Thanks a lot, Baby Boomers

What do you know about Mao and his batshit insane youth revolution - that or Pol Pot???

If you were smart you would realize you're nothing more than a collectivist tool...

"Collectivist tool"? Would you be able to outline the stream of thought that led you from (a) my post to (b) that conclusion?

The fact that you started out blaming someone else, everyone else. Stick with living within your means, and you are off to a good start. It isn't Baby-Boomers that did this, but an entitlement mentality. Everything has a cost. Best to weigh it and understand it before making irresponsible decisions. I know it's a shock to some, but Unalienable Rights have little to do with how much money is spent on any select group, and everything to do with respecting both Your Own and Others, Right to Life, Liberty, Private Property, and Pursuit of Happiness. People like Franko never get that. For his kind, it's about being in control of others, and having them answer to him in everything. It's never enough, and his kind are never satisfied. Look at Obama. Does he look like he is at peace? No way.

Yup, and Mega rich Pubs are like W Booosh, grinning fool rich boys who have no clue about the people they hurt pandering to the rich. See my sig pp1. Memorize it, Pub dupe shyttehead. It's not an entitlement attitude, it's ANOTHER corruption and cronyism Pub DEPRESSION. If you lost your job, you might get a clue, you arrogant fool/hater/dittohead.:cuckoo::lol:

Did you figure out Australia doesn't use US dollars yet?
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What do you know about Mao and his batshit insane youth revolution - that or Pol Pot???

If you were smart you would realize you're nothing more than a collectivist tool...

"Collectivist tool"? Would you be able to outline the stream of thought that led you from (a) my post to (b) that conclusion?

The fact that you started out blaming someone else, everyone else. Stick with living within your means, and you are off to a good start. It isn't Baby-Boomers that did this, but an entitlement mentality. Everything has a cost. Best to weigh it and understand it before making irresponsible decisions. I know it's a shock to some, but Unalienable Rights have little to do with how much money is spent on any select group, and everything to do with respecting both Your Own and Others, Right to Life, Liberty, Private Property, and Pursuit of Happiness. People like Franko never get that. For his kind, it's about being in control of others, and having them answer to him in everything. It's never enough, and his kind are never satisfied. Look at Obama. Does he look like he is at peace? No way.

He was open enough to 'thank me' for my post on the differences within baby boom. That says something.
"Collectivist tool"? Would you be able to outline the stream of thought that led you from (a) my post to (b) that conclusion?

The fact that you started out blaming someone else, everyone else. Stick with living within your means, and you are off to a good start. It isn't Baby-Boomers that did this, but an entitlement mentality. Everything has a cost. Best to weigh it and understand it before making irresponsible decisions. I know it's a shock to some, but Unalienable Rights have little to do with how much money is spent on any select group, and everything to do with respecting both Your Own and Others, Right to Life, Liberty, Private Property, and Pursuit of Happiness. People like Franko never get that. For his kind, it's about being in control of others, and having them answer to him in everything. It's never enough, and his kind are never satisfied. Look at Obama. Does he look like he is at peace? No way.

Yup, and Mega rich Pubs are like W Booosh, grinning fool rich boys who have no clue about the people they hurt pandering to the rich. See my sig pp1. Memorize it, Pub dupe shyttehead. It's not an entitlement attitudes, it's ANOTHER corruption and cronyism DEPRESSION. If you lost your job, you might get a clue, you arrogant fool/hater/dittohead.:cuckoo::lol:

It's not about how much money you make, it's about how you live your life. Stop blaming everyone else for your problems, and suck it up.
uncircumscribed, who supposedly teaches economics, does not understand that the number of students have expanded much more than college seats.

Now uncircumscribed should be aware that if and when the major schools realize that the DL universe will not hurt the mortar and cement educational universe, the number of seats will come into line with the number of students.

Provided, that is, uncircumscribed, the colleges don't collude to keep the number of streets restricted.

You don't really teach econ, do you?

Fakey Jake, if you were just ever so slightly more dull witted, you could be a house plant.
"Collectivist tool"? Would you be able to outline the stream of thought that led you from (a) my post to (b) that conclusion?

The fact that you started out blaming someone else, everyone else. Stick with living within your means, and you are off to a good start. It isn't Baby-Boomers that did this, but an entitlement mentality. Everything has a cost. Best to weigh it and understand it before making irresponsible decisions. I know it's a shock to some, but Unalienable Rights have little to do with how much money is spent on any select group, and everything to do with respecting both Your Own and Others, Right to Life, Liberty, Private Property, and Pursuit of Happiness. People like Franko never get that. For his kind, it's about being in control of others, and having them answer to him in everything. It's never enough, and his kind are never satisfied. Look at Obama. Does he look like he is at peace? No way.

He was open enough to 'thank me' for my post on the differences within baby boom. That says something.

Yeah it does. He has not abandoned reason, I see that, which is why my focus was on someone else. ;)
What do you know about Mao and his batshit insane youth revolution - that or Pol Pot???

If you were smart you would realize you're nothing more than a collectivist tool...

"Collectivist tool"? Would you be able to outline the stream of thought that led you from (a) my post to (b) that conclusion?

The fact that you started out blaming someone else, everyone else. Stick with living within your means, and you are off to a good start. It isn't Baby-Boomers that did this, but an entitlement mentality. Everything has a cost. Best to weigh it and understand it before making irresponsible decisions. I know it's a shock to some, but Unalienable Rights have little to do with how much money is spent on any select group, and everything to do with respecting both Your Own and Others, Right to Life, Liberty, Private Property, and Pursuit of Happiness. People like Franko never get that. For his kind, it's about being in control of others, and having them answer to him in everything. It's never enough, and his kind are never satisfied. Look at Obama. Does he look like he is at peace? No way.

