That's not how the economy works, Joe! Biden demands supermarkets cut soaring grocery prices

Capitalism is a war between labor and owners over the share of the pie…agree?

Owners have tipped the scales and have captured more wealth share than ever before… agree?

Whether you think that is bad or not is opinion but the facts are facts.
I wouldn't call making 2 cents profit on every dollar the owners tipping the scales in their favor.

Kroger 2022 annual EBITDA was $6.906B, a 12.24% increase from 2021. Kroger 2021 annual EBITDA was $6.153B, a 11.06% increase from 2020.
They are making 2 cents per dollar. What do you want them to do, lower their prices on every single item by 2 cents?
Kroger 2022 annual EBITDA was $6.906B, a 12.24% increase from 2021. Kroger 2021 annual EBITDA was $6.153B, a 11.06% increase from 2020.
Inflation eats away some of that total.
The retail food business operates on a very slim margin. The government will only cause massive closures of hundreds of locations along with catastrophic shortages. Best bet? Stop printing money and stop lying about REAL INFLATION.
It's truly amazing how nothing bad that happens is ever the fault of Democrat policies and at the same time everything good that ever happens is the result of a Democrat's policies...

That must be some good ass kool-aid.....
They won't go that route. Probably most know that its all bullshit and smoke and mirrors, but controlling the purse buys votes and keeps them in power. And they don't CARE whether anything actually accomplishes anything good or what the long range negative consequences will be. They are enriching themselves day by day an figure by the time it all hits the fan they will have theirs and will be out of office so that somebody else will get the blame.
Only the highest skilled employees like me have leverage. The average laborer isn’t organized and isn’t maximizing their leverage.
There was a time when America actively sought out highly skilled immigrants.

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