The 2nd Amendment gives all citizens the right to"bear arms".

No the states do not, the states have the NG which is under the government, and they will never fight the government nor will the right wing militias, as they will lose.

I would just ban assault weapons including the semi automatic pistols, that would settle it. I also would ban all magazines that hold more than 10 bullets, and no more than one on a person or in a vehicle.

There wasn't even a state when the 2nd Amendment was wrote.
The military is overwhelmingly pro second amendment they would never go against their own you stupid ass motherfucker....
My point is if you are fighting for the 2nd amendment why limit yourself to guns? Maybe larger more powerful arms scare you. You are just a bag of hot air.
The Fact is the military would turn on a fucked up collective like our federal government/deep state

You know that for a fact? You didn't pay the price of admission.
Like you Even know what the price of Admission is
The NRA was all for gun control back in the 60's to keep guns out of the blacks hands. Ronald Reagan past some laws in California making that state with some of the strictest of the times.

So NRA was for it before being against it. How hypocritical.

In contrast to the NRA’s rigid opposition to gun control in today’s America, the organization fought alongside the government for stricter gun regulations in the 1960s. This was part of an effort to keep guns out of the hands of African-Americans as racial tensions in the nation grew. The NRA felt especially threatened by the Black Panthers, whose well-photographed carrying of weapons in public spaces was entirely legal in the state of California, where they were based.
That's a pretty diverse group of perps. So how come we don't get the 24/7/365 bombardment of "news" when someone other than a white guy shoots up a bunch of people?
Mass shootings don’t require any one “color”... Fact
But there is one thing absolutely necessary for mass shooters.... progressivism

Wrong, cupcake, the only thing it needs is sickness in the head.
Progressivism is an disease
The 2nd Amendment gives all citizens the right to"bear arms".
definition of arms
synonyms: weapons (of war), weaponry, firearms, guns, ordnance, cannon, artillery, armaments, munitions, instruments of war, war machines, military supplies, materiel
"arms and ammunition"

The states wanted to have the capability of having militias as a check on the Federal government.

Arms means all weapons of war the Federal government can have.

That is not happening in the 21st century. Since the 2nd amendment was written the majority of arms have been banned from possession by the citizens. We have restricted what citizens cannot have arms; felons.

Red tag laws, banning certain semi-automatic guns and background checks to own a gun is small time compared to the laws already on the books banning arms to be owned by citizens.
The Second Amendment doesn't 'give' anyone anything.

The Second Amendment right is inalienable.

Although inalienable, the right is not 'absolute.'

Government has the authority to place limits and restrictions on guns consistent with Second Amendment jurisprudence.

It is not a right to possess any weapon one wishes, to carry that weapon anywhere one wishes, in any manner one wishes.
Without the second amendment to the constitution is an spineless document... fact

The guy that was detained in Walmart didn't break any laws but his being there with an open carry weapon caused a mass hysteria including the pulling of the fire alarm, vacating of the business and his arrest. The Police Lt that was involved stated that it was lucky that he wasn't killed in the process. The 2nd amendment needs to be updated. But you keep wanting it to not be. Fine. Let's use it from it's original document, the Magna Carta. In 1215, the only people that could afford weapons of war were the Kings. When you were called up for war, you were issued a sword or whatever weapon you were to use. If it was required, you got some for of armor. If you survived and went home, you turned in all your weapons of war and they were kept in an armory. The Arms it was talking about were the Arms for day to life for hunting and defending your home like Bows, Daggers and such. It did not include Swords since that was out of economic reach of the peasants. Fine, we'll use that. That means, any weapon the King (the government) uses must not be in the civilian hands. So turn in that AR-15 and AK-47 as they are outside of the original intention of the term "Arms".
The 2nd Amendment gives all citizens the right to"bear arms".
definition of arms
synonyms: weapons (of war), weaponry, firearms, guns, ordnance, cannon, artillery, armaments, munitions, instruments of war, war machines, military supplies, materiel
"arms and ammunition"

The states wanted to have the capability of having militias as a check on the Federal government.

