Thanks Barack… 3 West Virginia Coal Plants to Close

A: Mexico is NOT the United States and does not have the EPA and FDA.

I brought up Mexico because of Montezuma's Revenge and the need for non-mexicans to bring bottled water for EVERYTHING. Even in Mexico City, which has the best water system in their nation... supposedly, they have this problem.

To show that we fuckup here too, I pointed out the Cryptosporidium outbreak in Milwaukee caused by a critical design flaw in two parts of the Mke water system. The intake was far too close to shore AND the mouth of the river. PLUS the sewage treatment facility which was at the time (and may not be completely fixed yet) is easily overwhelmed, discharging raw sewage into the Milwaukee river then the lake.

SOUND government regulations provide a great benefit for our society,

yes. Absolutely right "SOUND" government regulations. Evenly enforced and not overly intrusive. We hit that mark back in the 1970's. Pretty much every expansion of the environmental laws since then have caused unnecessary hardship and busy-work for the government so ecofascists can keep saying we have a crisis when it's long since been solved. Great scam if you can get it. Much like when the March of Dimes was facing extinction from the Polio Vaccine, they shifted to something that will NEVER be eliminated... Birth Defects. Why not try to find a cure for "natural causes"?

ensuring that our water is safe to drink.

Oh so now we're going to do the "conservatives want poison in the water" lie? Hyperbole much?

What is this shit you're talking about from 8 years ago?

If you can blame W for Obama's fuckups, I can bring up historical fact from the same time period. Longer really. Quit being fucking stupid. There's no jobs in it.

That's somehow a blight on the entire operations of the EPA and FDA?

That's one example, and I'm sure you'll find lots of radical environmentalists out there who say the EPA needs to go farther and farther. Ever hear about "Sightline Pollution"? that's gonna be fun when they put it in court! RFK Jr. used that to stop a wind farm going in off the coast of the Cape that'd fuck up the view from the kennedy compound.

Give me a fucking break. Bad shit happens despite best efforts, and you should know this.

Yes! It does! And you shouldn't overreact to it. Mercury emissions are massively low. Tightening the screws on the levels even more with no cost-effect benefit for the areas is goddamn foolhardiness over a crisis that hasn't existed since they started making SOUND decisions to cut back on the pollutant! Particularly when Nature releases more into the environment than we ever could.

So go on, thank the EPA and FDA for your clean tap and bottled water.

I do, and now I'd like to thank them to stop fixing what they already fixed so they can maintain a workload and get gubmint raises. I want you to fix what is a proven threat, while considering the cost-benefit of your actions, not to assume that it is a positive to life and society. I'd really like them to remember, MAN COMES FIRST, too.

Oh to dream!
Little Jacky Boy...

It's not about desire to kill people, it's about ineptitude, bottom line and more. Do you even KNOW what the water and food quality was like before the EPA?

Educate yourself, sonny.
I hear that lots of people were eating food, drinking water and generally living nice uneventful lives prior to 1970...I can attest to that, as I was there.
So we can safely assume you don't think USA drinking water supplies should be regulated because it's "regulatory overreach" to ensure safe drinking water for our citizens. We'll just let companies fill up any regular old water they can find. The consumers will decide by what kills them or not!

What an idiot.

If it wasn't for the EPA, then the water utility would poison us all. Isn't that what you believe? And you also believe that food companies are happy to sell products that will kill their customers or make them ill.

Libturds are so stupid it defies belief.

Little Jacky Boy...

It's not about desire to kill people, it's about ineptitude, bottom line and more. Do you even KNOW what the water and food quality was like before the EPA?

Educate yourself, sonny.

Nixon create the EPA in 1970. Please find us some examples of people dying from the water they drank prior to that.

The EPA doesn't regulate food quality. However, you also won't find any examples of people dying from contaminated food prior to the creation of the FDA or the USDA.
Little Jacky Boy...

It's not about desire to kill people, it's about ineptitude, bottom line and more. Do you even KNOW what the water and food quality was like before the EPA?

Educate yourself, sonny.
I hear that lots of people were eating food, drinking water and generally living nice uneventful lives prior to 1970...I can attest to that, as I was there.

