That Is Whom the Cryptoneozionist Political Elite of America Supplies Death Weapons With in Ukraine

Alexandre Fedorovski

Gold Member
Dec 9, 2017
The Abu Ghraib syndrom???
The story of the Donbas militiaman Fyodorov, captured by the Ukranian Army

"In short: I was beaten; I was handcuffed half-dead in handcuffs, they (the Ukrainian Army military men) put a bag on my head, threw me into the bus and drove it. For 12 hours of the drive they constantly beat me in the back of the head. I still have it (the back of my head) dumb. Several times, how many I do not remember, I lost count, I was taken for execution: they put me on my knees, clicked the bolt, I was shot from the PM (Makarov's pistol) over my head into the tree, I could hear the sound of rubbish, and I do not confuse PM with anything ...

... At 10 o'clock three people came to me in the balaclavas. They struck in the stomach, laid me on the floor. Wet the towel and put it on my head. And then I died. It was a discharge of current, and I cannot describe it to you”, - Mikhail stops for a while.

…"It's impossible to describe." This is not even a wild pain - this cannot be called pain, it is a feeling of death, when you realize that is the end already. The feeling that you have a brain boiling, like a stove inside you, everything explodes. After the discharge, I switched off. The blood vessels burst, blood flowed from my ears. How many times they beat the discharge, I do not know…

Then I woke up on the bunk. After these tortures, there were two holes, covered with iodine, on the chest opposite the heart. As it was later explained, intra-cardiac injections of adrenaline were done to me b - they did the direct injections into my heart when it stopped. For the first time I could not get up for 24 hours.

Then they came for the second time came and the same procedure started again. For my luck, the electric outlet was out . When they came for the third time, they hesitated, and did not start the torture right away; and then the girl (the nurse) said to them the that she would not start my heart for the third time, and that she would not will not take part in it. The girl was young. And they did not give a damn, but the third time they did not torture me. Six months after that, I had no skins on my temples, completely burned, "- recalls the former POW.

Fyodorov's inquirers did not to get any information. They simply tried to crush, to break the man, purposefully destroyed the will and soul…

Alexandre Fedorovski Mod Edit -- Do NOT put Titles in all Caps. I fixed it. In addition, this appears to be Copyrighted material with no link to credit the source. Contact me with the link for this material. -- FlaCalTenn
Last edited by a moderator:
Since the 2014 coup there are a lot of stories like that. And a lot of people have been detained, killed (some even burned alive like in Odessa) for disagreeing with the current anti-constitutional rulers. That's the ugly face of Ukrainian "democracy".
The Abu Ghraib syndrom???
The story of the Donbas militiaman Fyodorov, captured by the Ukranian Army

"In short: I was beaten; I was handcuffed half-dead in handcuffs, they (the Ukrainian Army military men) put a bag on my head, threw me into the bus and drove it. For 12 hours of the drive they constantly beat me in the back of the head. I still have it (the back of my head) dumb. Several times, how many I do not remember, I lost count, I was taken for execution: they put me on my knees, clicked the bolt, I was shot from the PM (Makarov's pistol) over my head into the tree, I could hear the sound of rubbish, and I do not confuse PM with anything ...

... At 10 o'clock three people came to me in the balaclavas. They struck in the stomach, laid me on the floor. Wet the towel and put it on my head. And then I died. It was a discharge of current, and I cannot describe it to you”, - Mikhail stops for a while.

…"It's impossible to describe." This is not even a wild pain - this cannot be called pain, it is a feeling of death, when you realize that is the end already. The feeling that you have a brain boiling, like a stove inside you, everything explodes. After the discharge, I switched off. The blood vessels burst, blood flowed from my ears. How many times they beat the discharge, I do not know…

Then I woke up on the bunk. After these tortures, there were two holes, covered with iodine, on the chest opposite the heart. As it was later explained, intra-cardiac injections of adrenaline were done to me b - they did the direct injections into my heart when it stopped. For the first time I could not get up for 24 hours.

Then they came for the second time came and the same procedure started again. For my luck, the electric outlet was out . When they came for the third time, they hesitated, and did not start the torture right away; and then the girl (the nurse) said to them the that she would not start my heart for the third time, and that she would not will not take part in it. The girl was young. And they did not give a damn, but the third time they did not torture me. Six months after that, I had no skins on my temples, completely burned, "- recalls the former POW.

