Thanks Barack… 3 West Virginia Coal Plants to Close

Thanks Barack… 3 West Virginia Coal Plants to Close | The Gateway Pundit

Three West Virginia coal plants just announced they will close this year. Metro News reported: Ohio based FirstEnergy Corporation announces it will close three coal fired power plants in West Virginia by this fall. The closings come directly from the impact of new federal EPA regulations. The plants to close are Albright Power Station, Willow Island Power Station, and the Rivesville Power Station. The company says 105 employees will be directly impacted. The three plants produce 660 megawatts and about 3-percent of FirstEnergy’s total generation. In recent years, the plants served as “peaking facilities” and generated power during times of...

I've been a coal fired power plant technician for over 30 years and I can tell you it wasn't the EPA that closed them. It was the market.

It the price per megawatt on the market would sustain it the company would invest in the needed technology to compete in the market.

Face it. One of these plants were built in teens, one in the 40's and the last one in the 50's. The O&M costs of running them had to be massive which is why they were only used as peakers anyway.

So your attempt to place all the blame on Obama and the EPA is a fail.
Those plants are apparently no longer economically viable unless the owners are willing to invest more money to clean up their discharge.

As the owners are unwilling to make that investment to make those plants cleaner, they are electing to close down operations.

Their choice, kids, their choice.

Now the capitalist models suggests that other investors will, upon sensing financial opportunity due to rising prices for energy, build cleaner coal fired plants to replace them.

What's wrong with that?

Don't you people have FAITH in the invisible hand of the market?

Apparently you don't have faith in that invisible hand of the market when it dopeslaps the people with money.

Why is it that you have every confidence in the invisible hand when it is dopeslapping consumers but not businesses?

Those plants that are shutting down are competeing with plants that DON'T spew crap into the air.

Level playing field and they just cannot compete.

I thought you guys all loved the CREATIVE DESTRUCTION of capitalism.


Do you or do you not believe in that?
The Sago disaster cost many more millions than the safety regs needed would have.
Those plants are apparently no longer economically viable unless the owners are willing to invest more money to clean up their discharge.

As the owners are unwilling to make that investment to make those plants cleaner, they are electing to close down operations.

Their choice, kids, their choice.

Now the capitalist models suggests that other investors will, upon sensing financial opportunity due to rising prices for energy, build cleaner coal fired plants to replace them.

What's wrong with that?

Don't you people have FAITH in the invisible hand of the market?

Apparently you don't have faith in that invisible hand of the market when it dopeslaps the people with money.

Why is it that you have every confidence in the invisible hand when it is dopeslapping consumers but not businesses?

Those plants that are shutting down are competeing with plants that DON'T spew crap into the air.

Level playing field and they just cannot compete.

I thought you guys all loved the CREATIVE DESTRUCTION of capitalism.


Do you or do you not believe in that?
The Sago disaster cost many more millions than the safety regs needed would have.
Non sequitur.

Sago has nothing to do with power plants, aside from being one of the many suppliers of coal to them....Much of which comes from strip mines that don't cave in.

As long as you have enough wind available to produce the kind of energy consumption that meets with the high fluctuations in energy demand, as well as future growing demands. Fossil fuels are actually more consistent and dependable sources of energy for the cost.

And coal plants are not going away. Only the older ones that aren't as adaptable to upgrades with high O&M costs.
Thanks Barack… 3 West Virginia Coal Plants to Close | The Gateway Pundit

Three West Virginia coal plants just announced they will close this year. Metro News reported: Ohio based FirstEnergy Corporation announces it will close three coal fired power plants in West Virginia by this fall. The closings come directly from the impact of new federal EPA regulations. The plants to close are Albright Power Station, Willow Island Power Station, and the Rivesville Power Station. The company says 105 employees will be directly impacted. The three plants produce 660 megawatts and about 3-percent of FirstEnergy’s total generation. In recent years, the plants served as “peaking facilities” and generated power during times of...

I've been a coal fired power plant technician for over 30 years and I can tell you it wasn't the EPA that closed them. It was the market.

It the price per megawatt on the market would sustain it the company would invest in the needed technology to compete in the market.

Face it. One of these plants were built in teens, one in the 40's and the last one in the 50's. The O&M costs of running them had to be massive which is why they were only used as peakers anyway.

So your attempt to place all the blame on Obama and the EPA is a fail.
The reason cited in the linked piece doesn't point to O&M costs...It points to EPA regulating them out of business.

Having serious challenges in reading for comprehension today, aren't ya?
Any one who trusts in the EPA is a fool.

They have become political. Much like the NOAA.

And once crossed over the line into political, science means jack shit.

