Who Is It that Believes The Election Was Stolen?

You are a Liar. All that Russia crap has been PROVEN fake.
Politics isn't the weird worship of one dude. Reality matters.

Findings that Russia meddled to help Trump beat Clinton

were 'accurate and on point': Senate intel panel

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Findings by the intelligence community that Russia meddled in the 2016 presidential election to help Donald Trump win were "accurate and on point," according to an unclassified report and accompanying statement by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence...
The committee's findings came after a lengthy review of the "sources, tradecraft and analytic work underpinning" a January 2017 intelligence community assessment...
“The committee has spent the last 16 months reviewing the sources, tradecraft and analytic work underpinning the intelligence community assessment and sees no reason to dispute the conclusions,” Richard Burr (R) said...

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Senate Intelligence Committee leaders backed the 2017 intel community report that formally accused Russia of trying to interfere in the election to the Trump campaign's benefit...
Some key Republicans said that it seemed Russia was, in fact, trying to help Trump win. In a statement earlier this year, Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., said it was “clear based on the evidence” that Putin wanted Clinton to lose in November.

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Other top administration officials, including Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, have signaled that they agree that Russian actors wanted Clinton to lose.

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Bipartisan in this case means the investigation was done by Republicans AND Democrats dumb ass. It isn`t an organization that was founded by anyone in 2012.
Well dumas, check the link in your post I quoted. That organization know as "Bipartisan" was founded then and it isn't what the name implies.
You Leftists are well know to say and claim one thing when you actually mean and do the opposite. Speaking with forked tongue as the saying goes.
You may want to repeat English 101 to learn how to write more clearly.
Definition of meddle
intransitive verb
: to interest oneself in what is not one's concern : interfere without right or propriety (see propriety sense 1) I never meddle in other people's private affairs— G. B. Shaw
Russia wasn't/isn't the only nation that has "meddled" in USA elections or on behalf of a candidate/campaign they support, or oppose.


Collusion is a deceitful agreement or secret cooperation between two or more parties to limit open competition by deceiving, misleading or defrauding others of their legal right. Collusion is not always considered illegal. It can be used to attain objectives forbidden by law; for example, by defrauding or gaining an unfair market advantage. It is an agreement among firms or individuals to divide a market, set prices, limit production or limit opportunities.[1] It can involve "unions, wage fixing, kickbacks, or misrepresenting the independence of the relationship between the colluding parties".[2] In legal terms, all acts effected by collusion are considered void.
The is no evidence that Trump knew of, supported, encouraged, or worked with Russia, or any other nation, to meddle/influence the 2016 elections.

The is no evidence that Russia, or the NRP for that matter, organized the casting of fake ballots or altered the count of any ballots.

Given the faulty thinking on this topic, I'm surprised no one has tweaked on how Kenya meddled and colluded with the half-Kenyan Obama to get him elected POTUS.
Just who believes the claim that Trump won in 2020 and that the election was stolen from him?
I've been working on an explanation of Trump's excuse for losing.

He lost his Party the House, the Senate, and since losing the Presidency, he has lost numerous recounts, audits, and dozens of frivolous legal challenges.

What's with all that losing?

A year after Biden's victory, diehard Trumpers in denial have yet to even hint at an actual suspect in the greatest heist in history, a conspiracy that stole a "Landslide!" that was perpetrated by thousands deployed throughout the land - including Republican governors, Republican secretaries of state, Republican attorneys general, Republican judges across America!

Vote counts faked! Recounts faked! Audits faked! And yet, not a clue as to the identity of any mastermind, coordinator, operative, enabler, etc., etc., etc.! Not a one!

I have studied the dastards, and profiled them. They bear an uncanny resemblance to the 3-5 million invisible bogus balloteers who victimized the same hapless chump in '16 to deprive him of a popular-vote victory!

Trump claimed at a meeting with congressional leaders that he lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton in last November's election because between three million and five million "illegals" cast ballots, multiple sources told Fox News.
Trump tweeted that he had "won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally!" At the time, multiple law enforcement sources told Fox News that there was no evidence for Trump's claims.

How can this elusive band of desperadoes persist in pulling off such monstrous capers?

After making it appear that the American electorate expressed the very same sentiment on November 3, 2020 that they had registered consistently and relentlessly for four years in virtually every independent poll, they all again, as in 2016, vanished without a trace! Poof!

Look behind Trump's "big, beautiful wall" that he made Mexico pay for.

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Don't wait for Trump's professional investigator still in pursuit of bogus Hawaiian birth certificates. That may take some time yet.

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Who is it believes that 8,000,000+ people actually voted for ...
Who? Your sniveling aside, governors, attorneys general, secretaries of state, both Republican and Democratic, often after multiple recounts and audits, in fifty states, as formally acknowledged by Congress, certified the will of the People, assigning the President 306 electoral votes. (It is true that the official total of 81,282,916 votes for the President is short the few hundred later found in audits in Wisconsin and Nevada.)

