Thanks to Biden’s policies, prepare for a cold, expensive winter

So what? I never said I opposed exporting it. I assume somebody gets paid along the way to ship it through our ports. Nor do I care that refiners can use their excess capacity to make and export refined products. Lets just not kid ourselves that these new pipeline are for our energy needs.

If we need more refined products in case of war or emergency, Is it easier to import more,
or use these products refined in Texas?
If we need more refined products in case of war or emergency, Is it easier to import more,
or use these products refined in Texas?

So you want to nationalize US oil companies? It thought you were running around calling everyone socialists and commies.
Look it up . China owns Canadian tarsands. Everything that gets refined in the Free Trade zone is exported to avoid taxes.

Look it up . China owns Canadian tarsands.

All of it? LOL! You made the claim, you look it up. And post it. DURR

Everything that gets refined in the Free Trade zone is exported to avoid taxes.

Why do you keep repeating this error. Any profit made by this refiner is taxed.
The only thing avoided are import and export taxes. If some of the gasoline is
sold here, the profit is taxed. If some of the gasoline is exported, the profit is taxed.
So you want to nationalize US oil companies? It thought you were running around calling everyone socialists and commies.

So you want to nationalize US oil companies?

I do? LOL!

It thought you were running around calling everyone socialists and commies.

And morons. You're also a moron. But at least you love the mullahs.

Look it up . China owns Canadian tarsands.

All of it? LOL! You made the claim, you look it up. And post it. DURR

Everything that gets refined in the Free Trade zone is exported to avoid taxes.

Why do you keep repeating this error. Any profit made by this refiner is taxed.
The only thing avoided are import and export taxes. If some of the gasoline is
sold here, the profit is taxed. If some of the gasoline is exported, the profit is taxed.



Now they own all of it? LOL!

In 2018, PetroChina produced an average of just 7,300 barrels per day of bitumen from its MacKay River thermal oilsands project, although it was designed to produce 35,000 bpd. In June, its output was about 8,700 bpd.

Out of 4 million barrels exported daily? Doesn't seem like all.

Most of the recent deals have been by Chinese companies buying shares in existing projects. For instance, Sinopec spent $4.65 billion last year buying ConocoPhillips' 9 percent stake in Syncrude Canada Ltd., the world's biggest oil sands producer. And earlier this summer, state-owned CNOOC spent $2.1 billion acquiring the bankrupt OPTI Canada, whose main asset was a 35 percent working interest in Nexen's Long Lake oil sands project in Alberta.

Still not all.
I wonder if when oil was dirt cheap in 2020 with the crisis, did the federal govt fill up our oil reserves every which way but loose? Maybe we could release some on the market, like other presidents have done, to lower the price here????? :dunno:
The whole world is suffering the same or worse on heating fuels....

The Key stone pipeline was never closed, and Keystones XL PIPELINE is not built yet for transporting Canadian shale or dirty sand the Gulf, so no loss there. The hurricane Ida was some loss, but that's a natural disaster....

This is a worldwide shortage....and logistics back up.
Baloney your excuses get thinner and thinner for Bidung.
Shutting down the XL pipeline is about keeping the railroad and rail lines active and maintained...other seasonal shipping happens along that rail line and a pipeline would destroy the rail section that provides the logistics.

The sour crude is not a high demand product which a lot of products are made from. PRC is one of a few places without an EPA that cares about it usually is the industrialized nation that does such things.

Much of Canada's oil has been depleted in the East and the Oil Sands in Alberta (west) is one of their last reserves. Where it is assisting with their economy... well it's just not going to help much.

Russia actually has sufficient oil reserves to power the world. But trading with them is always a chess match. Between the Oligarchs with self interests and Putin's own interests nobody likes dealing with them so their oil never gets to market and essentially doesn't exist. The underwater pipeline to the UK is fairly safe... from everyone except Russian sentiment and politics. The UK is in need of the oil as the Brent Sea is about played out as well. (They need new Wells too)

Off the coast of Africa there have been some good discoveries as well off South America's coastline. But these are slow to develop into oil until the shipping crisis is over. Currently OPEC+ has a vested interest in keeping the prices high as lowering them will only assist in new sources being discovered and exploited.

It's not petroleum we need as much as it is cheap oil.
Between the Oligarchs with self interests and Putin's own interests nobody likes dealing with them so their oil never gets to market and essentially doesn't exist.

Over 7 million barrels of exports a day last year "doesn't exist"?
Over 7 million barrels of exports a day last year "doesn't exist"?
By comparison of what they are capable of selling? OH HECK YEAH!

Russia has more oil than all of OPEC...not just OPEC+... ALL oil producing nations combined. And most of it sits unsold or unexploited because of a lack of infrastructure to get the majority of the oil to market. No pipelines without paying outrageous fees to the local oligarch or one of his petty tirants under him.

So the oil sits...
And they could be pumping 10 times what they currently are and still have unutilized oil Wells.
By comparison of "doesn't exist".
The Wells are spudded and everything... ready to pump anytime they want at this point. That's why I'm saying that. If Russia was actually a decent country to do business in...there would be no oil price hikes. This story wouldn't exist.
The Wells are spudded and everything... ready to pump anytime they want at this point. That's why I'm saying that. If Russia was actually a decent country to do business in...there would be no oil price hikes. This story wouldn't exist.

Russia has wells ready to pump 70 million barrels a day?
Russia has wells ready to pump 70 million barrels a day?
That's what I've been saying. That's why it's a real shame. They just need some pipelines and it can go anywhere in the world. But the various petty tyrants are holding the progress up wanting kickbacks, ongoing bribes, and exorbitant fees for the pipeline.

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