It's thanks to regulations by the EPA that we have a high quality of drinking water in this country, among many other things.

As long as you have enough wind available to produce the kind of energy consumption and meet with the high fluctuations in energy demand. Fossil fuels are more consistent and dependable sources of energy for the cost.
None of the rest are tried and true.

Here is some interesting issues Denmark had to face, when they tried to implement wind power as an alternative to using fossile fuel.

Denmark (population 5.3 million) has over 6,000 turbines that produced electricity equal to 19% of what the country used in 2002. Yet no conventional power plant has been shut down. Because of the intermittency and variability of the wind, conventional power plants must be kept running at full capacity to meet the actual demand for electricity. Most cannot simply be turned on and off as the wind dies and rises, and the quick ramping up and down of those that can be would actually increase their output of pollution and carbon dioxide (the primary "greenhouse" gas). So when the wind is blowing just right for the turbines, the power they generate is usually a surplus and sold to other countries at an extremely discounted price, or the turbines are simply shut off.

Denmark is just dependent enough on wind power that when the wind is not blowing right they must import electricity. In 2000 they imported more electricity than they exported. And added to the Danish electric bill are the subsidies that support the private companies building the wind towers. Danish electricity costs for the consumer are the highest in Europe.

A Problem With Wind Power [AWEo_Org]
Any one who trusts in the EPA is a fool.

They have become political. Much like the NOAA.

And once crossed over the line into political, science means jack shit.

It's thanks to regulations by the EPA that we have a high quality of drinking water in this country, among many other things.
Exactly!...They're so trusted that bottled water hardly sells at all. :rolleyes:
Thanks Barack… 3 West Virginia Coal Plants to Close | The Gateway Pundit

Three West Virginia coal plants just announced they will close this year. Metro News reported: Ohio based FirstEnergy Corporation announces it will close three coal fired power plants in West Virginia by this fall. The closings come directly from the impact of new federal EPA regulations. The plants to close are Albright Power Station, Willow Island Power Station, and the Rivesville Power Station. The company says 105 employees will be directly impacted. The three plants produce 660 megawatts and about 3-percent of FirstEnergy’s total generation. In recent years, the plants served as “peaking facilities” and generated power during times of...

I've been a coal fired power plant technician for over 30 years and I can tell you it wasn't the EPA that closed them. It was the market.

It the price per megawatt on the market would sustain it the company would invest in the needed technology to compete in the market.

Face it. One of these plants were built in teens, one in the 40's and the last one in the 50's. The O&M costs of running them had to be massive which is why they were only used as peakers anyway.

So your attempt to place all the blame on Obama and the EPA is a fail.
The reason cited in the linked piece doesn't point to O&M costs...It points to EPA regulating them out of business.

Having serious challenges in reading for comprehension today, aren't ya?

No, not at all. But that's what you get when you take your "facts" from an article entitled, "Thanks Barack… 3 West Virginia Coal Plants to Close" and try to pass it off as non-biased fact, dumbfuck.

All you're doing is showing you know exactly jack shit about why old plants are closing. If it was just the Federal EPA they would ALL be closing, wouldn't they dickhead? So there must be other reasons, right? And I know the reasons older plants cannot compete.

It's like a car that costs more to operate the older it gets. And these "cars" were built in the teens, 40's and 50's.

Now you can either try learn something from someone with over 30 years experience is trying to tell you, try to refute my posts or STFU all together.

But since your all mouth and no brains I'm guessing you'll just keep parroting bullshit articles.
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Any one who trusts in the EPA is a fool.

They have become political. Much like the NOAA.

And once crossed over the line into political, science means jack shit.

It's thanks to regulations by the EPA that we have a high quality of drinking water in this country, among many other things.
Exactly!...They're so trusted that bottled water hardly sells at all. :rolleyes:

What the fuck does bottled water have to do with municipal water supplies? Bottled water is just a blight thanks to consumerism.

And you do realize that the SAME bottled water you're talking about, is also regulated by the EPA because most(half or over half, can't remember which) of it comes from municipal water supplies.

Ignorant, this one.
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Any one who trusts in the EPA is a fool.

They have become political. Much like the NOAA.

And once crossed over the line into political, science means jack shit.

It's thanks to regulations by the EPA that we have a high quality of drinking water in this country, among many other things.

It's also thanks to the EPA that everything costs 3 times more than it needs to. The problem with the EPA is that it never considers the cost of further regulations. If the first set of regulations cleans up a problem by 90%, it may drive up the cost of a product by 5%. The next increment in the regulations cleans up another 9% of the problem, so 99% of the original problem has been eliminated, but that increases the cost of the product by 20%. Then the next increment in the regulations removes 0.9% of the original problem, but that drives up the cost by 80% over the original cost. Then the next increment in regulations removes a further 0.09% of the problem, but the cost is now increased by 200% over the original cost.

