The 2020 election is being framed as the most consequential of our lifetimes. Is it?

Is there hope that the US will regain its humanity at some point in the future when so many jump for joy at this news of reckless cruelty?

"Hundreds of migrant children and teenagers have been swiftly deported by American authorities amid the coronavirus pandemic without the opportunity to speak to a social worker or plea for asylum from the violence in their home countries — a reversal of years of established practice for dealing with young foreigners who arrive in the United States.
The deportations represent an extraordinary shift in policy that has been unfolding in recent weeks on the southwestern border, under which safeguards that have for decades been granted to migrant children by both Democratic and Republican administrations appear to have been abandoned."

It will determine which way our nation is headed

Do we want stable leadership or Trump demagoguery?
"Stable" leadership from a dementia ridden pedophile :lol:

Donald Trump

I am smart, I have the best words
George Washington captured the airports
Injecting disinfectant is something we need to look into
Windmills cause cancer

Holy covfefe! I win
Deflect. Its all you have when your support goes to a dementia ridden pedophile

How is pointing out Trumps severe dementia a deflection?
Want to bring out pedophilia?
Why don’t we discuss Trump raping a 13 year old?

Holy Covfefe! I win again
And you double down on your deflection :lol:
It will determine which way our nation is headed

Do we want stable leadership or Trump demagoguery?
It will determine which way our nation is headed

So did 2008, and 2000, and......
It will determine which way our nation is headed

Do we want stable leadership or Trump demagoguery?
It will determine which way our nation is headed
View attachment 338576
So did 2008, and 2000, and......
You got that right

Biden will bring Obama 2.0

Does America want another round of Obama or another round of Trump?
Biden will bring Obama 2.0

Biden will bring his

and dems will cheer.
Even a casual observer of the last 3+ years understands why it's being framed this way. The Wrecking ball-in-Chief has laid waste to anything approximating normalcy with respect to the office of the POTUS. We've all seen the disheartening examples of vulgarity, cruelty, ignorance, vindictiveness, narcissism, corruption, incompetence, and dishonesty.

Trump's is an egocentric presidency during which he has turned once revered government agencies in to political tools. He's shown a willingness to compromise the health and well being of American citizens for the sake of his falsely self-attributed success with the economy........his perceived ticket to re-election. The magnitude and scope of his dishonesty has been so disorienting that his minions are no longer able to discern fact from fiction. One wonders if they ever will again.

Which leads me to ask, is this the most consequential election if even after Trump is gone the mechanism by which his lies are amplified and reinforced remains? Does it matter in the grand scheme if the most important aspect of a successful democracy.........a well informed no longer possible?
It will determine which way our nation is headed

Do we want stable leadership or Trump demagoguery?
It will determine which way our nation is headed
View attachment 338576
So did 2008, and 2000, and......
You got that right

Biden will bring Obama 2.0

Does America want another round of Obama or another round of Trump?

Cash for clunkers 2.0

Shovel ready jobs 2.0

Solyndra 2.0

Red lines 2.0

Triple the deficit 2.0

Beer summits 2.0

Pallets of cash 2.0

Special Olympics 2.0
Yes it is the most consequential election since FDR. Trump has proven to be the most inept, mentally unstable, and corrupt president in US history. Oh, we have had presidents who were either one of the three but never had we had a president win the trifecta in all those categories.

Trump is dismantling the institutions that made this country great. Trump has put our politics into third world shithole class. Trump is a disgrace and embarrassment on the national stage. He ran has a chaos candidate and governed as the chaos president.

If anyone under 60 has any sense they will vote Trump out as well as his enablers. There future depends on it.
I don't disagree. But what hope is there for the future of the country when RWM has so thoroughly misinformed so many US citizens?

By every reasonable measure Trump is the worst president in our history. Yet his poll numbers remain fairly strong. Why? Because, as we see daily, Trump supporters are willfully disconnected from reality by RWM.

For now, any other Sec. of State in any other admin would be fighting to keep their job.

There is absolutely no talk of this. Why? Because corruption is an accepted feature of this admin. Why? Because The Following has not been told to care about it by the media sources they use.
Even a casual observer of the last 3+ years understands why it's being framed this way. The Wrecking ball-in-Chief has laid waste to anything approximating normalcy with respect to the office of the POTUS. We've all seen the disheartening examples of vulgarity, cruelty, ignorance, vindictiveness, narcissism, corruption, incompetence, and dishonesty.

Trump's is an egocentric presidency during which he has turned once revered government agencies in to political tools. He's shown a willingness to compromise the health and well being of American citizens for the sake of his falsely self-attributed success with the economy........his perceived ticket to re-election. The magnitude and scope of his dishonesty has been so disorienting that his minions are no longer able to discern fact from fiction. One wonders if they ever will again.

Which leads me to ask, is this the most consequential election if even after Trump is gone the mechanism by which his lies are amplified and reinforced remains? Does it matter in the grand scheme if the most important aspect of a successful democracy.........a well informed no longer possible?

2016 was most consequential. After four years of trying to sideline Trumps policies, 2020 will be a close second. The decision will decide if in four years time whether America or China is the leading super power of the world.

China is already above reproach striking fear into leaders as they exploit their citizens in economies. So in four years, if China is without any peers, I don't have a great deal of faith the West or individual liberty will recover any time soon.

Trump is the only global leader standing up to the communists and it is the single most important policy and stance of any he has taken in my estimation. You take that away, all of us better kiss our behinds, as we will be nothing but fodder for what's to come.
For us baby-boomers, I can't imagine how one can top the Goldwater-Johnson contest in terms of being consequential.

I reckon I'd put Carter-Reagan as #2 and rate at #3 Obama-McCain.
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Dismissing the OP's anti-Trump whine-fest:

I voted in my first Presidential election in 1980. I was 18 years old.

During the run-up to that election, and to every Presidential election since, I've heard "This is the most important election of our lifetime" or "We've never had a more consequential election" or words to that effect.

The most important election of my life was in 1980. It was my first, and it's largely what got me interested in politics...
For me 1980 was the second most important election as Jimmy Carter the disaster was replaced by the great Ronald Reagan. The second term of Donald Trump will be the most important because in his first term he revealed all of the corruption in our government and the evil of China. The second term is when he can do something about it.
"Secretary of State Mike Pompeo reportedly turned down now-former State department Inspector General Steve Linick’s request for an interview in his investigation into the Trump administration’s billion-dollar arms sale to Saudi Arabia.

According to the New York Times, Pompeo would only respond to Linick’s written questions.

The report contradicts Pompeo’s claim that he didn’t become aware of Linick’s investigation until right before the department watchdog was about to publish his findings in the probe."

Pompeo has lied twice now. Once saying he didn't ask for Linick to be fired and once saying he wasn't aware Linick was investigating him.

Trump himself acknowledged Pompeo asked for the firing.

Why aren't Repubs calling for Pompeo's resignation? Because lying is the new normal in the Trump admin. Trump's electorate don't care. That's abnormal.
Basically the question is...............will we ever have the kind of informed electorate we need again in the era of Faux and right wing talk radio?
Without Faux's propaganda Trump's approval rating would be below 40%. His performance has been abysmal. But it isn't within the right wing information bubble that is not reflective of reality.
"The most consequential election of our time" has occurred every foruy years since I've been able to pay attention.

Get over yourself, drama queen.

Yep, they say this about every presidential election in order to prop up the failing political duopoly.

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