Thank you Tea Party!

I think they exist partially BECAUSE of McCain. There was no true Republican choice for President in 2008.

Ohh puhleeze! Remember Palin?

Seems like the Tea Party got brewin after the election...

I said partially, and I think if you look a little you'll find the Tea Party started before the election of 2008.

Yep started as in a small scale, I said it got brewing after the election.
And most of the prior was due to palin.

Those things you addressed have NOTHING to do with things that are important to us. In fact, i agree with you on WASTE... not spending, BUT WASTE.

Social Security, Medicare, education, temporary welfare for those who fall on hard times??? Those are the things that progressives stand for.... along with real wages for people who do work that can help not only those people live a decent life, but actually be able to actually drive this consumer driven economy.

In short... we don't want to go back to the robber/baron days where a select few had all the money and the people scraped by... often buying from company stores with company script and always losing their shirts, dying penniless and broken. That seems to be the agenda of the right.

Tell me something - how does one "fall on hard times" for 60 years and 3 generations? If you really believed what you were saying, then you would support capping welfare after 3 months, or 1 year, or some other limited time frame and you would be supporting the Tea Party right now. The fact that people can live their entire life off of welfare, and intentionally have more children to get more welfare, explains why we are $14 trillion in debt.

The Dumbocrat Paty has been hijacked by radical Marxists, Socialists, and Communists. It's not about programs that give a hand up for the left anymore, it's about programs that give hand outs....

Welfare is already capped.

Seriously try doing some basic research.

Welfare Reform Act of 1996
The core policy is a personal work requirement where the "head" of every family on welfare must work within two years, or the family will lose benefits. After receiving cash assistance or other help for two months, adults must begin performing community service work unless they have found regular jobs. However, states may choose not to establish a community service work requirement. There is now a lifetime welfare benefits limitation of five cumulative years, which states may reduce.
The 24% for the Tea Party is really interesting. Imagine a group of people elected specifically to stop the grow of government and debt being blamed for trying to stop it.
You have created one of the greatest economic crisis since the great depression. Rather than handle the deficit though negotiation and scaling back, you are now holding the country hostage refusing to budge in you insistance that the rich need tax breaks.
What happened to Jobs, Jobs, Jobs?
The Independent Voter has been watching and ALL polls say they want compromise, but you refuse. So you will pay in November 2012. I assure you, YOU WILL PAY!

You are all one termers. I hope it was worth it.
The tea Party didn't create the economic mess, that would be the dimwits, who are the ones not budging. Reid is the one not doing his job and saying that anything coming from the house is DOA. The Tea Party and Boehner are doing what they were elected to do, stop the spending by obamaturd and the dimwits.

Both parties created the debt. Congress, on one hand, has told the President to spend this money, but on the other hand, they are saying, "But we won't give you the authority to borrow the money we authorized you to spend." The Tea party is inflicting a mortal wound upon itself.
Where would Liberals be if they didn't have a scapegoat. Only thing, this is millions of THEIR FELLOW AMERICANS they are talking about..

But their Democrat masters says, it's all the Tea parties fault, so here they are spewing the crap right back.

And they don't see themselves are useful sheep.
You have created one of the greatest economic crisis since the great depression. Rather than handle the deficit though negotiation and scaling back, you are now holding the country hostage refusing to budge in you insistance that the rich need tax breaks.
What happened to Jobs, Jobs, Jobs?
The Independent Voter has been watching and ALL polls say they want compromise, but you refuse. So you will pay in November 2012. I assure you, YOU WILL PAY!

You are all one termers. I hope it was worth it.
The tea Party didn't create the economic mess, that would be the dimwits, who are the ones not budging. Reid is the one not doing his job and saying that anything coming from the house is DOA. The Tea Party and Boehner are doing what they were elected to do, stop the spending by obamaturd and the dimwits.

Both parties created the debt. Congress, on one hand, has told the President to spend this money, but on the other hand, they are saying, "But we won't give you the authority to borrow the money we authorized you to spend." The Tea party is inflicting a mortal wound upon itself.

The more of your posts I read, the more I'm convinced that you're an idiot. Just sayin'.
No, because they don't want to pay their taxes.

My dream is that one day people will realize that paying your taxes is patriotic.

And that people who are against paying their taxes are anti-American.

