Thank you Tea Party!

I think it is safe to assume the Tea Party has contributed little to none of the debt.

They were sent to DC to stop runaway spending. The left didn't get it. Now we have the heart of the issue at hand. Too much debt. The left still can't see a connection. After they HAVE to vote for a debt ceiling bill with spending cuts in it, they still won't get it.
You're right about one thing. They have contributed little. Their solution for the debt crisis seems pretty simple, if you can't cut spending, don't pay the creditors.
You have created one of the greatest economic crisis since the great depression. Rather than handle the deficit though negotiation and scaling back, you are now holding the country hostage refusing to budge in you insistance that the rich need tax breaks.
What happened to Jobs, Jobs, Jobs?
The Independent Voter has been watching and ALL polls say they want compromise, but you refuse. So you will pay in November 2012. I assure you, YOU WILL PAY!

You are all one termers. I hope it was worth it.

Too bad there are so many blind people in this country that are willing to repeat what their corrupt politicians tell them, Truth is the TERA PARTY are the ONLY people in Washington to bring one iota of common sense to the budget and raising the debt limit. WE ARE BROKE AND HAVE TO BORROW 1/3 OF OUR YEARLY EXPENSES. Finally someone, the TEA PARTY, is standing up telling TPTB, enough is enough. Too much spending, Too much debt, Too much of just passing it on to the next generation. All your current group of politicians care about is passing the problem to the next group of politicians so they can say things were fine while they were in office. Things aren't fine and God bless the TEA PARTY members that have the courage to stand up and say NO, we deal with the cause of the problem now. If the Founding Fathers were here now they would salute the TEA PARTY. You don't solve the problem of too much debt with a higher credit line. As for our credit rating, it;s a farce. If you had to put 1/3 of your family budget on a credit card, what do you think your credit rating would be? Those TEA PARTY members of Congress are doing exactly what we sent them there to do.
So far the Tea Party has done nothing but threaten the nation with a financial crisis. If that crisis happens, I don't think the voters are going to be thanking the Tea Party for their great work.
This board needs a way for members to vote to ban people... How many threads a day can people make that have no point?

I propose a system that requires people of a certain amount of positive reputation the ability to cast a vote only on people that start threads. If enough votes are collected then the person that started the thread is banned for 3 days, next time 5 days, next 10... Then permeate ban. Possibly have a 3 month period where if you manage to not get banned but have a “record” of let’s say 2 strikes, then your record is wiped clean and you’re *3 strikes* starts over.

The idea is to get rid of threads like this one by getting rid of the people that make them by holding them accountable. Threads would need to provide something worth debate, something beyond Trolling and hackery like this very thread was based on.

We would see much fewer threads but something tells me the quality would outweigh the quantity.

Now now, the entitlement moocher class like teabagee Jim have to have something to do between the times they receive their gubmint checks, so they head down to the free internets at the library and post on USMB.

You are correct - no one wants children in Congress. Which is why the Dumbocrats were kicked out in record setting numbers this past November. Because they recklessly spent the country into $14 trillion in debt and - despite having the super majority to pass anything they wanted - failed to even propse a budget, much less pass one. The first Congress in US history to do that, and it was completely controlled by idiot Nancy Pelosi and the Dumbocrats.

Adults say no. Children, unaware of the dangers, want to do many things. And a responsible adult tells them no over and over. That's how you know who the adults are in Congress. After the childish reckless spending of the Dumbocrats, the adults in the room (Tea Party) is saying no. God Bless them all! And God Bless the United States of America!
Here is a better question...

How did Bush "doctor" the intel of the recon agencies of England, Australia and others without those recon agencies compaining that he did so?

Ever heard of "curveball"? He was the only source of intel for invading Iraq.

No he wasnt.

Of course Bush wasn't.

The QueerSwabee/GayBiker is FulloShit as usual......nothing new here.

ALL the Major Intelligence agencies of the World (except China), as well as Clinton's CIA ( and practically ALL if not ALL of the Leaders of the Dem Congress (including Pelosi, The Chappaquidick Murderer aka the Democratic Icon of Morality, Hanoi Kerry, etc) were howling and yowling for Dubya to eliminate the Baghdad Psycho. Bush, using his own judgment......and using the IDENTICAL VERBIAGE of the DEMS (including their rhetoric on WMDs) took out the Baghdad Monster in TWENTY TWO DAYS !!!

BTW, the stated by me ACTUAL rhetoric of Clinton, and the Dem Congressional Leadership, has been reprinted numerous times on USMB, when this was a big issue.


