The 1st word that comes to mind when you think of Donald Trump?


Litre of the Band
Aug 14, 2005
Long Beach, Ca
When someone mentions Donald Trump, what is the first word that comes to mind?

There was a recent poll taken regarding Trumps popularity, that was question no.9.

Here are the most popular answers:

Top 3:
  1. idiot
  2. incompetent
  3. liar

Other popular answers:
  • disaster
  • bigot
  • narcissist
  • racist
  • buffoon
  • asshole

My top 3 would be:

- liar
- asshole
- narcissist
1. Successful
2. 10 pound balls
3. Asshole

Three ideal qualities for the kind of leadership we need today. Especially after 8 years of weakness.

BTW, your poll was likely run by demonicrats. They like polls a lot. Makes them feel good. That a they're a tool for liberal propaganda.
When someone mentions Donald Trump, what is the first word that comes to mind?

There was a recent poll taken regarding Trumps popularity, that was question no.9.

Here are the most popular answers:

Top 3:
  1. idiot
  2. incompetent
  3. liar
Other popular answers:
  • disaster
  • bigot
  • narcissist
  • racist
  • buffoon
  • asshole
My top 3 would be:

- liar
- asshole
- narcissist

How about actually going by something factual instead of your emotionally driven tantrum?

Trumpinator! :Boom2:

The first words that come to my mind when I think of Trump is "Butthurting Snowfalke Libtardz"

However, since we are limited to only one word?


Relief that Hitlary was kicked to the curb and Trump (not her) gets to appoint nominees to the SCOTUS!

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