I don't recall once drinking a glass of water that made me sick prior to 1970. I also don't remember eating anything that made me sick unless I left it in the fridge too long.
You 'Conservatives' fight every effort to clean up the mess that we have made of this fair land. Your only God is Mammon, and you care nothing about the impact of the pollution from these old plants on the children of this nation. Your lies stating that the plants are harmless are just that, lies. Mercury, causing neurological defects, the rest of the pollution, creating the huge increase in childhood and adult asthma we have seen in the last few generations, are proof of your lies.

But, lying to protect the wealth of the very wealthy is where it is at for you people.

But don't worry about it. The shutdown of all coal fired plants will happen in the not too distant future, brought on by the effects of the GHGs emitted on the climate.
SAGO appears to be forgotten; 29 died, and millions in revenue lost due to lack of $20 dollar tracking devices, and a mere $27,000 in fines for hazard violations that Sago paid; they never instituted the safety procedures though and lost an unknown disclosed amount in settlements with survivors. That equals many jobs lost because of FAILURE to close unsafe mines.

Bush touted industry SELF policing; Sago had its "police force" on PERMANENT vacation. Every disaster costs a company more than safety mechanisms, but the BOD's are far from the sites.
You 'Conservatives' fight every effort to clean up the mess that we have made of this fair land. Your only God is Mammon, and you care nothing about the impact of the pollution from these old plants on the children of this nation. Your lies stating that the plants are harmless are just that, lies. Mercury, causing neurological defects, the rest of the pollution, creating the huge increase in childhood and adult asthma we have seen in the last few generations, are proof of your lies.

But, lying to protect the wealth of the very wealthy is where it is at for you people.

But don't worry about it. The shutdown of all coal fired plants will happen in the not too distant future, brought on by the effects of the GHGs emitted on the climate.
SAGO appears to be forgotten; 29 died, and millions in revenue lost due to lack of $20 dollar tracking devices, and a mere $27,000 in fines for hazard violations that Sago paid; they never instituted the safety procedures though and lost an unknown disclosed amount in settlements with survivors. That equals many jobs lost because of FAILURE to close unsafe mines.

Bush touted industry SELF policing; Sago had its "police force" on PERMANENT vacation. Every disaster costs a company more than safety mechanisms, but the BOD's are far from the sites.
If you want to have a thread on mine safety, go start one....In the meantime quit deraling this one, m'kay?
Little Jacky Boy...

It's not about desire to kill people, it's about ineptitude, bottom line and more. Do you even KNOW what the water and food quality was like before the EPA?

Educate yourself, sonny.
I hear that lots of people were eating food, drinking water and generally living nice uneventful lives prior to 1970...I can attest to that, as I was there.
Same here. As I have oft repeated? History for some began the day they were born...:eusa_whistle:
You 'Conservatives' fight every effort to clean up the mess that we have made of this fair land. Your only God is Mammon, and you care nothing about the impact of the pollution from these old plants on the children of this nation. Your lies stating that the plants are harmless are just that, lies. Mercury, causing neurological defects, the rest of the pollution, creating the huge increase in childhood and adult asthma we have seen in the last few generations, are proof of your lies.

But, lying to protect the wealth of the very wealthy is where it is at for you people.

But don't worry about it. The shutdown of all coal fired plants will happen in the not too distant future, brought on by the effects of the GHGs emitted on the climate.
SAGO appears to be forgotten; 29 died, and millions in revenue lost due to lack of $20 dollar tracking devices, and a mere $27,000 in fines for hazard violations that Sago paid; they never instituted the safety procedures though and lost an unknown disclosed amount in settlements with survivors. That equals many jobs lost because of FAILURE to close unsafe mines.

Bush touted industry SELF policing; Sago had its "police force" on PERMANENT vacation. Every disaster costs a company more than safety mechanisms, but the BOD's are far from the sites.
If you want to have a thread on mine safety, go start one....In the meantime quit deraling this one, m'kay?

Peach apparently believes that closing mines is the way to preserve mine jobs.

These libturds are a riot, aren't they?
So we can safely assume you don't think USA drinking water supplies should be regulated because it's "regulatory overreach" to ensure safe drinking water for our citizens. We'll just let companies fill up any regular old water they can find. The consumers will decide by what kills them or not!

What an idiot.

If it wasn't for the EPA, then the water utility would poison us all. Isn't that what you believe? And you also believe that food companies are happy to sell products that will kill their customers or make them ill.

Libturds are so stupid it defies belief.

Little Jacky Boy...

