exposed for the traiter to americans and the mass murderer of innocent women and children around the world.:rolleyes:
Ronaldus Magnus was the Greatest President ever, unless you count, Donaldus Magnus. He knocked the Evil Soviet Empire's dick in the dirt, and with his giant fists, reducing the Berlin Wall to a pile of rubble. He hit that wall so hard that it sent pieces of it flying all over the world. I even found a piece of it at the Goodwill store the other day. But first, some history: "Erected in the dead of night on August 13, 1961, the Berlin Wall (known as Berliner Mauer in German) was a physical division between West Berlin and East Germany in order to keep East Germans from feeling to the West. When the Berlin Wall fell on November 9, 1989, its destruction was nearly as instantaneous as its creation."
All About the Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall
I remember a lot of Germans tearing down the wall, not Ronnie. When he asked Gorbachev to tear down the wall, he was ignored. The Germans did it themselves a few years later. It's not right to try and steal the glory from brave people who put their lives on the line.

You took the OP to school. The reagant lovers have been brainwashed by the MSM that he had anything to do with it not aware of the pesky facts that Gorby laughed right in his face and it only happened cause a new reformed government that took over.:haha:

Gresatest president ever if you like someone who betrayed all the middle class workers and was a mass murderer of innocent women and children around the world.:lmao::haha:

the fact this stupid fuck OP troll is going even much further lengths than USMB'S resident troll political chic who calls him the greatest president of the 20th century which is bad enough as it is,is taking it a step further with propaganda bullshit that he is the greatest EVER,must be a paid shill on the RNC's payroll obviously sent here to post this propaganda bullshit on Reagan,

everytime reagan is exposed for the war criminal he is and traiter to america,he ignores it and can only sling shit in defeat like the money troll he is.

He cant get around pesky facts that Gorby laughed right on his face back then.LOL not literally of course but basically.LOL

only sick minded monster would call mass murderer reagan the greatest president ever after looking at this documented evidence that exposes him how he murdered THOUSANDS of innocent women and children.

The United States was complicit with the genocide. I’m not sure if they knew that it was genocide, but they knew that the Guatemalan military was killing civilians, targeting civilians and targeting the military’s political opposition, including unarmed civilians,” Yates said. “That kind of complicity—silence and President Reagan’s support for General Ríos Montt—is a big burden that Americans have to bear.”

“It’s not one or two people that they killed, but they wanted to end [the Mayan people],” Osorio said. “They weren’t criminals. They weren’t guerrillas. They were women and children, and why did they kill them? We hope that the law applies to [those responsible] so that we don’t repeat what happened.”
Witnesses Expose Ronald Reagan’s Dirty Secret in Guatemala

thank you president Reagan indeed.Thank you for exposing to the world that you made Hitler look like a nice man.:thup::clap2::dance:
The Berlin Wall went up during JFK's administration and he went to Germany and gave a rousing speech that reassured Germans the U.S. would stand by them. The media loved the speech even though JFK inadvertently called himself a jelly donut when he used the slang term for Berliner. Then JFK took his gigantic entourage of fawning reporters back home and left the Germans to be shot in the back by Russian guards for the next twenty years or so.

A statue to former US president Ronald Reagan, who is highly respected in Poland for having helped hasten the fall of the Iron Curtain, was unveiled by Communist-era opposition icon Lech Walesa in Warsaw yesterday.

"Let us bow before Ronald Reagan for the fact that our generation was able to bring an end to the great divisions and conflicts of the world," Mr Walesa said in a ceremony in the heart of the Polish capital Warsaw.

"What happened seemed impossible or unthinkable. The older generations still remember," the Nobel Peace laureate said.

