The 1950s are coming back

Ah that mythical far off time when things were perfect and everyone who was not white and male knew to keep their place. The little boomers were princes of all creation and had a whole world of resources to plunder and we could all pollute to our hearts content. The Fonz could fix anything with a rap of his knuckles and Sheriff Taylor's worst crime problem was Earnest T. Bass.

Quit pining for a time that was only good on TV.

Why do you not allow others to have a Golden Age?
Golden ages are usually gold plated turds. When you look beneath the surface all you find is shit. If you lived in the deep south the 1950s sucked balls and nothing really got better until the seventies.

So, a nation a generation out of world wide depression and war, had massive economic growth and peace and prosperity, and it was shit because not every single place was equally benefited?

I was born in 1947 and I remember a good portion of the 1950s.

Trust me, they are not coming back.
Many liberals see the rise of Trump and far-right leaders in Europe, the Philippines and other parts of the world as a repeat of the fascist rise of Hitler, Mussolini and Francisco Franco. But if history is truly repeating itself, the defeat of fascism in this century will be followed not by a progressive paradise but by a post-World War II-type era of social conservatism and bourgeoise ideals: the “1950s,” a period often mocked and derided by the left.

(The social description “the 1950s” encompasses the post-war period of 1946 to 1963, before the social revolution ushered in by the Beatles and the Vietnam War protests.)

When the neo-1950s come back, still several years away, look for woman to focus more on family and children and less on careers. The alphabet soup can of LGBTQ will be pushed to the rear of the pantry. The self-segregation by ideology occurring now may be extended to self-segregation by lifestyle and race.

The cosmopolitan elites will persevere, but they will lose much of their influence in the media.

While the culture will move right, a liberal amount of government intervention will be required to focus on the family. For example, generous Social Security credits might be given to stay-at-home moms who have gainfully employed husbands.
Is that how you feel, that women will be making more babies and staying home? Hmmm.

Pregnant AND barefoot.

Most on the right would welcome a return of the dark ages that was the 50s.

For about a day then they would realize the fifties were nothing like the Donna Reed show.

Not old enough to remember the 50's, but I was a child during the 60's, and they were marvelous times. Every era has it's ups and downs. It all depends on what you hold dear to your heart.
I grew up poor in Alabama in a Christian zealot family. I have zero nostalgia for the past. Right now is the greatest time to be alive because you can't change the past or control the future.

No, you can't change the past, but you can control the future.

There are a lot of good and bad today, just like there was 50 or 60 years ago. I can't remember of a time in our history when everything was great, and no bad things around.

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. People not born yet will be saying the same about this era. They will be saying they are glad they weren't born when we were. It's quite natural.

Things change and always will. It's like what Joan Collins once wrote in an article. She said as a child, her favorite memory was when the carnival came to town. Her grandfather would take her hand, and they'd walk to her favorite display which was the freak tent. There she said, you could see the fat man and the tattooed woman. Today.....they are all around me............
Ok, there is my opening... When the future kids look back in history with bulged eyes, they will notice how Donald Trump was the con artist lying crook that had a brainwashed horrible cult following. And then they will say... WTF was that all about?

They will also look at record unemployment levels, a great economy, a person strong enough to stand up to our foreign allies and enemies alike, and ask why we didn't vote in leadership like that all the time.
Ah that mythical far off time when things were perfect and everyone who was not white and male knew to keep their place. The little boomers were princes of all creation and had a whole world of resources to plunder and we could all pollute to our hearts content. The Fonz could fix anything with a rap of his knuckles and Sheriff Taylor's worst crime problem was Earnest T. Bass.

Quit pining for a time that was only good on TV.

Why do you not allow others to have a Golden Age?
Golden ages are usually gold plated turds. When you look beneath the surface all you find is shit. If you lived in the deep south the 1950s sucked balls and nothing really got better until the seventies.

So, a nation a generation out of world wide depression and war, had massive economic growth and peace and prosperity, and it was shit because not every single place was equally benefited?

World War II (1941–1945) Korean War (1950-1953) Vietnam War (1962–1973)
Fuck the 50's.

I love my internetz.

We used to sit and read books, go outside in the summer, have drinks with friends. Now if my cable or internet goes down for one evening, I think it's the end of the Fn world. :auiqs.jpg:
I got so much done during the two weeks after hurricane Michael when we had no electric or internet. We did not even have phones for 5 days. What a miraculous time waster the internet is.

I hear ya, but I also don't watch a lot of television either. Unlike television though, the internet is priceless in communications with other people. And you couldn't have a better education machine around. At times, I look at the clock and say "IS IT THAT TIME ALREADY???" Sometimes I don't know what I did without it.
Fuck the 50's.

I love my internetz.

We used to sit and read books, go outside in the summer, have drinks with friends. Now if my cable or internet goes down for one evening, I think it's the end of the Fn world. :auiqs.jpg:

Sure, I go out, but I got my internetz with me - telling me hottest place I should go, which way to get there, and making sure everyone meets me there. And if I forget to lock my car it will tell me that too.

