Thanksgiving dinner.....a-la Trump....

Harponica does help to bump this thread rather nicely.....
See, this idiot is worth something....LOL
I was 0341
since you were not a grunt, you'll have to look that up
even on ship, we had ''less duties''/off for THKG
we would not be in the field if we were on base
I spent my THKG on ship or on base..if on base we were off, except for guard duty

Now you go from being a squid to a grunt?

Lying piece of shit.

You cannot even keep your stories straight...I am calling bullshit on your story...10 to 1 you never served a day in your life.

Sent from my iPhone using
you just made a HUGE fk up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you must've been kicked out of the Marines for not knowing ANYTHING

  1. 1.
    of, found in, or produced by the sea.
    "marine plants"
    synonyms: seawater, sea, saltwater, oceanic; More1.
  1. a member of a body of troops trained to serve on land or at sea, in particular a member of the US Marine Corps.
I served on more ships than many sailors did
I was on 4 ships--LPH, LHA. 2 LSTs
that's where the terms Old Salt/salty comes from
you deduced that I was a duck when I said I served on ship!!!!!?????
this IS the Marines!!!!! seaborne
View attachment 230406

you must never heard of the terms the Fleet/FMF/Fleet Marine
you ARE a Bootcamper
YOU probably never served
Marines are forward deployed on ships ALL the time
you didn't know that????!!!!!!????

Sweet Jeebus, take it to a PM. No one gives a phlying phuck about your hysterical meltdown.
This is an anonymous message board, and I'm actually Nancy Pelosi and I'm ordering you to grow up and post to the topic of the thread.
the thread is all about the MILITARY--the military IS the topic
YOU need to stay on topic
[our troops/QUOTE]

No, dumb shit.
The thread is about Trump phoning in instead of visiting the troops,
Read the fucking O/P again, idiot.
troops = military
  1. 1.
    relating to or characteristic of soldiers or armed forces.
    "both leaders condemned the buildup of military activity"
    synonyms: fighting, service, army, armed, defense, martial
    "military activity"
  1. 1.
    the armed forces of a country.
    "as a young man he joined the military and pursued a career in the Army"
    synonyms: (armed) forces, services, militia; More
I was not a grunt but I spent a shit load of time in the field, it is the nature of being a Marine.

One of the things about the field you would not know about is the oppressive boredom, days off mean nothing because there is not shit to do on one.

A visit from a DV was a nice diversion and since they (including the CIC) arrived unannounced, there was no prep work involved.

You really are clueless on this.

Sent from my iPhone using
I was 0341
since you were not a grunt, you'll have to look that up
even on ship, we had ''less duties''/off for THKG
we would not be in the field if we were on base
I spent my THKG on ship or on base..if on base we were off, except for guard duty

Now you go from being a squid to a grunt?

Lying piece of shit.

You cannot even keep your stories straight...I am calling bullshit on your story...10 to 1 you never served a day in your life.

Sent from my iPhone using

There's a bunch of Keyboard Kowboys on this site.

That is a fact.

The words "you never served" don't leave the lips of any vet who knows why they served.

If you are a vet and you've said that to someone, you essentially shit on your uniform. And don't put miltary insignia ballcaps in the rear window of your town car. That is lame too.
I can say it as much as I want
you never served
you never served
etc etc etc

Yes. You can say it. The fact that you do forces me to lose any respect that I might have had for your service. You're a weak man.
Now you go from being a squid to a grunt?

Lying piece of shit.

You cannot even keep your stories straight...I am calling bullshit on your story...10 to 1 you never served a day in your life.

Sent from my iPhone using
you just made a HUGE fk up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you must've been kicked out of the Marines for not knowing ANYTHING

  1. 1.
    of, found in, or produced by the sea.
    "marine plants"
    synonyms: seawater, sea, saltwater, oceanic; More1.
  1. a member of a body of troops trained to serve on land or at sea, in particular a member of the US Marine Corps.
I served on more ships than many sailors did
I was on 4 ships--LPH, LHA. 2 LSTs
that's where the terms Old Salt/salty comes from
you deduced that I was a duck when I said I served on ship!!!!!?????
this IS the Marines!!!!! seaborne
View attachment 230406

you must never heard of the terms the Fleet/FMF/Fleet Marine
you ARE a Bootcamper
YOU probably never served
Marines are forward deployed on ships ALL the time
you didn't know that????!!!!!!????

