"The 1996 Default Of The U. S. Federal Government" It Didn't Happen Here!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Bill Clinton For President

February 29, 1992

"Dear Philip"

"Thank you for your thorough and helpful briefing on the 1996 default of the U. S. Federal Government. Depression is certainly due proper attention and timely action. I have turned your information over to my staff for review and study."

"I have been delighted with the response my campaign has received so far. It has strengthened my commitment to focus national attention on important domestic issues. Accessible and affordable health care for all, meaningful emphasis on education and jobs for our people are all parts of my vision for America's future."

"Again, thank you for taking the time to advise me fully regarding the issues as you see them."

Sincerely, Bill Clinton.

And so actually, nothing eventually happened. The Vice President Gore invented the internet, Florida invented dimpled chads, and George Bush II became President. Within two and a half years after that, The Subject of February 29, 1992, Has Come Up, and all over the planet.

To follow how this came about, the Housing Crisis was caused by the unregulated banker, GOP supported, need to raise interest rates on the mortgages of poor people. They were called, "Adjustable Rate Mortgages," or "ARMs." The Torah rules actually prohibit profiting from interest charges on the poor. The rich have the money, so there is no Old Testament prohbition about charging them.

The Party of Abraham Llincoln/Herbert Hoover/Richard Nixon/George Bush I/George Bush II/Boehner-Cantor-McConnell-Romney-Bachman-Palin-McCain-Cain-Pawlenty-Huntsman-Paul-Paul, et. al., harbors no such beliefs.

The New Testament creates lending scenarios: Without expectation of repayment.

The Party of Abraham Llincoln/Herbert Hoover/Richard Nixon/George Bush I/George Bush II/Boehner-Cantor-McConnell-Romney-Bachman-Palin-McCain-Cain-Pawlenty-Huntsman-Paul-Paul, et. al.: See Above!

Instead, more right-of-center, Epic Things are Happening.

Construction job growth is still not happening. Anti-business bankers don't make mortgages available to the poor, another current policy of that bankers, originally opposed by Jesus Christ. All kinds of lending was proposed for the poor.

Then there is the true outcome of the balanced budget scenario. That is what helped to create 1932 before. The 500,000 layoffs of the state and local government employees are an outcome of the Republlican anti-business, anti-neighbor, antl-credit market, balanced budget--anti-anti(?)-crisis, balanced budget policies in place.

Bush II, Terms I & II, knew exactly that FEMA should not be allowed to work, and so it didn't--post Katrina.

The Party of Lincoln/Hoover/Nixon/Boehner/McConnell/Paul-Paul/et. al. is not a forward-moving, economy-expanding, Party like the Great Socialist Party they have in China.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations Now favor an unlimited number of credit options, 24/7! Can also spell, "anti-disestablishmentariansim(?)" Can also spell, "Ho! Ho! "The Republicans took away what?")
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