Arms means all weapons of war the Federal government can have.

That is not happening in the 21st century. Since the 2nd amendment was written the majority of arms have been banned from possession by the citizens. We have restricted what citizens cannot have arms; felons.

Red tag laws, banning certain semi-automatic guns and background checks to own a gun is small time compared to the laws already on the books banning arms to be owned by citizens.
The Second Amendment doesn't 'give' anyone anything.

The Second Amendment right is inalienable.

Although inalienable, the right is not 'absolute.'

Government has the authority to place limits and restrictions on guns consistent with Second Amendment jurisprudence.

It is not a right to possess any weapon one wishes, to carry that weapon anywhere one wishes, in any manner one wishes.
Without the second amendment to the constitution is an spineless document... fact

The guy that was detained in Walmart didn't break any laws but his being there with an open carry weapon caused a mass hysteria including the pulling of the fire alarm, vacating of the business and his arrest. The Police Lt that was involved stated that it was lucky that he wasn't killed in the process. The 2nd amendment needs to be updated. But you keep wanting it to not be. Fine. Let's use it from it's original document, the Magna Carta. In 1215, the only people that could afford weapons of war were the Kings. When you were called up for war, you were issued a sword or whatever weapon you were to use. If it was required, you got some for of armor. If you survived and went home, you turned in all your weapons of war and they were kept in an armory. The Arms it was talking about were the Arms for day to life for hunting and defending your home like Bows, Daggers and such. It did not include Swords since that was out of economic reach of the peasants. Fine, we'll use that. That means, any weapon the King (the government) uses must not be in the civilian hands. So turn in that AR-15 and AK-47 as they are outside of the original intention of the term "Arms".
The second amendment means the right to bear arms, the arms of the day that is
The NRA was all for gun control back in the 60's to keep guns out of the blacks hands. Ronald Reagan past some laws in California making that state with some of the strictest of the times.

So NRA was for it before being against it. How hypocritical.

In contrast to the NRA’s rigid opposition to gun control in today’s America, the organization fought alongside the government for stricter gun regulations in the 1960s. This was part of an effort to keep guns out of the hands of African-Americans as racial tensions in the nation grew. The NRA felt especially threatened by the Black Panthers, whose well-photographed carrying of weapons in public spaces was entirely legal in the state of California, where they were based.
That's a pretty diverse group of perps. So how come we don't get the 24/7/365 bombardment of "news" when someone other than a white guy shoots up a bunch of people?
Because most black shootings of 4 or more are black on black killings. The news has always not given appropriate attention to black on black crime. If a black person shoots a bunch of white people they will get the coverage.
Mass shootings are mass shootings, has nothing to do with politics.
And certainly nothing to do with firearms
The 2nd Amendment gives all citizens the right to"bear arms".
definition of arms
synonyms: weapons (of war), weaponry, firearms, guns, ordnance, cannon, artillery, armaments, munitions, instruments of war, war machines, military supplies, materiel
"arms and ammunition"

The states wanted to have the capability of having militias as a check on the Federal government.

Arms means all weapons of war the Federal government can have.

That is not happening in the 21st century. Since the 2nd amendment was written the majority of arms have been banned from possession by the citizens. We have restricted what citizens cannot have arms; felons.

Red tag laws, banning certain semi-automatic guns and background checks to own a gun is small time compared to the laws already on the books banning arms to be owned by citizens.
The Second Amendment doesn't 'give' anyone anything.

The Second Amendment right is inalienable.

Although inalienable, the right is not 'absolute.'

Government has the authority to place limits and restrictions on guns consistent with Second Amendment jurisprudence.