But the Hypocritical & Treacherous Dems, realizing that their upcoming elections were doomed to failure......made their hypocritical & treacherous 180 degree turnaround......and with their use of their cat's paw, the 24/7 National Media, began the RELENTLESS 24/7 ATTACK ON BUSH for every normal glitch subsequent to the takeover of a large Mid East country with divided religious loyalties. Note: In those days, Fox News was on the sidelines, basically non-involved.

This PERFIDIOUS & MENDACIOUS behaviour of the HYPOCRITICAL & TREACHEROUS DEMS gave the GREEN LIGHT to the fucking Iranian IslamoFascists, who though being fanatical psychos, were intelligent enoough, to know that the Dems had their back.

Result.....the IRAQI QUAGMIRE !!!


And, so with the DEMS obviously supporting EVERY HOSTILE MOVE IRAN MADE in IRAQ against Dubya, and trumpeting every error, real & perceived....magnifying each a hundred times.......... WE NOW HAVE THE FUCKING DILEMMA IN AFGHANISTAN, AND IRAQ !!!
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When the Tea Party is demanding a cut in the size of government by 43% and trying to convince the public that America defaulting on it's obligations is a good thing, the country has a lot bigger problem than government spending. The idea that the nation must be destroyed so it can be rebuilt is something you expect to hear in third world countries, not the US.

That's why we've arrived at the point we have. Because people like you actually believe that spending is not the biggest problem. We're $14 trillion in debt. Unfortunately, Dumbocrats have no concept of a number that large. They have no concept that if a Dumbocrat lives to 90, he will have lived for less than 3 billion seconds. That's what an astronomical number a billion is. And we are $14 trillion in debt.

Additionally, Dumbocrats insist on making the same mistake over and over. We've seen where their policies lead. The U.S.S.R. collapsed under liberal policy. Cuba exists in a state of perpetual poverty under liberal policy. And Greece is currently experiencing collapse and deadly riots thanks to Marxist/Socialist/Communist liberal policy.
All the Democrats need to do is cut spending, stop new programs, and get serious about the economy. Stop worrying about 2012 and govern, you know, the reason BO is making over $400k per year + perks and saying he wants his taxes raised. You and he know of course, that no one is preventing him and those he purports to speak for from writing 6, 7, 8 digit checks to the general fund, voluntarily.

Your party is holding the American people hostage.

Stop it

Your party is fucking the American people in the ass...

Stop it...

LMAO!!! Damn House, that response was hysterical! I got a great laugh out of that. :lol:
You have created one of the greatest economic crisis since the great depression. Rather than handle the deficit though negotiation and scaling back, you are now holding the country hostage refusing to budge in you insistance that the rich need tax breaks.
What happened to Jobs, Jobs, Jobs?
The Independent Voter has been watching and ALL polls say they want compromise, but you refuse. So you will pay in November 2012. I assure you, YOU WILL PAY!

You are all one termers. I hope it was worth it.

The irony and hypocricy meters are both burned out and broken and cannot be fixed unless they're recalibrated.

During Clinton's presidency, I listened to conservatives howl and wail about how the president was going to destroy the country. It didn't happen, of course. But that didn't stop the right from trying to remove Clinton from office against the will of an overwhelming majority of Americans.

Then Bush took over and screwed up EVERYTHING he touched. It's remarkable, really, if you look at the sheer scope of how Bush drove this country into the ground. And conservatives, what did they do? By and large, they mostly defended his decisions and his actions when they weren't actually cheering him on.

Now Obama is president. He took over a mess. Everyone knows it.

So, Republican teapartypoopers win big in 2010, and come to Washington determined to do what? Fix things? Hardly! They're figuratively burning down the nation right before our eyes.

A downgrade in the US credit rating would unnecessary add 100s of billions of dollars to service our debt, thereby making it exponentially more difficult to cut the deficit. And, of course, average Americans will be hurt as they have to pay more for credit which will end up causing a drop in consumer spending which can only hurt any recovery.

These Republican freshman are nothing more than ignorant ideological assholes, and their ignorant queen bee is actually vying for the Republican nomination to be president. If this was a book of fiction that was written twenty years ago, it probably couldn't have been published because it would have been considered too far-fetched.

Truth really is stranger than fiction. If this ever gets made into a movie, it will have to be directed by Steven Spielberg because he's known for his signature use of the OMG moment when his characters' facial expressions reveal that they simply cannot believe/fathom/comprehend what they are witnessing. That's what Americans are experiencing today. Christ, conservatives are making America look like a banana republic. Conservatives are turning America into a laughing stock just a few short years after the previous president destroyed American credibility.

