Thanks to COVID-19, American Left awakens to human


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Thanks to COVID-19, American Left awakens to human ...
12 hours ago · Recent Korean Wedding - from By John F Di Leo- . There are politicians, media figures, and pop-culture influencers, too, jumping on the coronavirus scare, warning of its dangers, and perhaps, using it to demonstrate their bona fides as caring individuals, dedicated to the protection of human life.
Largely due to the western world’s foolish dependence on mainland China as a source for both finished goods and components for manufacturing elsewhere, the coronavirus is currently causing a global short-term economic downturn. There should be no reason for this trouble to be lasting - if we keep our heads - but it is almost certain to be destructive if an economic panic gains traction due to these inflated health-related fears.
~~ Snip ~~
people who take these anti-safety, frankly anti-life, positions now want us to stop our economy, overturning the most successful, functioning economic system in human history, in hysteric overreaction to what is by all accounts just another seasonal illness, remarkable only in its origin at a Chinese weapons lab and in the fact that its name has become well-known.
Sorry, politicians… and sorry, talking heads… if you are draping yourselves in a mantle of concern over COVID-19, trying to convince us, all of a sudden, that you care about human life, despite this half-century record proving the opposite… it is far too little, far too late, for anyone to believe you.
The verdict is in, and the American Left cannot redeem itself by pretending to care about one cause of death, while encouraging so many millions of others.

The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA live by a commandment of “do what thou wilt” commandment, second “the ends justify the means” and the third commandment of their life trio is “its always someone else's fault.” those are their triumvirate of commandments they live by.
They don’t raise an eyebrow over people doing stuff that kills themselves and others when it’s what they want to do. Those fall in line with the above sacred commandments of the left.
What they can’t abide is God/fate/nature/justice/others they blame, for potentially threatening their way of life, and/or life. See the third PMS/DSA commandment. If its not something they are voluntarily doing to end their life as soon as possible, must be someone else's fault.
Remember that the PMS/DSA Democrats have been all for sending manufacturing to China. Our 44th president even dreamed of the Trans Pacific Treaty that would place more power in the hands of his Marxist Socialist friends.
Trump has been correct to restart manufacturing in America. The situation we are in now reinforces the need for America to return to manufacturing power we once were. The Wuhan Virus proves it....
It's fun to watch the Trump Cultists flounder while Trump has his Katrina moment and fails miserably.

Even Bush had the good sense to not go Golfing in the Middle of Katrina.

Hmm….., Are you paid by the number of anti-Trump posts, or are you just filled with TDS hate?
It's fun to watch the Trump Cultists flounder while Trump has his Katrina moment and fails miserably.

Hardly surprising that you think a mere 760 people catching a bad cold out of a 320 million population after two months of this spreading around the planet is failing miserably

.000002% infected = FAILURE!!!!!!
Hardly surprising that you think a mere 760 people catching a bad cold out of a 320 million population after two months of this spreading around the planet is failing miserably

.000002% infected = FAILURE!!!!!!

1) It will get worse.
2) The fact that it HAS triggered the next recession, is the real payoff.
3) Trump looks like Baghdad Bob trying to explain this away.

Hardly surprising that you think a mere 760 people catching a bad cold out of a 320 million population after two months of this spreading around the planet is failing miserably

.000002% infected = FAILURE!!!!!!

1) It will get worse.
2) The fact that it HAS triggered the next recession, is the real payoff.
3) Trump looks like Baghdad Bob trying to explain this away.


Pathetic. Of course you wish economic pain (no recessions is coming but keep dreaming) and for people to die just so you can bash Trump. It may get worse due to uninformed leftist fear mongers like you. Trump did all the proper things, but of course your TDS blinds you to truth. Pisslosi and the Dims SAT ON the money allocated by Trump for the CDC. Blocking travel from the hardest hit areas resulted in cries of RACIST! If you’re so scared, stay home.
Hardly surprising that you think a mere 760 people catching a bad cold out of a 320 million population after two months of this spreading around the planet is failing miserably

.000002% infected = FAILURE!!!!!!

1) It will get worse.
2) The fact that it HAS triggered the next recession, is the real payoff.
3) Trump looks like Baghdad Bob trying to explain this away.

The real payoff is that everyone you know in your life will suffer??. Hoping it will get worse?

WTF is wrong with you dude?

giphy (5).gif
Pathetic. Of course you wish economic pain (no recessions is coming but keep dreaming) and for people to die just so you can bash Trump. It may get worse due to uninformed leftist fear mongers like you. Trump did all the proper things, but of course your TDS blinds you to truth. Pisslosi and the Dims SAT ON the money allocated by Trump for the CDC. Blocking travel from the hardest hit areas resulted in cries of RACIST! If you’re so scared, stay home.

