Thanks Privatizers...

Washinton State recently voted to privatize liquor sales and get the state out of the liquor buisness.


A bottle of your favorite hooch costs 50% more.

Availability?... Not so much. State used to stock EVERYTHING.

Private sellers? They only stock the fast movers.

Thanks to you assholes that think privatizing is better.

Did I mention how much I hate you people?

Liquor privatization in Washington state upheld | Seattle
So now only those that drink will pay the costs, how is that wrong? Why should anyone be forced to subsidize your activity?

Sounds like you should get in touch with a local chapter of AA instead.

Someone like you should go fuck yourself. I rarely drink alcohol.

The state was making money on liquor sale you fucking moron. The privatizers just saw an opportunity to really stick it to the public and dumped millions in advertizing to wrestle liquor away from the state. NOW who do you think will be REALLY paying for the advertizing?

and they will still get that money.
How many distributors are there in the state/city?

It's a whole new system. Apparently the big box stores and the big square footage retail chains can now sell liquor. Fred Meyers, a large store chain cleared out a big aisle full of bread and stuck it in 1/4 the space over by chips and candy in preparation for hard liquor and huge profits. It hasn't shaken out totally yet. The State was forced to sell all it's locations and warehouse facilities. Some will remain open under new management ..some not.

Saw night before last on a local news that a fifth of top shelf vodka that was selling for around $22 is now goona nick ya around $35 bucks.

I seldom drink but the money and the lies that the privatizers poured all over our state like cheep wine totally bamboozled Washington voters.

You people that support privatizing are fucking idiots.
Right...But you may only have one distributor, which means that one monopoly has been replaced with another....My bet is that this is the case.

Not only that, but Diaper Boy admits that it's a fairly recent switch to privatization, yet he condemns it outright...

They're willing to give Zero the Hero YEARS to fix things, but privatization is automatically a

Socialists are fucking stupid...
Silly move by the State.

In NH all the liquor stores are run by the State.

Loads of revenue every year.

Dumb move by Washington State and it sounds like a real kick in the teeth for booze buyers.
Government for profit is fundamentally wrong.
every time we privatize things will increase in price.

It means profit has to be added to the price.

Its common fucking sense
You stupid enough to believe that the state adds no profit?

What am I thinking?...Of course you are. :lol:

do you suggest achohol have no taxes?

Did anyone say that? Just pointing the tax component of prices.., When I lived in NYC, you cross the Outerbridge into Elizabeth, NJ, gas was about $.30 cheaper... why?

Fucking NY taxes.
Do like we do here in NOLA.... you can buy liquor and beer anywhere from CVS to a Shell station 24/7.

It;s pretty cheap.
every time we privatize things will increase in price.

It means profit has to be added to the price.

Its common fucking sense

It means that for every person who purchased a bottle of booze, each and every single person that pays taxes in the state bought it with you.

Its called subsidies. It is also called a monopoly. Both should be illegal.
It's really not rocket science. The State "used" to run it, now private individuals WILL -"by opening up liquor stores", and eventually more, and more liquor stores WILL OPEN, with more businesses to stock them, bringing the costs down due to that thing called free enterprise. Sounds like a great time to open up a Liquor store in Washington State.
every time we privatize things will increase in price.

It means profit has to be added to the price.

Its common fucking sense

You generalize too well...but you do make proper reference to the government not making a profit. The government is not driven to make a profit. The government can always raise taxes for the income it needs to keep paying lazy assholes for doing basically nothing! We have too many government employees and too many government dependents.

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