One can't help but wonder what's next with them. But whatever it is, the record and the trend line favors more mind-numbing blunders on a monumental scale. The sooner they're voted out of office, the safer we'll all be.

Actually, what added "100s of billions of dollars to our debt" was the $5 trillion Barack Hussein spent above the budget, most of which had to be borrowed from other nations like China. Barack Hussien has run this country into the ground worse than Jimmy Carter did, and all you can do is whine about conservatives.

Nobody is so profoundly stupid as to spend $5 trillion past their budget in only 2.5 years unless you are trying to collapse the nation. This Marxist moron's father taught him the United States was the great "oppressor" and Barack has been on a mission to bring down this country ever since. It's why he has implemented national healthcare, recklessly spent $5 trillion more than the budget in only 2.5 years, why he supports illegal immigration, and why he has banned off shore driling while sending billions in tax payer dollars for South America to drill off their shores. It's all about bringing down the US and boosting up other nations.
The Tea Party is selfish, racist, and incredibly stupid.

Because they don't want to shift debts we owe to future generations? Selfish is wanting to continue on this spending spree you think we deserve. Since the future of America is Hispanic, how is this a racist act?

No, because they don't want to pay their taxes.

My dream is that one day people will realize that paying your taxes is patriotic.

And that people who are against paying their taxes are anti-American.

The fire department and the police department and the post office and the school system and the EPA and Social Security and Medicare and the interstate highway system and the Hoover Dam and NASA and Seal Team Six are all good things, and they are paid for with our taxes.

So if the super wealthy have to pay a little higher tax rate than the working poor, so be it.

What is more important, that American children get an education, that our people get healthcare, that roads and bridges get fixed, that advanced materials research be done, that our military be supplied with the best equipment, that old people be taken care of, that our debt be paid down, that food and water be safe, that our environment be clean, or that a billionaire gets a new yacht?

Unfortunately, in the naive little world of the liberal, reality is someone else's problem. First of all, fire departments are not paid for by the federal government (though Obama and Dumbocrats wish they were so they could consolidate even more power). They are not even paid for at the state level. They are paid by city taxes genius. So using police and fire as an example for why the federal government should be able to rape the American people is ignorant beyond words.

Second, for every tear jerking statement you can make about "Seal Team Six" and "NASA", I can give you trillions of dollars in federal government waste. Hard earned, tax payer dollars just pissed away by ignorant Dumbocrats. Here are just a few examples of the enraging and unacceptable waste of the Obama Stimulus Package:

Forest Service Replaced Windows in Visitor Center Closed in 2007 (Amboy, WA) - $554,763

Interactive Dance Software Development (Charlotte, NC) - $762,372

In February 2009, Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell called Pittsburgh’s North Shore Connector “a tragic mistake,” leaving taxpayers wondering why the project recently received a $62.5 million windfall from the federal government.

Abandoned Train Station Converted Into Museum (Glassboro, NJ) - $1.2 million

The California Academy of Sciences received nearly $2 million to send researchers to the Southwest Indian Ocean Islands and east Africa, to capture, photograph, and analyze thousands of exotic ants.

Old Abandoned Iron Furnace Gets Facelift after Money Squandered on Same Project Years Before (Fitchburg, KY) – $357,710

Town Replaces New Sidewalks With Newer Sidewalks That Lead to Ditch (Boynton, OK) - $89,298

Is that your idea of "patriotism"? You're not a patriot, you're a typical Marxist/Socialist/Communist who is trying to shame actual patriots into blindly following your Marxism/Socialism/Communism. Unfortunately for you, conservatives are a lot smarter than the liberals who fall for that kind of stupidity.
Those things you addressed have NOTHING to do with things that are important to us. In fact, i agree with you on WASTE... not spending, BUT WASTE.

Social Security, Medicare, education, temporary welfare for those who fall on hard times??? Those are the things that progressives stand for.... along with real wages for people who do work that can help not only those people live a decent life, but actually be able to actually drive this consumer driven economy.

In short... we don't want to go back to the robber/baron days where a select few had all the money and the people scraped by... often buying from company stores with company script and always losing their shirts, dying penniless and broken. That seems to be the agenda of the right.
When the Tea Party is demanding a cut in the size of government by 43% and trying to convince the public that America defaulting on it's obligations is a good thing, the country has a lot bigger problem than government spending. The idea that the nation must be destroyed so it can be rebuilt is something you expect to hear in third world countries, not the US.