It's not about desire to kill people, it's about ineptitude, bottom line and more. Do you even KNOW what the water and food quality was like before the EPA?

Educate yourself, sonny.
Since you were just born yesterday? WHY don't YOU educate us to life before 1970 and the before the USDA?
You 'Conservatives' fight every effort to clean up the mess that we have made of this fair land. Your only God is Mammon, and you care nothing about the impact of the pollution from these old plants on the children of this nation. Your lies stating that the plants are harmless are just that, lies. Mercury, causing neurological defects, the rest of the pollution, creating the huge increase in childhood and adult asthma we have seen in the last few generations, are proof of your lies.

But, lying to protect the wealth of the very wealthy is where it is at for you people.

But don't worry about it. The shutdown of all coal fired plants will happen in the not too distant future, brought on by the effects of the GHGs emitted on the climate.
SAGO appears to be forgotten; 29 died, and millions in revenue lost due to lack of $20 dollar tracking devices, and a mere $27,000 in fines for hazard violations that Sago paid; they never instituted the safety procedures though and lost an unknown disclosed amount in settlements with survivors. That equals many jobs lost because of FAILURE to close unsafe mines.

Bush touted industry SELF policing; Sago had its "police force" on PERMANENT vacation. Every disaster costs a company more than safety mechanisms, but the BOD's are far from the sites.
If you want to have a thread on mine safety, go start one....In the meantime quit deraling this one, m'kay?

Mine safety has nothing to do with closing mines that are no longer viable?
Thanks Barack… 3 West Virginia Coal Plants to Close | The Gateway Pundit

Three West Virginia coal plants just announced they will close this year. Metro News reported: Ohio based FirstEnergy Corporation announces it will close three coal fired power plants in West Virginia by this fall. The closings come directly from the impact of new federal EPA regulations. The plants to close are Albright Power Station, Willow Island Power Station, and the Rivesville Power Station. The company says 105 employees will be directly impacted. The three plants produce 660 megawatts and about 3-percent of FirstEnergy’s total generation. In recent years, the plants served as “peaking facilities” and generated power during times of...
The companies COULD comply with safety regs, or does SAGO not ring a bell? That company lost more than they would have spent complying with regulations enacted BEFORE Obama was President.
If it wasn't for the EPA, then the water utility would poison us all. Isn't that what you believe? And you also believe that food companies are happy to sell products that will kill their customers or make them ill.

Libturds are so stupid it defies belief.

Little Jacky Boy...

It's not about desire to kill people, it's about ineptitude, bottom line and more. Do you even KNOW what the water and food quality was like before the EPA?

Educate yourself, sonny.

Nixon create the EPA in 1970. Please find us some examples of people dying from the water they drank prior to that.

The EPA doesn't regulate food quality. However, you also won't find any examples of people dying from contaminated food prior to the creation of the FDA or the USDA.
I wanna see THAT death certificate! Cause of death "Drank the water".
SAGO appears to be forgotten; 29 died, and millions in revenue lost due to lack of $20 dollar tracking devices, and a mere $27,000 in fines for hazard violations that Sago paid; they never instituted the safety procedures though and lost an unknown disclosed amount in settlements with survivors. That equals many jobs lost because of FAILURE to close unsafe mines.

Bush touted industry SELF policing; Sago had its "police force" on PERMANENT vacation. Every disaster costs a company more than safety mechanisms, but the BOD's are far from the sites.
If you want to have a thread on mine safety, go start one....In the meantime quit deraling this one, m'kay?

Peach apparently believes that closing mines is the way to preserve mine jobs.

These libturds are a riot, aren't they?
No, Peach knows what EPA means; Peach also knows some companies do not want to spend the money to comply with regulations, and will close plants for TAX WRITE OFFS, rather then spend the $$$ to comply.
The companies COULD comply with safety regs, or does SAGO not ring a bell? That company lost more than they would have spent complying with regulations enacted BEFORE Obama was President.

We're discussing coal fired power plants, not coal mines.

Try to focus.
So we can safely assume you don't think USA drinking water supplies should be regulated because it's "regulatory overreach" to ensure safe drinking water for our citizens. We'll just let companies fill up any regular old water they can find. The consumers will decide by what kills them or not!

What an idiot.

If it wasn't for the EPA, then the water utility would poison us all. Isn't that what you believe? And you also believe that food companies are happy to sell products that will kill their customers or make them ill.

