Thanksgiving and Covid. Will you require family and guests to be vaccinated if they want to come to your house?

If we get to be at my cousin's house this year, the vaccination issue won't matter. If we aren't there, it will be due to a work schedule that is on their plate. The meal won't happen at all due to that reason.

God bless you and my family always!!!


P.S. Golden Corral is where I go when my family isn't an option on that day.
So would I, and so did my youngest son and his wife. My wife is now taking care of our grandsons, when they were cared for by my son's mother-in-law, due to the fact that a member of the mother-in-laws son-in-law was not vaccinated.
Sounds like fear fake totalitarianism . You must be very proud. Get a Covid hoax participation ribbon? Maybe you can try and force your fears on all Thanksgiving participants. You would them be extra proud!
American attitudes are changing as they begin to understand that to support Trump's politics is to be hoodwinked into taking more chances with Covid.

Instead of then being rational by submitting to the obvious need to be responsible, Trump's devotees will stay home and turn to pulling the wings off of their housefly collections.

This madness must eventually come to an end!
So you support a faux vaccine that Trump is responsible for getting out to the public, to spite Trump? That's stupid.
Nothing "experimental" about a vaccine that has been administered to 190 million people in this country alone
LOL, so the amount of people you give it to makes it “not experimental”.

The FDA skipped all long term testing. In 2019 Fauci said it would take a decade to get approval since that is how long it takes to observe in humans that it’s safe. It is experimental, but for freaks who can make believe a male can get pregnant making things up and changing definitions of words makes fiction into truth.
I have a feeling this is going to divide some families.
There will be some family gatherings that it will be just like any other Thanksgivings.
But there will be some families where, this being the first Thanksgiving since we have a vax, that will divide families. There will be some hurt feelings, if you host a gathering and require all those who plan to come be vaxxed.

The Big Question This Thanksgiving: Are You Vaccinated?​

Well from what I know. The virus supposedly came from a bird. And if they believe in this hype, they should avoid eating anything this Thanksgiving.

And besides, is greenhouse gases the cause of this virus? And so if they take this pandemic seriously. So then they should refrain from eating any meat that makes them poop.

And so this means they don't want to share their bird with family and use this pandemic as an excuse because they are stingy and or they just don't want to celebrate the most holiest day of them all that is free from paganism.


Leviticus 7:15
The meat of their fellowship offering of thanksgiving must be eaten on the day it is offered; they must leave none of it till morning.

Matthew 17:4
Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, it is good for us to be here. If you wish, I will put up three shelters—one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.”

If we get to be at my cousin's house this year, the vaccination issue won't matter. If we aren't there, it will be due to a work schedule that is on their plate. The meal won't happen at all due to that reason.

God bless you and my family always!!!


P.S. Golden Corral is where I go when my family isn't an option on that day.

Never been to a Golden Corral, are they good?
Never been to a Golden Corral, are they good?
Okay, if you don't mind the signs on the wall every three feet saying not to take food home. That's kind of low.

There must be a lot of people who eat Thanksgiving at Golden Corral --- they've just started ads on TV for that.
So you support a faux vaccine that Trump is responsible for getting out to the public, to spite Trump? That's stupid.
So you think Trump got a "faux vaccine" developed? Talk about stupid
Okay, if you don't mind the signs on the wall every three feet saying not to take food home. That's kind of low.

There must be a lot of people who eat Thanksgiving at Golden Corral --- they've just started ads on TV for that.
Yeah, and the no-vaxx people are the control group. There's quite a few of them, too, so they should get some good data, eventually.
95% of covid hospitalizations and deaths are in your "control group"
We're having some family over. Never even thought of worrying about this bullshit.


Being LESS anxious, enjoying your loved ones---all of this is great for your immune system. It makes you a happy, fulfilled, content person who is likely to remain healthy. Probably more healthy that peevish vaxxed and boosted folks constantly fretting about everyone else.

Busybody Karens

Being LESS anxious, enjoying your loved ones---all of this is great for your immune system. It makes you a happy, fulfilled, content person who is likely to remain healthy. Probably more healthy that peevish vaxxed and boosted folks constantly fretting about everyone else.

Busybody Karens
What a crock

You folks said a lot of the same shit last year and tens of thousands died.

Happy Holidays
For me, I would be concerned about bringing people together, and due to my invitation someone in the group who is unvaccinated ends up getting really sick or god forbid dies.

It's beyond me that we thought we could ever CONTROL a respiratory aerosolized virus. That homeowners would not invite people over for fear they'd be "liable" if anyone gets sick. Seriously, what kind of crap is this? There are viruses. People get them. Unless someone goes to a gathering OBVIOUSLY SICK no one is "liable"

Madness. Stupidity.

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