A handsome, stylized 'park bench' monument dedicated to Cold War victor Ronald Reagan was unveiled in the former Soviet republic of Georgia yesterday. The country's pro-Western, American-educated president Mikhail Saakashvili proclaimed that the work 'deserves a place in the heart of Tblisi' as he and his countrymen seek to honor Reagan for 'destroying the Soviet empire'. He also took the opportunity to lament what he sees as Vladimir Putin's attempts torestore that lost empire.

a corrupt evil leader linked to the CIA just as reagan was no doubt.
The Berlin Wall went up during JFK's administration and he went to Germany and gave a rousing speech that reassured Germans the U.S. would stand by them. The media loved the speech even though JFK inadvertently called himself a jelly donut when he used the slang term for Berliner. Then JFK took his gigantic entourage of fawning reporters back home and left the Germans to be shot in the back by Russian guards for the next twenty years or so.

this troll believes in magic bullets and the debunked lone assassin theory of the warren commission that oswald was the lone assassin so anything this troll says about JFK can be thrown out the window obviously.:haha:
Ronaldus Magnus was the Greatest President ever, unless you count, Donaldus Magnus. He knocked the Evil Soviet Empire's dick in the dirt, and with his giant fists, reducing the Berlin Wall to a pile of rubble. He hit that wall so hard that it sent pieces of it flying all over the world. I even found a piece of it at the Goodwill store the other day. But first, some history: "Erected in the dead of night on August 13, 1961, the Berlin Wall (known as Berliner Mauer in German) was a physical division between West Berlin and East Germany in order to keep East Germans from feeling to the West. When the Berlin Wall fell on November 9, 1989, its destruction was nearly as instantaneous as its creation."
All About the Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall
I remember a lot of Germans tearing down the wall, not Ronnie. When he asked Gorbachev to tear down the wall, he was ignored. The Germans did it themselves a few years later. It's not right to try and steal the glory from brave people who put their lives on the line.

You took the OP to school. The reagant lovers have been brainwashed by the MSM that he had anything to do with it not aware of the pesky facts that Gorby laughed right in his face and it only happened cause a new reformed government that took over.:haha:

Gresatest president ever if you like someone who betrayed all the middle class workers and was a mass murderer of innocent women and children around the world.:lmao::haha:

everytime the OP and the reaganut lovers are owned that the fall of the berlin wall had nothing whatsoever to do with reagan and how he was a traiter to americans since economic disaster happened because of him and are backed up against the wall with nowhere left to run from those pesky facts as well as pesky facts that he murdered thousands of innocent women and children around the world, I notice like clockwork,they evade those pesky facts they cant counter and CHANGE THE SUBJECT to Obama being a bad president which is comical since i never once said on this thread he was a good president.comedy gold.i love it.never fails.
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Ronaldus Magnus was the Greatest President ever, unless you count, Donaldus Magnus. He knocked the Evil Soviet Empire's dick in the dirt, and with his giant fists, reducing the Berlin Wall to a pile of rubble. He hit that wall so hard that it sent pieces of it flying all over the world. I even found a piece of it at the Goodwill store the other day. But first, some history: "Erected in the dead of night on August 13, 1961, the Berlin Wall (known as Berliner Mauer in German) was a physical division between West Berlin and East Germany in order to keep East Germans from feeling to the West. When the Berlin Wall fell on November 9, 1989, its destruction was nearly as instantaneous as its creation."
All About the Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall
I remember a lot of Germans tearing down the wall, not Ronnie. When he asked Gorbachev to tear down the wall, he was ignored. The Germans did it themselves a few years later. It's not right to try and steal the glory from brave people who put their lives on the line.

The American people put their lives on the line to stop the threat of Communism and to give German citizens the freedoms we also fought and died for in WW2. Many of us also gave our lives throughout the Cold War in places like Korea and Vietnam. Had Reagan not stood up and looked the Communist menace in the eye, Germany would still be two separate countries. Europeans owe us more than they could every repay.
So...what you are saying is all of our military dying in places in Korea and Viet Nam was ineffective.....all it needed was Ronnie to look them in the eye. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
St Reagan was out of office close to a year before the wall came down.

If anyone should get the credit, it should be Bush.
St Reagan was out of office close to a year before the wall came down.

