Thanks for the fake news warning Hillary.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
The inability of the losing side in this last presidential election to come to grips with the result is interesting and it should go down to posterity as something to be studied. On its face the election result came about because the losing side failed to read the popular will of the electorate due to the fact that they were so self-saturated with their own propaganda that they began to believe it. Unfortunately for them the collective wisdom of the masses rose up to override the pompous, self-appointed genius of the Academic class bolstered by shoveled piles of political correctness.

The problem with piling anything high enough, deep enough and for long enough even if it’s to fertilize your own ideological bent, is that after a while those piles begin to smell and the people grow tired of them. Of course the losers are never going to own up to this so the loss is being chalked up to warnings that America is now under the merciless assault of “fake news”. Do you think it’s possible that these masterminds were beaten at their own game? “I’ll see your political correctness and I’ll raise you with fake news”. You see there are a lot of older white and black people who think political correctness is fake news disguised as education.

Hillary Clinton is now on the loser circuit with dire warnings of fake news and the real world consequences to ordinary people just trying to go about their days. This is not about politics and partisanship and lives are at risk she says. In other words we should just listen to her fake news not the fake news of those who do not agree with her. Fake news certainly has dire consequences-witness the fake news of “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” and “Black Lives Matter.” There are a lot of dead police officers who have fallen victim to this fake news.

Before we go gangbusters against the creation of fake news we should remember history and revisit the former Soviet Union where nothing was allowed in print that did not have the official seal of approval of the Soviet Supreme Command. Anyone who ran afoul of the command was either hauled off in a straight-jacket or got a one way ticket to the Gulag. You see the Soviets and (apparently Hillary Clinton) believed that the people were not smart enough to distinguish between fake and real news and anything they saw in print they believed thus they had to be protected from it-especially if it was contradictory to the political correctness of the Supreme Command.

Instead of launching a spy network against the internet would it not be a better idea to educate our children to make sense of their world so they can recognize the difference between fake news (propaganda) and real news that is presented to inform them of events that affect their lives? Maybe we could start on our college campuses to achieve a balance of ideological thought instead of the concentrated, contemporarily popular dogma of political correctness. Fifty years of bad ideas has not produced a better society and it certainly hasn’t produced smarter citizens.

Maybe instead of encouraging our children to be delicate little snowflakes who need hot chocolate and coloring books so they won’t have nightmares of Donald Trump coming out of the closet with a chainsaw we should teach them to be more careful and questioning about how they absorb information. Instead of the debilitating tunnel vision of political correctness-the empirical fake news of today’s academia-why don’t we arm them with the ability to use the alternative light source of healthy skepticism? It’s not enough today to just read the lines; you need to be able to read between the lines.

Even though Hillary Clinton lost the election we owe her a debt of gratitude for alerting us to the dangers of fake news. It’s that Supreme High Command again and all the perks that go with it. The people finally got behind a populist and stormed the Bastille. When the smoke clears let’s be optimistic and hope it works out well
Hard to say she failed to read the electorate when she got 2.7 million more votes.
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There is little danger that any analytical deconstruction of anything in the op will appear because most of the subjects of the op can barely read a menu let alone take apart an argument. No worries about rebuttals either. The same subjects couldn't compose a respectable grocery list forget about any kind of coherent counter argument. This is why fake news is so dangerous. Higher education is fake news. The idiocracy is alive and well.
Hard to say she failed to read the electorate when she got 2.7 million more votes.
In a state of stupid fools and egotistical fake people So what? she could not even keep the lead she had in California, that proves she was a real looser. That is the greatness of the electoral college, it keeps a state MOSTLY full of ignorant liberal morons and egotist that think they are on earth to rule everyone else from getting to do just that.
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The true beauty of this new paradigm of fake news is that Hillary Clinton has finally found something to expound upon of which she is an unqualified expert. When those people were dying in Benghazi it was her that spread the fake news of a video.
Yes AND the fact that there was a plane downed a week or two before and the deployment of forces in the area had not changed, YET the crew of the plane being mobile and moving were rescued in about two hours, and they could not get support to the Embassy in a stationary known location. Liberals who would accept that scum as a candidate should be expelled or executed for treason with all of the party's leaders. Selling fissionable uranium to Russia would be enough for me to KNOW that was a FACT.

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