The 1950s are coming back mentioned the 50s? sure sure the 50s are just fine! :mm: we love we do

'You better not be on the phone talking to a Catholic. You're going to run up the phone bill"

Those days?

In those days people didn't spend much time on the phone. In fact some homes never had a telephone in the house.

We talked about that at a family gathering one night. My niece and nephew were in disbelief of party lines. They thought it was the funniest thing they ever heard. They swore we were just making it all up.

In the 60's, most everybody had a small black and white television that only got about three or four channels, maybe two of them clear with no snow. At midnight, all the television stations signed off for the evening. They'd end playing the star spangled banner with a video of a flag blowing. Then the channel just went off the air and all you seen was snow.

In the summer time, the only thing on television were reruns. So we spent time with each other. No cable, no internet, no video games. Much of the time we spent outside. Kids would be playing with other kids, and the adults were outside either working or talking with neighbors.

If you weren't there, it was an entirely different world back then.

It was a racist apartheid nation back then. We don't need to go back there.

Why not? There were ten times more good things than bad back then.

No there wasn't. We don't need to go back to apartheid.

We don't? Then tell me, what was so bad about it? Don't you think that if people are happier living with their own kind, it's a good thing?

I guess that when you are white and racist the logic of a fascist system that denies you of rights based on your race doesn't register since you were the ones getting all the benefits.
Ah! The 1950's! When New Orleans closed every public swimming pool in the city, including Ponchatrain Beach, rather than allow blacks to integrate them! mentioned the 50s? sure sure the 50s are just fine! :mm: we love we do


Only for the racists. And if you are a woman, you are really dumb.





In those days people didn't spend much time on the phone. In fact some homes never had a telephone in the house.

We talked about that at a family gathering one night. My niece and nephew were in disbelief of party lines. They thought it was the funniest thing they ever heard. They swore we were just making it all up.

In the 60's, most everybody had a small black and white television that only got about three or four channels, maybe two of them clear with no snow. At midnight, all the television stations signed off for the evening. They'd end playing the star spangled banner with a video of a flag blowing. Then the channel just went off the air and all you seen was snow.

In the summer time, the only thing on television were reruns. So we spent time with each other. No cable, no internet, no video games. Much of the time we spent outside. Kids would be playing with other kids, and the adults were outside either working or talking with neighbors.

If you weren't there, it was an entirely different world back then.

It was a racist apartheid nation back then. We don't need to go back there.

Why not? There were ten times more good things than bad back then.

No there wasn't. We don't need to go back to apartheid.

We don't? Then tell me, what was so bad about it? Don't you think that if people are happier living with their own kind, it's a good thing?

I guess that when you are white and racist the logic of a fascist system that denies you of rights based on your race doesn't register since you were the ones getting all the benefits.

Benefits such as what? While I admit, job discrimination was a tragedy, but segregation worked out just fine for us. Desegregation is what led to the demise of thousands of neighborhoods across the country. You think that's better? Well......maybe for you, but not for us.

My properties are worth less today than when I purchased them 25 years ago. I'll give you one guess as to why. Without HUD, all the so-called fair housing laws, not only would my investment not have lost money, it probably would have doubled.

But this is what liberals call being progressive. Yeah, that's the ticket. Ruin everything for everybody else, and then call that moving ahead.
the 1950s in America were absolutely amazing! music was amazing!!!!!!!!

you come here LOL dance a little! LOL:10:

JERRY LEE LEWIS TRIO Great Balls of Fire 1957
Ahhhh, the 1950s.

Kids in iron lungs. Those were the days.

A life expectancy of 65.


No efficacious treatments for cancer.

Twice the rate of traffic fatalities.

A constant threat of nuclear annihilation. Backyard bomb shelters.

Fun times. Fun times.
nothng better than the 1950s music
great music!

1956 Fats Domino - Blueberry Hill - Sullivan Show
Love love and adore.....with all my heart and soul!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:04::2up: I mean it!

1950s, ROCK AND ROLL - the era, music and dancing

Many liberals see the rise of Trump and far-right leaders in Europe, the Philippines and other parts of the world as a repeat of the fascist rise of Hitler, Mussolini and Francisco Franco. But if history is truly repeating itself, the defeat of fascism in this century will be followed not by a progressive paradise but by a post-World War II-type era of social conservatism and bourgeoise ideals: the “1950s,” a period often mocked and derided by the left.

(The social description “the 1950s” encompasses the post-war period of 1946 to 1963, before the social revolution ushered in by the Beatles and the Vietnam War protests.)

When the neo-1950s come back, still several years away, look for woman to focus more on family and children and less on careers. The alphabet soup can of LGBTQ will be pushed to the rear of the pantry. The self-segregation by ideology occurring now may be extended to self-segregation by lifestyle and race.

The cosmopolitan elites will persevere, but they will lose much of their influence in the media.

While the culture will move right, a liberal amount of government intervention will be required to focus on the family. For example, generous Social Security credits might be given to stay-at-home moms who have gainfully employed husbands.