If anyone should get the credit, it should be Bush.

Logic and common sense never register with the programmed Reagan zombies since they are too much busy smoking their crack that Reagans right hand man Bush started to supply them in the 80's that Reagan put in charge of "perfect man to do so since he was the former CIA director right? " to lead the CIA's operation to smuggle drugs into the country that they are still hooked on.comedy gold.

they are not interested in documented facts either than when reporters back in the last 90's asked Gorby if Reagan was instrumental in the fall of the wall that he told them- are you being serious?:lmao: they cant come to grips with reality that he laughed right in his face.:haha: Not in the literal sense of course but they are too stupid to understand i did not mean it literally,you got to spell eveything out for them dummies style of course but that still does not work for them though cause they are still smoking the crack Reagan got them started on decades ago.:haha::lmao:

this writer of this excellent informative article here OWNED the ass of the OP troll here same as i have in all of my posts on this thread.

When Reagan declared "Tear down this Wall," it's easy for us to forget now, he was the visibly aged leader of a lame duck administration clouded by scandal and corruption, Iran-Contra in particular.
the Berlin Wall's fall was a moment when Gorbachev's actions, not Reagan's, played a particularly prominent role.
Let's Please Stop Crediting Ronald Reagan for the Fall of the Berlin Wall

The child kid OP and the other Reaganut zombies are so much in denial and only see what they want to see,that they wont read that excellent informative link since the do this all the time when confronted by pesky facts that dont go along with their warped views.
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Ronaldus Magnus was the Greatest President ever, unless you count, Donaldus Magnus. He knocked the Evil Soviet Empire's dick in the dirt, and with his giant fists, reducing the Berlin Wall to a pile of rubble. He hit that wall so hard that it sent pieces of it flying all over the world. I even found a piece of it at the Goodwill store the other day. But first, some history: "Erected in the dead of night on August 13, 1961, the Berlin Wall (known as Berliner Mauer in German) was a physical division between West Berlin and East Germany in order to keep East Germans from feeling to the West. When the Berlin Wall fell on November 9, 1989, its destruction was nearly as instantaneous as its creation."
All About the Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall
I remember a lot of Germans tearing down the wall, not Ronnie. When he asked Gorbachev to tear down the wall, he was ignored. The Germans did it themselves a few years later. It's not right to try and steal the glory from brave people who put their lives on the line.

The American people put their lives on the line to stop the threat of Communism and to give German citizens the freedoms we also fought and died for in WW2. Many of us also gave our lives throughout the Cold War in places like Korea and Vietnam. Had Reagan not stood up and looked the Communist menace in the eye, Germany would still be two separate countries. Europeans owe us more than they could every repay.
So...what you are saying is all of our military dying in places in Korea and Viet Nam was ineffective.....all it needed was Ronnie to look them in the eye. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Korea and Vietnam were "proxy" wars. We weren't at war with the people of North Korea and North Vietnam during those wars, we were basically fighting the Soviet's and China's influence in those two countries. The Soviet Union was not only supplying them with millions of Eastern Bloc weapons, they also had military advisors there. Reagan out-spent the Soviets in weapons technology and the kicker was the Strategic Defense Initiative. Russia knew that they could not compete with us on that level because they were going broke from a decades-long Cold War.
Ronaldus Magnus was the Greatest President ever, unless you count, Donaldus Magnus. He knocked the Evil Soviet Empire's dick in the dirt, and with his giant fists, reducing the Berlin Wall to a pile of rubble. He hit that wall so hard that it sent pieces of it flying all over the world. I even found a piece of it at the Goodwill store the other day. But first, some history: "Erected in the dead of night on August 13, 1961, the Berlin Wall (known as Berliner Mauer in German) was a physical division between West Berlin and East Germany in order to keep East Germans from feeling to the West. When the Berlin Wall fell on November 9, 1989, its destruction was nearly as instantaneous as its creation."
All About the Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall
I remember a lot of Germans tearing down the wall, not Ronnie. When he asked Gorbachev to tear down the wall, he was ignored. The Germans did it themselves a few years later. It's not right to try and steal the glory from brave people who put their lives on the line.