Given that the Cry Baby Loser had been assigned miserable approval numbers, consistently and relentlessly, throughout his dismal four years, it came as no surprise that the American electorate would dump him at its first opportunity.

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Fanatical, weird worshippers of one dude following asinine, fact-free lies does not alter the reality.

The Cry Baby Loser's goons attacking upon Congress failed to prevent the Vice President from fulfilling his Constitutional responsibility in honoring the democratic verdict.

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Many of the Trump goons who assaulted police defending our representative government
have been apprehended and are being prosecuted, convicted or have confessed.
Politics isn't the weird worship of one dude. Reality matters.

Findings that Russia meddled to help Trump beat Clinton

were 'accurate and on point': Senate intel panel

Findings by the intelligence community that Russia meddled in the 2016 presidential election to help Donald Trump win were "accurate and on point," according to an unclassified report and accompanying statement by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence...
The committee's findings came after a lengthy review of the "sources, tradecraft and analytic work underpinning" a January 2017 intelligence community assessment...
“The committee has spent the last 16 months reviewing the sources, tradecraft and analytic work underpinning the intelligence community assessment and sees no reason to dispute the conclusions,” Richard Burr (R) said...

Senate Intelligence Committee leaders backed the 2017 intel community report that formally accused Russia of trying to interfere in the election to the Trump campaign's benefit...
Some key Republicans said that it seemed Russia was, in fact, trying to help Trump win. In a statement earlier this year, Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., said it was “clear based on the evidence” that Putin wanted Clinton to lose in November.

Other top administration officials, including Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, have signaled that they agree that Russian actors wanted Clinton to lose.

The Russia stuff is their way to deflect and change the subject. Plus, they're not told about the above, in their world. Nothing happened. It was all fake news.

You may as well be trying to communicate with an eight year old.
Who? Your sniveling aside, governors, attorneys general, secretaries of state, both Republican and Democratic, often after multiple recounts and audits, in fifty states, as formally acknowledged by Congress, certified the will of the People, assigning the President 306 electoral votes. (It is true that the official total of 81,282,916 votes for the President is short the few hundred later found in audits in Wisconsin and Nevada.)

Given that the Cry Baby Loser had been assigned miserable approval numbers, consistently and relentlessly, throughout his dismal four years, it came as no surprise that the American electorate would dump him at its first opportunity.

Fanatical, weird worshippers of one dude following asinine, fact-free lies does not alter the reality.

The Cry Baby Loser's goons attacking upon Congress failed to prevent the Vice President from fulfilling his Constitutional responsibility in honoring the democratic verdict.

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Many of the Trump goons who assaulted police defending our representative government
have been apprehended and are being prosecuted, convicted or have confessed.
End results will tell the story. The American presence dated from January 2021 has turned the world - yes, the world - to shit. Biden is no more than a cheap sock puppet, in charge of nothing.
The Russia stuff is their way to deflect and change the subject. Plus, they're not told about the above, in their world. Nothing happened. It was all fake news.

You may as well be trying to communicate with an eight year old.
It's the same pervasive impasse. Their weird worship of one dude is emotionally-based, and all rational exegesis is superfluous.
odanny Oh Danny Boy, do these sound familiar to you ? "Trump is an illegitimate President". "Russian Facebook posters swayed the election". "Trump Colluded With Russia". :21::21::21::21::21:
The election was very close but it was nudged just enough so that the Chinese dead drunk corpse won
August West
Xiden was a bubbling buffoon in both debates and only a similar peon ( as yourself ) would draw that conclusion

Xiden is an illegitimate swine
Trump Colluded With Russia
Despite Bam Bam Bannon's characterizing the secret meeting in Trump Tower of Manafort, Kushner and Junior with Putin's agents as "treason," there is no crime called "collusion" despite the Cry Baby Loser's constantly having whined about it.

Putin's hurting Clinton and helping Trump was not coordinated. It merely comported with both their separate agendas.
Trump won Pennsylvania, Georgia and Wisconsin
Lies, no matter how self-serving, fizzle without credible evidence. Objective truth matters. It is not a matter of hyper-partisan hysteria that releases some ever-expanding, metastasizing paranoia like a black hole. The weird worship of one dude does not come with a religious exemption from reality.

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“Bill Barr is a man of unbelievable credibility and courage
and he’s going to go down on the history books!”

On election night I watched the incredible lead Trump had wiped out by mail in ballots. As if every mail in ballot was for Biden. I realized, the Fuckers are stealing the election.
Yup. I remember seeing Florida turn entirely for Trump by 9 am, he easily overcame all the mail-in ballots that were counted first. This was a “battleground state” and similar in demographics to Arizona, yet somehow be mysteriously loses AZ. Not to mention how does he win Ohio yet loses PA? None of it made any sense.

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