Thanksgiving and Covid. Will you require family and guests to be vaccinated if they want to come to your house?

I have a relative that is wanting all to vaccinate to come to their home for dinner. I vaccinated, I just got over the virus last week and I declined the invite. I refuse to participate in dividing the vaccine and the unvaccinated. People have a right to make choices and I do as well.

I think that's about how I would handle it.
my son and his wife are invited to our home any time....neither are vaccinated..i wont shun my son...the 3 yr old is the biggest risk and its not her fault..wont shun her either
I think that's about how I would handle it.
I am all about family and getting together not dividing. If the vaccine was worth a damn you shouldn’t have to worry about getting a virus.

The fascist vaxxers claim that the vaccinated won’t get the virus as bad if they are vaxxed, so all this is is shaming others.

Thanksgiving and Covid. Will you require family and guests to be vaccinated if they want to come to your house?​

Nah, but I did tell 'em they'd have to eat and sleep outside. Tough luck if it rains. Or snows.

I'm not expecting many visitors for some reason.
Well, if the progressives can't go to family holiday get-togethers, how are they going to find dates for Christmas?
I have a feeling this is going to divide some families.
There will be some family gatherings that it will be just like any other Thanksgivings.
But there will be some families where, this being the first Thanksgiving since we have a vax, that will divide families. There will be some hurt feelings, if you host a gathering and require all those who plan to come be vaxxed.

The Big Question This Thanksgiving: Are You Vaccinated?​

No, and my door is always open and if I die because of Covid, well hell man then something finally got me!
I have a feeling this is going to divide some families.
There will be some family gatherings that it will be just like any other Thanksgivings.
But there will be some families where, this being the first Thanksgiving since we have a vax, that will divide families. There will be some hurt feelings, if you host a gathering and require all those who plan to come be vaxxed.

The Big Question This Thanksgiving: Are You Vaccinated?​

Hell no.
One of my batshit crazy relatives wants everyone to not contact people the few days before and to take a test, even though he is vaccinated.

Completely nuts and I won’t do it.
This is a fascinating thread!! I knew people were scared, but I am beginning to realize how much they are afraid.
Nothing "experimental" about a vaccine that has been administered to 190 million people in this country alone
Well, it is one whale of a good sample number ---------------- one thing, we'll learn a lot about how and why it doesn't work.
Of course not
The mere suggestion is more liberal bullshit fear mongering
The latest data from August 29-September 4 show that less than one vaccinated person per 100,000 had died the previous week compared with more than nine unvaccinated people per 100,000. Overall, in August, according to the tool, unvaccinated people were 6.1 times more likely than fully vaccinated people to test positive for COVID-19 and 11.3 times more likely to die from it.
I'm glad I'm not hosting, I would hate to be put in that position. I know for sure I have family members and friends who are unvaccinated. I would hate to be the one who brought them together with someone who is a carrier.
So would I, and so did my youngest son and his wife. My wife is now taking care of our grandsons, when they were cared for by my son's mother-in-law, due to the fact that a member of the mother-in-laws son-in-law was not vaccinated.

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