I know what you're saying. But I was always a technology whore. I just bought another car in September, and I'm totally lost without my remote start. Now I have to get in a cold car, or have to scrape my windshield before I leave. I'm used to going to my phone, starting the car up about fifteen minutes before I go somewhere, and it's nice and warm when I leave.

I'm in a bad financial situation now that government is Fn with me about working, but after I get that straightened out, the first thing I'm doing is getting another remote start for this car.
Ah that mythical far off time when things were perfect and everyone who was not white and male knew to keep their place. The little boomers were princes of all creation and had a whole world of resources to plunder and we could all pollute to our hearts content. The Fonz could fix anything with a rap of his knuckles and Sheriff Taylor's worst crime problem was Earnest T. Bass.

Quit pining for a time that was only good on TV.

Why do you not allow others to have a Golden Age?
Golden ages are usually gold plated turds. When you look beneath the surface all you find is shit. If you lived in the deep south the 1950s sucked balls and nothing really got better until the seventies.

So, a nation a generation out of world wide depression and war, had massive economic growth and peace and prosperity, and it was shit because not every single place was equally benefited?

Don't get me wrong. There were a lot of good things about the fifties. A lot of things also sucked, just like any other era. I am not nostalgic about the past, it's a useless exercise. We have it in us to make our own golden age or embrace the dark. I know what choice you have made.
Many liberals see the rise of Trump and far-right leaders in Europe, the Philippines and other parts of the world as a repeat of the fascist rise of Hitler, Mussolini and Francisco Franco. But if history is truly repeating itself, the defeat of fascism in this century will be followed not by a progressive paradise but by a post-World War II-type era of social conservatism and bourgeoise ideals: the “1950s,” a period often mocked and derided by the left.

(The social description “the 1950s” encompasses the post-war period of 1946 to 1963, before the social revolution ushered in by the Beatles and the Vietnam War protests.)

When the neo-1950s come back, still several years away, look for woman to focus more on family and children and less on careers. The alphabet soup can of LGBTQ will be pushed to the rear of the pantry. The self-segregation by ideology occurring now may be extended to self-segregation by lifestyle and race.

The cosmopolitan elites will persevere, but they will lose much of their influence in the media.

While the culture will move right, a liberal amount of government intervention will be required to focus on the family. For example, generous Social Security credits might be given to stay-at-home moms who have gainfully employed husbands.
You’d have to be an idiot to want the 50’s back

oh Right

bitter much?

typical white trash blaming everyone else for your being a failure
Many liberals see the rise of Trump and far-right leaders in Europe, the Philippines and other parts of the world as a repeat of the fascist rise of Hitler, Mussolini and Francisco Franco. But if history is truly repeating itself, the defeat of fascism in this century will be followed not by a progressive paradise but by a post-World War II-type era of social conservatism and bourgeoise ideals: the “1950s,” a period often mocked and derided by the left.

(The social description “the 1950s” encompasses the post-war period of 1946 to 1963, before the social revolution ushered in by the Beatles and the Vietnam War protests.)

When the neo-1950s come back, still several years away, look for woman to focus more on family and children and less on careers. The alphabet soup can of LGBTQ will be pushed to the rear of the pantry. The self-segregation by ideology occurring now may be extended to self-segregation by lifestyle and race.

The cosmopolitan elites will persevere, but they will lose much of their influence in the media.

While the culture will move right, a liberal amount of government intervention will be required to focus on the family. For example, generous Social Security credits might be given to stay-at-home moms who have gainfully employed husbands.
You’d have to be an idiot to want the 50’s back

oh Right

bitter much?

typical white trash blaming everyone else for your being a failure
Fuck the 50's.

I love my internetz.

We used to sit and read books, go outside in the summer, have drinks with friends. Now if my cable or internet goes down for one evening, I think it's the end of the Fn world. :auiqs.jpg:
I got so much done during the two weeks after hurricane Michael when we had no electric or internet. We did not even have phones for 5 days. What a miraculous time waster the internet is.

I hear ya, but I also don't watch a lot of television either. Unlike television though, the internet is priceless in communications with other people. And you couldn't have a better education machine around. At times, I look at the clock and say "IS IT THAT TIME ALREADY???" Sometimes I don't know what I did without it.
There is great wisdom to be found on the internet but it is a test unlike any mankind has ever faced to find it.
'You better not be on the phone talking to a Catholic. You're going to run up the phone bill"

Those days?
Ah that mythical far off time when things were perfect and everyone who was not white and male knew to keep their place. The little boomers were princes of all creation and had a whole world of resources to plunder and we could all pollute to our hearts content. The Fonz could fix anything with a rap of his knuckles and Sheriff Taylor's worst crime problem was Earnest T. Bass.

Quit pining for a time that was only good on TV.

