Thanksgiving Plans

What's Your Thanksgiving Plans?

  • I'm hosting Thanksgiving

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • I'm going to someone's place

    Votes: 6 33.3%
  • I'm going out (restaurant)

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • I'm working a soup kitchen

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • No plans

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • Watching Football & Drinking Beer

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • Other (I always forget something obvious...)

    Votes: 4 22.2%

  • Total voters
The desert bar at Golden Coral...

What's that thing they advertise, the chocolate fountain or something?
I'd personally be happy with that....

I feel like I host every year - I can't believe no one in my family can cook..... sad.....
Spending it together with my sweetheart alone and away from family and friends simply enjoying one another's company and not having to tolerate assholes. Holidays are meant for enjoyment, not stressful situations.
My day will likely be the same as any other day of the year.
We'll all head over to my Mom's. WQ may make some southern stuffing to bring along. I always look forward to the deviled eggs.
I will be refereeing the annual family bitching session... The day usually starts out ok, but by dinner time its a free for all..

Just thankful I get to do it! Wouldn't give them up for the world!
Will be spending Thanksgiving in a fancy hotel on the river walk in San Antonio with my sweety.
I don't know if you can call what I'm doing "Hosting", but I'm making the traditional dinner for the people who live in my house. Not having anyone else over that I'm aware of, although holidays at my home are always open to last-minute guests with nowhere else to go.

We just moved into a new place, and I'm looking forward to cooking a big dinner in my new kitchen. There's something very satisfying about turning out a perfectly-roasted turkey.
Likely dinner with either relatives or friends, but I always cook a Turkey and full dinner to have at home for 4 days of leftovers as well! Thanksgiving dinner is always incredible and there is always plenty of food to eat way too much of.

Add to this the drinking of Schnapps; peach, peppermint, cherry pucker, Heineken, Sam Adams, Jack Daniels, and any long list of a variety of mixed drinks, Champagne. Football, candy, apple, cherry, pumpkin pie, Cool Whip (emphasis on the H Stewey), ReddiWhip, bread pudding, rice pudding, rum cake, fruit cake, pecan pie, hot homemade rolls with real butter, and Christmas music playing in the background.

I'm wondering why this isn't what we do once a week all year long!
It is easy to forget some of our opposing point of view posters are stand up human beings.
I'll be working and cussing under my breath about the decay of quality family time because of all the idiots that go out to eat rather than stay home with their families. If there wasn't such a demand to be open maybe I could spend the holiday at home

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