Thanks Barack… 3 West Virginia Coal Plants to Close

Exactly!...They're so trusted that bottled water hardly sells at all. :rolleyes:

What the fuck does bottled water have to do with municipal water supplies? Bottled water is just a blight thanks to consumerism.

And you do realize that the SAME bottled water you're talking about, is also regulated by the EPA because most(half or over half, can't remember which) of it comes from municipal water supplies.

Ignorant, this one.
It has to do with perceptions, you fool.

The perception is that gubmint is so inept, incompetent and untrustworthy that they can't even be counted upon to deliver safe drinking water to peoples homes...Give the track record, it's hardly surprising.

I'd think that would be easy to see, for someone whose politics is so steeped in symbolism over substance.

Wow... that's the stupidest shit I've heard all day. The PERCEPTION of government that they can't provide safe drinking water? How about the fucking REALITY that they do every day for pretty much the entire country? Given the track record, it's actually surprisingly good. Most people drink municipal water, either from their tap or from bottled water... and we're perfectly safe. Jesus Christ, so dumb.
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The utilities have stated they are closing the plants to comply with EPA regulations. What part of that didn't you understand?

If that was the case mine would be closing too. But we're not. We're doing great.

I wonder what the fucking difference is? Please give me your expert opinion.

I thought you were a power plant technician, not a mine worker.

Why would anyone assume these three power plants were the only customers of whatever mine you work in?
What the fuck does bottled water have to do with municipal water supplies?

Shows lack of trust in water safety regardless of government systems. Go to mexico, drink the water. have fun. The US has their problems too. Remember the Cryptosporidium outbreak in Milwaukee about 8 years ago? Whoops.

Bottled water is just a blight thanks to consumerism.

That is opinion, not fact. While people obsessed with bottled water may seem foolish and irritating to you, to others, it is a lifesaver.

And you do realize that the SAME bottled water you're talking about, is also regulated by the EPA because most(half or over half, can't remember which) of it comes from municipal water supplies.
Yes, but it's the USDA and FDA that regulates bottled water. The EPA has little to do with it, whether it comes from a private well, or municipal tap. Of course, most of those sources have privately provided extra filtration for what they bottle. This has been shown to be... hit or miss as to the quality at best. But generally speaking, they do as good if not better than the government run facilities.

Ignorant, this one.

Ironic self diagnosis. Good touch.
What the fuck does bottled water have to do with municipal water supplies? Bottled water is just a blight thanks to consumerism.

And you do realize that the SAME bottled water you're talking about, is also regulated by the EPA because most(half or over half, can't remember which) of it comes from municipal water supplies.

Ignorant, this one.
It has to do with perceptions, you fool.

The perception is that gubmint is so inept, incompetent and untrustworthy that they can't even be counted upon to deliver safe drinking water to peoples homes...Give the track record, it's hardly surprising.

I'd think that would be easy to see, for someone whose politics is so steeped in symbolism over substance.

Wow... that's the stupidest shit I've heard all day. The PERCEPTION of government that they can't provide safe drinking water? How about the fucking REALITY that they do every day for pretty much the entire country? Given the track record, it's actually surprisingly good.
Of course it sounds stupid, because you are a Kool-Aid swilling lemming prole, who really believes that Big Daddy Big Gubmint is the only thing between you and poisonous drinking water.

And let's not bring reality into this, seeing as you wouldn't know it if it was humping your leg.
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The utilities have stated they are closing the plants to comply with EPA regulations. What part of that didn't you understand?

If that was the case mine would be closing too. But we're not. We're doing great.

I wonder what the fucking difference is? Please give me your expert opinion.

I thought you were a power plant technician, not a mine worker.

Why would anyone assume these three power plants were the only customers of whatever mine you work in?
Sez it all.
And I suppose you are...
I gather safety is NOT in the minds of "britpat" or others. Accidents like Sago however cost many times the amount of safety measures. Have you noted the number of UNEMPLOYED after SAGO? A lot of lost jobs after that tragedy.
Are you really suck a stupid little child?

Bottled Water is regulated by the FDA *AND* the EPA. The half or more than half of bottled water that comes from municipal water supplies(yeah, tap water!) is regulated by the EPA and the FDA is another layer of regulation on top of that.

And what the fuck do you mean what do municipal water supplies have to do with the EPA? THE EPA FUCKING REGULATES THEM. I mean fuck, you don't even have to look hard to find that information... you just have to go to the fucking EPA website. Ground Water and Drinking Water Homepage | Drinking Water | US EPA

Jesus Christ, why'd you drop out of school junior?