Fyodorov's inquirers did not to get any information. They simply tried to crush, to break the man, purposefully destroyed the will and soul…

Alexandre Fedorovski Mod Edit -- Do NOT put Titles in all Caps. I fixed it. In addition, this appears to be Copyrighted material with no link to credit the source. Contact me with the link for this material. -- FlaCalTenn
Thank you very much. As far as the material. Here is the source: Вернувшийся из плена ополченец:
Вернувшийся из плена ополченец:

Unfortunately it is in Russian. I was born in Donbass and I know the situation there. The material is reliable. As a politilogist, I have contacts with this source from the day the war in Donbass broke out.

I bear full responsibility for the fact that the source has published material that corresponds to the realities of this war. As in every war, cruelty is inherent in EVERY side. Since the disparate fractions of the Donbas militia were combined into regular army, the situation has improved significantly with discipline in the armed forces of the Donetsk and Lugansk unrecognised (but by the Republic of South Osetia) republics...

I know personally Mr. Strelkov, сolonel in the reserve of the Main Intelligence Directorate of Russia,who actually started the civil war A year and a half ago, within the framework of the International Discussion Club "Academy Socrates" (Academia Socrates | Discussion club, Praha, Czech Republic),
which I founded in Prague, I conducted a video conference "Moscow-Prague", during which foreign journalists and embassy representatives, including the American ones, had the opportunity to personally ask questions to Mr. Strelkov
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Since the 2014 coup there are a lot of stories like that. And a lot of people have been detained, killed (some even burned alive like in Odessa) for disagreeing with the current anti-constitutional rulers. That's the ugly face of Ukrainian "democracy".

I can not refrain from commenting: the authorities are called "Ukrainian," but in the Ukrainian government, as in the parliament, THERE ARE ALMOST NO UKRAINIANS : they are all political cryptoneozionist adventurers who hide their ethnic origins and get into Ukrainian national dress. However, in Russia the situation is SAME...
The Abu Ghraib syndrom???
The story of the Donbas militiaman Fyodorov, captured by the Ukranian Army

"In short: I was beaten; I was handcuffed half-dead in handcuffs, they (the Ukrainian Army military men) put a bag on my head, threw me into the bus and drove it. For 12 hours of the drive they constantly beat me in the back of the head. I still have it (the back of my head) dumb. Several times, how many I do not remember, I lost count, I was taken for execution: they put me on my knees, clicked the bolt, I was shot from the PM (Makarov's pistol) over my head into the tree, I could hear the sound of rubbish, and I do not confuse PM with anything ...

... At 10 o'clock three people came to me in the balaclavas. They struck in the stomach, laid me on the floor. Wet the towel and put it on my head. And then I died. It was a discharge of current, and I cannot describe it to you”, - Mikhail stops for a while.

…"It's impossible to describe." This is not even a wild pain - this cannot be called pain, it is a feeling of death, when you realize that is the end already. The feeling that you have a brain boiling, like a stove inside you, everything explodes. After the discharge, I switched off. The blood vessels burst, blood flowed from my ears. How many times they beat the discharge, I do not know…

Then I woke up on the bunk. After these tortures, there were two holes, covered with iodine, on the chest opposite the heart. As it was later explained, intra-cardiac injections of adrenaline were done to me b - they did the direct injections into my heart when it stopped. For the first time I could not get up for 24 hours.

Then they came for the second time came and the same procedure started again. For my luck, the electric outlet was out . When they came for the third time, they hesitated, and did not start the torture right away; and then the girl (the nurse) said to them the that she would not start my heart for the third time, and that she would not will not take part in it. The girl was young. And they did not give a damn, but the third time they did not torture me. Six months after that, I had no skins on my temples, completely burned, "- recalls the former POW.

Fyodorov's inquirers did not to get any information. They simply tried to crush, to break the man, purposefully destroyed the will and soul…

Alexandre Fedorovski Mod Edit -- Do NOT put Titles in all Caps. I fixed it. In addition, this appears to be Copyrighted material with no link to credit the source. Contact me with the link for this material. -- FlaCalTenn
Thank you very much. As far as the material. Here is the source: Вернувшийся из плена ополченец:
Вернувшийся из плена ополченец:

Unfortunately it is in Russian. I was born in Donbass and I know the situation there. The material is reliable. As a politilogist, I have contacts with this source from the day the war in Donbass broke out.