Libturds are so stupid it defies belief.

Prior to the EPA, thousands of companies were allowed to dump whatever they wanted into the air or waterways. Swamps were useless land. Companies took the path of least resistance. It was easier to burn it or dump it than to be accountable for your hazardous byproducts
If you want to have a thread on mine safety, go start one....In the meantime quit deraling this one, m'kay?

Peach apparently believes that closing mines is the way to preserve mine jobs.

These libturds are a riot, aren't they?
No, Peach knows what EPA means; Peach also knows some companies do not want to spend the money to comply with regulations, and will close plants for TAX WRITE OFFS, rather then spend the $$$ to comply.

Going bankrupt because of a mine disaster sure saved them a lot of money, didn't it?

Furthermore, these mines are all government regulated. I thought the government was supposed to prevent these disasters.

Again, we are discussing EPA regulations on Mercury emissions, not mine safety.
If it wasn't for the EPA, then the water utility would poison us all. Isn't that what you believe? And you also believe that food companies are happy to sell products that will kill their customers or make them ill.

Libturds are so stupid it defies belief.

Prior to the EPA, thousands of companies were allowed to dump whatever they wanted into the air or waterways. Swamps were useless land. Companies took the path of least resistance. It was easier to burn it or dump it than to be accountable for your hazardous byproducts

Again, can you produce evidence of anyone dying from contaminated drinking water prior to 1970? Contaminated food?
that doesn't mean that there are certain things that the epa does for us that we take for granted. which was my point.
Marvelous job of saying absolutely nothing. :clap2:

which is really true if you can ignore my point that there are certain things that the epa does for us that we take for granted.
If your point is that it wouldn't get done if the EPA didn't do it, you're off your rocker....And if there's something that they do do that nobody else would (i.e. enforcing mercury regs that have no bearing in actual reality to begin with), then it's arguable as to whether they should even be doing it in the first place.

But then again, I'm not the one invested in pimping for massive job killing and cost inflating federal bureaucracies here.
You 'Conservatives' fight every effort to clean up the mess that we have made of this fair land. Your only God is Mammon, and you care nothing about the impact of the pollution from these old plants on the children of this nation. Your lies stating that the plants are harmless are just that, lies. Mercury, causing neurological defects, the rest of the pollution, creating the huge increase in childhood and adult asthma we have seen in the last few generations, are proof of your lies.

But, lying to protect the wealth of the very wealthy is where it is at for you people.

But don't worry about it. The shutdown of all coal fired plants will happen in the not too distant future, brought on by the effects of the GHGs emitted on the climate.
SAGO appears to be forgotten; 29 died, and millions in revenue lost due to lack of $20 dollar tracking devices, and a mere $27,000 in fines for hazard violations that Sago paid; they never instituted the safety procedures though and lost an unknown disclosed amount in settlements with survivors. That equals many jobs lost because of FAILURE to close unsafe mines.

Bush touted industry SELF policing; Sago had its "police force" on PERMANENT vacation. Every disaster costs a company more than safety mechanisms, but the BOD's are far from the sites.
If you want to have a thread on mine safety, go start one....In the meantime quit deraling this one, m'kay?
ODDBALL; EPA regs impact mine safety.

Last month, when FirstEnergy Corp. decided to close six coal-fired power plants in its home state of Ohio and two other states, the moves became instant political ammunition for Republicans, who blamed the Obama administration’s environmental regulations for the closures.

Because of the regulations on toxic power plant emissions announced last month by U.S. EPA, “500 hardworking Americans in three states will lose their jobs — not to mention the countless indirect jobs,” asserted Rep. Bill Johnson (R-Ohio).

But the causes for the closures were not quite as simple or as immediate as that. Other forces helped push the FirstEnergy plants to the brink, according to energy experts. They include an underperforming U.S. economy, which is suppressing growth of electricity demand, and the lowest natural gas prices in a dozen years, which have made new gas-fired generation a compelling choice for utilities.

Plus, there are offsetting benefits. They begin with the potential for many more jobs in drilling, pipelines, steel, tools, chemicals and related industries — employment that will be created thanks to the surge in development of natural gas from the Utica and Marcellus shale deposits running underneath the state’s east side. The benefits also include a substantial reduction in health threats caused by the toxic emissions, EPA says.
TOXIC emissions kill miners ODD one.

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