Thanks democrats, by telling the truth, our next generation now knows you want to confiscate guns...

The next generation knows that the democrats want to ban and confiscate guns...and while their buddies on the anti gun side will be getting high and wasting their lives on video games as they collect welfare checks, the next generation who supports the 2nd Amendment will be voting and organizing..

Students from 300 Schools Pledge to Walk Out of Class in 'Stand for the Second' Event | Breitbart
Sure, because we all know that only young people who support the second amendment will be allowed to vote?
Had Hillary won, Praise Uncle Vlad for saving the American Republic, her 5th anti American gun grabbing SCOTUS pick would have already ruled that the 2A meant that, just like in Mao's China and Stalins USSR, only the government should have guns.
The next generation knows that the democrats want to ban and confiscate guns...and while their buddies on the anti gun side will be getting high and wasting their lives on video games as they collect welfare checks, the next generation who supports the 2nd Amendment will be voting and organizing..

2TinyGuy, this is why you gun nuts are going to lose.

Big corporations are finally turning on you.

They realize that the $270 BILLION dollar price tag for your fetish mostly falls on them.
The next generation knows that the democrats want to ban and confiscate guns...and while their buddies on the anti gun side will be getting high and wasting their lives on video games as they collect welfare checks, the next generation who supports the 2nd Amendment will be voting and organizing..

Students from 300 Schools Pledge to Walk Out of Class in 'Stand for the Second' Event | Breitbart
The thread premise is a ridiculous lie.

This is further evidence that Breitbart and most on the right are lying scum.
Once folks become aware of the Communist Agenda, they realize that disarming the populace is a big part of it. And the Communists seized control of the US Democratic Party years ago. So, just do the math. They are coming for your guns. It's the truth.
Schrute3 and his political philosophy are crazy stew.

What is happening is what neo-fascists always do: accuse the major main stream party of being "communists".
and yet repubs voted yes on the last assault weapon ban.
You mean the guns that have been used in the worst mass shootings in our history?

The worst school shooting was done with 2 handguns...

And the worst mass shooting in the U.S...doesn't compare to the worst van attack.....

The Vegas shooter had to use 2 rifles, expensive rifles, with over 1,000 rounds of ammo, which ain't cheap, firing into a crowd of over 22,000 people tightly packed in to a concert venue, firing from a concealed and fortified kill 58.

Had the Vegas shooter simply rented a truck for about 19.99 for the first hour of killing, like the muslim terrorist in France? that guy killed 86 people.

Can you tell which number is bigger, brainless?

And the Waffle house shooter, with an AR-15 rifle the cops gave back to him....killed 4 injured 4.

The Toronto van driver? Killed 10 injured 15.

The New York van driver? another muslim....killed 8 injured 11.

The deadliest weapon is a van or truck, not an AR-15 civilian rifle.

And the only reason you care? Because you can lie about the problem of mass shooters, who kill fewer people each year than lawn mowers do.....

Ban vans, trucks and lawn mowers....and you will save more lives....
Your use of the false equivalency of tools just does not resonate with the nation.
TUCSON, Ariz. - Students in at the Arizona College Prepatory Academy will walk out of class Wednesday to show their support for the Second Amendment.
Arizona students plan to participate in nationwide walkout to support Second Amendment

The next generation knows that the democrats want to ban and confiscate guns...and while their buddies on the anti gun side will be getting high and wasting their lives on video games as they collect welfare checks, the next generation who supports the 2nd Amendment will be voting and organizing..

Students from 300 Schools Pledge to Walk Out of Class in 'Stand for the Second' Event | Breitbart
Thanks Republicans for putting a crime family headed by a real Don into our White House.
It's so nice to watch the don't tread on me thugs be terrified of shadows and false propaganda.
It's so nice to watch the don't tread on me thugs be terrified of shadows and false propaganda.
Do yourself a favor and become enlightened. In this forum you will find statements by Dem politicians stating they want to take away people’s guns.

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