It is not a right to possess any weapon one wishes, to carry that weapon anywhere one wishes, in any manner one wishes.
Without the second amendment to the constitution is an spineless document... fact

The guy that was detained in Walmart didn't break any laws but his being there with an open carry weapon caused a mass hysteria including the pulling of the fire alarm, vacating of the business and his arrest. The Police Lt that was involved stated that it was lucky that he wasn't killed in the process. The 2nd amendment needs to be updated. But you keep wanting it to not be. Fine. Let's use it from it's original document, the Magna Carta. In 1215, the only people that could afford weapons of war were the Kings. When you were called up for war, you were issued a sword or whatever weapon you were to use. If it was required, you got some for of armor. If you survived and went home, you turned in all your weapons of war and they were kept in an armory. The Arms it was talking about were the Arms for day to life for hunting and defending your home like Bows, Daggers and such. It did not include Swords since that was out of economic reach of the peasants. Fine, we'll use that. That means, any weapon the King (the government) uses must not be in the civilian hands. So turn in that AR-15 and AK-47 as they are outside of the original intention of the term "Arms".
The second amendment means the right to bear arms, the arms of the day that is
So where can I buy a nuke? Or a cluster bomb?
The 2nd Amendment gives all citizens the right to"bear arms".
definition of arms
synonyms: weapons (of war), weaponry, firearms, guns, ordnance, cannon, artillery, armaments, munitions, instruments of war, war machines, military supplies, materiel
"arms and ammunition"

The states wanted to have the capability of having militias as a check on the Federal government.

Arms means all weapons of war the Federal government can have.

That is not happening in the 21st century. Since the 2nd amendment was written the majority of arms have been banned from possession by the citizens. We have restricted what citizens cannot have arms; felons.

Red tag laws, banning certain semi-automatic guns and background checks to own a gun is small time compared to the laws already on the books banning arms to be owned by citizens.
The Second Amendment doesn't 'give' anyone anything.

The Second Amendment right is inalienable.

Although inalienable, the right is not 'absolute.'

Government has the authority to place limits and restrictions on guns consistent with Second Amendment jurisprudence.

It is not a right to possess any weapon one wishes, to carry that weapon anywhere one wishes, in any manner one wishes.
Without the second amendment to the constitution is an spineless document... fact

The guy that was detained in Walmart didn't break any laws but his being there with an open carry weapon caused a mass hysteria including the pulling of the fire alarm, vacating of the business and his arrest. The Police Lt that was involved stated that it was lucky that he wasn't killed in the process. The 2nd amendment needs to be updated. But you keep wanting it to not be. Fine. Let's use it from it's original document, the Magna Carta. In 1215, the only people that could afford weapons of war were the Kings. When you were called up for war, you were issued a sword or whatever weapon you were to use. If it was required, you got some for of armor. If you survived and went home, you turned in all your weapons of war and they were kept in an armory. The Arms it was talking about were the Arms for day to life for hunting and defending your home like Bows, Daggers and such. It did not include Swords since that was out of economic reach of the peasants. Fine, we'll use that. That means, any weapon the King (the government) uses must not be in the civilian hands. So turn in that AR-15 and AK-47 as they are outside of the original intention of the term "Arms".
The second amendment means the right to bear arms, the arms of the day that is
So where can I buy a nuke? Or a cluster bomb?
Commonsense says small alarms, but progressives have no idea what common sense is
The 2nd Amendment gives all citizens the right to"bear arms".
definition of arms
synonyms: weapons (of war), weaponry, firearms, guns, ordnance, cannon, artillery, armaments, munitions, instruments of war, war machines, military supplies, materiel
"arms and ammunition"

The states wanted to have the capability of having militias as a check on the Federal government.

Arms means all weapons of war the Federal government can have.

That is not happening in the 21st century. Since the 2nd amendment was written the majority of arms have been banned from possession by the citizens. We have restricted what citizens cannot have arms; felons.

Red tag laws, banning certain semi-automatic guns and background checks to own a gun is small time compared to the laws already on the books banning arms to be owned by citizens.
The Second Amendment doesn't 'give' anyone anything.

