Thank you Tea Party!

You know if I was a KKK, Nazi, racist teabagger. I would never have time to post here with all the other meetings...
That's probably what you want, isn't it son? Shut down government... anarchy for all, let the strongest survive?

You've probably watched too many Mad Max Movies and think that type of thing is cool.

If this is directed to me it's the last thing I want. All I want is for our government to reduce it's size to the point that it can function on the amount of money we allow it to work with. We all need to remember this is our money and our government and they need to operate within their means. Who the hell is our President to DEMAND more tax income in any budget deal. To hell with him, he works for us and has 2.4 T a year to work with and if he needs more he should take it out of his personal account and leave ours alone.

After you pay taxes, it is no longer your money, it is the GOVERNMENT's money.

You're supposed to elect representatives that believe as you do.
The single biggest threat to the GOP today is the tea baggers.

They're gonna make the GOP go the way of the Whigs.

The Big Government GOP does need to go away. They simply resemble Democrats from a few decades ago.

The Tea Party wants the GOP to move right and become conservative.

Nothing wrong with smaller government. The government doesn't need to be in charge of every single facet of people's lives.
The single biggest threat to the GOP today is the tea baggers.

They're gonna make the GOP go the way of the Whigs.

You are most definitely correct.

And what I am about to say is not some snide is truly what I believe....

The ultra liberal actions of Pelosi, Reid and obama combined have pretty much scared many independants and moderate democrats away from the democratic party
You have created one of the greatest economic crisis since the great depression. Rather than handle the deficit though negotiation and scaling back, you are now holding the country hostage refusing to budge in you insistance that the rich need tax breaks.
What happened to Jobs, Jobs, Jobs?
The Independent Voter has been watching and ALL polls say they want compromise, but you refuse. So you will pay in November 2012. I assure you, YOU WILL PAY!

You are all one termers. I hope it was worth it.

Looks like Dear Leader has a problem. :eusa_whistle:

New polls: Obama’s off base -
You're leaving out the part where Clinton, the sitting President, lied under oath, which is why he was impeached. I mean, partisan hysterics aside, fucking lying under oath is a crime.

I love how liberals think Clinton lying under oath isn't a big deal whereas Bush should be tried for war crimes because he was wrong about Iraq having WMDs.

You mean lying under oath about sex? Hardly a big deal. That's slightly more serious than lying about what you had for breakfast. The point being is that there was no underlying crime. It wasn't a matter of state. And nobody died or was killed as a result.

Lying about WMDs to get us into a war even though Bush wasn't under oath when he did it, is FAR more serious. How many American deaths has that led to?

First off...he did not lie about WMD's. the intel of our country and many others said otherwise.

Second....lying under oath is a crime. Why do you minimize the importance of it? It compromised the sanctity of our system.

As to the highlighted part, you're wrong. You need to read a few books instead of just listening to talk radio.

Intelligence services distinguish between fact, suspicion, rumor etc. They also don't automatically take everyone at their word when a person comes forward with stories about WMD. The administration hyped the stories of discredited sources and buried the stories of highly credible sources within Saddam's regime when those claims didn't support their WMD threat "assessment." Bush and Cheney essentially herded the American public to exactly where they wanted to go.

As to the last part, how many people are EVER prosecuted for perjury if it's not a lie that was in furtherance of a crime? It's so rare as to be virtually unheard of.
You have created one of the greatest economic crisis since the great depression. Rather than handle the deficit though negotiation and scaling back, you are now holding the country hostage refusing to budge in you insistance that the rich need tax breaks.
What happened to Jobs, Jobs, Jobs?
The Independent Voter has been watching and ALL polls say they want compromise, but you refuse. So you will pay in November 2012. I assure you, YOU WILL PAY!

You are all one termers. I hope it was worth it.

The Tea Party is selfish, racist, and incredibly stupid.

A movement that wasn't born until sometime in 2010 "created the greatest economic crisis since the greate depression"....


Funniest thread of the day by

i thought it was 2008?

btw where the jobs?

"Where ARE the jobs?"

The 0bamunation Administration has done plenty to stifle that... Congress doesn't legislate jobs, fucknut... It can legislate away things which impede small business from hiring people, though...

You should have stayed in school... I blame your parents...
Saddam was afraid of the Iranians. People he had every reason to think would invade him. Keeping the word of WMDs out there was a ploy on his part to stave off invasion. In the end, it proved a poor defense.
You have created one of the greatest economic crisis since the great depression. Rather than handle the deficit though negotiation and scaling back, you are now holding the country hostage refusing to budge in you insistance that the rich need tax breaks.
What happened to Jobs, Jobs, Jobs?
The Independent Voter has been watching and ALL polls say they want compromise, but you refuse. So you will pay in November 2012. I assure you, YOU WILL PAY!

You are all one termers. I hope it was worth it.

The Tea Party is selfish, racist, and incredibly stupid.

Because they don't want to shift debts we owe to future generations? Selfish is wanting to continue on this spending spree you think we deserve. Since the future of America is Hispanic, how is this a racist act?
It is mind boggling that the Tea Baggers are willing to put the credit of the United States at rish, not to mention the checks of retirees and the needy...