Sweet Jeebus, take it to a PM. No one gives a phlying phuck about your hysterical meltdown.
This is an anonymous message board, and I'm actually Nancy Pelosi and I'm ordering you to grow up and post to the topic of the thread.
the thread is all about the MILITARY--the military IS the topic
YOU need to stay on topic
[our troops/QUOTE]

No, dumb shit.
The thread is about Trump phoning in instead of visiting the troops,
Read the fucking O/P again, idiot.
troops = military
  1. 1.
    relating to or characteristic of soldiers or armed forces.
    "both leaders condemned the buildup of military activity"
    synonyms: fighting, service, army, armed, defense, martial
    "military activity"
  1. 1.
    the armed forces of a country.
    "as a young man he joined the military and pursued a career in the Army"
    synonyms: (armed) forces, services, militia; More

My god, forget my comment about Reddit being a better site for you. They'd laugh you off the board, too.
Since Abraham Lincoln, presidents have honored our troops in war zones by braving the environment and sharing a meal with them.

Well, our beloved Trump has chosen to celebrate the Thanksgiving dinner in "war-torn" Mar-a-Lago, bravely choosing to, instead, calling our troops by telephone and asking them if they're happy to celebrate this important day away from their families.

The highlight of all this can also be seen when Trump was asked by someone what HE was most thankful for on this holiday......Trump's answer ???

Trump is most thankful for his own existence, as America's savior.......

Hard to make this stuff up.....Its "reality" a-la Trump.
We all have the "relative" challenge on Thanksgiving, but can you imagine having to invite the Trumps? No wonder they eat in a restaurant.
I was not a grunt but I spent a shit load of time in the field, it is the nature of being a Marine.

One of the things about the field you would not know about is the oppressive boredom, days off mean nothing because there is not shit to do on one.

A visit from a DV was a nice diversion and since they (including the CIC) arrived unannounced, there was no prep work involved.

You really are clueless on this.

Sent from my iPhone using
I was 0341
since you were not a grunt, you'll have to look that up
even on ship, we had ''less duties''/off for THKG
we would not be in the field if we were on base
I spent my THKG on ship or on base..if on base we were off, except for guard duty

Now you go from being a squid to a grunt?

Lying piece of shit.

You cannot even keep your stories straight...I am calling bullshit on your story...10 to 1 you never served a day in your life.

Sent from my iPhone using
you just made a HUGE fk up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you must've been kicked out of the Marines for not knowing ANYTHING

  1. 1.
    of, found in, or produced by the sea.
    "marine plants"
    synonyms: seawater, sea, saltwater, oceanic; More1.
  1. a member of a body of troops trained to serve on land or at sea, in particular a member of the US Marine Corps.
I served on more ships than many sailors did
I was on 4 ships--LPH, LHA. 2 LSTs
that's where the terms Old Salt/salty comes from
you deduced that I was a duck when I said I served on ship!!!!!?????
this IS the Marines!!!!! seaborne
View attachment 230406

you must never heard of the terms the Fleet/FMF/Fleet Marine
you ARE a Bootcamper
YOU probably never served
Marines are forward deployed on ships ALL the time
you didn't know that????!!!!!!????

Sweet Jeebus, take it to a PM. No one gives a phlying phuck about your hysterical meltdown.
This is an anonymous message board, and I'm actually Nancy Pelosi and I'm ordering you to grow up and post to the topic of the thread.
no one gives a crap about yours or anyone who hasn't served, opinions on the military

I was 0341
since you were not a grunt, you'll have to look that up
even on ship, we had ''less duties''/off for THKG
we would not be in the field if we were on base
I spent my THKG on ship or on base..if on base we were off, except for guard duty

Now you go from being a squid to a grunt?