The Second Amendment right is inalienable.

Although inalienable, the right is not 'absolute.'

Government has the authority to place limits and restrictions on guns consistent with Second Amendment jurisprudence.

It is not a right to possess any weapon one wishes, to carry that weapon anywhere one wishes, in any manner one wishes.
Without the second amendment to the constitution is an spineless document... fact

The guy that was detained in Walmart didn't break any laws but his being there with an open carry weapon caused a mass hysteria including the pulling of the fire alarm, vacating of the business and his arrest. The Police Lt that was involved stated that it was lucky that he wasn't killed in the process. The 2nd amendment needs to be updated. But you keep wanting it to not be. Fine. Let's use it from it's original document, the Magna Carta. In 1215, the only people that could afford weapons of war were the Kings. When you were called up for war, you were issued a sword or whatever weapon you were to use. If it was required, you got some for of armor. If you survived and went home, you turned in all your weapons of war and they were kept in an armory. The Arms it was talking about were the Arms for day to life for hunting and defending your home like Bows, Daggers and such. It did not include Swords since that was out of economic reach of the peasants. Fine, we'll use that. That means, any weapon the King (the government) uses must not be in the civilian hands. So turn in that AR-15 and AK-47 as they are outside of the original intention of the term "Arms".
The second amendment means the right to bear arms, the arms of the day that is
So where can I buy a nuke? Or a cluster bomb?

From the Rustic Arms Yard Sale. It's every 2nd Tuesday of the Month and only takes Unicorns as payment.
The Second Amendment doesn't 'give' anyone anything.

The Second Amendment right is inalienable.

Although inalienable, the right is not 'absolute.'

Government has the authority to place limits and restrictions on guns consistent with Second Amendment jurisprudence.

It is not a right to possess any weapon one wishes, to carry that weapon anywhere one wishes, in any manner one wishes.
Without the second amendment to the constitution is an spineless document... fact

The guy that was detained in Walmart didn't break any laws but his being there with an open carry weapon caused a mass hysteria including the pulling of the fire alarm, vacating of the business and his arrest. The Police Lt that was involved stated that it was lucky that he wasn't killed in the process. The 2nd amendment needs to be updated. But you keep wanting it to not be. Fine. Let's use it from it's original document, the Magna Carta. In 1215, the only people that could afford weapons of war were the Kings. When you were called up for war, you were issued a sword or whatever weapon you were to use. If it was required, you got some for of armor. If you survived and went home, you turned in all your weapons of war and they were kept in an armory. The Arms it was talking about were the Arms for day to life for hunting and defending your home like Bows, Daggers and such. It did not include Swords since that was out of economic reach of the peasants. Fine, we'll use that. That means, any weapon the King (the government) uses must not be in the civilian hands. So turn in that AR-15 and AK-47 as they are outside of the original intention of the term "Arms".
The second amendment means the right to bear arms, the arms of the day that is
So where can I buy a nuke? Or a cluster bomb?
Commonsense says small alarms, but progressives have no idea what common sense is
The 2nd says NO infringement. So you’re ok with infringing on it?
Without the second amendment to the constitution is an spineless document... fact

The guy that was detained in Walmart didn't break any laws but his being there with an open carry weapon caused a mass hysteria including the pulling of the fire alarm, vacating of the business and his arrest. The Police Lt that was involved stated that it was lucky that he wasn't killed in the process. The 2nd amendment needs to be updated. But you keep wanting it to not be. Fine. Let's use it from it's original document, the Magna Carta. In 1215, the only people that could afford weapons of war were the Kings. When you were called up for war, you were issued a sword or whatever weapon you were to use. If it was required, you got some for of armor. If you survived and went home, you turned in all your weapons of war and they were kept in an armory. The Arms it was talking about were the Arms for day to life for hunting and defending your home like Bows, Daggers and such. It did not include Swords since that was out of economic reach of the peasants. Fine, we'll use that. That means, any weapon the King (the government) uses must not be in the civilian hands. So turn in that AR-15 and AK-47 as they are outside of the original intention of the term "Arms".
The second amendment means the right to bear arms, the arms of the day that is
So where can I buy a nuke? Or a cluster bomb?
Commonsense says small alarms, but progressives have no idea what common sense is
The 2nd says NO infringement. So you’re ok with infringing on it?
The Constitution exists solely in the context of its case law, as determined by the Supreme Court, including the Second Amendment.

