The 30 year old co ed is past President of Students for Reproductive justice.

Interesting you dont want me to set your priorities but its ok for you to set mine and everyone elses...

Fuck off. hypocrite

The next post will not be you backing up that I did this because you made it up, dumb ass. So I'm calling you out. Show my post where I set your priorities.

We need to fight every government atrocity.

Fuck off

I was assigning you nothing. You're in favor of government atrocities. Those of us who oppose your reign of terror must fight you at every step. You supported nothing.
maybe you should just go back to your corner and play with your paste you dumb fuck.

Or you could try answering a very simple question you fucktard simpleton.

What is reproductive justice? If you don't know the answer, then just shut the fuck up and spare us the retarded-ass retorts.

any retarded monkey knows its about justice about womens reproductive issues.

Im sorry you are too fucking stupid to understand such a simple concept.

I unlike you, am not a retarded monkey... so, could you just answer the question, you retarded monkey?
The poor poor co ed turns out to be a serious activist.

I agree
This woman is a failure/skank/slut
By the time I was 30 I owned two homes and had six figures in my 401k
I wasn't whining to congress for a fucking condom

And weren't the religious leaders activists too? Serious activists? So it is alright for the side you agree with, not the one you disagree with?

And do you know this woman personally? I would like to know how you know she is a skank or a slut? To me it just seems like you have no respect for women.
We need to fight every government atrocity.

Fuck off

I was assigning you nothing. You're in favor of government atrocities. Those of us who oppose your reign of terror must fight you at every step. You supported nothing.

We need to fight every government atrocity

Now you are just a sad liar, who is backpedaling because yes you are trying to assign shit to people.

Reign of terror? HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH again i dont give a shit if you snort enough coke to kill a herd of elephants. Do what you want you fucking dipshit. You know nothing of my policies....

HAHAHAHA fuck off

Are you drunk or something? You seem incapable of answering the simplest of questions.
I dont see this as a social issue. It's an entitlement/big government issue. This woman wants the government to pay for her bc. Doesnt matter whether its bc or some other topic, it's not social its fiscal.

She wants a company not discriminate againsts it female employees. Yeah, the outrage.

No, she wants the Jesuits to pay for students to have sex.

The Jesuits don't pay for it. The premiums collected from the insured pay for it.

Your ignorance of how insurance works is stunning.
any retarded monkey knows its about justice about womens reproductive issues.

Im sorry you are too fucking stupid to understand such a simple concept.

I unlike you, am not a retarded monkey... so, could you just answer the question, you retarded monkey?

jesus christ i just did...Seriously you make retarded monkeys look smart.

see bold.

justice about womens reproductive issues

This is pretty vague buddy... please, show us how smart you are, give us some examples of what you speak.
The next post will not be you backing up that I did this because you made it up, dumb ass. So I'm calling you out. Show my post where I set your priorities.

Plastic Balls never backs up anything.. he just throws stupid-ass comments around and then calls you some name. I'm thinking he must be like, 13?

hehe coming from the boards resident liar...

Really, got an example? Oh, try using apostrophes.. they're cool!
I need someone to buy me some glasses. It's for my myopic justice..

That is why you have vision insurance, just like people have health insurance to buy birth control.

Yeah, and she pays for it... she doesn't ask you to pay for it. Not a minor detail there Sparky.

Your point? Your argument has nothing to do with this discussion. She pays for vision, I pay for health insurance that covers birth control. The female employees of companies owned by the Catholic Church also pay for their health insurance.

Is it really that hard for you right wingers to get over " I am not paying for it" argument? If you want to discuss health insurance covered by the government and tax dollars start another freakin thread. This is not the issue here.
As the article correctly notes, this disaster for republicans could have been easily avoided had the radical right been kept in check.

Fluke eventually testified before a House Democratic panel, telling a sad story about a female friend who lost an ovary because Georgetown's student insurance would not cover the birth control she needed to treat a medical condition.

Her testimony sparked the ire of Rush Limbaugh, who accused Fluke of being a "slut" and a "prostitute" who is "having so much sex she's going broke."

Limbaugh's outrageous attacks have now turned Fluke into a culture war poster-child for Democrats.

President Obama has personally come to her defense, and Georgetown University officials released a statement today defending Fluke as the "model of civil discourse."

Even Republicans have been forced to disavow Limbaugh's comments.

All of this would have likely been avoided if House Republicans had just let Fluke testify in the first place. Her absence left the contraception panel with no female speakers, sparking outrage — and a major fundraising push — from Democratic women in the House.

(House Oversight Chair Darrell Issa rejected Fluke's testimony on the grounds that she was "unqualified," arguing that the panel was about religion, not about women.)

In reality, Fluke would not have been a very effective witness. As a student, she wouldn't even be affected by the Obama policy on employer-provided health plans. Georgetown actually offers contraception in its employee plans.

Moreover, Republicans could have easily dismissed Fluke as a feminist activist.