Lying piece of shit.

You cannot even keep your stories straight...I am calling bullshit on your story...10 to 1 you never served a day in your life.

Sent from my iPhone using

There's a bunch of Keyboard Kowboys on this site.

That is a fact.

The words "you never served" don't leave the lips of any vet who knows why they served.

If you are a vet and you've said that to someone, you essentially shit on your uniform. And don't put miltary insignia ballcaps in the rear window of your town car. That is lame too.
I can say it as much as I want
you never served
you never served
etc etc etc

Yes. You can say it. The fact that you do forces me to lose any respect that I might have had for your service. You're a weak man.
your respect means so much to me

AND--you need to go back to 4th grade English class since you do not understand
the non-military jackasses here have no idea what serving in the military is like
so their opinions are crap if they try to be arrogant
so, if they never served, they don't know what they are talking about
Since Abraham Lincoln, presidents have honored our troops in war zones by braving the environment and sharing a meal with them.

Well, our beloved Trump has chosen to celebrate the Thanksgiving dinner in "war-torn" Mar-a-Lago, bravely choosing to, instead, calling our troops by telephone and asking them if they're happy to celebrate this important day away from their families.

The highlight of all this can also be seen when Trump was asked by someone what HE was most thankful for on this holiday......Trump's answer ???

Trump is most thankful for his own existence, as America's savior.......

Hard to make this stuff up.....Its "reality" a-la Trump.

SAD! But at least TDS gives you adds mean to your otherwise dull and purpose-free life.
again--you non-serving jackasses sound very STUPID/etc
we DON'T care if the POTUS visits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
in fact, if he visits it's a pain in the ass because we have to do extra work/etc
we are GLAD he doesn't visit

Maybe you've changed your tune since Trump was elected, covering his ass is time consuming, isn't it?
But maybe the TROOPS would appreciate a real visit instead of a call-in from a resort in Florida.
DId you bother to think about that, or does your big fat bi-assss keep getting in the way?
maybe the TROOPS would appreciate a real visit
I doubt it, 2020, I really doubt it. Particularly since he doesn't seem able to reboot off his campaign speeches, no matter what the occasion. Why would you want him there?
again, the thread written by a non-military person
the thread is unsubstantiated
the military men DON'T care if he visits
again--you non-serving jackasses sound very STUPID/etc
we DON'T care if the POTUS visits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
in fact, if he visits it's a pain in the ass because we have to do extra work/etc
we are GLAD he doesn't visit

Maybe you've changed your tune since Trump was elected, covering his ass is time consuming, isn't it?
But maybe the TROOPS would appreciate a real visit instead of a call-in from a resort in Florida.
DId you bother to think airt bout that, or does your big fat bi-assss keep getting in the way?
please keep up
they don't give a damn if he visits or not
they[ POTUSs] NEVER visited us !!!!!!!!!!!

it never crossed our minds
no one ever mentioned it
no one thought about it
we just wanted to get home/etc if we were on base
we just wanted to get our meal and get some rack time if deployed
the POTUS visiting was as far away from our minds as could be
we had other things on our minds
NO, we couldn't care less if he visited or not

we want girls/beer/food/sleep
not the POTUS
if fact they did have ''strippers'' [ dancers ] come to the base one time
much more welcomed than any POTUS
The people that the CIC normally visits on Thanksgiving are troops in the field, where there are no days off. That is the whole reason for the visit to thank them for that.

But being a squid you would not know about the field.

Sent from my iPhone using
......and if you were really a grunt/in the military--you would NOT give a fk if the POTUS visited or not
I KNOW for a fact--no one in any of my units cared if the POTUS visited
again--NO one likes to get up early/work on an OFF day--this is undeniable
I KNOW for a fact, if we were in the field, we couldn't care less if the POTUS visited us

which they NEVER DID!!!!!!!!!!!!
case closed

I was not a grunt but I spent a shit load of time in the field, it is the nature of being a Marine.

