Thanks Barack… 3 West Virginia Coal Plants to Close

Another thing these libs are clueless about is the lack of energy power around the US which causes brownouts in the summer months when everyone has their AC on.

So shutting down more power plants in the northeast will lead to brownouts and deaths like in Europe.....
Which lends fodder to them to shut it all down in favour of unviable/expensive/yet to be proven green tech...:eusa_whistle:
Accountants? Utility Engineers? Please. We have many coal fired utility plants here in Georgia and all over the southeast. The trains are sometimes over a mile long with each box car filled with coal. Asthma rates in the southeast over the last 40 years with all of the growth here have skyrocketed and it is coal fumes that is causing a lot of it.

Pure horseshit. As the graph I already posted demonstrates, pollution from coal fired power plants has decreased every year. If Asthma rates are going up, it isn't from coal fired power plants. It's mostly the result of an increase in hypochondria.

I live 30 miles due east of a Georgia Power coal powered plant and today with the cold weather and clear skies I could smell it at 7 am this morning.

You could smell it? Well that certainly is scientific evidence!

Coal mining is one of the absolute worst things you can to ground water, natural springs and the entire environment.

It's temporary. Coal companies have to restore the land to something equivalent to it's natural state. Furthermore, that's only open pit mines. The coal plants in W. VA were supplied by underground mines. They have no impact on ground water, streams and the entire environment.

I am no Obama fan but coal driven anything is terrible these days. Coal is an ancient and inefficient commodity for energy with the power plants. Ask any engineer what they think about coal driven power plants. They hate them as much as I hate Obama as President. Smart move by the administration. Even a blind squirrel can find the nut sometimes.

What utter horseshit. Coal is the cheapest form of energy we have, and it's the most abundant. Getting rid of it simply isn't an option. How long we've been using it is irrelevant, and the claim that it's "inefficient" is utterly meaningless. "inefficient" in terms of what, cost? Nope. Percent converted to usable energy? Nope.

I am a mechanical engineer, and I love coal fired power plants. Only ignorant environmental wackos hate coal.
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They weren't ordered to close, they were ordered to clean up. They CHOSE to close up rather than clean up.

When the cost of "cleaning up" is greater than the cost of closing them, there is no practical difference, and even stupid turds like you know it.
Thanks Barack… 3 West Virginia Coal Plants to Close | The Gateway Pundit

Three West Virginia coal plants just announced they will close this year. Metro News reported: Ohio based FirstEnergy Corporation announces it will close three coal fired power plants in West Virginia by this fall. The closings come directly from the impact of new federal EPA regulations. The plants to close are Albright Power Station, Willow Island Power Station, and the Rivesville Power Station. The company says 105 employees will be directly impacted. The three plants produce 660 megawatts and about 3-percent of FirstEnergy’s total generation. In recent years, the plants served as “peaking facilities” and generated power during times of...

Being a retired power plant engineer (and a FirstEnergy employee many years ago), I can tell you that "peak" power plant facilities are usually older power plants that are only in operation on an "as needed" basis, during "peak" demand (usually during the summer).

The fact that 105 people will be affected is a tragedy for the families of those people, but it could be, and may be, a lot worse than that when the new EPA regulations force other older and larger power plants to close.

At least there are three new nuclear power plants that are going to be built. The NRC actually approved them! It's about damn time!
You just proved that you're an asshole who doesn't give a rats ass about the unemployed or the poor.

Why should anyone care?

They live in the lap of luxury with SUVs, Cell phones, flat screen TVs and microwave ovens
And it just burns your ass that they could obtain all of those things without gubmint giving it to them, donnit?

If they suffered more maybe we could help them
Nice to hear you be honest about what you Marxist goobers are up to, for a change.

With all that high living, why should anyone care?

If they were actually suffering then maybe we should care.....up till then, just whine and blame liberals for your lot in life.

What's the matter conservatives? What happened to personal responsibility?

Pick yourselves up by your bootstraps and quit whining
LOL...right...big evil Democratic plan. Lord you people are truly crazy. Yes or no, Barack Obama ran on cleaner energy? Yes or no, he ran on cleaning up coal plants? Yes or no, he won?

No, he said he would make sea level start decreasing. He said nothing about cleaning up Mercury pollution.

Furthermore, Democrats are evil. We've had ample proof of that since they gained power.

Plants are closing down that are too old to be running anymore. They can't meet the cleaner standards that the ELECTED President put into place (which was part of his campaign so it's not a big surprise). These plants had the choice to clean up their operations (which cost taxpayers millions in health care costs) or close. They chose to close. That means cleaner air and water (and therefore lower health care costs) for the residents living near those plants either way.