You took the OP to school. The reagant lovers have been brainwashed by the MSM that he had anything to do with it not aware of the pesky facts that Gorby laughed right in his face and it only happened cause a new reformed government that took over.:haha:

Gresatest president ever if you like someone who betrayed all the middle class workers and was a mass murderer of innocent women and children around the world.:lmao::haha:

everytime the OP and the reaganut lovers are owned that the fall of the berlin wall had nothing whatsoever to do with reagan and how he was a traiter to americans since economic disaster happened because of him and are backed up against the wall with nowhere left to run from those pesky facts as well as pesky facts that he murdered thousands of innocent women and children around the world, I notice like clockwork,they evade those pesky facts they cant counter and CHANGE THE SUBJECT to Obama being a bad president which is comical since i never once said on this thread he was a good president.comedy gold.i love it.never fails.

Obama wasn't merely a "bad" President. He was the worst President this country ever had.
Ronaldus Magnus was the Greatest President ever, unless you count, Donaldus Magnus. He knocked the Evil Soviet Empire's dick in the dirt, and with his giant fists, reducing the Berlin Wall to a pile of rubble. He hit that wall so hard that it sent pieces of it flying all over the world. I even found a piece of it at the Goodwill store the other day.

But first, some history:

"Erected in the dead of night on August 13, 1961, the Berlin Wall (known as Berliner Mauer in German) was a physical division between West Berlin and East Germany in order to keep East Germans from feeling to the West. When the Berlin Wall fell on November 9, 1989, its destruction was nearly as instantaneous as its creation."

All About the Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall







whats interesting, that trump´s friend vova putler wants to rebuild the Berlin wall ., just wander what Trump and his fans think about it ...
Ronaldus Magnus was the Greatest President ever, unless you count, Donaldus Magnus. He knocked the Evil Soviet Empire's dick in the dirt, and with his giant fists, reducing the Berlin Wall to a pile of rubble. He hit that wall so hard that it sent pieces of it flying all over the world. I even found a piece of it at the Goodwill store the other day.

But first, some history:

"Erected in the dead of night on August 13, 1961, the Berlin Wall (known as Berliner Mauer in German) was a physical division between West Berlin and East Germany in order to keep East Germans from feeling to the West. When the Berlin Wall fell on November 9, 1989, its destruction was nearly as instantaneous as its creation."

All About the Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall







Who knew Reagan was still president in November, 1989?
Ronaldus Magnus was the Greatest President ever, unless you count, Donaldus Magnus. He knocked the Evil Soviet Empire's dick in the dirt, and with his giant fists, reducing the Berlin Wall to a pile of rubble. He hit that wall so hard that it sent pieces of it flying all over the world. I even found a piece of it at the Goodwill store the other day.

But first, some history:

"Erected in the dead of night on August 13, 1961, the Berlin Wall (known as Berliner Mauer in German) was a physical division between West Berlin and East Germany in order to keep East Germans from feeling to the West. When the Berlin Wall fell on November 9, 1989, its destruction was nearly as instantaneous as its creation."

All About the Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall







whats interesting, that trump´s friend vova putler wants to rebuild the Berlin wall ., just wander what Trump and his fans think about it ...

Walls can have two purposes: To keep people in or to keep people out. If he want to rebuild the wall, it's most likely to keep out the Muslim invaders.
Ronaldus Magnus was the Greatest President ever, unless you count, Donaldus Magnus. He knocked the Evil Soviet Empire's dick in the dirt, and with his giant fists, reducing the Berlin Wall to a pile of rubble. He hit that wall so hard that it sent pieces of it flying all over the world. I even found a piece of it at the Goodwill store the other day. But first, some history: "Erected in the dead of night on August 13, 1961, the Berlin Wall (known as Berliner Mauer in German) was a physical division between West Berlin and East Germany in order to keep East Germans from feeling to the West. When the Berlin Wall fell on November 9, 1989, its destruction was nearly as instantaneous as its creation."
All About the Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall
I remember a lot of Germans tearing down the wall, not Ronnie. When he asked Gorbachev to tear down the wall, he was ignored. The Germans did it themselves a few years later. It's not right to try and steal the glory from brave people who put their lives on the line.

