Who Is It that Believes The Election Was Stolen?

Yup. I remember seeing Florida turn entirely for Trump by 9 am, he easily overcame all the mail-in ballots that were counted first. This was a “battleground state” and similar in demographics to Arizona, yet somehow be mysteriously loses AZ. Not to mention how does he win Ohio yet loses PA? None of it made any sense.
at least the stolen election had this silver lining

we found out just how absymally AWFUL

um... just "everything" is

RE our gummit
Only right-wingers who have no problem repeating historical mistakes and alleging they are not really like that afterward allege the election was stolen.
almost laugh whne dims bring up ignoring history (accusing the Rs of that)

geez... the hypocrisy and lying never end

biggest lies from lefties concern how they were the ones who were racist in our past (and I say they are racists still.. notice how they focus on race all the time, obsessively)

dims started the kkk
dims voted against Blacks getting the vote
against freeing the slaves

well, there were a few dims who didn't vote against those things... But the MAJORITY of them did. If it hadnt been for Republicans...
"Trump is an illegitimate President". "Russian Facebook posters swayed the election". "Trump Colluded With Russia".
I disagree.

Trump was President from January 20, 2017 thru January 20, 2021.

There is no reliable way to assess the extent of the impact of Russia's conspiring to help Trump and hurt Clinton in the 2016 election.

Trump toadies were continually whining about "collusion", but there is no such crime and so, of course, no such charge.
There is no reliable way to assess the extent of the impact of Russia's conspiring to help Trump and hurt Clinton in the 2016 election.
Far worse damage was done by four years of Democrats in Denial. It basically set the stage for the stop the steal nonsense.
It basically set the stage for the stop the steal nonsense.

Far worse damage was done by four years of Democrats in Denial. It basically set the stage for the stop the steal nonsense.
"Everybody's so mean to our Cry Baby Loser!"

Hyper-partisans are free to imagine so, of course, whereas two U.S. Senate Intelligence Committees confirmed the finding of three U.S. Intelligence agencies that Russia conspired to help Trump and hurt Clinton in the 2016 presidential election.

After the Cry Baby Loser proved too weak to handle his defeat, and his lies concerning the People's will incited his goons to attack Congress, his historical fate was sealed.
"Everybody's so mean to our Cry Baby Loser!"
I wouldn't call Hillary a cry baby, or a loser. She accepted defeat graciously. It was the rest of the party that couldn't deal with it. They simply couldn't accept - still can't - that a large chunk of America (enough to win an election) despises them.
I wouldn't call Hillary a cry baby, or a loser.
No, her having the integrity to graciously concede and wish Trump well the day after the 2016 election epitomized all the patriotically-motivated peaceful transfers of power that had been the pride of the nation from its founding until 2021.
No, her having the integrity to graciously concede and wish Trump well the day after the 2016 election epitomized all the patriotically-motivated peaceful transfers of power that had been the pride of the nation from its founding until 2021.
Yep. Sadly, the rest of the party didn't follow her example.
Paid shill sez what?
You present yourself as an incorrigible, groveling Trump bum kisser, but if you ever have any actual issues you would like to discuss, civilly and coherently, with reference to documented facts, in rational terms, I'd be happy to assist you in engaging with reality. If not, have a nice day.

ha ha... politics is not the worship of one dude..

but time to worship when it is a dim

In fact... lefties worship O so badly, the guy literally can't do any wrong (don't hear any leftie criticizing him.. not one)..

this, even when he sends $$$ billions to terrorists secretly in the middle of the night... then spies on the next incoming president and persecutes him and his staff bc they don't have the same love for terrorists..

yep, that guy could do no wrong... still can't, strangely. (leaking classified info is a crime... the O Admin did it all the time)

but somehow Trump did something worse... we don't know excactly what... but ... just trust them... the dims

To them Rs can do no right.. dims can do no wrong PERIOD END OF SENTENCE

roll e yes
wow.. amazing

I heard ballots were imported from China also... not sure I believe that one.. haven't seen evidence. But here we have that..
You present yourself as an incorrigible, groveling Trump bum kisser, but if you ever have any actual issues you would like to discuss, civilly and coherently, with reference to documented facts, in rational terms, I'd be happy to assist you in engaging with reality. If not, have a nice day.

View attachment 556488
That seemed to be the case with a half-term served senator getting elected twice.
The 2020 election was a year ago, next week. Who cares? Joe Biden is President and a lot of pretty crappy Senators and Congress people won reelection. It is what it is.
The 2020 election was a year ago, next week. Who cares?
Patriotic Americans who rightly took pride in over two-hundred years of peaceful transfers of power until a Cry Baby Loser ended that proud tradition. Too weak to honestly accept his loss at the hands of the American People, the Loser decided to crap upon democracy, a desecration in which he persists, despite the impotence of the Loser and his lickspittles to contrive even a single suspect in their vast, inclusive, paranoidal self-serving fantasy.
Patriotic Americans who rightly took pride in over two-hundred years of peaceful transfers of power until a Cry Baby Loser ended that proud tradition. Too weak to honestly accept his loss at the hands of the American People, the Loser decided to crap upon democracy, a desecration in which he persists, despite the impotence of the Loser and his lickspittles to contrive even a single suspect in their vast, inclusive, paranoidal self-serving fantasy.
Hey I mean I agree, but your answer to my question of 'who cares' could be one word really:

Or I would also accept

Same thing
Hey I mean I agree, but your answer to my question of 'who cares' could be one word really:

Or I would also accept

Same thing
I understand Americans' concern for our democracy. A Cry Baby Loser has crapped on the admirable tradition of over two centuries of peaceful transfers of power theat have always respected the will of the People - until 2020.

The Cry Baby Loser persists in doing so despite no court or legislative body anywhere in the land taking his evidence-free, self-serving fiction seriously.

He would deserve to be ignored if so many of his goons did not still kowtow before his lies.

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