That "Blueberry Pie Face" Al Sharpton Mini-Spot On MSNBC. Total Liberal Nonsense !!

Oct 10, 2011

And along with the new Schultz/Maddcow/O'Donnel/Matthews "Mini-Spots", What the bajesus are they all talking about? Do they really expect us to believe that the Republicans are blocking every bill to create jobs? Uhm, isn't that The Presidents decision? Obama and his cronies write the regulations for small business along with their forced health-care manure. And ever since the new laws came into the picture, UNEMPLOYMENT WENT UP !!!
And those Dipturds over at MSNBC are accusing the Republicans of causing Obama's Recession?

[ame=]Used Vibrator VS Flustered Liberal - (Liberal Teleprompter Fail) - YouTube[/ame]
How nice the Progressives have their own news station now openly doing commercials for the Democrat party.

And they call Fox news Propaganda..

Saw the Sharpton spot...about as dumb as he is, I guess he feels he has to get down to a lefties level..children mentality in adults bodies..
Al Sharpton often say,...DEY !! is it that hard to pronounce "They" and Those !! DOZE GODAMM REPUBLICAN CAUSED ALL OF DEEZ PROBLEMS !!!
All those MSNBC spots featuring their "stars" are rather stupid IMO. And I've never seen them run anywhere but on MSNBC, so the only people seeing them are part of their small viewing audience. I've never seen another network, broadcast or cable, advertise itself so much to itself. To paraphrase Kermit, it's not easy being small.
he calls you people out in the most gentle terms in that add.

The American people remember that it was the republican party that started all the wars and crashed the world economy.

You just want them to forget the real history
At least Al Sharpton has a personality compared to the rest of the biggots, is he aware of how pathetic he's comes off to his viewers? Maybe he doesn't know that "Doze Ignorant Republicans" haven't been in full control since Pelosi took over in 2007. {Someone needs to explain it to him}
And who came up with the Blueberry Pie On The Face Theory? Couldn't the writers of MSNBC come up with a better script? Guess not, the blueberry pie thing is just a reflection of their so called Creative Talent Writing.
when Sharpton gets the boot for extremely sub par ratings, they will probably give the spot to Senator Sherrod, Al Franklin or Miss Piggy.
How nice the Progressives have their own news station now openly doing commercials for the Democrat party.

And they call Fox news Propaganda..

Saw the Sharpton spot...about as dumb as he is, I guess he feels he has to get down to a lefties level..children mentality in adults bodies..

I have not seen the Sharpton spot yet, but I did see Maddow's yesterday. She was speaking about taxes and how the rich should pay more. Sitting in a window with a cup of coffee or tea...:eusa_boohoo:

And along with the new Schultz/Maddcow/O'Donnel/Matthews "Mini-Spots", What the bajesus are they all talking about? Do they really expect us to believe that the Republicans are blocking every bill to create jobs? Uhm, isn't that The Presidents decision? Obama and his cronies write the regulations for small business along with their forced health-care manure. And ever since the new laws came into the picture, UNEMPLOYMENT WENT UP !!!
And those Dipturds over at MSNBC are accusing the Republicans of causing Obama's Recession?

Uh, actually, it was after all the "old" laws went away that the economy went down and unemployment went up. The president is sworn in at the end of Jan. But the last president's budget goes on until the end of Oct. The day Obama was sworn in, the US was losing 750,000 jobs a month. The last day of Bush's last budget, unemployment was 10.1%.

At this time in his administration, Obama has had 5% fewer regulations than Bush and government is 500,000 people smaller.

And finally, many regulations are actually mandated by the courts because they involve "safety".

You know something? You're not very bright. You sit in front of the Internet and don't seem to know very much. I mean besides the "talking points pablum" you've been spoon fed?
I'm just glad to see all these conservatives watching MSNBC.

The Sharpton bit makes an excellent point, but after the thousandth time you hear it you want to smother Sharpton IN a blueberry pie.
maybe they need to do a spot with Ed Schultz holding a Whopper with Secret Sauce all over his face telling American that the 17% unemployment is all Reagan's Fault.

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