Sensible people would have said that cleaning up 99% of the problem was sufficient, but the EPA isn't staffed by sensible people. It's staffed with environmental wackos who hate capitalism. They insist in cleaning up 99.999999% of the problem. Their goal isn't cleaning up the environment. Their goal is destroying private industry.

That's where the problem lies with the EPA: it long ago passed any reasonable limit on the regulations it imposes on industry.
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No, not at all. But that's what you get when you take your "facts" from an article entitled, "Thanks Barack… 3 West Virginia Coal Plants to Close" and try to pass it off as non-biased fact, dumbfuck.

All you're doing is showing you know exactly jack shit about why old plants are closing. If it was just the Federal EPA they would ALL be closing, wouldn't they dickhead? So there must be other reasons, right? And I know the reasons older plants cannot compete.

It's like a car that costs more to operate the older it gets. And these "cars" were built in the teens, 40's and 50's.

Now you can either try learn something from someone with over 30 years experience is trying to tell you, try to refute my posts or STFU all together.

But since your all mouth and no brains I'm guessing you'll just keep parroting bullshit articles.

The utilities have stated they are closing the plants to comply with EPA regulations. What part of that didn't you understand?
What the fuck does bottled water have to do with municipal water supplies? Bottled water is just a blight thanks to consumerism.

And you do realize that the SAME bottled water you're talking about, is also regulated by the EPA because most(half or over half, can't remember which) of it comes from municipal water supplies.

Ignorant, this one.

Wrong. Bottled water is regulated by the FDA, not the EPA.

What do municipal water supplies have to do with the EPA?
Wind power is reliant on....the wind blowing.

Solar power on sunny days.

Coal power, just digging up the coal.

Wind and solar power are good support options, but they should not be our sole source of energy power or else we are screwed.
Oil isn't reliant on wind, or sunny days either as isn't natural gas...:eusa_whistle:
and gas, even with price drops is still 3 times more expensive than coal.
It's thanks to regulations by the EPA that we have a high quality of drinking water in this country, among many other things.
Exactly!...They're so trusted that bottled water hardly sells at all. :rolleyes:

What the fuck does bottled water have to do with municipal water supplies? Bottled water is just a blight thanks to consumerism.

And you do realize that the SAME bottled water you're talking about, is also regulated by the EPA because most(half or over half, can't remember which) of it comes from municipal water supplies.

Ignorant, this one.
It has to do with perceptions, you fool.

The perception is that gubmint is so inept, incompetent and untrustworthy that they can't even be counted upon to deliver safe drinking water to peoples homes...Give the track record, it's hardly surprising.

I'd think that would be easy to see, for someone whose politics is so steeped in symbolism over substance.
No, not at all. But that's what you get when you take your "facts" from an article entitled, "Thanks Barack… 3 West Virginia Coal Plants to Close" and try to pass it off as non-biased fact, dumbfuck.

All you're doing is showing you know exactly jack shit about why old plants are closing. If it was just the Federal EPA they would ALL be closing, wouldn't they dickhead? So there must be other reasons, right? And I know the reasons older plants cannot compete.

It's like a car that costs more to operate the older it gets. And these "cars" were built in the teens, 40's and 50's.

Now you can either try learn something from someone with over 30 years experience is trying to tell you, try to refute my posts or STFU all together.

But since your all mouth and no brains I'm guessing you'll just keep parroting bullshit articles.

The utilities have stated they are closing the plants to comply with EPA regulations. What part of that didn't you understand?

If that was the case mine would be closing too. But we're not. We're doing great.

I wonder what the fucking difference is? Please give me your expert opinion.
What the fuck does bottled water have to do with municipal water supplies? Bottled water is just a blight thanks to consumerism.

And you do realize that the SAME bottled water you're talking about, is also regulated by the EPA because most(half or over half, can't remember which) of it comes from municipal water supplies.

Ignorant, this one.

Wrong. Bottled water is regulated by the FDA, not the EPA.

What do municipal water supplies have to do with the EPA?

Are you really suck a stupid little child?

Bottled Water is regulated by the FDA *AND* the EPA. The half or more than half of bottled water that comes from municipal water supplies(yeah, tap water!) is regulated by the EPA and the FDA is another layer of regulation on top of that.

And what the fuck do you mean what do municipal water supplies have to do with the EPA? THE EPA FUCKING REGULATES THEM. I mean fuck, you don't even have to look hard to find that information... you just have to go to the fucking EPA website.

Jesus Christ, why'd you drop out of school junior?
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