I bear full responsibility for the fact that the source has published material that corresponds to the realities of this war. As in every war, cruelty is inherent in EVERY side. Since the disparate fractions of the Donbas militia were combined into regular army, the situation has improved significantly with discipline in the armed forces of the Donetsk and Lugansk unrecognised (but by the Republic of South Osetia) republics...

I know personally Mr. Strelkov, сolonel in the reserve of the Main Intelligence Directorate of Russia,who actually started the civil war A year and a half ago, within the framework of the International Discussion Club "Academy Socrates" (Academia Socrates | Discussion club, Praha, Czech Republic),
which I founded in Prague, I conducted a video conference "Moscow-Prague", during which foreign journalists and embassy representatives, including the American ones, had the opportunity to personally ask questions to Mr. Strelkov
Ukrainians are known for torturing "separatists" using worse methods than Gestapo (I'm from Eastern Ukraine and know the situation from inside). They should be judged by International War tribunal for their numerous war crimes. World should wake up unless they want to see a 40 million Nazi country in the middle of Europe.
Since the 2014 coup there are a lot of stories like that. And a lot of people have been detained, killed (some even burned alive like in Odessa) for disagreeing with the current anti-constitutional rulers. That's the ugly face of Ukrainian "democracy".

I can not refrain from commenting: the authorities are called "Ukrainian," but in the Ukrainian government, as in the parliament, THERE ARE ALMOST NO UKRAINIANS : they are all political cryptoneozionist adventurers who hide their ethnic origins and get into Ukrainian national dress. However, in Russia the situation is SAME...


These four politicians have two things in Common: (1) They all wield tremendous influence in the new Jew-controlled Ukraine. (2) They are ALL Jews. Far right, Ukraine’s new Prime Minister, Arsiniy Yatsenuk, a Jew (see below); next to him, American Secretary of State John Kerry, who recently discovered his “Jewish roots“; left of Kerry, Ukraine’s recently elected President, Petro Poroshenko, another Jew (see below); far left, Vitali Klitschko,Jewish boxer politician whose father served in the Bolshevik “Red” army.


And let’s not forget to add Victoria Nuland to that list.

As soon as those Jews ^ were brought to power in Kiev by the Jews, who actually control the USA, owning Obama (Wall street money bags, Soros&Co), the people in Ukraine started seeing the real link from American Jews to Ukrainian Jews. For distraction of the taxpayers they put some clowns like Obama in between, who actually don’t decide anything.
Soros&Co hate to lose their global power and are pushing their puppet Clinton into WH .
Since the 2014 coup there are a lot of stories like that. And a lot of people have been detained, killed (some even burned alive like in Odessa) for disagreeing with the current anti-constitutional rulers. That's the ugly face of Ukrainian "democracy".

WHO is a POW and HOW is he to be treatied? A historical review.

The phrase “prisoner of war” was first used (written in Latin or French) during the Hundred Years War between England and France in the 14th and 15th centuries

A prisoner of war is a person captured by their enemy during combat or a person interned by an enemy nation for the duration of a war.

Ancient POWs
In ancient battles captured enemy soldiers were either executed or enslaved. Most ancient powers did not make provision for holding prisoners of war, with some exceptions for rich or influential citizens or high ranking warriors who might be held hostage or for ransom.

The higher the rank or the greater the person’s importance the more money could demanded as ransom. Ancient Romans liked to display captured enemy leaders to the public in a victory parade known as a triumph. Usually the captured monarch or general would then be publicly executed.

Medieval captives

The tendency to enslave captives diminished in medieval times, but ransoms became more prevalent.
POW was not just knights and nobles but also ordinary soldiers, with the price varying according to their rank or skill.

Archers captured at Agincourt in 1415 were ransomed at a high rate because they were such an effective force in that battle. In wars where religion was a factor, prisoners were often offered the chance to convert to the religion of the army by which they were captured. The Treaty of Westphalia in 1648 ended the custom of ransoming, securing agreement for the release of prisoners without ransom.

Protection for prisoners
Since ancient times religious thinkers, philosophers and lawyers proposed various ideas for making war more fair or just. Chinese philosopher Sun Tzu in his fourth century BC work The Art Of War forbids the slaughter of prisoners of war.