The fire department and the police department and the post office and the school system and the EPA and Social Security and Medicare and the interstate highway system and the Hoover Dam and NASA and Seal Team Six are all good things, and they are paid for with our taxes.

So if the super wealthy have to pay a little higher tax rate than the working poor, so be it.

What is more important, that American children get an education, that our people get healthcare, that roads and bridges get fixed, that advanced materials research be done, that our military be supplied with the best equipment, that old people be taken care of, that our debt be paid down, that food and water be safe, that our environment be clean, or that a billionaire gets a new yacht?

Unfortunately, in the naive little world of the liberal, reality is someone else's problem. First of all, fire departments are not paid for by the federal government (though Obama and Dumbocrats wish they were so they could consolidate even more power). They are not even paid for at the state level. They are paid by city taxes genius. So using police and fire as an example for why the federal government should be able to rape the American people is ignorant beyond words.

Second, for every tear jerking statement you can make about "Seal Team Six" and "NASA", I can give you trillions of dollars in federal government waste. Hard earned, tax payer dollars just pissed away by ignorant Dumbocrats. Here are just a few examples of the enraging and unacceptable waste of the Obama Stimulus Package:

Forest Service Replaced Windows in Visitor Center Closed in 2007 (Amboy, WA) - $554,763

Interactive Dance Software Development (Charlotte, NC) - $762,372

In February 2009, Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell called Pittsburgh’s North Shore Connector “a tragic mistake,” leaving taxpayers wondering why the project recently received a $62.5 million windfall from the federal government.

Abandoned Train Station Converted Into Museum (Glassboro, NJ) - $1.2 million

The California Academy of Sciences received nearly $2 million to send researchers to the Southwest Indian Ocean Islands and east Africa, to capture, photograph, and analyze thousands of exotic ants.

Old Abandoned Iron Furnace Gets Facelift after Money Squandered on Same Project Years Before (Fitchburg, KY) – $357,710

Town Replaces New Sidewalks With Newer Sidewalks That Lead to Ditch (Boynton, OK) - $89,298

Is that your idea of "patriotism"? You're not a patriot, you're a typical Marxist/Socialist/Communist who is trying to shame actual patriots into blindly following your Marxism/Socialism/Communism. Unfortunately for you, conservatives are a lot smarter than the liberals who fall for that kind of stupidity.

More silliness. There are no "Marists or Socialist or Communists" here.

You guys always fall back on name calling.

Most of the budget is Social Security, Medicare, and defense.

Which one of those do you want to cut?

Are you sure about it?

The Socialist Party of America announced in their October 2009 newsletter that 70 Congressional democrats currently belong to their caucus.

American Socialists Release Names of 70 Congressional Democrats in Their Ranks
Complete list
Those things you addressed have NOTHING to do with things that are important to us. In fact, i agree with you on WASTE... not spending, BUT WASTE.

Social Security, Medicare, education, temporary welfare for those who fall on hard times??? Those are the things that progressives stand for.... along with real wages for people who do work that can help not only those people live a decent life, but actually be able to actually drive this consumer driven economy.

In short... we don't want to go back to the robber/baron days where a select few had all the money and the people scraped by... often buying from company stores with company scr
[/HTML][/PHP][/PHP]ipt and always losing their shirts, dying penniless and broken. That seems to be the agenda of the right.

Tell me something - how does one "fall on hard times" for 60 years and 3 generations? If you really believed what you were saying, then you would support capping welfare after 3 months, or 1 year, or some other limited time frame and you would be supporting the Tea Party right now. The fact that people can live their entire life off of welfare, and intentionally have more children to get more welfare, explains why we are $14 trillion in debt.

The Dumbocrat Paty has been hijacked by radical Marxists, Socialists, and Communists. It's not about programs that give a hand up for the left anymore, it's about programs that give hand outs....

The vast majority of the budget is Social Security, Medicare, and defense.

Which of those three would you cut?

You are a mountain of misinformation (then again, liberals are all about misinformation). I'd like to cut 80% of the federal government - you know, the unconstitutional part! I'd also like to cut Social Security, welfare, and Medicaid. And I'd like to cut the trillions in waste from this unconstitutional monstrosity!
Looks like the Party of NO! is being screwed by the Party of NEVER! (baggers strike again)

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