Trump didn't do the proper things.

He dismantled the Pandemic Response office in the NSA
He slashed hundreds of jobs at the CDC
He put the guy who believes in Talking Snakes in charge of the response.

The markets aren't dropping like a rock because they think he's doing a wonderful job.
Hardly surprising that you think a mere 760 people catching a bad cold out of a 320 million population after two months of this spreading around the planet is failing miserably

.000002% infected = FAILURE!!!!!!

1) It will get worse.
2) The fact that it HAS triggered the next recession, is the real payoff.
3) Trump looks like Baghdad Bob trying to explain this away.

---''''payoff''' == there it is---Joe wants the world to go into chaos because his candidate didn't win in2016 !!!!!!
wow---waaaaaa waaaaaa I want everyone's toys taken away waaaaaaaaa
CHILDISH--very childish....all your anti-Trump posts are childish
--''''payoff''' == there it is---Joe wants the world to go into chaos because his candidate didn't win in2016 !!!!!!
wow---waaaaaa waaaaaa I want everyone's toys taken away waaaaaaaaa
CHILDISH--very childish....all your anti-Trump posts are childish

The world went into chaos because Trump STOLE the election in 2016. It's finally catching up to us.

We have a bunch of constitutional protections against a madman like Trump. We didn't employ them. Now we are reaping what we've sown.

--''''payoff''' == there it is---Joe wants the world to go into chaos because his candidate didn't win in2016 !!!!!!
wow---waaaaaa waaaaaa I want everyone's toys taken away waaaaaaaaa
CHILDISH--very childish....all your anti-Trump posts are childish

The world went into chaos because Trump STOLE the election in 2016. It's finally catching up to us.

We have a bunch of constitutional protections against a madman like Trump. We didn't employ them. Now we are reaping what we've sown.

hahhahahha --''stole'' are making yourself look even more stupid
GIVE ME MY TOYS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
hahhahahha --''stole'' are making yourself look even more stupid
GIVE ME MY TOYS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

The people said no. Loudly. They said it louder in 2018 and we impeached him. We'll say it even louder in November, and then get about cleaning up Trump's recession.
''we'' ----?? hahhahahahahahahahahahah mean all the childish people like you impeached him----WAAAAAAA GIVE ME MY TOYS candidate didn't win ...waaaaaaaa
The fact that it HAS triggered the next recession, is the real payoff.

Actually, panicky idiots have triggered the next recession.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised that the thought brings you joy.
Actually, panicky idiots have triggered the next recession.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised that the thought brings you joy.

I've spent the last three years preparing for it. I have a business that would probably benefit from a recession.

I take no joy from it, but it's kind of what a country deserves when it trades morality for indulging it's worst instincts.

Five years is going to just fly by.

Not going to happen, buddy. The ONLY argument that you guys had was "Well, Trump is a racist buffoon, but the economy is good, so that makes it okay."

NOW THE ECONOMY IS GOING TO SUCK!!! It's going to get worse, only a question of how much worse.
Pathetic. Of course you wish economic pain (no recessions is coming but keep dreaming) and for people to die just so you can bash Trump. It may get worse due to uninformed leftist fear mongers like you. Trump did all the proper things, but of course your TDS blinds you to truth. Pisslosi and the Dims SAT ON the money allocated by Trump for the CDC. Blocking travel from the hardest hit areas resulted in cries of RACIST! If you’re so scared, stay home.

Trump didn't do the proper things.

He dismantled the Pandemic Response office in the NSA
He slashed hundreds of jobs at the CDC
He put the guy who believes in Talking Snakes in charge of the response.

The markets aren't dropping like a rock because they think he's doing a wonderful job.

Way to completely dodge the truth. You are a proven liar. Cheering for economic disaster and deaths because your TDS is flaring up. Allocating money that YOUR side sat on for a month. Blocking travel from infected areas. YOU cry racist. You and YOUR side are the idiots. People like YOU are the problem.
'we'' ----?? hahhahahahahahahahahahah mean all the childish people like you impeached him----WAAAAAAA GIVE ME MY TOYS candidate didn't win ...waaaaaaaa

Only person I see acting childish is you, buddy. You know the party is over... soon.
you messed up with a Freudian Slip.......
you're mad because your candidate didn't win -and you want everyone to suffer
..very childish

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