ROFL! When did you become an expert in the engineering and economics of electric power production? No one elected Obama to lower Mercury emissions from coal plants. We know they had a choice of shutting down or shutting down. That's the kind of choice a mugger offers you, turn over your money or take a bullet. All you proved is that Obama and the EPA are a gang of thugs.
The plants that are closing only produced power during peak times, but still had to RUN 24/7. That's not effective or efficient. Replace them with clean burning gas turbines that can be SHUT OFF when not needed. (but just in the interim until they can be completely converted to wind, solar or other renewable resource)

Again, you're an imbecile. Your claim is just plain dead wrong.
So how are some managing to do it while others aren't? Maybe some of them are just too damn old to be operating anymore and SHOULD be shut down. Coal is one of the worst sources of energy we have. It is the dirtiest and one of the least efficient. Time to move away from it...especially for plants like these that are not providing the bulk of energy to the surrounding communities, are only there for "peak" times and still must burn 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They SHOULD be closing if they can't operate to the standards set by the EPA. That's what they are there FOR.

You just revealed the real reason you defend this action: You jus*t plain don't like coal because you're an environmental wacko.

Who do you think you're fooling?
So how are some managing to do it while others aren't? Maybe some of them are just too damn old to be operating anymore and SHOULD be shut down. Coal is one of the worst sources of energy we have. It is the dirtiest and one of the least efficient. Time to move away from it...especially for plants like these that are not providing the bulk of energy to the surrounding communities, are only there for "peak" times and still must burn 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They SHOULD be closing if they can't operate to the standards set by the EPA. That's what they are there FOR.

You just revealed the real reason you defend this action: You jus*t plain don't like coal because you're an environmental wacko.

Who do you think you're fooling?
If it's so simple and obviously efficient and beneficial, why don't you pony up, draw up a business plan that an investment banker will throw in with, buy the plants and convert them yourself?

ROFL! Yeah, where are all these rich environmentalists eager to get rich building wind power farms? The answer is there aren't any because no one will build one without a heft government subsidy. Even the wackos understand that wind power can't compete economically with coal.
If it's so simple and obviously efficient and beneficial, why don't you pony up, draw up a business plan that an investment banker will throw in with, buy the plants and convert them yourself?

ROFL! Yeah, where are all these rich environmentalists eager to get rich building wind power farms? The answer is there aren't any because no one will build one without a heft government subsidy. Even the wackos understand that wind power can't compete economically with coal.

Same with Solar.
False. The only two better are nuclear and hydro. They are the cheapest, most reliable and efficient.

Cost of Wind Power — Kicks Coal’s Butt, Better than Natural Gas
From an advocacy site. Yeah, that's not gonna oversell at all. :rolleyes:

Is that a stable 24/7/365 running projection? or only when the wind blows the proper speed which is far from it.

but dont take my word for it that you're being lied to. look at the levelized costs. Not good for green energies.

The utilization rates for wind power is about 6%. That means any figures they publish have to be multiplied by a factor of 15.
Thanks Barack… 3 West Virginia Coal Plants to Close | The Gateway Pundit

Three West Virginia coal plants just announced they will close this year. Metro News reported: Ohio based FirstEnergy Corporation announces it will close three coal fired power plants in West Virginia by this fall. The closings come directly from the impact of new federal EPA regulations. The plants to close are Albright Power Station, Willow Island Power Station, and the Rivesville Power Station. The company says 105 employees will be directly impacted. The three plants produce 660 megawatts and about 3-percent of FirstEnergy’s total generation. In recent years, the plants served as “peaking facilities” and generated power during times of...

Being a retired power plant engineer (and a FirstEnergy employee many years ago), I can tell you that "peak" power plant facilities are usually older power plants that are only in operation on an "as needed" basis, during "peak" demand (usually during the summer).

The fact that 105 people will be affected is a tragedy for the families of those people, but it could be, and may be, a lot worse than that when the new EPA regulations force other older and larger power plants to close.

At least there are three new nuclear power plants that are going to be built. The NRC actually approved them! It's about damn time!
A retired power plant engineer? Pffft. What do YOU know? Anonymous internet liberals know more than you, because Obama told them.
Wind power is reliant on....the wind blowing.

Solar power on sunny days.

Coal power, just digging up the coal.

Wind and solar power are good support options, but they should not be our sole source of energy power or else we are screwed.

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