The 25 To 35 Per-Cent That Agree That Everyone Is Going Just Wonderful Under Obama. Who Are They?

i bet u could get one of those street reporters to head for the "Stupid Blocks" of LA, and he could ask them questions about the asteroid/theory of what took out the dinasours 50,000 years ago, and they will answer the question.

I liked the original version better...

that took out the dinasours back around 543 BC

Probably rode them hard and put them away wet....
did the DOW really tank 500 points at some point today?,,,hmm, now didnt Obama say that the economy is kicking ass last week?
i bet u could get one of those street reporters to head for the "Stupid Blocks" of LA, and he could ask them questions about the asteroid/theory of what took out the dinasours 50,000 years ago, and they will answer the question.

I liked the original version better...

that took out the dinasours back around 543 BC

Probably rode them hard and put them away wet....
im not 100% sure that the dinasours are gone.....every time I see alan grayson, i am doubting it.
:beer::banana::2up: It seems that every time we hear the results of polls on every issue, close to one third will agree whatever Obama claims. Right?
Example, The containment of ISIS. That the economy is doing great. That Hillary is totally innocent of any crimes she has been accused of. That the record low gas prices are an indicator that the economy is improving. That George Bush was behind the planning of 9/11. That What happened in Benghazi was the fault of the GOP, and that whenever a train speeds/crashes/drives off the railing, it was because of the GOP lack of funding. The list can go on and on.
Maybe up to 35% of Americans have an I.Q. of which is equivalent of the I.Q. of a Turkey, Tit-Mouse, or Debbie Wasserman? :stupid:

Probably the chronic welfare users

they are the hard core leftist, Socialist, Communist who is trying to push that off on the rest of us. they still worship Obama because he is one of them. thank gawd we were able to put a stop to him before he did us more damage than just another BIG government growing, basically just another entitlement with ObamaNoCare
did the DOW really tank 500 points at some point today?,,,hmm, now didnt Obama say that the economy is kicking ass last week?
It would need to tank nearly 10,000 to be back where Gomer Bush left it but it is surprising that only 35% think that gaining 200,000+ jobs a month is better than losing 745,000 jobs a month that the murdering war criminal was losing.
they are the hard core leftist, Socialist, Communist who is trying to push that off on the rest of us. they still worship Obama because he is one of them. thank gawd we were able to put a stop to him before he did us more damage than just another BIG government growing, basically just another entitlement with ObamaNoCare
I cant take much more of this 0.0% job growth since Obama took office! 90 something million people arent working? big deal we have 150,000 jobs a month! at that rate, me and you will be about 298 years old by the time we are back to Bush's 4.9% !!!
As to the OP...well, there is ONE moron out of the 30% who seems happy to identify himself as said moron.

Liberalism truly is a mental DISORDER.
they are the hard core leftist, Socialist, Communist who is trying to push that off on the rest of us. they still worship Obama because he is one of them. thank gawd we were able to put a stop to him before he did us more damage than just another BIG government growing, basically just another entitlement with ObamaNoCare
I cant take much more of this 0.0% job growth since Obama took office! 90 something million people arent working? big deal we have 150,000 jobs a month! at that rate, me and you will be about 298 years old by the time we are back to Bush's 4.9% !!!

I couldn't take anymore of him after his first year. he was so ugly, divisive, and acted just a street thug to me. We are worse off than we were under Bush. the only reason that isn't being told. Is the Democrats have their hooks into a lot of the Lamestream medias.
Praise Obama for giving all the losers someone to blame their failures in life on.
We can't afford any more of these so called: Democrats/socialist/commies to run our Government and our lives. Free college, Free free free sounds wonderful but WE can't afford anymore FREE. cutting stuff is DAMN HARD. but we have to do IT in our real lives and we need to get working on this MONSTER Federal Government that is now becoming Tyrant and consuming us.


America's ability to provide for American's first is threatened by a shrinking tax base and a government that increasingly funds and prioritizes global need.
Epidemic of Dementia: Shadow Economic Crisis

By Sharon Sebastian -- Bio and Archives January 24, 2016

The country is in the midst of an “epidemic of dementia.” It rocks the foundations of families. Few perceive its prevalence because it begins on a micro level—family to family. Without an effective means to connect shared experiences, families are unable to advocate and influence critical changes at both the state and national level. Some in the media write about dementia being widespread. Few detail its far-reaching, financial impact. Economists track the instability of the macro-economy while woefully unaware of the shadow economic crisis that is deepening from town-to-town and state-to-state across America.

A tsunami of health care debt is welling to a point where it will undermine the national economy. Families are already caught in the undertow. Forbes Contributor, Todd Hixon, warns: “If the trends of the last 20 years continue

health care spending will eat up U.S. GDP in our children’s lifetimes.” It is a serious warning projecting devastating consequences.

It is far more complicated than economic charts reveal. Nationwide, unexpected needs of loved ones suffering from gradual to severe to debilitating memory loss have families emotionally and financially torn. The wealthy have a financial cushion. The poor have a government safety net that financially covers their needs. The middle-class is left adrift to fend for itself.

Anger builds at a government spending large in Washington using American’s tax dollars to become the world’s caretaker while abandoning its own people in need.

Can America’s middle-class save itself, its families, and its elderly while being forced to financially support burgeoning groups of global dependents who seek America’s health care and welfare dollars? The answer is “no.” The American worker and their families should be the recipients of the dollars they earn in the time of their need. Only then can a strong America render aid to others on a large scale.

SNIPPET: Here is where we are: this lie we are sitting pretty being fed to you. it's a lie
How goes the middle-class in today’s economy as it faces this mounting, financial headwind?
Economists warn that so goes the middle-class, so goes the country. The question is: How goes the middle-class in today’s economy as it faces this mounting, financial headwind?

  • America’s shrinking middle-class is now “in the minority for the first time ever” according to Pew Research Center.
  • The average worker’s wages have remained flat or down for ten years.
  • Fewer Americans are working since 1977 while “the percentage of adult Americans actively looking for a job stands at 62.6 percent, the lowest level in nearly four decades.”
  • The number of Americans in poverty continues to grow.
  • Single female heads of households are significantly poorer and face greater challenges providing aid to an elderly parent or grandparent that is in need of care.
Americans remain on borrowed time with a shrinking workforce
Americans remain on borrowed time with a shrinking workforce that is kowtowed to ever-increasing government spending and decades of waste by this and former administrations.
read it all and weep here
Epidemic of Dementia: Shadow Economic Crisis

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