Limits and restrictions on guns consistent with the Second Amendment are not 'infringement.'
Without the second amendment to the constitution is an spineless document... fact

The guy that was detained in Walmart didn't break any laws but his being there with an open carry weapon caused a mass hysteria including the pulling of the fire alarm, vacating of the business and his arrest. The Police Lt that was involved stated that it was lucky that he wasn't killed in the process. The 2nd amendment needs to be updated. But you keep wanting it to not be. Fine. Let's use it from it's original document, the Magna Carta. In 1215, the only people that could afford weapons of war were the Kings. When you were called up for war, you were issued a sword or whatever weapon you were to use. If it was required, you got some for of armor. If you survived and went home, you turned in all your weapons of war and they were kept in an armory. The Arms it was talking about were the Arms for day to life for hunting and defending your home like Bows, Daggers and such. It did not include Swords since that was out of economic reach of the peasants. Fine, we'll use that. That means, any weapon the King (the government) uses must not be in the civilian hands. So turn in that AR-15 and AK-47 as they are outside of the original intention of the term "Arms".
The second amendment means the right to bear arms, the arms of the day that is
So where can I buy a nuke? Or a cluster bomb?
Commonsense says small alarms, but progressives have no idea what common sense is
The 2nd says NO infringement. So you’re ok with infringing on it?

Do you have a problem with your children being shot up by gun toaters? Much like they got tired of it in Dallas Tx in 1871. The same laws are coming back. We may have finally reached to saturation point of firearms.
The guy that was detained in Walmart didn't break any laws but his being there with an open carry weapon caused a mass hysteria including the pulling of the fire alarm, vacating of the business and his arrest. The Police Lt that was involved stated that it was lucky that he wasn't killed in the process. The 2nd amendment needs to be updated. But you keep wanting it to not be. Fine. Let's use it from it's original document, the Magna Carta. In 1215, the only people that could afford weapons of war were the Kings. When you were called up for war, you were issued a sword or whatever weapon you were to use. If it was required, you got some for of armor. If you survived and went home, you turned in all your weapons of war and they were kept in an armory. The Arms it was talking about were the Arms for day to life for hunting and defending your home like Bows, Daggers and such. It did not include Swords since that was out of economic reach of the peasants. Fine, we'll use that. That means, any weapon the King (the government) uses must not be in the civilian hands. So turn in that AR-15 and AK-47 as they are outside of the original intention of the term "Arms".
The second amendment means the right to bear arms, the arms of the day that is
So where can I buy a nuke? Or a cluster bomb?
Commonsense says small alarms, but progressives have no idea what common sense is
The 2nd says NO infringement. So you’re ok with infringing on it?