The first people you pick on are women and LGBTs. Why is that? People can have and raise children if their hearts are into it, and they support each other and work together. The right wing just produces worthless fake men who power trip and are too cowardly to take their place beside women, as spouses, parents, and professionals. Even if women stay at home, would you fully support their return to the workforce as your equals?
We don't need the open bigotry against LGBTs.
We don't need phony, gutless men. What I saw during the great Women's March in DC was heterosexual men marching beside heterosexual women, and many of these men were pushing baby strollers, the way we are supposed to be.
I love the 1950s...I love the King I love Elvis forever!
Many liberals see the rise of Trump and far-right leaders in Europe, the Philippines and other parts of the world as a repeat of the fascist rise of Hitler, Mussolini and Francisco Franco. But if history is truly repeating itself, the defeat of fascism in this century will be followed not by a progressive paradise but by a post-World War II-type era of social conservatism and bourgeoise ideals: the “1950s,” a period often mocked and derided by the left.

(The social description “the 1950s” encompasses the post-war period of 1946 to 1963, before the social revolution ushered in by the Beatles and the Vietnam War protests.)

When the neo-1950s come back, still several years away, look for woman to focus more on family and children and less on careers. The alphabet soup can of LGBTQ will be pushed to the rear of the pantry. The self-segregation by ideology occurring now may be extended to self-segregation by lifestyle and race.

The cosmopolitan elites will persevere, but they will lose much of their influence in the media.

While the culture will move right, a liberal amount of government intervention will be required to focus on the family. For example, generous Social Security credits might be given to stay-at-home moms who have gainfully employed husbands.
Is that how you feel, that women will be making more babies and staying home? Hmmm.
Kinda how you keep a country strong lol
1950s.... hey you remember? Elvis in the late 50s in Germany there?..have you read all about it?the history lol

he owned the tell me that's not true

Elvis Presley goes to Germany 1958
Many liberals see the rise of Trump and far-right leaders in Europe, the Philippines and other parts of the world as a repeat of the fascist rise of Hitler, Mussolini and Francisco Franco. But if history is truly repeating itself, the defeat of fascism in this century will be followed not by a progressive paradise but by a post-World War II-type era of social conservatism and bourgeoise ideals: the “1950s,” a period often mocked and derided by the left.

(The social description “the 1950s” encompasses the post-war period of 1946 to 1963, before the social revolution ushered in by the Beatles and the Vietnam War protests.)

When the neo-1950s come back, still several years away, look for woman to focus more on family and children and less on careers. The alphabet soup can of LGBTQ will be pushed to the rear of the pantry. The self-segregation by ideology occurring now may be extended to self-segregation by lifestyle and race.

The cosmopolitan elites will persevere, but they will lose much of their influence in the media.

While the culture will move right, a liberal amount of government intervention will be required to focus on the family. For example, generous Social Security credits might be given to stay-at-home moms who have gainfully employed husbands.
Is that how you feel, that women will be making more babies and staying home? Hmmm.
Kinda how you keep a country strong lol

If keeping a country strong requires women to make more babies and stay home, why can't you speak openly and honestly to women about this, speak to men openly and honestly about how they can support women in this endeavor, and how men can support women after they have completed this "mission" and wish to devote the rest of their lives to what actually interests them? If a woman has competed raising children, are you going to assist her in taking her place in your profession? It's the same sort of situation as helping veterans returning to civilian life after completing their service. Let's see the support.
Many liberals see the rise of Trump and far-right leaders in Europe, the Philippines and other parts of the world as a repeat of the fascist rise of Hitler, Mussolini and Francisco Franco. But if history is truly repeating itself, the defeat of fascism in this century will be followed not by a progressive paradise but by a post-World War II-type era of social conservatism and bourgeoise ideals: the “1950s,” a period often mocked and derided by the left.

(The social description “the 1950s” encompasses the post-war period of 1946 to 1963, before the social revolution ushered in by the Beatles and the Vietnam War protests.)

When the neo-1950s come back, still several years away, look for woman to focus more on family and children and less on careers. The alphabet soup can of LGBTQ will be pushed to the rear of the pantry. The self-segregation by ideology occurring now may be extended to self-segregation by lifestyle and race.

The cosmopolitan elites will persevere, but they will lose much of their influence in the media.

While the culture will move right, a liberal amount of government intervention will be required to focus on the family. For example, generous Social Security credits might be given to stay-at-home moms who have gainfully employed husbands.
Is that how you feel, that women will be making more babies and staying home? Hmmm.
Kinda how you keep a country strong lol

If keeping a country strong requires women to make more babies and stay home, why can't you speak openly and honestly to women about this, speak to men openly and honestly about how they can support women in this endeavor, and how men can support women after they have completed this "mission" and wish to devote the rest of their lives to what actually interests them? If a woman has competed raising children, are you going to assist her in taking her place in your profession? It's the same sort of situation as helping veterans returning to civilian life after completing their service. Let's see the support.
Are you questioning how we built the greatest country in the world? Lol go ask your grand mother.. why are you democrats SO UNEDUCATED?

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