Ah, yes. You are correct. This is called "regulatory overreach."

Anyway, it's irrelevant who regulates it. In the end, Obama and his minions are the ones responsible.
If that was the case mine would be closing too. But we're not. We're doing great.

I wonder what the fucking difference is? Please give me your expert opinion.

I thought you were a power plant technician, not a mine worker.

Why would anyone assume these three power plants were the only customers of whatever mine you work in?
Sez it all.

Ya...that "sez it all", alright. You guys are really fucking stupid. Let me rephrase it so your third grade mentalities can understand it.

My power plant is doing GREAT even with the EPA regulations. Why would that be since we're all under the same regulations? Please give me your expert opinions.
And I suppose you are...
I gather safety is NOT in the minds of "britpat" or others. Accidents like Sago however cost many times the amount of safety measures. Have you noted the number of UNEMPLOYED after SAGO? A lot of lost jobs after that tragedy.

What the fuck does mine safety have to do with shutting down coal fired power plants because of EPA regulations? When has anyone come out against mine safety?
What the fuck does bottled water have to do with municipal water supplies?

Shows lack of trust in water safety regardless of government systems. Go to mexico, drink the water. have fun. The US has their problems too. Remember the Cryptosporidium outbreak in Milwaukee about 8 years ago? Whoops.

Bottled water is just a blight thanks to consumerism.

That is opinion, not fact. While people obsessed with bottled water may seem foolish and irritating to you, to others, it is a lifesaver.

And you do realize that the SAME bottled water you're talking about, is also regulated by the EPA because most(half or over half, can't remember which) of it comes from municipal water supplies.
Yes, but it's the USDA and FDA that regulates bottled water. The EPA has little to do with it, whether it comes from a private well, or municipal tap. Of course, most of those sources have privately provided extra filtration for what they bottle. This has been shown to be... hit or miss as to the quality at best. But generally speaking, they do as good if not better than the government run facilities.

Ignorant, this one.

Ironic self diagnosis. Good touch.

My god...

A few things that need to be pointed out here.

A: Mexico is NOT the United States and does not have the EPA and FDA.

B: You can thank your lucky stripes for both the EPA and the FDA, whether you're drinking bottled water or tap water from your home. SOUND government regulations provide a great benefit for our society, ensuring that our water is safe to drink.

What is this shit you're talking about from 8 years ago? That's somehow a blight on the entire operations of the EPA and FDA? Give me a fucking break. Bad shit happens despite best efforts, and you should know this.

So go on, thank the EPA and FDA for your clean tap and bottled water.

Are you really suck a stupid little child?

Bottled Water is regulated by the FDA *AND* the EPA. The half or more than half of bottled water that comes from municipal water supplies(yeah, tap water!) is regulated by the EPA and the FDA is another layer of regulation on top of that.

And what the fuck do you mean what do municipal water supplies have to do with the EPA? THE EPA FUCKING REGULATES THEM. I mean fuck, you don't even have to look hard to find that information... you just have to go to the fucking EPA website. Ground Water and Drinking Water Homepage | Drinking Water | US EPA

Jesus Christ, why'd you drop out of school junior?

Ah, yes. You are correct. This is called "regulatory overreach."

Anyway, it's irrelevant who regulates it. In the end, Obama and his minions are the ones responsible.

So we can safely assume you don't think USA drinking water supplies should be regulated because it's "regulatory overreach" to ensure safe drinking water for our citizens. We'll just let companies fill up any regular old water they can find. The consumers will decide by what kills them or not!

What an idiot.
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I thought you were a power plant technician, not a mine worker.

Why would anyone assume these three power plants were the only customers of whatever mine you work in?
Sez it all.

Ya...that "sez it all", alright. You guys are really fucking stupid. Let me rephrase it so your third grade mentalities can understand it.

My power plant is doing GREAT even with the EPA regulations. Why would that be since we're all under the same regulations? Please give me your expert opinions.

UH, when did anyone claim the regulations would shut down all power plants? Obviously, newer ones with advanced scrubbers can meat the regulations. However, it's only a matter of time until your fuhrer lowers the limit on Mercury again and then your plant will be on the block.

I will love watching your bleating in the forum when that occurs.
What is this shit you're talking about from 8 years ago? That's somehow a blight on the entire operations of the EPA and FDA? Give me a fucking break. Bad shit happens despite best efforts, and you should know this.
Oh, so when the water is clean and potable gubmint gets all the credit, but when they fuck up "shit happens".

