The 30 year old co ed is past President of Students for Reproductive justice.


All this means is that Darrell Issa was even more of a shit, and full of shit, when he banned her from the original all male woman haters hearing

on the grounds she didn't have any expertise on the subject.
I dont see this as a social issue. It's an entitlement/big government issue. This woman wants the government to pay for her bc. Doesnt matter whether its bc or some other topic, it's not social its fiscal.

She wants a company not discriminate againsts it female employees. Yeah, the outrage.

And female employees arent being discriminated against. No one is entitled for others to pay for their desires.

You don't pay for a Georgetown U insurance policy. What the fuck are you babbling about?
She's a ringer. Just another sham. Why do the Sheople buy into this stuff all the time? It's just a concocted distraction. These Social issues are not real problems. They're just being used to distract the Sheople. We have very serious problems in this country and this silly issue isn't one of them. It's not a Government issue. It's a private issue. The Government should not be involved with Contraception or Abortions. No one should be forced to fund either one. They really are private mattters. Time to get the Government out of these issues.

I dont see this as a social issue. It's an entitlement/big government issue. This woman wants the government to pay for her bc. Doesnt matter whether its bc or some other topic, it's not social its fiscal.

She wants a company not discriminate againsts it female employees. Yeah, the outrage.

Grammar much?
She wants a company not discriminate againsts it female employees. Yeah, the outrage.

And female employees arent being discriminated against. No one is entitled for others to pay for their desires.
What about viagra? Nicotine patches? Weight loss drugs or surgery?
This why women have already won when suing over their companies not covering birth control.

Prostate exams.:lol:
She wants a company not discriminate againsts it female employees. Yeah, the outrage.

And female employees arent being discriminated against. No one is entitled for others to pay for their desires.
What about viagra? Nicotine patches? Weight loss drugs or surgery?
This why women have already won when suing over their companies not covering birth control.

Damn Straight! :clap2:

The Democrats are trying very hard to make this an issue of women's rights.
That is because they know they can't win on what the issue really is - to force private institutions to conform to their sensibilities.
If she wants other people to pay for her choice of activities - then she can move to Denmark.
Just more Big Government encroachment into our personal lives. The Government should not be forcing anyone to pay for someone else's Contraception & Abortions. That's a personal & private matter. Taxpayers are not required to fund fellow Citizens' personal sexual behavior. Time to really get the Government out the bedroom. No half-measures, i mean really out. Some just like to have it both ways on these social issues. On one hand they claim they want Big Government out of the bedroom, while on the other, pushing for more Government intrusion. You can't have it both ways. Big Government has to stay out of these social issues completely. More Americans need to stand up and demand that.
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I don't think anyone attempted to hide this. I knew this when I read the transcript of her speech.

You see? You did something that MOST of them have not done. No wonder they had no idea. Rush didn't tell them.
The 30 year old co ed is past President of Students for Reproductive justice.

:lol: Reproductive "Justice." That's just the Marxist way of saying we should all have to pay for their birth control pills. It's gross the way the far left have distorted the definition of justice.
In other words, she is lying about not being able to get birth control.

It costs almost $2000 a month to go to Georgetown, but she can't afford to walk to the Planned Parenthood and pick up some free condoms.

Yep, and those are exactly the kind of questions the media should be asking, but of course, they are just sitting there in the peanut gallery cheering on this lunacy.
who gives a shit. You people find the dumbest things to whine about.

Oh noes look that persons letter on their jacket is too small! They are a commie!!!! GAH!!!!

Shut up

This is dumber than Rush calling her a slut?

By the way, if slut is such an offensive word, why do people keep using it?
Well folks, I said it before in another post, and I'm saying it again. They are not just stretching to tell us that women cannot control their own bodies when it comes to a Choice, but they are starting to mess with even birth control. This is what happens when the Far Social Right thinks they are going to win the RNC nomination and....* the Presidency.
She's a ringer. Just another sham. Why do the Sheople buy into this stuff all the time? It's just a concocted distraction. These Social issues are not real problems. They're just being used to distract the Sheople. We have very serious problems in this country and this silly issue isn't one of them. It's not a Government issue. It's a private issue. The Government should not be involved with Contraception or Abortions. No one should be forced to fund either one. They really are private mattters. Time to get the Government out of these issues.

I dont see this as a social issue. It's an entitlement/big government issue. This woman wants the government to pay for her bc. Doesnt matter whether its bc or some other topic, it's not social its fiscal.

She specifically went to Georgetown in order to force the Jesuits to pay for her birth control, why do you think she likes the mandate so much? It means she gets what she wanted all along.
She's a ringer. Just another sham. Why do the Sheople buy into this stuff all the time? It's just a concocted distraction. These Social issues are not real problems. They're just being used to distract the Sheople. We have very serious problems in this country and this silly issue isn't one of them. It's not a Government issue. It's a private issue. The Government should not be involved with Contraception or Abortions. No one should be forced to fund either one. They really are private mattters. Time to get the Government out of these issues.

I dont see this as a social issue. It's an entitlement/big government issue. This woman wants the government to pay for her bc. Doesnt matter whether its bc or some other topic, it's not social its fiscal.

She wants a company not discriminate againsts it female employees. Yeah, the outrage.

No, she wants the Jesuits to pay for students to have sex.
The piece of shit is 30 freakin years old and going to one of the best law schools in the nation, but feels people working at McDonalds should pay taxes so she can get FREE birth control.

Republicans should use this idiot to the fullest extent. Put her face all over TV ads saying this is what liberals produce, whiney ass bitches that believe YOU owe them something when they are 30 years old and attending a private law school, in fact a CATHOLIC university that is against birth control.

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