That's why we've arrived at the point we have. Because people like you actually believe that spending is not the biggest problem. We're $14 trillion in debt. Unfortunately, Dumbocrats have no concept of a number that large. They have no concept that if a Dumbocrat lives to 90, he will have lived for less than 3 billion seconds. That's what an astronomical number a billion is. And we are $14 trillion in debt.

Additionally, Dumbocrats insist on making the same mistake over and over. We've seen where their policies lead. The U.S.S.R. collapsed under liberal policy. Cuba exists in a state of perpetual poverty under liberal policy. And Greece is currently experiencing collapse and deadly riots thanks to Marxist/Socialist/Communist liberal policy.
The worst economic depression this country has every seen will be a lot worse than our spending problem and that's exactly where we're headed if the Tea Party get's what they want.
You have created one of the greatest economic crisis since the great depression. Rather than handle the deficit though negotiation and scaling back, you are now holding the country hostage refusing to budge in you insistance that the rich need tax breaks.
What happened to Jobs, Jobs, Jobs?
The Independent Voter has been watching and ALL polls say they want compromise, but you refuse. So you will pay in November 2012. I assure you, YOU WILL PAY!

You are all one termers. I hope it was worth it.

The irony and hypocricy meters are both burned out and broken and cannot be fixed unless they're recalibrated.

During Clinton's presidency, I listened to conservatives howl and wail about how the president was going to destroy the country. It didn't happen, of course. But that didn't stop the right from trying to remove Clinton from office against the will of an overwhelming majority of Americans.

Then Bush took over and screwed up EVERYTHING he touched. It's remarkable, really, if you look at the sheer scope of how Bush drove this country into the ground. And conservatives, what did they do? By and large, they mostly defended his decisions and his actions when they weren't actually cheering him on.

Now Obama is president. He took over a mess. Everyone knows it.

So, Republican teapartypoopers win big in 2010, and come to Washington determined to do what? Fix things? Hardly! They're figuratively burning down the nation right before our eyes.

A downgrade in the US credit rating would unnecessary add 100s of billions of dollars to service our debt, thereby making it exponentially more difficult to cut the deficit. And, of course, average Americans will be hurt as they have to pay more for credit which will end up causing a drop in consumer spending which can only hurt any recovery.

These Republican freshman are nothing more than ignorant ideological assholes, and their ignorant queen bee is actually vying for the Republican nomination to be president. If this was a book of fiction that was written twenty years ago, it probably couldn't have been published because it would have been considered too far-fetched.

Truth really is stranger than fiction. If this ever gets made into a movie, it will have to be directed by Steven Spielberg because he's known for his signature use of the OMG moment when his characters' facial expressions reveal that they simply cannot believe/fathom/comprehend what they are witnessing. That's what Americans are experiencing today. Christ, conservatives are making America look like a banana republic. Conservatives are turning America into a laughing stock just a few short years after the previous president destroyed American credibility.

One can't help but wonder what's next with them. But whatever it is, the record and the trend line favors more mind-numbing blunders on a monumental scale. The sooner they're voted out of office, the safer we'll all be.

Actually, what added "100s of billions of dollars to our debt" was the $5 trillion Barack Hussein spent above the budget, most of which had to be borrowed from other nations like China. Barack Hussien has run this country into the ground worse than Jimmy Carter did, and all you can do is whine about conservatives.

Nobody is so profoundly stupid as to spend $5 trillion past their budget in only 2.5 years unless you are trying to collapse the nation. This Marxist moron's father taught him the United States was the great "oppressor" and Barack has been on a mission to bring down this country ever since. It's why he has implemented national healthcare, recklessly spent $5 trillion more than the budget in only 2.5 years, why he supports illegal immigration, and why he has banned off shore driling while sending billions in tax payer dollars for South America to drill off their shores. It's all about bringing down the US and boosting up other nations.

You've got to stop listening to talk radio and start reading books and newspapers. Please.
You have created one of the greatest economic crisis since the great depression. Rather than handle the deficit though negotiation and scaling back, you are now holding the country hostage refusing to budge in you insistance that the rich need tax breaks.
What happened to Jobs, Jobs, Jobs?
The Independent Voter has been watching and ALL polls say they want compromise, but you refuse. So you will pay in November 2012. I assure you, YOU WILL PAY!

You are all one termers. I hope it was worth it.
The tea Party didn't create the economic mess, that would be the dimwits, who are the ones not budging. Reid is the one not doing his job and saying that anything coming from the house is DOA. The Tea Party and Boehner are doing what they were elected to do, stop the spending by obamaturd and the dimwits.
"The U.S.S.R. collapsed under liberal policy. Cuba exists in a state of perpetual poverty under liberal policy. And Greece is currently experiencing collapse and deadly riots thanks to Marxist/Socialist/Communist liberal policy."