WAIT, They don't really care about the needy! My Bad!
You have created one of the greatest economic crisis since the great depression. Rather than handle the deficit though negotiation and scaling back, you are now holding the country hostage refusing to budge in you insistance that the rich need tax breaks.
What happened to Jobs, Jobs, Jobs?
The Independent Voter has been watching and ALL polls say they want compromise, but you refuse. So you will pay in November 2012. I assure you, YOU WILL PAY!

You are all one termers. I hope it was worth it.

The Tea Party is selfish, racist, and incredibly stupid.

Because they don't want to shift debts we owe to future generations? Selfish is wanting to continue on this spending spree you think we deserve. Since the future of America is Hispanic, how is this a racist act?

No, because they don't want to pay their taxes.

My dream is that one day people will realize that paying your taxes is patriotic.

And that people who are against paying their taxes are anti-American.

The fire department and the police department and the post office and the school system and the EPA and Social Security and Medicare and the interstate highway system and the Hoover Dam and NASA and Seal Team Six are all good things, and they are paid for with our taxes.

So if the super wealthy have to pay a little higher tax rate than the working poor, so be it.

What is more important, that American children get an education, that our people get healthcare, that roads and bridges get fixed, that advanced materials research be done, that our military be supplied with the best equipment, that old people be taken care of, that our debt be paid down, that food and water be safe, that our environment be clean, or that a billionaire gets a new yacht?
It is mind boggling that the Tea Baggers are willing to put the credit of the United States at rish, not to mention the checks of retirees and the needy...

WAIT, They don't really care about the needy! My Bad!

Actually....the tea partyers are bold enough to admit that they see Obama as a liar who uses scare tactics to get his way.

Sort of like the little boy that holds his breath to scare mommy into thinking he will die if she doesnt let him have his way.
The Baggers want a short term solution, so they can do this whole thing again in 6 months. Don't they realize that each time they hold the country hostage, their craziness is exposed.

I am listening to a Bagger on CNN now that says compromise is out of the question. The American Voter says otherwise and will slam these children trying to be legislatures in 2012.

Actually, I hope to see some Recalls in the coming months!
You have created one of the greatest economic crisis since the great depression. Rather than handle the deficit though negotiation and scaling back, you are now holding the country hostage refusing to budge in you insistance that the rich need tax breaks.
What happened to Jobs, Jobs, Jobs?
The Independent Voter has been watching and ALL polls say they want compromise, but you refuse. So you will pay in November 2012. I assure you, YOU WILL PAY!

You are all one termers. I hope it was worth it.


From the title of your thread: "Thank you T-Party", and the "you" reference to the said T-Party ...... you, the certifiably politically insane Obamarrhoidal Turd ...... are blaming the T-Party for the present Financial debacle ?!?!?

Let me understand this, somehow, when Obummer got elected, the T-Party is responsible for the rise in the National Debt from ~ 10 $Trillion to the present $14.3 Trillion .....and by Obami Salaami's own accountants a projected $16+ Trillion at the end of the POS's term !?!?!?

That the waste of the ~ $Trillion , the result of the Obummercare, that 70% of the Nation doesn't want because that will not only subsidize those of us who won't pay.....but the ~13 million ILLEGAL Immigrants ........IS ALSO THE T-PARTY'S FAULT ?!?!?

That the FREEZE ON DRILLING of our Nation's Energy Reserves the GREATEST IN THE WORLD and that holds us hostage to our fucking Muslim Enemies, and Commie Hugo Chavez ......MUST ALSO BE THE T-PARTY'S FAULT ?!?!?

And, if we even forget the fact that The MONUMENTAL MARXIST, RACIST, PROTECTOR OF FUCKING MUSLIMS & ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS FRAUD, OBUMMER is rewarding the SAUDI ROYALTY, Prince Talal, in particular, for paying for his education......and Obummer's present exalted position because of his debt to the AVOWED HIGHEST LEVEL Black Panther & Islamofascist Terrorist Supporter Khalid Al Mansour.....who orchestrated Obami's connection to the Saudi Prince Talal ....... Let's NOT forget that Obami Salaami's "Greenery" CAP & TRADE has sent our Gas Prices thru the roof.....and that's just the begining....because ALL our prices are going to sky-rocket because ALL our prices are dependent on Gas Prices !!!........but oh yes.......THAT MUST ALSO BE THE FAULT OF THE T-PARTY !!!

I suppose that the T-Party must be somehow related to the KKK, Hitler & Bin Laden ??????

Seriously......are these fucking Obamarrhoidals INSANE ?!?!?!?

Are they inhabiting some other Planet and exercising thought control of our naive, ignorant American Citizens ?????

Or, is it the IMMENSE POWER OF GREED that the bribed Unions, Entitlement Parasites, and the 15% Left America-Hating Arseholes wallowing in........ that the sleazebag semi-black Political Charlatan is manipulating for his own MARXIST IDEOLOGICAL ENDS ?????
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