The Bible also sets down rules for treating conquered people fairly, and writers such as St Thomas Aquinas discussed the ethics of waging war.
The Koran tells people to release captives or ransom them after the war has ended

Geneva Convention

In the 20th century Article 2 of the 1929 Geneva Convention stated “Prisoners of war are in the power of the hostile Government, but not of the individuals or formation which captured them. They shall at all times be humanely treated and protected, particularly against acts of violence, from insults and from public curiosity. Measures of reprisal against them are forbidden.”

Since the 2014 coup there are a lot of stories like that. And a lot of people have been detained, killed (some even burned alive like in Odessa) for disagreeing with the current anti-constitutional rulers. That's the ugly face of Ukrainian "democracy".

I can not refrain from commenting: the authorities are called "Ukrainian," but in the Ukrainian government, as in the parliament, THERE ARE ALMOST NO UKRAINIANS : they are all political cryptoneozionist adventurers who hide their ethnic origins and get into Ukrainian national dress. However, in Russia the situation is SAME...

View attachment 169803

These four politicians have two things in Common: (1) They all wield tremendous influence in the new Jew-controlled Ukraine. (2) They are ALL Jews. Far right, Ukraine’s new Prime Minister, Arsiniy Yatsenuk, a Jew (see below); next to him, American Secretary of State John Kerry, who recently discovered his “Jewish roots“; left of Kerry, Ukraine’s recently elected President, Petro Poroshenko, another Jew (see below); far left, Vitali Klitschko,Jewish boxer politician whose father served in the Bolshevik “Red” army.


And let’s not forget to add Victoria Nuland to that list.

As soon as those Jews ^ were brought to power in Kiev by the Jews, who actually control the USA, owning Obama (Wall street money bags, Soros&Co), the people in Ukraine started seeing the real link from American Jews to Ukrainian Jews. For distraction of the taxpayers they put some clowns like Obama in between, who actually don’t decide anything.
Soros&Co hate to lose their global power and are pushing their puppet Clinton into WH .

I prefer to stay away from blaming ALL JEWS in what is going on in the USA and in the world. I guess MY definition is more neutral and gives an adequate picture of stratification in the Jewish society. I propose to use my terminology of cryptoneozionism... Ordinary Jews suffer as the rest of the people...
Since the 2014 coup there are a lot of stories like that. And a lot of people have been detained, killed (some even burned alive like in Odessa) for disagreeing with the current anti-constitutional rulers. That's the ugly face of Ukrainian "democracy".

As far as Odessa massacre I am sure the majoruty of Americans and even of the politically active ones have no idea what has happened over there because the cryptoneozionists' controlled mass media HUSH the massacre, though ordinary jews pеrished there too...
I know personally Mr. Strelkov, сolonel in the reserve of the Main Intelligence Directorate of Russia,who actually started the civil war
Do you really think Strelkov started the civil war in Donbass? As far as I know he was doing his best risking his life to protect Donbass from Ukrainian army.

I QUOTED his statement. I know Mr. Strelkov very well and do not see any reason to hide the fact that Russia also has spheres of its interests, by the way NOT over the oceans but just on its borders... And Russia also knows how to conduct special operations.
Or only the cryptoneizionist American leadership US can may lie in the UN, arrange provocations such as aggression against Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Iraq, Syria, Cuba and so on ???

In the Donbass, there is a war PROXY war between the US and Russia going on. Very typical for the American cryptoneozionists - to wage wars by means of non-Americans, forcing the fraternal nations to fight among themselves ..

Cryptoneosionists of the United States decided to make Ukraine a springboard for attack against the resource-rich Russia ...

I quoted his statement only in the sense that he directed the disembarkation of a special group of FORMER Russian military. And the fact that the pseudo-Ukrainian Nazis would resort to a bloody crackdown on the Russian-speaking population of Donbass, no one doubted. I was born in the Donbass and I KNOW what these scumbags - the Western Ukrainians who collaborated with the German nazis, are capable of...
The Abu Ghraib syndrom???
The story of the Donbas militiaman Fyodorov, captured by the Ukranian Army

"In short: I was beaten; I was handcuffed half-dead in handcuffs, they (the Ukrainian Army military men) put a bag on my head, threw me into the bus and drove it. For 12 hours of the drive they constantly beat me in the back of the head. I still have it (the back of my head) dumb. Several times, how many I do not remember, I lost count, I was taken for execution: they put me on my knees, clicked the bolt, I was shot from the PM (Makarov's pistol) over my head into the tree, I could hear the sound of rubbish, and I do not confuse PM with anything ...