According to a bio on Georgetown's website, Fluke's professional background is in domestic violence and human trafficking advocacy. At Georgetown law, she is the former president of Law Students for Reproductive Justice, an editor for the Journal of Gender and the Law, and vice president of the Women's Legal Alliance. She has a bachelor's degree in Feminist, Gender & Sexuality studies from Cornell.

Under normal circumstances, this resume would make Fluke an easy target for Republicans. But Limbaugh's misogynistic vitriol has made the 30-year-old feminist virtually untouchable, and Democrats couldn't be happier.

Meet The Georgetown Law Student Rush Limbaugh Called A 'Slut' - Business Insider

I dont see this as a social issue. It's an entitlement/big government issue. This woman wants the government to pay for her bc. Doesnt matter whether its bc or some other topic, it's not social its fiscal.

She wants a company not discriminate againsts it female employees. Yeah, the outrage.

No, she wants the Jesuits to pay for students to have sex.

or not discriminate against its females employees or students, while cover other elective drugs. Even ones that are male specific elective drugs.

And they say liberals argue with their emotions, and not facts. :lol:
She wants a company not discriminate againsts it female employees. Yeah, the outrage.

No, she wants the Jesuits to pay for students to have sex.

The Jesuits don't pay for it. The premiums collected from the insured pay for it.

Your ignorance of how insurance works is stunning.

You sure? I have a friend who works for the Archdiocese here in NOLA... the Archdiocese pays for the insurance, not the insured.
The poor poor co ed turns out to be a serious activist.

I agree
This woman is a failure/skank/slut
By the time I was 30 I owned two homes and had six figures in my 401k
I wasn't whining to congress for a fucking condom


when I was 29 I had a unicorn ranch and a talking Doberman who called me 'Captain'.

The internet, posers' paradise.

Yeah, this girl is such a dead beat. Georgetown Law school is pretty bottom of the barrel. Plus being asked to testify in front of congress is so white trash, man she is such a loser.
I need someone to buy me some glasses. It's for my myopic justice..

That is why you have vision insurance, just like people have health insurance to buy birth control.

no, the question is why this huge outcry over having to submarine 230 years of religious conscience protections over birth control INSTEAD OF a vision plan or dental....see?
jesus christ i just did...Seriously you make retarded monkeys look smart.

see bold.

justice about womens reproductive issues

This is pretty vague buddy... please, show us how smart you are, give us some examples of what you speak.

im not your buddy.....You are on the internet, use google lazy fuck

You could have just said "I don't know" and spared us all the retarded monkey posts. At least I admint I don't know.

All I know is that I want Porsche Justice!!!! And then some mortgage justice!!!! Then maybe some Rolex justice!!!!
This is dumber than Rush calling her a slut?

By the way, if slut is such an offensive word, why do people keep using it?

i dont find it offensive

You are the exception. I keep hearing about how Rush insulted someone by using the sexually offensive word slut. Yet you think pointing out that the "student" is actually an activist with an agenda is more stupid.

Especially since Rush never used the word slut at all. The word slut was brought into THIS discussion by liberals on this board. Rush Limbaugh never used it himself.
No, she wants the Jesuits to pay for students to have sex.

The Jesuits don't pay for it. The premiums collected from the insured pay for it.

Your ignorance of how insurance works is stunning.

You sure? I have a friend who works for the Archdiocese here in NOLA... the Archdiocese pays for the insurance, not the insured.

Well, first of all, I doubt that story because I can't imagine anyone as repugnant as you having friends.

Second of all, yes I'm sure. 1. the students don't work for Georgetown 2. Georgetown CHARGES the students an insurance premium.


the Jesuits aren't being asked to pay for BC pills. They are being asked to cover the payment of them out of the PREMIUMS they collect.
I agree
This woman is a failure/skank/slut
By the time I was 30 I owned two homes and had six figures in my 401k
I wasn't whining to congress for a fucking condom


when I was 29 I had a unicorn ranch and a talking Doberman who called me 'Captain'.

The internet, posers' paradise.

Yeah, this girl is such a dead beat. Georgetown Law school is pretty bottom of the barrel. Plus being asked to testify in front of congress is so white trash, man she is such a loser.

One has to wonder though, what kinda nutbag goes to a Jesuit university and then expects free contraceptives?
The Jesuits don't pay for it. The premiums collected from the insured pay for it.

Your ignorance of how insurance works is stunning.

You sure? I have a friend who works for the Archdiocese here in NOLA... the Archdiocese pays for the insurance, not the insured.

Well, first of all, I doubt that story because I can't imagine anyone as repugnant as you having friends.

Second of all, yes I'm sure. 1. the students don't work for Georgetown 2. Georgetown CHARGES the students an insurance premium.


the Jesuits aren't being asked to pay for BC pills. They are being asked to cover the payment of them out of the PREMIUMS they collect.

Yeah, I'm sure you have loads of friends too there... I'm figuring like 34 cats or something.

Still, why can't she buy her own BC?

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