Thanksgiving and Covid. Will you require family and guests to be vaccinated if they want to come to your house?

All my guests are vaccinated. But I would require it as I have a few guests in high risk category.
Thanksgiving is for family and I don't have one. What's disappointing is that the Chinese restaurants open and packed in Los Angeles are all closed here. I enjoy the Westminester Dog Show.
The latest data from August 29-September 4 show that less than one vaccinated person per 100,000 had died the previous week compared with more than nine unvaccinated people per 100,000. Overall, in August, according to the tool, unvaccinated people were 6.1 times more likely than fully vaccinated people to test positive for COVID-19 and 11.3 times more likely to die from it.
OMFG..............0.009% death Rate .........

Run HIDE...........OMFG

95% of covid hospitalizations and deaths are in your "control group"
Your figures are wrong. Just leftist propaganda, quite empty. Why not read something about this? It's important.
Not to take food home? WTF? Is it a buffet, where people have filled their purses or something?
Well, if you must know, in MY area, I can only speak to my area, it happens to be an old folks cafeteria-style restaurant. Lot of variety and choice, which is good. And tasty. Very small portions, but of course you can take all you want and go back. Lots and lots of signs against taking food home, yes.

I went once to try it out and apparently you are supposed to pay at the entry, but I didn't know that and there was no one there, and I walked in and sat down normally ---------- and when I tried to pay later, the waitress was sure I had already paid and was too senile to remember it!!! And I wasn't that old, even.

However, I eventually figured out it would get that woman who wasn't at her post in trouble if I kept insisting so I shut up, a little confused ----- and I never went back.

Lots of old men there, and chit-chat between the waitresses and the older men. They came there a lot, I saw. Perfectly okay, but not really my scene. They are advertising heavily for Thanksgiving dinners.
Hell no. No "jacket" of any kind will be required to dine. That being said, some family members will be missing around our holiday tables due to their unfounded fears of kicking the bucket over turkey dinner in the company of those who love them. Poor, foolish bastards.
Don't really agree --- I think the disease IS dangerous. The vaccines didn't work, and yeah, holidays may see another upsurge. Especially with Europe and England really having a huge surge right now. I thought we'd see it here by now, but not really, yet. I hope never, but.

What I'm really afraid of is that it is a reinfection-type disease, like malaria. Those aren't very common, but we ARE hearing about people getting Covid more than once, vaccine or not.


Thanksgiving and Covid. Will you require family and guests to be vaccinated if they want to come to your house?​

Aw dude, why didn't you let me answer this for you? I knew the answer to this years ago, long before covid

. However my family have all been vaccinated and are healthy;
and yet countries with socialized medicine cannot make this same claim as you

however our grandsons (3 & 5) haven't yet been vaccinated, though the five year old will be getting his vaccination at Kaiser next week.
why haven't they got them already?

My wife and I have taken Pfizer's first two shots in Feb & March, and we both got booster shots for both Covid and the Flu two weeks ago.

because the vaccine you already got/had does not work
Thanksgiving is for family and I don't have one. What's disappointing is that the Chinese restaurants open and packed in Los Angeles are all closed here. I enjoy the Westminester Dog Show.

When was the last Thanksgiving you had when you did have family?
Don't really agree --- I think the disease IS dangerous. The vaccines didn't work, and yeah, holidays may see another upsurge. Especially with Europe and England really having a huge surge right now. I thought we'd see it here by now, but not really, yet. I hope never, but.

What I'm really afraid of is that it is a reinfection-type disease, like malaria. Those aren't very common, but we ARE hearing about people getting Covid more than once, vaccine or not.


This is really concerning, and very discouraging:

Europe facing 500,000 more Covid deaths by February, WHO warns​

"Much of Europe is battling spikes in infections, with Germany on Thursday reporting its highest number of daily new cases since the pandemic began."

(CNN)Europe is facing a potentially devastating winter that could see half a million people die with Covid-19, the World Health Organization (WHO) warned on Thursday, as it sounded the alarm over a surge in cases and bemoaned stuttering vaccination rollouts on parts of the continent.
Much of Europe is battling spikes in infections, with Germany on Thursday reporting its highest number of daily new cases since the pandemic began.
And in a dire new warning, WHO regional director Hans Kluge said the pace of transmission across the region was of "grave concern."
"We are, once again, at the epicenter," Kluge said in a statement.

Even if it’s your home you cannot impose unlawful medical disclosures as a precondition.
liberals making their convenient constant mistake of “it’s private property then you can do anything you want”
Will be intesting nationally to see how it turns out when fright freaks try and get all chesty with family members over vaccination status. Way too many decent conservatives have been just going along to keep the peace but that ends with our National effort of “Eat a Turkey but don’t be one”
Don't really agree --- I think the disease IS dangerous. The vaccines didn't work, and yeah, holidays may see another upsurge. Especially with Europe and England really having a huge surge right now. I thought we'd see it here by now, but not really, yet. I hope never, but.

What I'm really afraid of is that it is a reinfection-type disease, like malaria. Those aren't very common, but we ARE hearing about people getting Covid more than once, vaccine or not.

Yes well your worries qualms and fears have no reciprocal condition to them.
This is really concerning, and very discouraging:

Europe facing 500,000 more Covid deaths by February, WHO warns​

"Much of Europe is battling spikes in infections, with Germany on Thursday reporting its highest number of daily new cases since the pandemic began."

Fear is food for you all so eat lots of it all by your safe self.
This is really concerning, and very discouraging:

Europe facing 500,000 more Covid deaths by February, WHO warns​

"Much of Europe is battling spikes in infections, with Germany on Thursday reporting its highest number of daily new cases since the pandemic began."

Thanx, I began to think I was the only person following news about that huge surge going on in Europe and England. This can't be good.
Even if it’s your home you cannot impose unlawful medical disclosures as a precondition.
liberals making their convenient constant mistake of “it’s private property then you can do anything you want”
Will be intesting nationally to see how it turns out when fright freaks try and get all chesty with family members over vaccination status. Way too many decent conservatives have been just going along to keep the peace but that ends with our National effort of “Eat a Turkey but don’t be one”
Nicely put. :cool:
I just cannot imagine telling everyone coming to my house that they must be vaxxed. Guarantee you there will be a lot of new divisions created in families. I would just skip the whole thing, and hope next year things will be much more normal.
Exactly what democrats want. This is playing right into their hands. Dont fall for it....
95% of covid hospitalizations and deaths are in your "control group"
In the short term maybe.

But long term the unvaccinated but naturally immune may end up being the only healthy people, if all experimental vaccinated end up in hospitals or dead.

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