One of the things about the field you would not know about is the oppressive boredom, days off mean nothing because there is not shit to do on one.

A visit from a DV was a nice diversion and since they (including the CIC) arrived unannounced, there was no prep work involved.

You really are clueless on this.

Sent from my iPhone using
I was 0341
since you were not a grunt, you'll have to look that up
even on ship, we had ''less duties''/off for THKG
we would not be in the field if we were on base
I spent my THKG on ship or on base..if on base we were off, except for guard duty

Now you go from being a squid to a grunt?

Lying piece of shit.

You cannot even keep your stories straight...I am calling bullshit on your story...10 to 1 you never served a day in your life.

Sent from my iPhone using
you just made a HUGE fk up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you must've been kicked out of the Marines for not knowing ANYTHING

  1. 1.
    of, found in, or produced by the sea.
    "marine plants"
    synonyms: seawater, sea, saltwater, oceanic; More1.
  1. a member of a body of troops trained to serve on land or at sea, in particular a member of the US Marine Corps.
I served on more ships than many sailors did
I was on 4 ships--LPH, LHA. 2 LSTs
that's where the terms Old Salt/salty comes from
you deduced that I was a duck when I said I served on ship!!!!!?????
this IS the Marines!!!!! seaborne
View attachment 230406

you must never heard of the terms the Fleet/FMF/Fleet Marine
you ARE a Bootcamper
YOU probably never served
Marines are forward deployed on ships ALL the time
you didn't know that????!!!!!!????
Obamaturd called the troops on the telephone!

Obama Thanksgiving: Call troops, dine at WH -

Obama visited Troops in Afghanistan and Korea during the same year as your picture, 2014. Trump never visited combat troops. The chance of wet hair prevented him form visiting a cemetery in France. That was the purpose of the trip.
The troops love Trump. Not obamaturd!

Support for Trump is fading among active-duty troops, new poll shows

Not anymore... He fading fast and that is before memorial weekend...
The people that the CIC normally visits on Thanksgiving are troops in the field, where there are no days off. That is the whole reason for the visit to thank them for that.

But being a squid you would not know about the field.

Sent from my iPhone using
......and if you were really a grunt/in the military--you would NOT give a fk if the POTUS visited or not
I KNOW for a fact--no one in any of my units cared if the POTUS visited
again--NO one likes to get up early/work on an OFF day--this is undeniable
I KNOW for a fact, if we were in the field, we couldn't care less if the POTUS visited us

which they NEVER DID!!!!!!!!!!!!
case closed

I was not a grunt but I spent a shit load of time in the field, it is the nature of being a Marine.

One of the things about the field you would not know about is the oppressive boredom, days off mean nothing because there is not shit to do on one.

A visit from a DV was a nice diversion and since they (including the CIC) arrived unannounced, there was no prep work involved.

You really are clueless on this.

Sent from my iPhone using
I was 0341
since you were not a grunt, you'll have to look that up
even on ship, we had ''less duties''/off for THKG
we would not be in the field if we were on base
I spent my THKG on ship or on base..if on base we were off, except for guard duty

Now you go from being a squid to a grunt?

Lying piece of shit.

You cannot even keep your stories straight...I am calling bullshit on your story...10 to 1 you never served a day in your life.

Sent from my iPhone using
you just made a HUGE fk up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you must've been kicked out of the Marines for not knowing ANYTHING

  1. 1.
    of, found in, or produced by the sea.
    "marine plants"
    synonyms: seawater, sea, saltwater, oceanic; More1.
  1. a member of a body of troops trained to serve on land or at sea, in particular a member of the US Marine Corps.
I served on more ships than many sailors did
I was on 4 ships--LPH, LHA. 2 LSTs
that's where the terms Old Salt/salty comes from
you deduced that I was a duck when I said I served on ship!!!!!?????
this IS the Marines!!!!! seaborne
View attachment 230406

you must never heard of the terms the Fleet/FMF/Fleet Marine
you ARE a Bootcamper
YOU probably never served
Marines are forward deployed on ships ALL the time
you didn't know that????!!!!!!????