... At 10 o'clock three people came to me in the balaclavas. They struck in the stomach, laid me on the floor. Wet the towel and put it on my head. And then I died. It was a discharge of current, and I cannot describe it to you”, - Mikhail stops for a while.

…"It's impossible to describe." This is not even a wild pain - this cannot be called pain, it is a feeling of death, when you realize that is the end already. The feeling that you have a brain boiling, like a stove inside you, everything explodes. After the discharge, I switched off. The blood vessels burst, blood flowed from my ears. How many times they beat the discharge, I do not know…

Then I woke up on the bunk. After these tortures, there were two holes, covered with iodine, on the chest opposite the heart. As it was later explained, intra-cardiac injections of adrenaline were done to me b - they did the direct injections into my heart when it stopped. For the first time I could not get up for 24 hours.

Then they came for the second time came and the same procedure started again. For my luck, the electric outlet was out . When they came for the third time, they hesitated, and did not start the torture right away; and then the girl (the nurse) said to them the that she would not start my heart for the third time, and that she would not will not take part in it. The girl was young. And they did not give a damn, but the third time they did not torture me. Six months after that, I had no skins on my temples, completely burned, "- recalls the former POW.

Fyodorov's inquirers did not to get any information. They simply tried to crush, to break the man, purposefully destroyed the will and soul…

Alexandre Fedorovski Mod Edit -- Do NOT put Titles in all Caps. I fixed it. In addition, this appears to be Copyrighted material with no link to credit the source. Contact me with the link for this material. -- FlaCalTenn
Thank you very much. As far as the material. Here is the source: Вернувшийся из плена ополченец:
Вернувшийся из плена ополченец:

Unfortunately it is in Russian. I was born in Donbass and I know the situation there. The material is reliable. As a politilogist, I have contacts with this source from the day the war in Donbass broke out.

I bear full responsibility for the fact that the source has published material that corresponds to the realities of this war. As in every war, cruelty is inherent in EVERY side. Since the disparate fractions of the Donbas militia were combined into regular army, the situation has improved significantly with discipline in the armed forces of the Donetsk and Lugansk unrecognised (but by the Republic of South Osetia) republics...

I know personally Mr. Strelkov, сolonel in the reserve of the Main Intelligence Directorate of Russia,who actually started the civil war A year and a half ago, within the framework of the International Discussion Club "Academy Socrates" (Academia Socrates | Discussion club, Praha, Czech Republic),
which I founded in Prague, I conducted a video conference "Moscow-Prague", during which foreign journalists and embassy representatives, including the American ones, had the opportunity to personally ask questions to Mr. Strelkov
Ukrainians are known for torturing "separatists" using worse methods than Gestapo (I'm from Eastern Ukraine and know the situation from inside). They should be judged by International War tribunal for their numerous war crimes. World should wake up unless they want to see a 40 million Nazi country in the middle of Europe.
The Abu Ghraib syndrom???
The story of the Donbas militiaman Fyodorov, captured by the Ukranian Army

"In short: I was beaten; I was handcuffed half-dead in handcuffs, they (the Ukrainian Army military men) put a bag on my head, threw me into the bus and drove it. For 12 hours of the drive they constantly beat me in the back of the head. I still have it (the back of my head) dumb. Several times, how many I do not remember, I lost count, I was taken for execution: they put me on my knees, clicked the bolt, I was shot from the PM (Makarov's pistol) over my head into the tree, I could hear the sound of rubbish, and I do not confuse PM with anything ...

... At 10 o'clock three people came to me in the balaclavas. They struck in the stomach, laid me on the floor. Wet the towel and put it on my head. And then I died. It was a discharge of current, and I cannot describe it to you”, - Mikhail stops for a while.