You took the OP to school. The reagant lovers have been brainwashed by the MSM that he had anything to do with it not aware of the pesky facts that Gorby laughed right in his face and it only happened cause a new reformed government that took over.:haha:

Gresatest president ever if you like someone who betrayed all the middle class workers and was a mass murderer of innocent women and children around the world.:lmao::haha:

everytime the OP and the reaganut lovers are owned that the fall of the berlin wall had nothing whatsoever to do with reagan and how he was a traiter to americans since economic disaster happened because of him and are backed up against the wall with nowhere left to run from those pesky facts as well as pesky facts that he murdered thousands of innocent women and children around the world, I notice like clockwork,they evade those pesky facts they cant counter and CHANGE THE SUBJECT to Obama being a bad president which is comical since i never once said on this thread he was a good president.comedy gold.i love it.never fails.

Obama wasn't merely a "bad" President. He was the worst President this country ever had.
That’s funny given Obama’s most recent approval rating is roughly 50% higher than trump’s. :mm:
Ronaldus Magnus was the Greatest President ever, unless you count, Donaldus Magnus. He knocked the Evil Soviet Empire's dick in the dirt, and with his giant fists, reducing the Berlin Wall to a pile of rubble. He hit that wall so hard that it sent pieces of it flying all over the world. I even found a piece of it at the Goodwill store the other day. But first, some history: "Erected in the dead of night on August 13, 1961, the Berlin Wall (known as Berliner Mauer in German) was a physical division between West Berlin and East Germany in order to keep East Germans from feeling to the West. When the Berlin Wall fell on November 9, 1989, its destruction was nearly as instantaneous as its creation."
All About the Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall
I remember a lot of Germans tearing down the wall, not Ronnie. When he asked Gorbachev to tear down the wall, he was ignored. The Germans did it themselves a few years later. It's not right to try and steal the glory from brave people who put their lives on the line.

You took the OP to school. The reagant lovers have been brainwashed by the MSM that he had anything to do with it not aware of the pesky facts that Gorby laughed right in his face and it only happened cause a new reformed government that took over.:haha:

Gresatest president ever if you like someone who betrayed all the middle class workers and was a mass murderer of innocent women and children around the world.:lmao::haha:

everytime the OP and the reaganut lovers are owned that the fall of the berlin wall had nothing whatsoever to do with reagan and how he was a traiter to americans since economic disaster happened because of him and are backed up against the wall with nowhere left to run from those pesky facts as well as pesky facts that he murdered thousands of innocent women and children around the world, I notice like clockwork,they evade those pesky facts they cant counter and CHANGE THE SUBJECT to Obama being a bad president which is comical since i never once said on this thread he was a good president.comedy gold.i love it.never fails.

Obama wasn't merely a "bad" President. He was the worst President this country ever had.
That’s funny given Obama’s most recent approval rating is roughly 50% higher than trump’s. :mm:

No offense, but you're ignorant for believing that. Approval rating polls also lied to you when they told you that Donald Trump would never win.

Yet you still slavishly believe them. :laugh:
Ronaldus Magnus was the Greatest President ever, unless you count, Donaldus Magnus. He knocked the Evil Soviet Empire's dick in the dirt, and with his giant fists, reducing the Berlin Wall to a pile of rubble. He hit that wall so hard that it sent pieces of it flying all over the world. I even found a piece of it at the Goodwill store the other day.