Why do you not allow others to have a Golden Age?
Golden ages are usually gold plated turds. When you look beneath the surface all you find is shit. If you lived in the deep south the 1950s sucked balls and nothing really got better until the seventies.

I agree that's when the Republicans started to TAKE OVER the south..
Republicans did not take over the south, the same old southern fat cats just switched labels.

And we have the liberal, resisting the idea of change.
Ah that mythical far off time when things were perfect and everyone who was not white and male knew to keep their place. The little boomers were princes of all creation and had a whole world of resources to plunder and we could all pollute to our hearts content. The Fonz could fix anything with a rap of his knuckles and Sheriff Taylor's worst crime problem was Earnest T. Bass.

Quit pining for a time that was only good on TV.

Why do you not allow others to have a Golden Age?
Golden ages are usually gold plated turds. When you look beneath the surface all you find is shit. If you lived in the deep south the 1950s sucked balls and nothing really got better until the seventies.

So, a nation a generation out of world wide depression and war, had massive economic growth and peace and prosperity, and it was shit because not every single place was equally benefited?

World War II (1941–1945) Korean War (1950-1953) Vietnam War (1962–1973)

We are talking about the 50s, and you cite wwii and the vietnam war?
Ah that mythical far off time when things were perfect and everyone who was not white and male knew to keep their place. The little boomers were princes of all creation and had a whole world of resources to plunder and we could all pollute to our hearts content. The Fonz could fix anything with a rap of his knuckles and Sheriff Taylor's worst crime problem was Earnest T. Bass.

Quit pining for a time that was only good on TV.

Why do you not allow others to have a Golden Age?
Golden ages are usually gold plated turds. When you look beneath the surface all you find is shit. If you lived in the deep south the 1950s sucked balls and nothing really got better until the seventies.

So, a nation a generation out of world wide depression and war, had massive economic growth and peace and prosperity, and it was shit because not every single place was equally benefited?

Don't get me wrong. There were a lot of good things about the fifties. A lot of things also sucked, just like any other era. I am not nostalgic about the past, it's a useless exercise. We have it in us to make our own golden age or embrace the dark. I know what choice you have made.

Tearing down the past, is also an useless exercise.

Looking at what made US feel like a time was good in the past, to learn about that, is not useless.
Many liberals see the rise of Trump and far-right leaders in Europe, the Philippines and other parts of the world as a repeat of the fascist rise of Hitler, Mussolini and Francisco Franco. But if history is truly repeating itself, the defeat of fascism in this century will be followed not by a progressive paradise but by a post-World War II-type era of social conservatism and bourgeoise ideals: the “1950s,” a period often mocked and derided by the left.

(The social description “the 1950s” encompasses the post-war period of 1946 to 1963, before the social revolution ushered in by the Beatles and the Vietnam War protests.)

When the neo-1950s come back, still several years away, look for woman to focus more on family and children and less on careers. The alphabet soup can of LGBTQ will be pushed to the rear of the pantry. The self-segregation by ideology occurring now may be extended to self-segregation by lifestyle and race.

The cosmopolitan elites will persevere, but they will lose much of their influence in the media.

While the culture will move right, a liberal amount of government intervention will be required to focus on the family. For example, generous Social Security credits might be given to stay-at-home moms who have gainfully employed husbands.
Trumps not even close to "far-right" he's not even a Conservative. One of the things I like about feminism is a women's insistence that she can pay for her own shit.
Correll said:
Why do you not allow others to have a Golden Age?
Because They Are Un-Justifiably Sour And Bitter People
What 'Critical Thinking' Means To Them Is
Criticize, Mock, And De-Construct Everything

If It Weren't For The Likes Them
This Would Be The Best Time To Be Alive
Many liberals see the rise of Trump and far-right leaders in Europe, the Philippines and other parts of the world as a repeat of the fascist rise of Hitler, Mussolini and Francisco Franco. But if history is truly repeating itself, the defeat of fascism in this century will be followed not by a progressive paradise but by a post-World War II-type era of social conservatism and bourgeoise ideals: the “1950s,” a period often mocked and derided by the left.

(The social description “the 1950s” encompasses the post-war period of 1946 to 1963, before the social revolution ushered in by the Beatles and the Vietnam War protests.)

When the neo-1950s come back, still several years away, look for woman to focus more on family and children and less on careers. The alphabet soup can of LGBTQ will be pushed to the rear of the pantry. The self-segregation by ideology occurring now may be extended to self-segregation by lifestyle and race.

The cosmopolitan elites will persevere, but they will lose much of their influence in the media.

While the culture will move right, a liberal amount of government intervention will be required to focus on the family. For example, generous Social Security credits might be given to stay-at-home moms who have gainfully employed husbands.
Trumps not even close to "far-right" he's not even a Conservative. One of the things I like about feminism is a women's insistence that she can pay for her own shit.

Trump never once said he was a conservative, but who led more conservatively than Trump?

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