…"It's impossible to describe." This is not even a wild pain - this cannot be called pain, it is a feeling of death, when you realize that is the end already. The feeling that you have a brain boiling, like a stove inside you, everything explodes. After the discharge, I switched off. The blood vessels burst, blood flowed from my ears. How many times they beat the discharge, I do not know…

Then I woke up on the bunk. After these tortures, there were two holes, covered with iodine, on the chest opposite the heart. As it was later explained, intra-cardiac injections of adrenaline were done to me b - they did the direct injections into my heart when it stopped. For the first time I could not get up for 24 hours.

Then they came for the second time came and the same procedure started again. For my luck, the electric outlet was out . When they came for the third time, they hesitated, and did not start the torture right away; and then the girl (the nurse) said to them the that she would not start my heart for the third time, and that she would not will not take part in it. The girl was young. And they did not give a damn, but the third time they did not torture me. Six months after that, I had no skins on my temples, completely burned, "- recalls the former POW.

Fyodorov's inquirers did not to get any information. They simply tried to crush, to break the man, purposefully destroyed the will and soul…

Alexandre Fedorovski Mod Edit -- Do NOT put Titles in all Caps. I fixed it. In addition, this appears to be Copyrighted material with no link to credit the source. Contact me with the link for this material. -- FlaCalTenn
Thank you very much. As far as the material. Here is the source: Вернувшийся из плена ополченец:
Вернувшийся из плена ополченец:

Unfortunately it is in Russian. I was born in Donbass and I know the situation there. The material is reliable. As a politilogist, I have contacts with this source from the day the war in Donbass broke out.

I bear full responsibility for the fact that the source has published material that corresponds to the realities of this war. As in every war, cruelty is inherent in EVERY side. Since the disparate fractions of the Donbas militia were combined into regular army, the situation has improved significantly with discipline in the armed forces of the Donetsk and Lugansk unrecognised (but by the Republic of South Osetia) republics...

I know personally Mr. Strelkov, сolonel in the reserve of the Main Intelligence Directorate of Russia,who actually started the civil war A year and a half ago, within the framework of the International Discussion Club "Academy Socrates" (Academia Socrates | Discussion club, Praha, Czech Republic),
which I founded in Prague, I conducted a video conference "Moscow-Prague", during which foreign journalists and embassy representatives, including the American ones, had the opportunity to personally ask questions to Mr. Strelkov
Ukrainians are known for torturing "separatists" using worse methods than Gestapo (I'm from Eastern Ukraine and know the situation from inside). They should be judged by International War tribunal for their numerous war crimes. World should wake up unless they want to see a 40 million Nazi country in the middle of Europe.

Ukrainians are known for torturing "separatists" using worse methods than Gestapo

UKRAINIANS. There is the Ukrainian blood in me too, and the EAST, Russian-speaking Ukrainians as a whole should not be mingled with WESTERN ones.

Although the truth is that the representatives of the central regions of Ukraine are also at war, fighting on the side of the cryptonejzionist government of Ukraine. This government turned once a well-to-do republic into the POOREST country of Europe and people go to fight against Donbass to earn some money...

As far as the Western Ukrainians, they are well-known as German Nazi
collaborators, responsible for punitive operations against partisans, the Jewish and Polish population. Those were they who hung, raped and massively killed the unfortunate ...

Thousands of Ukrainian families broke up due to the attitude towards this war and the cryptoneozionists from Kiev
"Ukrainians are known for torturing "separatists" using worse methods than Gestapo"

UKRAINIANS. There is the Ukrainian blood in me too, and the EAST, Russian-speaking Ukrainians as a whole should not be mingled with WESTERN ones.

Although the truth is that the representatives of the central regions of Ukraine are also at war, fighting on the side of the cryptonejzionist government of Ukraine. This government turned once a well-to-do republic into the POOREST country of Europe and people go to fight against Donbass to earn some money coming back in coffins, without limbs or NOT coming back at all because the Kiev cryptoneozionists DO NOT even try to find and send the remains back to families...

As far as the Western Ukrainians, they are well-known as German Nazi
collaborators, responsible for punitive operations against partisans, the Jewish and Polish population. Those were they who hung, raped and massively killed the unfortunate ...

Thousands of Ukrainian families broke up due to the attitude towards this war and the cryptoneozionists from Kiev

By the way Kiev is about to launch a new offensive against Donetzk and Lugansk with the new American lethal weaponry. Just in several days...
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Since the 2014 coup there are a lot of stories like that. And a lot of people have been detained, killed (some even burned alive like in Odessa) for disagreeing with the current anti-constitutional rulers. That's the ugly face of Ukrainian "democracy".