But first, some history:

"Erected in the dead of night on August 13, 1961, the Berlin Wall (known as Berliner Mauer in German) was a physical division between West Berlin and East Germany in order to keep East Germans from feeling to the West. When the Berlin Wall fell on November 9, 1989, its destruction was nearly as instantaneous as its creation."

All About the Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall







whats interesting, that trump´s friend vova putler wants to rebuild the Berlin wall ., just wander what Trump and his fans think about it ...

Walls can have two purposes: To keep people in or to keep people out. If he want to rebuild the wall, it's most likely to keep out the Muslim invaders.
sure, cos Putler does such great job at home "keeping out the Muslim invaders"




Ronaldus Magnus was the Greatest President ever, unless you count, Donaldus Magnus. He knocked the Evil Soviet Empire's dick in the dirt, and with his giant fists, reducing the Berlin Wall to a pile of rubble. He hit that wall so hard that it sent pieces of it flying all over the world. I even found a piece of it at the Goodwill store the other day. But first, some history: "Erected in the dead of night on August 13, 1961, the Berlin Wall (known as Berliner Mauer in German) was a physical division between West Berlin and East Germany in order to keep East Germans from feeling to the West. When the Berlin Wall fell on November 9, 1989, its destruction was nearly as instantaneous as its creation."
All About the Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall
I remember a lot of Germans tearing down the wall, not Ronnie. When he asked Gorbachev to tear down the wall, he was ignored. The Germans did it themselves a few years later. It's not right to try and steal the glory from brave people who put their lives on the line.

You took the OP to school. The reagant lovers have been brainwashed by the MSM that he had anything to do with it not aware of the pesky facts that Gorby laughed right in his face and it only happened cause a new reformed government that took over.:haha:

Gresatest president ever if you like someone who betrayed all the middle class workers and was a mass murderer of innocent women and children around the world.:lmao::haha:

everytime the OP and the reaganut lovers are owned that the fall of the berlin wall had nothing whatsoever to do with reagan and how he was a traiter to americans since economic disaster happened because of him and are backed up against the wall with nowhere left to run from those pesky facts as well as pesky facts that he murdered thousands of innocent women and children around the world, I notice like clockwork,they evade those pesky facts they cant counter and CHANGE THE SUBJECT to Obama being a bad president which is comical since i never once said on this thread he was a good president.comedy gold.i love it.never fails.

Obama wasn't merely a "bad" President. He was the worst President this country ever had.
Alt-Righties would say that.
I remember a lot of Germans tearing down the wall, not Ronnie. When he asked Gorbachev to tear down the wall, he was ignored. The Germans did it themselves a few years later. It's not right to try and steal the glory from brave people who put their lives on the line.

You took the OP to school. The reagant lovers have been brainwashed by the MSM that he had anything to do with it not aware of the pesky facts that Gorby laughed right in his face and it only happened cause a new reformed government that took over.:haha:

Gresatest president ever if you like someone who betrayed all the middle class workers and was a mass murderer of innocent women and children around the world.:lmao::haha:

everytime the OP and the reaganut lovers are owned that the fall of the berlin wall had nothing whatsoever to do with reagan and how he was a traiter to americans since economic disaster happened because of him and are backed up against the wall with nowhere left to run from those pesky facts as well as pesky facts that he murdered thousands of innocent women and children around the world, I notice like clockwork,they evade those pesky facts they cant counter and CHANGE THE SUBJECT to Obama being a bad president which is comical since i never once said on this thread he was a good president.comedy gold.i love it.never fails.

Obama wasn't merely a "bad" President. He was the worst President this country ever had.
That’s funny given Obama’s most recent approval rating is roughly 50% higher than trump’s. :mm:

No offense, but you're ignorant for believing that. Approval rating polls also lied to you when they told you that Donald Trump would never win.

Yet you still slavishly believe them. :laugh:
Given the one saying that -- no offense taken.
We could start bringing over the remains of that wall and use them to build Trump's wall.
Perhaps the answer to all those walls in history is to create portable rental walls?

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