Do you have a problem with your children being shot up by gun toaters? Much like they got tired of it in Dallas Tx in 1871. The same laws are coming back. We may have finally reached to saturation point of firearms.
The vast majority of violence in this country is in urban America controlled by progressives, rural America were the vast majority of firearms are held legally have nothing to worry about... lol
The guy that was detained in Walmart didn't break any laws but his being there with an open carry weapon caused a mass hysteria including the pulling of the fire alarm, vacating of the business and his arrest. The Police Lt that was involved stated that it was lucky that he wasn't killed in the process. The 2nd amendment needs to be updated. But you keep wanting it to not be. Fine. Let's use it from it's original document, the Magna Carta. In 1215, the only people that could afford weapons of war were the Kings. When you were called up for war, you were issued a sword or whatever weapon you were to use. If it was required, you got some for of armor. If you survived and went home, you turned in all your weapons of war and they were kept in an armory. The Arms it was talking about were the Arms for day to life for hunting and defending your home like Bows, Daggers and such. It did not include Swords since that was out of economic reach of the peasants. Fine, we'll use that. That means, any weapon the King (the government) uses must not be in the civilian hands. So turn in that AR-15 and AK-47 as they are outside of the original intention of the term "Arms".
The second amendment means the right to bear arms, the arms of the day that is
So where can I buy a nuke? Or a cluster bomb?
Commonsense says small alarms, but progressives have no idea what common sense is
The 2nd says NO infringement. So you’re ok with infringing on it?
The Constitution exists solely in the context of its case law, as determined by the Supreme Court, including the Second Amendment.

Limits and restrictions on guns consistent with the Second Amendment are not 'infringement.'

Unless it affects numerous states and can overflow borders (see the 1934 National Firearms Act) then it's up to the States to use Due Process and pass laws to cover it. And that is where we are right now.

As or Universal Background Checks, when I can buy a gun (like an AR or even a handgun) one state over without as much as an ID with just the smile or snarl on my face and can go for a 4 minute drive to another state into their urban area then the Federal Government does have the right to pass a law making ALL gun sales to require Universal Background Checks and to make anyone caught violating that at least a class 4 Felony.
The second amendment means the right to bear arms, the arms of the day that is
So where can I buy a nuke? Or a cluster bomb?
Commonsense says small alarms, but progressives have no idea what common sense is
The 2nd says NO infringement. So you’re ok with infringing on it?
The Constitution exists solely in the context of its case law, as determined by the Supreme Court, including the Second Amendment.

Limits and restrictions on guns consistent with the Second Amendment are not 'infringement.'

Unless it affects numerous states and can overflow borders (see the 1934 National Firearms Act) then it's up to the States to use Due Process and pass laws to cover it. And that is where we are right now.

As or Universal Background Checks, when I can buy a gun (like an AR or even a handgun) one state over without as much as an ID with just the smile or snarl on my face and can go for a 4 minute drive to another state into their urban area then the Federal Government does have the right to pass a law making ALL gun sales to require Universal Background Checks and to make anyone caught violating that at least a class 4 Felony.
More frivolous gun control laws will not save a single soul… Live with it
So where can I buy a nuke? Or a cluster bomb?
Commonsense says small alarms, but progressives have no idea what common sense is
The 2nd says NO infringement. So you’re ok with infringing on it?
The Constitution exists solely in the context of its case law, as determined by the Supreme Court, including the Second Amendment.

Limits and restrictions on guns consistent with the Second Amendment are not 'infringement.'

Unless it affects numerous states and can overflow borders (see the 1934 National Firearms Act) then it's up to the States to use Due Process and pass laws to cover it. And that is where we are right now.

As or Universal Background Checks, when I can buy a gun (like an AR or even a handgun) one state over without as much as an ID with just the smile or snarl on my face and can go for a 4 minute drive to another state into their urban area then the Federal Government does have the right to pass a law making ALL gun sales to require Universal Background Checks and to make anyone caught violating that at least a class 4 Felony.
More frivolous gun control laws will not save a single soul… Live with it