I can not refrain from commenting: the authorities are called "Ukrainian," but in the Ukrainian government, as in the parliament, THERE ARE ALMOST NO UKRAINIANS : they are all political cryptoneozionist adventurers who hide their ethnic origins and get into Ukrainian national dress. However, in Russia the situation is SAME...

View attachment 169803

These four politicians have two things in Common: (1) They all wield tremendous influence in the new Jew-controlled Ukraine. (2) They are ALL Jews. Far right, Ukraine’s new Prime Minister, Arsiniy Yatsenuk, a Jew (see below); next to him, American Secretary of State John Kerry, who recently discovered his “Jewish roots“; left of Kerry, Ukraine’s recently elected President, Petro Poroshenko, another Jew (see below); far left, Vitali Klitschko,Jewish boxer politician whose father served in the Bolshevik “Red” army.


And let’s not forget to add Victoria Nuland to that list.

As soon as those Jews ^ were brought to power in Kiev by the Jews, who actually control the USA, owning Obama (Wall street money bags, Soros&Co), the people in Ukraine started seeing the real link from American Jews to Ukrainian Jews. For distraction of the taxpayers they put some clowns like Obama in between, who actually don’t decide anything.
Soros&Co hate to lose their global power and are pushing their puppet Clinton into WH .

Jews run Ukraine and sent Russians kill other Russians. Who is against can be blamed as 'antisemite', 'Nazi' and 'fascists'.
Not without reason Jews were expelled from 110 countries within 2,000 years
Since the 2014 coup there are a lot of stories like that. And a lot of people have been detained, killed (some even burned alive like in Odessa) for disagreeing with the current anti-constitutional rulers. That's the ugly face of Ukrainian "democracy".

One Ukrainian rabbi said that almost all Ukrainian MPs are qualified for Israel's citizenship.
Since the 2014 coup there are a lot of stories like that. And a lot of people have been detained, killed (some even burned alive like in Odessa) for disagreeing with the current anti-constitutional rulers. That's the ugly face of Ukrainian "democracy".

I can not refrain from commenting: the authorities are called "Ukrainian," but in the Ukrainian government, as in the parliament, THERE ARE ALMOST NO UKRAINIANS : they are all political cryptoneozionist adventurers who hide their ethnic origins and get into Ukrainian national dress. However, in Russia the situation is SAME...

View attachment 169803

These four politicians have two things in Common: (1) They all wield tremendous influence in the new Jew-controlled Ukraine. (2) They are ALL Jews. Far right, Ukraine’s new Prime Minister, Arsiniy Yatsenuk, a Jew (see below); next to him, American Secretary of State John Kerry, who recently discovered his “Jewish roots“; left of Kerry, Ukraine’s recently elected President, Petro Poroshenko, another Jew (see below); far left, Vitali Klitschko,Jewish boxer politician whose father served in the Bolshevik “Red” army.


And let’s not forget to add Victoria Nuland to that list.

As soon as those Jews ^ were brought to power in Kiev by the Jews, who actually control the USA, owning Obama (Wall street money bags, Soros&Co), the people in Ukraine started seeing the real link from American Jews to Ukrainian Jews. For distraction of the taxpayers they put some clowns like Obama in between, who actually don’t decide anything.
Soros&Co hate to lose their global power and are pushing their puppet Clinton into WH .

Jews run Ukraine and sent Russians kill other Russians. Who is against can be blamed as 'antisemite', 'Nazi' and 'fascists'.
Not without reason Jews were expelled from 110 countries within 2,000 years

I already wrote that I am against stigmatization of the TOTAL Jewish people. I DO NOT KNOW what happened 2,000 years ago and WHY Jews were expelled from everywhere. But as a politologist I am well aware of the reality and I know that the "Mother of all ills" is modern Jewish nationalism, that is, cryptoneozionizm. I categorically condemn anti-Semitic statements. In addition, this does not do good to the cause.
One Ukrainian rabbi said that almost all Ukrainian MPs are qualified for Israel's citizenship.[/QUOTE]

That is TRUE. The same situation is with the so-called "Russian" (and in reality - the cryptoneozionist) government, parliament, businessmen and bankers. They just exploit the country and its native people who the natural deposits belong to, first of all, the "Russki" people

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