The 10 Least Known Facts About Obamacare


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Yes, this comes from Doug Ross @ Journal blog, but check out the link!

A recent article in Yahoo! Finance ("Business Owners Confused as Ever by Obamacare") Business Owners Confused as Ever by Obamacare | The Exchange - Yahoo! Finance inspired our enterprising cub reporter Biff Spackle to assemble the following little-known Obamacare facts.

10. In New York City, you lose your right to health care by consuming a Chili Dog
9. All insurance plans come with a free weekly newsletter from Dr. Kevorkian
8. In low tier plan, anasthesia administered orally via shots of Jim Beam
7. Employers with 50 or more workers required to offer health insurance or face waterboarding
6. Overflow E.R. patients in Florida automatically airlifted to Cuba for treatment
5. All of your personal health records available to you via
4. Sex changes are free of charge, but reversing sex changes requires a $20 co-pay
3. Over-the-counter drugs must be purchased from a company owned by Nancy Pelosi's husband
2. Couples earning more than $250,000 are prohibited from having more than one child
1. Any elective surgery requires a suppository

All of these are 100 percent verified accurate, as far as you know.

Anyone care to defend this garbage?
Many people won't be able to afford Obamacare...
States’ Policies on Health Care Exclude Some of the Poorest
May 24, 2013 WASHINGTON — The refusal by about half the states to expand Medicaid will leave millions of poor people ineligible for government-subsidized health insurance under President Obama’s health care law even as many others with higher incomes receive federal subsidies to buy insurance.
Starting next month, the administration and its allies will conduct a nationwide campaign encouraging Americans to take advantage of new high-quality affordable insurance options. But those options will be unavailable to some of the neediest people in states like Texas, Florida, Kansas, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi and Georgia, which are refusing to expand Medicaid. More than half of all people without health insurance live in states that are not planning to expand Medicaid. People in those states who have incomes from the poverty level up to four times that amount ($11,490 to $45,960 a year for an individual) can get federal tax credits to subsidize the purchase of private health insurance. But many people below the poverty line will be unable to get tax credits, Medicaid or other help with health insurance.

Sandy Praeger, the insurance commissioner of Kansas, said she would help consumers understand their options. She said, however, that many of “the poorest of the poor” would fall into a gap in which no assistance is available. The Kansas Medicaid program provides no coverage for able-bodied childless adults. And adults with dependent children are generally ineligible if their income exceeds 32 percent of the poverty level, Ms. Praeger said. In most cases, she said, adults with incomes from 32 percent to 100 percent of the poverty level ($6,250 to $19,530 for a family of three) “will have no assistance.” They will see advertisements promoting new insurance options, but in most cases will not learn that they are ineligible until they apply. Administration officials said they worried that frustrated consumers might blame President Obama rather than Republicans like Gov. Rick Perry of Texas and Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, who have resisted the expansion of Medicaid.

The Congressional Budget Office estimates that 25 million people will gain insurance under the new health care law. Researchers at the Urban Institute estimate that 5.7 million uninsured adults with incomes below the poverty level could also gain coverage except that they live in states that are not expanding Medicaid. In approving the health care law in 2010, Congressional Democrats intended to expand Medicaid eligibility in every state. But the Supreme Court ruled last year that the expansion was an option for states, not a requirement. At least 25 states — mainly those with Republican governors or Republican-controlled legislatures — have balked at expanding the program, in part because of concerns about long-term costs. Several Republican governors, like Rick Scott in Florida, wanted to expand Medicaid, but met resistance from state legislators.

Mr. Obama and administration officials, including Kathleen Sebelius, the secretary of health and human services, plan to fly around the country this summer promoting the health care law to a public largely unaware of the new insurance options. Bee Moorhead, the executive director of Texas Impact, an interfaith group that favors the expansion of coverage, said: “A lot of people will come in, file applications and find they are not eligible for help because they are too poor. We’ll have to tell them, ‘If only you had a little more money, you could get insurance subsidies, but because you are so poor, you cannot get anything.’ “That’s an odd message, a very strange message. And if people are sick, they will be really upset.”

"Biff's" list of lies is very typical of the silly shit rw's are emailing to their equally ignorant friends.

And, not one of them asks for PROOF.
"Biff's" list of lies is very typical of the silly shit rw's are emailing to their equally ignorant friends.

And, not one of them asks for PROOF.
If HuffyPuffy, Daily Kooks, Alternut, CCCPNBC or LiesOut didn't post it, it didn't happen. :lol:
"Biff's" list of lies is very typical of the silly shit rw's are emailing to their equally ignorant friends.

And, not one of them asks for PROOF.
If HuffyPuffy, Daily Kooks, Alternut, CCCPNBC or LiesOut didn't post it, it didn't happen. :lol:

I'll bet you believe every one of those. :cuckoo:

And, I'll bet most libs would ask if it came from the Onion.

That's the difference between left and right.
Yes, this comes from Doug Ross @ Journal blog, but check out the link!

A recent article in Yahoo! Finance ("Business Owners Confused as Ever by Obamacare") Business Owners Confused as Ever by Obamacare | The Exchange - Yahoo! Finance inspired our enterprising cub reporter Biff Spackle to assemble the following little-known Obamacare facts.

