Thanksgiving and Covid. Will you require family and guests to be vaccinated if they want to come to your house?

It's beyond me that we thought we could ever CONTROL a respiratory aerosolized virus. That homeowners would not invite people over for fear they'd be "liable" if anyone gets sick. Seriously, what kind of crap is this? There are viruses. People get them. Unless someone goes to a gathering OBVIOUSLY SICK no one is "liable"

Madness. Stupidity.
Wow. Two years in and you still don't understand "asymptomatic spread"...
LOL, so the amount of people you give it to makes it “not experimental”.

The FDA skipped all long term testing. In 2019 Fauci said it would take a decade to get approval since that is how long it takes to observe in humans that it’s safe. It is experimental, but for freaks who can make believe a male can get pregnant making things up and changing definitions of words makes fiction into truth.
Fauci could not wait the normal required 5-10 years before public release. Too long to be able to take Trump out and had to strike while The Suspension of Reality was in place. So, create a panic health crisis and scare people into compliance with all sorts of hideous “you will die….you must stay home…mandate….you will lose your job…” threats with no legal backing
Okay, if you don't mind the signs on the wall every three feet saying not to take food home. That's kind of low.

There must be a lot of people who eat Thanksgiving at Golden Corral --- they've just started ads on TV for that.

Yeah and hey, that's great. But Beethoven's 9th is....not Golden Corral material. Ad always bugs me. I run in to see who's playing the glorious music....oh. Golden Corral. Okay.
Okay, if you don't mind the signs on the wall every three feet saying not to take food home. That's kind of low.

There must be a lot of people who eat Thanksgiving at Golden Corral --- they've just started ads on TV for that.

Not to take food home? WTF? Is it a buffet, where people have filled their purses or something?
Yep. However my family have all been vaccinated and are healthy; however our grandsons (3 & 5) haven't yet been vaccinated, though the five year old will be getting his vaccination at Kaiser next week. My wife and I have taken Pfizer's first two shots in Feb & March, and we both got booster shots for both Covid and the Flu two weeks ago.
Why do you concern yourself with others’ vaxx status?
Why would you endorse torturing a five-year-old?
It's beyond me that we thought we could ever CONTROL a respiratory aerosolized virus. That homeowners would not invite people over for fear they'd be "liable" if anyone gets sick. Seriously, what kind of crap is this? There are viruses. People get them. Unless someone goes to a gathering OBVIOUSLY SICK no one is "liable"

Madness. Stupidity.

I personally would feel really bad if the gathering that I put together led to someone getting a life-threatening virus.
I'm not going to ask someone to get vaxxed or they can't come over though.
I personally would feel really bad if the gathering that I put together led to someone getting a life-threatening virus.
I'm not going to ask someone to get vaxxed or they can't come over though.

Right. Just got word that my boss is out for the next entire week. Double vaxxed, so is his wife, BOTH of them with Covid. What are the odds, right? Oh, these "rare" breakthrough infections!!!

No one but no one can hide this anymore. The vaccines are a joke.
I have a feeling this is going to divide some families.
There will be some family gatherings that it will be just like any other Thanksgivings.
But there will be some families where, this being the first Thanksgiving since we have a vax, that will divide families. There will be some hurt feelings, if you host a gathering and require all those who plan to come be vaxxed.

The Big Question This Thanksgiving: Are You Vaccinated?​

Hell no. No "jacket" of any kind will be required to dine. That being said, some family members will be missing around our holiday tables due to their unfounded fears of kicking the bucket over turkey dinner in the company of those who love them. Poor, foolish bastards.
Right. Just got word that my boss is out for the next entire week. Double vaxxed, so is his wife, BOTH of them with Covid. What are the odds, right? Oh, these "rare" breakthrough infections!!!

No one but no one can hide this anymore. The vaccines are a joke.

Those who continue to get jabbed and take booster(s) are brainwashed beyond repair or recovery. We will no longer allow vaccinated individuals into our home. A shame, and no more so than around the holidays. However, those who have fallen for this evil can no longer be trusted or given benefit of the doubt.
I personally would feel really bad if the gathering that I put together led to someone getting a life-threatening virus.
I'm not going to ask someone to get vaxxed or they can't come over though.
And with no gathering they avoid the equally ominous chance of being struck by a meteor.
Right. Just got word that my boss is out for the next entire week. Double vaxxed, so is his wife, BOTH of them with Covid. What are the odds, right? Oh, these "rare" breakthrough infections!!!

No one but no one can hide this anymore. The vaccines are a joke.

So full steam ahead, or do you cancel the gatherings? I'm just curious what people will do.
Darwin will be looking for some more data points. Hopefully we get through unscathed.

My family get together we’ll have 17 at our house.

Breakdown by education:
- College grads: 13 of 13 vaxed
- Non college grads: 1 of 4 vaxed
I have a feeling this is going to divide some families.
There will be some family gatherings that it will be just like any other Thanksgivings.
But there will be some families where, this being the first Thanksgiving since we have a vax, that will divide families. There will be some hurt feelings, if you host a gathering and require all those who plan to come be vaxxed.

The Big Question This Thanksgiving: Are You Vaccinated?​

I am going over to my stepdaughter's for Turkey Day. I believe she is going to have a vaccine mandate because she has talked about it but knows my family is vaccinated. So, it's no skin off my ass but my belief is that people who do this are extremely misguided because it is proven that vaccinated people spread the virus. So, two points:

1. if you are vaccinated then what the hell difference does it make if others around you aren't? I mean vaccines work, don't they? So, as long as you are vaccinated, you don't have to worry about being around the unvaccinated, unless you are afraid that your vaccine won't work.

2. Vaccinated people spread the virus so if you only allow vaccinated people to be at your event, any of them may just as easily spread the Delta variant to anyone there so there really is no need to deny unvaccinated people to attend. And, don't forget, as long as YOU are vaccinated, you don't have to worry about an unvaccinated person being there.
Everyone in our family is vaxxed. That includes our grandchildren who are ages 7 through 18.

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