It saved about 50 in California when that Combat Veteran Marine could only easily locate a handgun with low capacity mags. The mass shooting wasn't well thought out and was closer to off the cuff so not a whole lot of planning was put into it. With his skill sets, even with just a handgun, the cops had their hands full even armed with ARs themselves. And he killed one veteran cop who was armed and under cover who was dragged out by another cop that was wounded. He killed 12 and then himself. Imagine if he could have easily obtained an AR and 4 30 round mags. With his skill set, there would be a new body count record higher than the Las Vegas Shooter. Even if it saves only one life, the law is worth is. It's called Common Sense which you have very little of.
The guy that was detained in Walmart didn't break any laws but his being there with an open carry weapon caused a mass hysteria including the pulling of the fire alarm, vacating of the business and his arrest. The Police Lt that was involved stated that it was lucky that he wasn't killed in the process. The 2nd amendment needs to be updated. But you keep wanting it to not be. Fine. Let's use it from it's original document, the Magna Carta. In 1215, the only people that could afford weapons of war were the Kings. When you were called up for war, you were issued a sword or whatever weapon you were to use. If it was required, you got some for of armor. If you survived and went home, you turned in all your weapons of war and they were kept in an armory. The Arms it was talking about were the Arms for day to life for hunting and defending your home like Bows, Daggers and such. It did not include Swords since that was out of economic reach of the peasants. Fine, we'll use that. That means, any weapon the King (the government) uses must not be in the civilian hands. So turn in that AR-15 and AK-47 as they are outside of the original intention of the term "Arms".
The second amendment means the right to bear arms, the arms of the day that is
So where can I buy a nuke? Or a cluster bomb?
Commonsense says small alarms, but progressives have no idea what common sense is
The 2nd says NO infringement. So you’re ok with infringing on it?
The Constitution exists solely in the context of its case law, as determined by the Supreme Court, including the Second Amendment.

But is not bound by it, nor precedence, as such decisions may be purely arbitrary to the politics of the time.

All matters may be revisited.
Commonsense says small alarms, but progressives have no idea what common sense is
The 2nd says NO infringement. So you’re ok with infringing on it?
The Constitution exists solely in the context of its case law, as determined by the Supreme Court, including the Second Amendment.

Limits and restrictions on guns consistent with the Second Amendment are not 'infringement.'

Unless it affects numerous states and can overflow borders (see the 1934 National Firearms Act) then it's up to the States to use Due Process and pass laws to cover it. And that is where we are right now.

As or Universal Background Checks, when I can buy a gun (like an AR or even a handgun) one state over without as much as an ID with just the smile or snarl on my face and can go for a 4 minute drive to another state into their urban area then the Federal Government does have the right to pass a law making ALL gun sales to require Universal Background Checks and to make anyone caught violating that at least a class 4 Felony.
More frivolous gun control laws will not save a single soul… Live with it

It saved about 50 in California when that Combat Veteran Marine could only easily locate a handgun with low capacity mags. The mass shooting wasn't well thought out and was closer to off the cuff so not a whole lot of planning was put into it. With his skill sets, even with just a handgun, the cops had their hands full even armed with ARs themselves. And he killed one veteran cop who was armed and under cover who was dragged out by another cop that was wounded. He killed 12 and then himself. Imagine if he could have easily obtained an AR and 4 30 round mags. With his skill set, there would be a new body count record higher than the Las Vegas Shooter. Even if it saves only one life, the law is worth is. It's called Common Sense which you have very little of.
It’s impossible to be politically correct and have any common sense… You show that daily
The Supreme Court upheld provisions of the 2nd Amendment half a dozen times. What is it you freaking missed?
The 2nd Amendment gives all citizens the right to"bear arms".
definition of arms
synonyms: weapons (of war), weaponry, firearms, guns, ordnance, cannon, artillery, armaments, munitions, instruments of war, war machines, military supplies, materiel
"arms and ammunition"

The states wanted to have the capability of having militias as a check on the Federal government.

Arms means all weapons of war the Federal government can have.

That is not happening in the 21st century. Since the 2nd amendment was written the majority of arms have been banned from possession by the citizens. We have restricted what citizens cannot have arms; felons.

Red tag laws, banning certain semi-automatic guns and background checks to own a gun is small time compared to the laws already on the books banning arms to be owned by citizens.
Where those militias at Elmer?
Good point. Does that mean the 2nd amendment is not relevant?
It's definitely one way to read it. What do you think?

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