Cuba and the USSR were liberal. Idiocy. Greece has mega rich who bribe instead of pay taxes, and they took Lehman Bros Pub advice on how to hide debt. You're a total moron or Fox/Rushbot.
Because they don't want to shift debts we owe to future generations? Selfish is wanting to continue on this spending spree you think we deserve. Since the future of America is Hispanic, how is this a racist act?

No, because they don't want to pay their taxes.

My dream is that one day people will realize that paying your taxes is patriotic.

And that people who are against paying their taxes are anti-American.

The fire department and the police department and the post office and the school system and the EPA and Social Security and Medicare and the interstate highway system and the Hoover Dam and NASA and Seal Team Six are all good things, and they are paid for with our taxes.

So if the super wealthy have to pay a little higher tax rate than the working poor, so be it.

What is more important, that American children get an education, that our people get healthcare, that roads and bridges get fixed, that advanced materials research be done, that our military be supplied with the best equipment, that old people be taken care of, that our debt be paid down, that food and water be safe, that our environment be clean, or that a billionaire gets a new yacht?

Unfortunately, in the naive little world of the liberal, reality is someone else's problem. First of all, fire departments are not paid for by the federal government (though Obama and Dumbocrats wish they were so they could consolidate even more power). They are not even paid for at the state level. They are paid by city taxes genius. So using police and fire as an example for why the federal government should be able to rape the American people is ignorant beyond words.

Second, for every tear jerking statement you can make about "Seal Team Six" and "NASA", I can give you trillions of dollars in federal government waste. Hard earned, tax payer dollars just pissed away by ignorant Dumbocrats. Here are just a few examples of the enraging and unacceptable waste of the Obama Stimulus Package:

Forest Service Replaced Windows in Visitor Center Closed in 2007 (Amboy, WA) - $554,763

Interactive Dance Software Development (Charlotte, NC) - $762,372

In February 2009, Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell called Pittsburgh’s North Shore Connector “a tragic mistake,” leaving taxpayers wondering why the project recently received a $62.5 million windfall from the federal government.

Abandoned Train Station Converted Into Museum (Glassboro, NJ) - $1.2 million

The California Academy of Sciences received nearly $2 million to send researchers to the Southwest Indian Ocean Islands and east Africa, to capture, photograph, and analyze thousands of exotic ants.

Old Abandoned Iron Furnace Gets Facelift after Money Squandered on Same Project Years Before (Fitchburg, KY) – $357,710

Town Replaces New Sidewalks With Newer Sidewalks That Lead to Ditch (Boynton, OK) - $89,298

Is that your idea of "patriotism"? You're not a patriot, you're a typical Marxist/Socialist/Communist who is trying to shame actual patriots into blindly following your Marxism/Socialism/Communism. Unfortunately for you, conservatives are a lot smarter than the liberals who fall for that kind of stupidity.

More silliness. There are no "Marists or Socialist or Communists" here.

You guys always fall back on name calling.

Most of the budget is Social Security, Medicare, and defense.

Which one of those do you want to cut?
You have created one of the greatest economic crisis since the great depression. Rather than handle the deficit though negotiation and scaling back, you are now holding the country hostage refusing to budge in you insistance that the rich need tax breaks.
What happened to Jobs, Jobs, Jobs?
The Independent Voter has been watching and ALL polls say they want compromise, but you refuse. So you will pay in November 2012. I assure you, YOU WILL PAY!

You are all one termers. I hope it was worth it.
The tea Party didn't create the economic mess, that would be the dimwits, who are the ones not budging. Reid is the one not doing his job and saying that anything coming from the house is DOA. The Tea Party and Boehner are doing what they were elected to do, stop the spending by obamaturd and the dimwits.

Clinton left Bush with a balance budget, a strong economy, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later Bush left Obama with a trillion dollar deficit, a shattered economy, and two useless wars.

Bush created this mess and he and Reagan created most of the National Debt by lowering taxes for the rich.
All the republicans have to do to stop this crisis is to pass a clean debt ceiling bill

All the Democrats need to do is cut spending, stop new programs, and get serious about the economy. Stop worrying about 2012 and govern, you know, the reason BO is making over $400k per year + perks and saying he wants his taxes raised. You and he know of course, that no one is preventing him and those he purports to speak for from writing 6, 7, 8 digit checks to the general fund, voluntarily.

Your party is holding the American people hostage.

Stop it

The out of control spending has to stop.... :(

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