That’s what Xi said...


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Swallow Well

The list of Dems compromised by China is growing. China is running the Dem party just like the Dims said Putin was running Trump.

Remember, the Dims always accuse you of what they are doing.

Sal Alinksky, Rules for Radicals.


Here is what the Dims have done with COVID:

RULE 9: “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.”
Imagination and ego can dream up many more consequences than any activist. (Perception is reality. Large organizations always prepare a worst-case scenario, something that may be furthest from the activists’ minds. The upshot is that the organization will expend enormous time and energy, creating in its own collective mind the direst of conclusions. The possibilities can easily poison the mind and result in demoralization.)
Most civilized countries have some form of state sponsored health care. The US has Medicare and Medicaid...
Most civilized countries have some form of state sponsored health care
NO Country has the US Constitution, nor were they founded to get out from under the thumb of a distant ruler.

Nearly every other nation on earth has a racially homogenous population and is racist as fuck.

Most of these stupid fucking liberals who shit on America have not travelled internationally.
Libs, Xi has his cock firmly up your ass. What are you going to do about it?
This is not going away, libs. You can’t ignore it like Hunter’s laptop
Come on, Liberals. Call me a liar. Fact check me.

Fact check if Swalwell was banging a Chinese spy. Fact check if Feinstein had a Chinese spy as a driver for 20 years. Fact check if the FBI is investigating Hunter Biden for Tax evasion from business dealings with guys loved Manaforte going to prison for the same reason...I can only assume you also want Hunter in prison.

Fact check me and then post your findings.
Libs, Xi has his cock firmly up your ass. What are you going to do about it?
Lose 300 pounds of ugly orange fat.
We know your opinion on Trump and his dealings with China. What is Biden going to do if sworn in? Hell, Biden is going to make it difficult for us to go into space with private companies with endless environmental rules.
Libs, Xi has his cock firmly up your ass. What are you going to do about it?
Lose 300 pounds of ugly orange fat.
We know your opinion on Trump and his dealings with China. What is Biden going to do if sworn in? Hell, Biden is going to make it difficult for us to go into space with private companies with endless environmental rules.
I’ve decided to go full Republican on this post. None of that shit will make MY life change in any way sooooo...I don’t care.
Look at the mess our country is in right now. Couldn't have done it without the Big C.
The constitution has nothing to do with the mess we're in- lies, twisting, spinning, castigating, and bastaridzing simple English, through UNconstituional acts, by feckless politicians (including lawyers and judges and ALL law writers) is what got us to where we are- it's been going on since before the ink was dry- feckless people have been around since people have been- it's the people who are elected by people, like you, who have bastardized the constitution to suit their own personal agenda- it's not entirely your fault, unless as an adult, you choose to remain ignorant and loyal to ANY Party and have contempt for liberty- it is the UNconstitutional Public Education, which you have obviously soaked up that IMproperly educates- choosing to remain ignorant moves you to the class of stupid- whoever "you" may be-

The constitution was crafted to help prevent gov't over reach- NO where does it say it's gospel, nor does it give authority/power to intentionally MISinterpret words- feckless law writers, lawyers and judges grant themslves that authority, which is NOT allowed per the constitution- the previously mentioned are people- who, as also previously mentioned have been around since forever-

The constitution is a set of rules which the feckless feel they can abuse with impunity- in a monkey see monkey do world the follower monkeys emulate the lead monkeys behavior, i.e., feckless.

Key words: worthless and irresponsible- to wit; elected re present a tives
Look at the mess our country is in right now. Couldn't have done it without the Big C.
The constitution has nothing to do with the mess we're in- lies, twisting, spinning, castigating, and bastaridzing simple English, through UNconstituional acts, by feckless politicians (including lawyers and judges and ALL law writers) is what got us to where we are- it's been going on since before the ink was dry- feckless people have been around since people have been- it's the people who are elected by people, like you, who have bastardized the constitution to suit their own personal agenda- it's not entirely your fault, unless as an adult, you choose to remain ignorant and loyal to ANY Party and have contempt for liberty- it is the UNconstitutional Public Education, which you have obviously soaked up that IMproperly educates- choosing to remain ignorant moves you to the class of stupid- whoever "you" may be-

The constitution was crafted to help prevent gov't over reach- NO where does it say it's gospel, nor does it give authority/power to intentionally MISinterpret words- feckless law writers, lawyers and judges grant themslves that authority, which is NOT allowed per the constitution- the previously mentioned are people- who, as also previously mentioned have been around since forever-

The constitution is a set of rules which the feckless feel they can abuse with impunity- in a monkey see monkey do world the follower monkeys emulate the lead monkeys behavior, i.e., feckless.

Key words: worthless and irresponsible- to wit; elected re present a tives
The only thing all you hillbillies know about the Constitution is that you can have as many guns as you want. A lot of you want Trump to declare Martial Law, lol.

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