That'll Fix Em


Ninja Kicker
Jul 6, 2012
Work today, me and Sarah are getting shitty because the idiots responsible for closing the store leave their shit around for us to clean up. They left this plastic device which scrapes the carbon build up off the grill at night all covered in grease. They are meant to change the cleaning pad on the end of it, and wash it, and put it away where it belongs.
Instead, the fuckers left it there, all covered in muck, for us to clean up. So Sarah and I thought 'fuck em', and we threw the damned thing in the bin. Went out this afternoon.

Night crew are sure gonna have fun tonight.:eusa_clap:
Guess it must be one of those "Come to Jesus" meeting times. Speak softly but carry a big stick.
They'll be praying to Jesus that they find that bloody scraper, because they won't be getting out until very late tonight! Can't wait to go in tomorrow and see what happened.
They'll be praying to Jesus that they find that bloody scraper, because they won't be getting out until very late tonight! Can't wait to go in tomorrow and see what happened.

Something tells me there might be a mean streak in you!:lol:
They'll be praying to Jesus that they find that bloody scraper, because they won't be getting out until very late tonight! Can't wait to go in tomorrow and see what happened.

Something tells me there might be a mean streak in you!:lol:

Hell yes. You don't put your shit away from now on, it goes in the bin! Wonder how much stuff I'll have to throw out before they finally get the message to do their jobs properly...
never start a war with night smart as you think you are...night shift will go for the throat

I am not the one who has to be there first thing in the morning, so someone else can deal with the problem. I'll see Sarah tomorrow and we'll have a laugh over it. Wonder how long it'll take them to buy another fancy scraper thing...probably a week.
They'll be praying to Jesus that they find that bloody scraper, because they won't be getting out until very late tonight! Can't wait to go in tomorrow and see what happened.

Several cases of customer food poisoning, probably.
and how is the boss gonna feel about good stuff going in the bin?

We don't care. You would be shocked at the amount of good product the boss throws out. She wastes hundreds of dollars worth of food and other items every week.

Anyway, got there this afternoon and found another blasted scraper there. Must have been a spare...damnit.
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