The people that the CIC normally visits on Thanksgiving are troops in the field, where there are no days off. That is the whole reason for the visit to thank them for that.

But being a squid you would not know about the field.

Sent from my iPhone using
......and if you were really a grunt/in the military--you would NOT give a fk if the POTUS visited or not
I KNOW for a fact--no one in any of my units cared if the POTUS visited
again--NO one likes to get up early/work on an OFF day--this is undeniable
I KNOW for a fact, if we were in the field, we couldn't care less if the POTUS visited us

which they NEVER DID!!!!!!!!!!!!
case closed

I was not a grunt but I spent a shit load of time in the field, it is the nature of being a Marine.

One of the things about the field you would not know about is the oppressive boredom, days off mean nothing because there is not shit to do on one.

A visit from a DV was a nice diversion and since they (including the CIC) arrived unannounced, there was no prep work involved.

You really are clueless on this.

Sent from my iPhone using
I was 0341
since you were not a grunt, you'll have to look that up
even on ship, we had ''less duties''/off for THKG
we would not be in the field if we were on base
I spent my THKG on ship or on base..if on base we were off, except for guard duty

Now you go from being a squid to a grunt?

Lying piece of shit.

You cannot even keep your stories straight...I am calling bullshit on your story...10 to 1 you never served a day in your life.

Sent from my iPhone using
you just made a HUGE fk up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you must've been kicked out of the Marines for not knowing ANYTHING

  1. 1.
    of, found in, or produced by the sea.
    "marine plants"
    synonyms: seawater, sea, saltwater, oceanic; More1.
  1. a member of a body of troops trained to serve on land or at sea, in particular a member of the US Marine Corps.
I served on more ships than many sailors did
I was on 4 ships--LPH, LHA. 2 LSTs
that's where the terms Old Salt/salty comes from
you deduced that I was a duck when I said I served on ship!!!!!?????
this IS the Marines!!!!! seaborne
View attachment 230406

you must never heard of the terms the Fleet/FMF/Fleet Marine
you ARE a Bootcamper
YOU probably never served
Marines are forward deployed on ships ALL the time
you didn't know that????!!!!!!????

Everything you say is just off.

The Fleet Marine Force does not just apply to those Marines on ships, that is just nonsense. When I retired I was transferred to the Fleet Marine Corps, Reserves...yet I was not on a ship!

When it is being talked about the POTUS going to see the troops in the field, nobody is talking about him going into the bush with a recon team, yet you thought that is what was being talked about.

You are the first Marine I have ran across in 29 years that listed the ships he was on by their type and not their name. What ships were you on and with what units?

I didn't call you a duck, I called you a squid and you did not correct me. Also, in 29 years of being a Marine I never heard a Marine call a sailor a duck, just squid.

And, since I am the type to support what I claim, these are for you...


more marine stuff 2.JPG
Now you go from being a squid to a grunt?

Lying piece of shit.

You cannot even keep your stories straight...I am calling bullshit on your story...10 to 1 you never served a day in your life.

Sent from my iPhone using

There's a bunch of Keyboard Kowboys on this site.

That is a fact.

The words "you never served" don't leave the lips of any vet who knows why they served.

If you are a vet and you've said that to someone, you essentially shit on your uniform. And don't put miltary insignia ballcaps in the rear window of your town car. That is lame too.
I can say it as much as I want
you never served
you never served
etc etc etc

Yes. You can say it. The fact that you do forces me to lose any respect that I might have had for your service. You're a weak man.
your respect means so much to me

AND--you need to go back to 4th grade English class since you do not understand
the non-military jackasses here have no idea what serving in the military is like
so their opinions are crap if they try to be arrogant
so, if they never served, they don't know what they are talking about

You crave respect. That's why you can't stop talking about your service.
again, the thread written by a non-military person
the thread is unsubstantiated
the military men DON'T care if he visits

These guys seem pretty excited to have the POTUS there...

as do these guys

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