10. In New York City, you lose your right to health care by consuming a Chili Dog
9. All insurance plans come with a free weekly newsletter from Dr. Kevorkian
8. In low tier plan, anasthesia administered orally via shots of Jim Beam
7. Employers with 50 or more workers required to offer health insurance or face waterboarding
6. Overflow E.R. patients in Florida automatically airlifted to Cuba for treatment
5. All of your personal health records available to you via
4. Sex changes are free of charge, but reversing sex changes requires a $20 co-pay
3. Over-the-counter drugs must be purchased from a company owned by Nancy Pelosi's husband
2. Couples earning more than $250,000 are prohibited from having more than one child
1. Any elective surgery requires a suppository

All of these are 100 percent verified accurate, as far as you know.

Anyone care to defend this garbage?

No, I would not care to defend such an obviously bull list without even a cited source to back it up. Where are the details that ‘prove’ this garbage by the way.

The HC law can be challenged without making outrageously incorrect lists.
Anyone with half a brain would realize this is either a joke list/something from The Onion.

Seriously guy, get it together. The ACA has enough flaws in it that you don't need to resort to posting shit like this.
I prefer Republican....Wedontcare

Let em die is always an effective solution
Many people won't be able to afford Obamacare...
States’ Policies on Health Care Exclude Some of the Poorest
May 24, 2013 WASHINGTON — The refusal by about half the states to expand Medicaid will leave millions of poor people ineligible for government-subsidized health insurance under President Obama’s health care law even as many others with higher incomes receive federal subsidies to buy insurance.
Starting next month, the administration and its allies will conduct a nationwide campaign encouraging Americans to take advantage of new high-quality affordable insurance options. But those options will be unavailable to some of the neediest people in states like Texas, Florida, Kansas, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi and Georgia, which are refusing to expand Medicaid. More than half of all people without health insurance live in states that are not planning to expand Medicaid. People in those states who have incomes from the poverty level up to four times that amount ($11,490 to $45,960 a year for an individual) can get federal tax credits to subsidize the purchase of private health insurance. But many people below the poverty line will be unable to get tax credits, Medicaid or other help with health insurance.

Sandy Praeger, the insurance commissioner of Kansas, said she would help consumers understand their options. She said, however, that many of “the poorest of the poor” would fall into a gap in which no assistance is available. The Kansas Medicaid program provides no coverage for able-bodied childless adults. And adults with dependent children are generally ineligible if their income exceeds 32 percent of the poverty level, Ms. Praeger said. In most cases, she said, adults with incomes from 32 percent to 100 percent of the poverty level ($6,250 to $19,530 for a family of three) “will have no assistance.” They will see advertisements promoting new insurance options, but in most cases will not learn that they are ineligible until they apply. Administration officials said they worried that frustrated consumers might blame President Obama rather than Republicans like Gov. Rick Perry of Texas and Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, who have resisted the expansion of Medicaid.

The Congressional Budget Office estimates that 25 million people will gain insurance under the new health care law. Researchers at the Urban Institute estimate that 5.7 million uninsured adults with incomes below the poverty level could also gain coverage except that they live in states that are not expanding Medicaid. In approving the health care law in 2010, Congressional Democrats intended to expand Medicaid eligibility in every state. But the Supreme Court ruled last year that the expansion was an option for states, not a requirement. At least 25 states — mainly those with Republican governors or Republican-controlled legislatures — have balked at expanding the program, in part because of concerns about long-term costs. Several Republican governors, like Rick Scott in Florida, wanted to expand Medicaid, but met resistance from state legislators.

Mr. Obama and administration officials, including Kathleen Sebelius, the secretary of health and human services, plan to fly around the country this summer promoting the health care law to a public largely unaware of the new insurance options. Bee Moorhead, the executive director of Texas Impact, an interfaith group that favors the expansion of coverage, said: “A lot of people will come in, file applications and find they are not eligible for help because they are too poor. We’ll have to tell them, ‘If only you had a little more money, you could get insurance subsidies, but because you are so poor, you cannot get anything.’ “That’s an odd message, a very strange message. And if people are sick, they will be really upset.”


Your last paragraph is the absolute truth and it shows how our government doesn't want to insure the very poor since they don't pay taxes directly to the IRS.
So far, it looks like the brain dead rw's don't get that this list is a joke and they're the punch line.

How many more will fall for it?
So far, it looks like the brain dead rw's don't get that this list is a joke and they're the punch line.

How many more will fall for it?

Talk about head in the sand ...

Every day, we learn more about the 13,000+ pages of rules and regulations dreamed up by unnamed bureaucrats to implement this monstrosity.

Wait until it affects YOU!

So far, it looks like the brain dead rw's don't get that this list is a joke and they're the punch line.

How many more will fall for it?

Talk about head in the sand ...

Every day, we learn more about the 13,000+ pages of rules and regulations dreamed up by unnamed bureaucrats to implement this monstrosity.

Wait until it affects YOU!


Are you really saying that you believe that list is serious? Did you read it? :cuckoo:

I've already written how it has affected me - it has put money in my pocket.
Yes, I read the list.
And, YES, I know it was an attempt at HUMOR.
And yes, I seriously believe there is a lot of truth to this as it highlights exactly the type of BS the bureaucrats are plugging into it.

Forum List
