Thank You, Rush Limp-Balls


Active Member
Feb 25, 2012
Thanks, Rush, for insuring the defeat of the GOP in November. Santorum started digging the hole and you came long with your trusty jackhammer (read: BIG MOUTH) and drove it right down to the outer molten core.

Good job! Oh, and your sponsors are dumping your big fat ass, too.
I honestly was not surprised.... though, it seems someone should maybe put a muzzle on him at some point.
I honestly was not surprised.... though, it seems someone should maybe put a muzzle on him at some point.

His sponsors will. Gotta' hit the fat boy in his pocket. The only way he makes money is selling advertising for his radio air time. Sponsors will use the "withdrawal" method and if he's not careful, go the way of Glenn Beck and lose his contract.
Why the hell would anyone give a flying fuck about what Rush has to say??

Jesus some folks should get a life.
Thanks, Rush, for insuring the defeat of the GOP in November. Santorum started digging the hole and you came long with your trusty jackhammer (read: BIG MOUTH) and drove it right down to the outer molten core.

Good job! Oh, and your sponsors are dumping your big fat ass, too.

Seek help for your obsession...

It's creepy....
You'll have to read it. I wasn't interested enough to.

Rush is an entertainer just like Stewart, Maher and the rest of those idiots.

Why anyone would give credence to anything any one of them has to say is beyond me.
Thanks, Rush, for insuring the defeat of the GOP in November. Santorum started digging the hole and you came long with your trusty jackhammer (read: BIG MOUTH) and drove it right down to the outer molten core.

Good job! Oh, and your sponsors are dumping your big fat ass, too.

LOL, we hear this shit EVERY Presidential election..
Just the wet dreams of the left. And as for his sponsors. we've heard that too for about what? 20Years
Thanks, Rush, for insuring the defeat of the GOP in November. Santorum started digging the hole and you came long with your trusty jackhammer (read: BIG MOUTH) and drove it right down to the outer molten core.

Good job! Oh, and your sponsors are dumping your big fat ass, too.


Sleep Train dropped the big boob after a Twitter campaign. ProFlowers and eHarmony are also being targeted.

I hope all the advertisers pull their money from this jackass.
Because he suggested a way for a co-ed to pay for her own birth control?. Limbaugh likes to point out stupidity with the absurd.
On one hand, you have a young woman who enrolled in a Jesuit college for the sole purpose of protesting its stand on financing birth control. On the other, you have an entertainer using an absurd suggestion to illustrate her lack of integrity.

Limbaugh may indeed be just an entertainer, but he may be more responsible than anyone else for the counter-productive, toxic, divided, my-way-or-the-highway, winner-take-all, hyper-partisan environment that is driving us off the cliff.

His dittoheads (and those of Olbermann and his ilk) don't seem to get it: If our "leaders" were to suddenly check their egos at the door, act like adults, cooperate and start fixing things, these partisan blabbers would become instantly irrelevant. They WANT you to keep pushing the hyperbole, denial, diversion, spin and distortion. It's in their best interest, but not yours.

Aw, never mind...

If anything the controversy will likely bring in more listeners. Which is all advertisers really care about.
Perhaps the whatdotheycallthemselves, oh yes "occupiers" try a "boycott" of his sponsors. I doubt they would notice the economic impact...considering they need everything for free apparently.
Thanks, Rush, for insuring the defeat of the GOP in November. Santorum started digging the hole and you came long with your trusty jackhammer (read: BIG MOUTH) and drove it right down to the outer molten core.

Good job! Oh, and your sponsors are dumping your big fat ass, too.

I wish I could agree. However the memory of the American public simply is not that long and once the cons have had their fill of the issue something else will come up and most will forgetaboutit.
You'll have to read it. I wasn't interested enough to.

Rush is an entertainer just like Stewart, Maher and the rest of those idiots.

Why anyone would give credence to anything any one of them has to say is beyond me.

Rush is first and formost a propagandist a mouthpiece for the GOP to support by anymeans necessary the talking point of the day. He is entertaining to a certain crowd.
You'll have to read it. I wasn't interested enough to.

Rush is an entertainer just like Stewart, Maher and the rest of those idiots.

Why anyone would give credence to anything any one of them has to say is beyond me.

Rush is first and formost a propagandist a mouthpiece for the GOP to support by anymeans necessary the talking point of the day. He is entertaining to a certain crowd.

so what. and Pmsnbc,AbcNbcCnn is the propagandist lapdog mouthpiece for the Democrat party.
You'll have to read it. I wasn't interested enough to.

Rush is an entertainer just like Stewart, Maher and the rest of those idiots.

Why anyone would give credence to anything any one of them has to say is beyond me.

Rush is first and formost a propagandist a mouthpiece for the GOP to support by anymeans necessary the talking point of the day. He is entertaining to a certain crowd.

so what. and Pmsnbc,AbcNbcCnn is the propagandist lapdog mouthpiece for the Democrat party.

You'll never see me say they don't have their own agenda (though it is debatable if it is the DNC they answer to like Faux answers to the GOP). So when was the last time one of their propagandist demanded a college student post sex videos because they're outrage at being asked to pay for contraceptives? (Even though ElRashbutt doesn't own the insurance company?)
I did my own investigation into this whole birth control BS. I found that you can get a months supply of birth control pills at Walmart for $9 - $15 per month. With a minimal health care plan they are free in most cases so what are the Obama friends talking about? If Ms Fluke or whatever her darn name is can't afford the "pill" then I'd suggest to her that she tattoo a price list on her forehead and put a coin slot on her headboard. It's interesting that for once the LEFTIES are leaving the boyfriends out of the discussion. Where's their responsibility? Free sex for all (except the tax and tuition payers) and all for free sex. Yeeehaaaa!
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Thanks, Rush, for insuring the defeat of the GOP in November. Santorum started digging the hole and you came long with your trusty jackhammer (read: BIG MOUTH) and drove it right down to the outer molten core.

Good job! Oh, and your sponsors are dumping your big fat ass, too.


Sleep Train dropped the big boob after a Twitter campaign. ProFlowers and eHarmony are also being targeted.

I hope all the advertisers pull their money from this jackass.


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