Good post. I agree with you on most accounts.

I'm usually not a "blameful" person, it was just a thought that's been drifting around my head lately: "hey, did this past generation let us down on a few accounts? How can my generation do better?". But, I realize that I may not have been 100% objective and fair when posting this....

...but it has stirred some good conversation, eh?
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uncircumscribed, who supposedly teaches economics, does not understand that the number of students have expanded much more than college seats.

Now uncircumscribed should be aware that if and when the major schools realize that the DL universe will not hurt the mortar and cement educational universe, the number of seats will come into line with the number of students.

Provided, that is, uncircumscribed, the colleges don't collude to keep the number of streets restricted.

You don't really teach econ, do you?

Fakey Jake, if you were just ever so slightly more dull witted, you could be a house plant.

Once again you are outed and that is the best you can do? A dull boy, uncircumscribed, a dull boy. :lol:
The fact that you started out blaming someone else, everyone else. Stick with living within your means, and you are off to a good start. It isn't Baby-Boomers that did this, but an entitlement mentality. Everything has a cost. Best to weigh it and understand it before making irresponsible decisions. I know it's a shock to some, but Unalienable Rights have little to do with how much money is spent on any select group, and everything to do with respecting both Your Own and Others, Right to Life, Liberty, Private Property, and Pursuit of Happiness. People like Franko never get that. For his kind, it's about being in control of others, and having them answer to him in everything. It's never enough, and his kind are never satisfied. Look at Obama. Does he look like he is at peace? No way.

Yup, and Mega rich Pubs are like W Booosh, grinning fool rich boys who have no clue about the people they hurt pandering to the rich. See my sig pp1. Memorize it, Pub dupe shyttehead. It's not an entitlement attitudes, it's ANOTHER corruption and cronyism DEPRESSION. If you lost your job, you might get a clue, you arrogant fool/hater/dittohead.:cuckoo::lol:

It's not about how much money you make, it's about how you live your life. Stop blaming everyone else for your problems, and suck it up.

Jeebus, what a dumbazz dupe. WTF? I'm a retired teacher at 61 with a Masters in World History- I just inherited 200k, and unlike you I have a clue. Pubs and their arrogant chumps
are the ruin of the country. Memorize my sig, fool- ya got NUTHIN LOL!
Jeebus, what a dumbazz dupe. WTF? I'm a retired teacher at 61 with a Masters!

And you communicate like a dim-witted teenager who got ahold of some tainted weed? You are either lying or are even more fucking pathetic than I thought. Either way, fuck off.
OK. Born in '43. The people born in the ten years after WW2 have some extroidinery achievements, and some really wild problems.

Most cannot seem to reason. Everything is done at a gut level. Yet this is also the generation that went to the moon.

They are often against anything that is new and strange to them. But they have given us the Internet.

They are all too often far more anti-science than their parent generation. Yet, in the last 50 years, science has advanced more than in any previous period. From genetic mapping to the magnificient Hubble pictures, our horizens are wider than at any time in history.

This generation was the first to openly advocate greed as a virtue, rather than a vice. And almost created the second great Depression.

One can go on, as with so many generations, both great achievements, and great failures.

Remember, in spite of the wonderful words and ideal expressed in the Declaration of Independence, the Extroidenery men of our Revolution could not find it in their hearts to eliminate the obvious cancer of slavery. That failure created the Civil War and the greatest bloodletting this continent has ever seen.
Boomers are the whiniest bunch of whiners ever, pampered and decadent, cynical and greedy.
"Collectivist tool"? Would you be able to outline the stream of thought that led you from (a) my post to (b) that conclusion?

The fact that you started out blaming someone else, everyone else. Stick with living within your means, and you are off to a good start. It isn't Baby-Boomers that did this, but an entitlement mentality. Everything has a cost. Best to weigh it and understand it before making irresponsible decisions. I know it's a shock to some, but Unalienable Rights have little to do with how much money is spent on any select group, and everything to do with respecting both Your Own and Others, Right to Life, Liberty, Private Property, and Pursuit of Happiness. People like Franko never get that. For his kind, it's about being in control of others, and having them answer to him in everything. It's never enough, and his kind are never satisfied. Look at Obama. Does he look like he is at peace? No way.

Yup, and Mega rich Pubs are like W Booosh, grinning fool rich boys who have no clue about the people they hurt pandering to the rich. See my sig pp1. Memorize it, Pub dupe shyttehead. It's not an entitlement attitude, it's ANOTHER corruption and cronyism Pub DEPRESSION. If you lost your job, you might get a clue, you arrogant fool/hater/dittohead.:cuckoo::lol:

Did you figure out Australia doesn't use US dollars yet?

Why the fuck does it matter what someone else has in this capitalist economy??? you fucking retards act like wealth or money is somehow finite....

How the fuck do you think the GDP grew so much over the past 150 years???

Do you think "rich babies" are born with hundred dollar bills sticking out of their nostrils??
Mr. Nick stumbles drooling through the village. Libertarian moronically trying to talk, what a fruit loop.
Mr. Nick stumbles drooling through the village. Libertarian moronically trying to talk, what a fruit loop.

Do you think there is a big pile of wealth somewhere that is divided up, and the rich get more than their fair share, Fakey Jake? If Warren Buffet gets a dollar more, then someone else must get a dollar less?

That's really what you think, isn't it Fakey Jake?

Standard Disclaimer: You're just a stupider version of TruthMatters....
I stick up for the mainstream GOP, not the far right wack like you, Unk, who are simply wing nuts.

Romney's election is going to allow us the opportunity to purge your small, elitist minority crazy heads from policy and decision making positions.

Such a purge has been needed since at least 1988.

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