Helpful hint: If you get called to the pavilion for a "special assembly", don't go.
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So we can safely assume you don't think USA drinking water supplies should be regulated because it's "regulatory overreach" to ensure safe drinking water for our citizens. We'll just let companies fill up any regular old water they can find. The consumers will decide by what kills them or not!

What an idiot.

If it wasn't for the EPA, then the water utility would poison us all. Isn't that what you believe? And you also believe that food companies are happy to sell products that will kill their customers or make them ill.

Libturds are so stupid it defies belief.
Sez it all.

Ya...that "sez it all", alright. You guys are really fucking stupid. Let me rephrase it so your third grade mentalities can understand it.

My power plant is doing GREAT even with the EPA regulations. Why would that be since we're all under the same regulations? Please give me your expert opinions.

UH, when did anyone claim the regulations would shut down all power plants? Obviously, newer ones with advanced scrubbers can meat the regulations. However, it's only a matter of time until your fuhrer lowers the limit on Mercury again and then your plant will be on the block.

I will love watching your bleating in the forum when that occurs.
And since the regime has basically declared war on coal-fired plants, there are no modern replacements for the older less efficient ones on the horizon.
Ya...that "sez it all", alright. You guys are really fucking stupid. Let me rephrase it so your third grade mentalities can understand it.

My power plant is doing GREAT even with the EPA regulations. Why would that be since we're all under the same regulations? Please give me your expert opinions.

UH, when did anyone claim the regulations would shut down all power plants? Obviously, newer ones with advanced scrubbers can meat the regulations. However, it's only a matter of time until your fuhrer lowers the limit on Mercury again and then your plant will be on the block.

I will love watching your bleating in the forum when that occurs.
And since the regime has basically declared war on coal-fired plants, there are no modern replacements for the older less efficient ones on the horizon.
By design. He's trying to force unproven expensive crap on the rest of us to appease his crony donors al-la Solyndra.
And since the regime has basically declared war on coal-fired plants, there are no modern replacements for the older less efficient ones on the horizon.

Yep. Not a single permit to build a coal fired power plant has been granted since Obama ascended to the throne.
So we can safely assume you don't think USA drinking water supplies should be regulated because it's "regulatory overreach" to ensure safe drinking water for our citizens. We'll just let companies fill up any regular old water they can find. The consumers will decide by what kills them or not!

What an idiot.

If it wasn't for the EPA, then the water utility would poison us all. Isn't that what you believe? And you also believe that food companies are happy to sell products that will kill their customers or make them ill.

Libturds are so stupid it defies belief.
Defies logic doesn't it? KILL that which you profit from?
What is this shit you're talking about from 8 years ago? That's somehow a blight on the entire operations of the EPA and FDA? Give me a fucking break. Bad shit happens despite best efforts, and you should know this.
Oh, so when the water is clean and potable gubmint gets all the credit, but when they fuck up "shit happens".

Helpful hint: If you get called to the pavilion for a "special assembly", don't go.

NO SHIT it's the EPA's problem... and yes, shit happens. It's the fault of the EPA. Your fucking point would be far more salient if you could provide anything else other than 8 years ago. How about providing recent shit, regularly happening shit if the EPA is so fucking bad at its job.

Fucking douche.
So we can safely assume you don't think USA drinking water supplies should be regulated because it's "regulatory overreach" to ensure safe drinking water for our citizens. We'll just let companies fill up any regular old water they can find. The consumers will decide by what kills them or not!

What an idiot.

If it wasn't for the EPA, then the water utility would poison us all. Isn't that what you believe? And you also believe that food companies are happy to sell products that will kill their customers or make them ill.

Libturds are so stupid it defies belief.

Little Jacky Boy...

It's not about desire to kill people, it's about ineptitude, bottom line and more. Do you even KNOW what the water and food quality was like before the EPA?

Educate yourself, sonny.
What is this shit you're talking about from 8 years ago? That's somehow a blight on the entire operations of the EPA and FDA? Give me a fucking break. Bad shit happens despite best efforts, and you should know this.
Oh, so when the water is clean and potable gubmint gets all the credit, but when they fuck up "shit happens".

Helpful hint: If you get called to the pavilion for a "special assembly", don't go.

NO SHIT it's the EPA's problem... and yes, shit happens. It's the fault of the EPA. Your fucking point would be far more salient if you could provide anything else other than 8 years ago. How about providing recent shit, regularly happening shit if the EPA is so fucking bad at its job.

Fucking douche.
If the EPA's failure was that of a private business, they'd be out of business...But if it's a bureaucratic appendage of your beloved socialistic nanny state, you get to say "ya fcuked up, ya trusted us" and have sad sack hacks like you come rushing to their defense.

Fucking zombie.

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